Ordinary Meeting of Council

TO BE HELD ON Tuesday, 27 June 2017 AT 7:00 pm

Level 3, Council Chamber



** ** ** ** ** **



NOTE:  For Full Details, See Council’s Website –

www.kmc.nsw.gov.au under the link to business papers









Confirmation of Reports to be Considered in Closed Meeting




A       That in accordance with the provisions of Section 10 of the Local Government Act 1993, all officers’ reports be released to the press and public, with the exception of the confidential attachment to the following General Business report:


GB.8 259-271 Pacific Highway, Lindfield - Lindfield Library Site

Attachment A1: Valuation of Lindfield Library site

In accordance with s10A(2)(c)


B       That in accordance with the provisions of Section 10 of the Local Government Act 1993, all officers’ reports be released to the press and public, with the exception of the following confidential report and its attachment:


C.1    General Manager Performance Review

In accordance with s10A(2)(a)

Attachment A1: GM Performance Agreement - 2017 Annual Report - Final version for report to Council

In accordance s10A(2)(a)


Address the Council

NOTE:           Persons who address the Council should be aware that their address will be tape recorded.



Documents Circulated to Councillors





Minutes of Ordinary Meeting of Council                                                                       10


File: S02131

Meeting held 13 June 2017

Minutes numbered 123 to 140



minutes from the Mayor


MM.1        Queen's Birthday Honours 2017                                                                                    22


File: S02767


I am pleased to inform you that13 Ku-ring-gai citizens, through their outstanding achievements and services to the community, have been awarded 2017 Queen’s Birthday Honours.


We are very proud to have these dedicated and talented Australians as members of the Ku-ring-gai community.


I would like to read to you the names of these special Ku-ring-gai citizens and, on behalf of Council, congratulate them on their excellent contributions to Australian society.


Richard James ALCOCK AO of Warrawee, for distinguished service to the community, particularly through health management roles, and to the law, corporate governance, and higher education organisations


Ian Clifton CARROLL AM of Killara, for significant service to conservation, particularly through management of the built, cultural and natural heritage sector


Valerie Marie DOYLE OAM  of Turramurra, for service to the community through the Australian Red Cross


Joan Helen HARRIS OAM  of Wahroonga, for service to community history


Paul Ronald HEATHER  AM  of North Turramurra, for significant service to the building and construction industry through leadership of professional bodies, and to industry based education


Ian Perry HYMAN OAM  of Warrawee, for service to people with disability


Victoria Eva KVISLE OAM  of Killara, for service to cancer research organisations, and to the community


Robert Allan LOVE AM  of South Turramurra, for significant service to the performing arts, particularly in Western Sydney, as an administrator, and as a supporter of independent artists


Ashak Nanji NATHWANI  AM  of Wahroonga, for significant service to the Ismaili community in Australia, to tertiary education in the area of sustainable design, and to engineering.


David Robert RICHES  PSM   of Lindfield, for outstanding public service to the built infrastructure in New South Wales


Reginald Phillip ST LEON  OAM of Wahroonga, for service to the multicultural community, and to education


Antony John VARRALL  OAM of Turramurra, for service to people with a disability


Bann Myra YOUL OAM  of East Killara, for service to the community through a range of organisations


On behalf of Council, I congratulate all these award winners on their outstanding achievements.


Ku-ring-gai should be proud that it has so many citizens being recognised at the highest levels for their selfless dedication, commitment and contribution to local, national and international communities.








i.               The Mayor to invite Councillors to nominate any item(s) on the Agenda that they wish to have a site inspection.


ii.             The Mayor to invite Councillors to nominate any item(s) on the Agenda that they wish to adopt in accordance with the officer’s recommendation allowing for minor changes without debate.



GB.1        Northern Sydney Science Hub                                                                                       24


File: S11581


To seek endorsement from Council for Ku-ring-gai Council to become a member of the Northern Sydney Science Hub.




That Council endorse membership of the Northern Sydney Science Hub as outlined in this report.

GB.2        Investment Report as at 31 May 2017                                                                           29


File: S05273


To present Council’s investment portfolio performance for May 2017.




That the summary of investments performance for May 2017 be received and noted; and that the Certificate of the Responsible Accounting Officer be noted and report adopted. 


GB.3        9, 11 & 11A Livingstone Ave, Pymble - Demolition of existing structures and construction of a residential flat development containing 22 units, basement parking and landscaping works                                                                                                    37


File: DA0115/16


Ward: Comenarra

Applicant: Brewster Murray Pty Ltd

Owner: Pymble Livingstone Pty Ltd


Demolition of existing structures and construction of a residential flat development containing 22 units, basement parking and landscaping works






GB.4        Planning Proposal - Deferred Area 15 - Killara Golf Club                                      133


File: S11324


For Council to consider a Planning Proposal for the north-eastern part of the Killara Golf Club known as Deferred Area 15 under the Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan 2015.




That the Planning Proposal be amended and forwarded to the Department of Planning and Environment for a Gateway Determination in accordance with section 56 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.


GB.5        Draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and Draft Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2017                                                                                             154


File: S06649


To seek endorsement of the proposed contents of a Council submission to the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) on the draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents, and for Council to note that no submission is to be put forward by Council in regards to draft Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2017.




That Council endorses the submission as provided within Attachment A1, on the Draft Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents.


That Council notes a submission in regards to the Draft Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2017 will not be submitted.


That Council undertakes a review of all relevant spatially identified land management agreements, for provision to the RFS and that conditions relating to these agreements be stored within an accessible location to enable provision of conditions within 3 working days.


GB.6        Revised Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2017-2018 - Post Exhibition 163


File: FY00382/9


For Council to adopt the revised Delivery Program 2013 – 2017 and Operational Plan 2017 – 2018, incorporating the Budget, Capital Works Program, Statement of Revenue Policy and Fees and Charges for 2017 – 2018.




That pursuant to Sections 404 and 405 of the Local Government Act, 1993 Council adopts the revised Delivery Program 2013 – 2017 and Operational Plan 2017 – 2018 incorporating the Budget, Capital Works Program, Statement of Revenue and Fees and Charges for 2017 – 2018.


GB.7        Public Roads within Major Projects Sites                                                                 184


File: S10973


To seek Council approval to formally resolve the status of land within the Lindfield Village Green and the Lindfield Community Hub sites as public roads.




That Council proceed with the compulsory acquisition of land and roads as outlined in the report.


GB.8        259-271 Pacific Highway, Lindfield -
Lindfield Library Site                                                                                                      


File: S10468


To seek the approval of Council to prepare and lodge a Development Application for redevelopment of the existing Lindfield Library Precinct at 259-271 Pacific Highway, Lindfield.




That Council grants Owner’s Consent for the preparation and lodgement of a Development Application (DA) at 259-271 Pacific Highway, Lindfield.

That Council continues to operate the community facilities currently provided at 259-271 Pacific Highway, Lindfield until suitable alternative facilities are available.


GB.9        Consideration of Submissions - Planning Proposal to amend the KLEP 2015 for the rezoning of 21 Lorne Avenue, Killara                                                                         204


File: S11257


For Council to consider the submissions received in response to the exhibition of the Planning Proposal to amend to the KLEP 2015 for the rezoning of 21 Lorne Avenue, Killara.




That Council adopts the Planning Proposal and makes the plan under delegation.


GB.10      Biodiversity Conservation Act and regulation and Vegetation SEPP               214


File: S11550


To seek Council’s endorsement for two submissions to the NSW Government on the currently exhibited draft Regulations and other key products which support the Government’s new Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and Local Land Services Amendment Act 2016.




GB.11      Theatre Facilities in Ku-ring-gai - Visioning and Feasibility Study                     220


File: S10376-10


This report sets out a process for Council to resolve its intention for the future use of the Marian Street Theatre site and theatre facilities in Ku-ring-gai generally.




It is recommended that Council proceeds with a Visioning and Feasibility Study for theatre in Ku-ring-gai prior to Council determining whether to proceed with the Save Marian Street Theatre fundraising initiative.


GB.12      Lindfield Community Hub - update                                                                             228


File: S10973-4


The purpose of this report is to update Council on the development of the technical and design aspects of the master plan for the Lindfield Community Hub (the Project).




That Council adopts minor changes to the mandatory project requirements for the Lindfield Community Hub project.


GB.13      St Ives Village Green Master Plan - Angle Parking Options                                  247


File: S07533


To consider the various impacts and benefits of angle parking scenarios around the perimeter of the St Ives Village Green and Cowan Oval.





GB.14      NSW Department of Education
and Ku-ring-gai Council
Joint Use Project Proposals                                                                                        


File: S08640/3


To advise Council of the status of discussions with the NSW Department of Education on the Joint Use Project Proposals for community use of school facilities at Ku-ring-gai High School and St Ives High School and to seek “in-principle” support for the Joint Use Project Proposals.




That Council advise the NSW Department of Education of its “in-principle” support for the Joint Use Project Proposals subject to further negotiations on funding, size and scale of the projects and community consultation.


GB.15      Lindfield Learning Village
Updated Heads of Agreement                                                                                     


File: S08640/3


To advise Council on the status of planning and progression of the Heads of Agreement between Council and the NSW Department of Education on the joint use agreement for the Lindfield Learning Village.




That Council continue to negotiate with the NSW Department of Education on the capital and operational costs associated with public use of the facilities at the Lindfield Learning Village before finalising the Heads of Agreement.


Extra Reports Circulated to Meeting



Motions of which due Notice has been given


NM.1        10 - 12 Newhaven Place, St Ives                                                                                  267


File: S11074


Notice of Motion from Councillor Berlioz dated 19 June 2017


In April 2016 residents of Newhaven Place were consulted and advised by Council staff that Council was considering the divestment of the public path between Newhaven Place and Link Road to allow the amalgamation of two sites at 10 and 12 Newhaven Place to facilitate development by the owner of the two sites.  Residents were advised that the pathway would be relocated on the boundary of the amalgamated site. This created an expectation that Council would (a) retain a public pathway and that (b) the pathway would be relocated on the boundary of the site not integrated with the future development.


In May 2017 the developer of the site submitted a Letter of Offer to enter into a VPA that does not relocate the pathway as previously advised. This letter of offer was subject of GB5 at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 13 June 2017.


To complicate the matter there are three DAs currently lodged for the site, delivering two different development proposals with neither relocating the pathway as previously advised


For the sake of transparency and clarity, I move that all property owners of Newhaven Place and all those that made submissions in regard to relocation and divestment of the path be advised of:


1.   The status of the DAs for the site.

2.   The reasons for the inconsistency between the consultation and advice for relocation of the path.

3.   All options available for the divestment and/ or retention of the public pathway in its present location or relocated.

4.   At what step in the process of DAs, VPA and divestment of land will residents have an opportunity to make submissions.


NM.2        Proposed aged care facility - 25, 25A, 27 Bushlands Avenue Gordon              268


File: DA0418/15


Notice of Motion from Councillor Malicki dated 19 June 2017


I move that Council makes a submission to the Northern Sydney Planning Panel objecting to the proposal for the Bushlands Ave Aged Care Facility.


The objection should use the grounds for refusal recommended by Development Control staff and issues raised by residents but not yet resolved as a basis for the submission.







Questions Without Notice






Confidential Business to be dealt with in Closed Meeting


C.1           General Manager's Performance Review


File: CY00254/9


In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, in the opinion of the General Manager, the following business is of a kind as referred to in section 10A(2)(a), of the Act, and should be dealt with in a part of the meeting closed to the public.


Section 10A(2)(a) of the Act permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than Councillors).


Report by Mayor PA dated 19 June 2017



John McKee

General Manager



** ** ** ** ** **

Minute                                           Ku-ring-gai Council                                               Page

MINUTES OF Ordinary Meeting of Council
HELD ON Tuesday, 13 June 2017



The Mayor, Councillor J Anderson (Chairperson)

Councillors E Malicki & J Pettett (Comenarra Ward)

Councillor C Szatow (Gordon Ward)

Councillor C Berlioz (St Ives Ward)

Councillors C Fornari-Orsmond & D McDonald (Wahroonga Ward)



Staff Present:

General Manager (John McKee)

Director Corporate (David Marshall)

Director Development & Regulation (Michael Miocic)

Director Operations (Greg Piconi)

Director Strategy & Environment (Andrew Watson)

Director Community (Janice Bevan)

Corporate Lawyer (Jamie Taylor)

Manager Open Space Operations (Matthew Drago)

Manager Corporate Communications (Virginia Leafe)

Manager Records and Governance (Amber Moloney)

Senior Urban Planner (Rathna Rana)

Minutes Secretary (Christine Dunand)



The Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm


The Mayor offered the Prayer






File: S02194





(Moved: Councillors Fornari-Orsmond/Malicki)


Councillor Ossip tendered an apology for non-attendance (unwell) and requested leave of absence.


Councillor Citer tendered an apology for non-attendance (overseas) and requested leave of absence.


Councillor Armstrong tendered an apology for non-attendance (unwell) and requested leave of absence.


That the apologies from Councillors Ossip, Citer and Armstrong be accepted and leave of absence granted.







The Mayor adverted to the necessity for Councillors and staff to declare a Pecuniary Interest/Conflict of Interest in any item on the Business Paper.


Councillor Szatow declared a less than significant non pecuniary interest in item GB.5 Planning Proposal – deferred Area 15 – Killara Golf Club, as her husband plays tennis at the club.






File: S02499/9


That in accordance with the provisions of Section 10 of the Local Government Act 1993, all officers’ reports be released to the press and public, with the exception of the following Confidential reports and its attachments:


C.1       Ku-ring-gai fitness & Aquatic Centre - Legal Proceedings Update

Attachments:  A1 BCP letter dated 23 May 2017

A2 letter to BCP dated 26 May 2017

                                   A3 HWL legal advice dated 1 June 2017

In accordance with s10A(2)(g)





(Moved: Councillors Fornari-Orsmond/McDonald)


That in accordance with the provisions of Section 10 of the Local Government Act 1993, all officers’ reports be released to the press and public, with the exception of the following Confidential report and its attachments:


C.1       Ku-ring-gai fitness & Aquatic Centre - Legal Proceedings Update

Attachments: A1 BCP letter dated 23 May 2017

A2 letter to BCP dated 26 May 2017

                                   A3 HWL legal advice dated 1 June 2017

In accordance with s10A(2)(g)





Address the Council


The following members of the public addressed Council on items not on the agenda:


M Davey                 Bushlands Avenue

J Harwood             Protecting Ku-ring-gai





The Mayor adverted to the documents circulated in the Councillors’ papers and advised that the following matters would be dealt with at the appropriate time during the meeting:


Late Councillor Agenda Information:

GB.10 - Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital and Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women's Shelter Benefit - Once Upon a Christmas - 15 July 2017

Memorandum from Manager Records and Governance dated 9 June  2017 advising the event has been cancelled and a new recommendation should read:

‘That Council notes the withdrawal of the report, due to cancellation of the event by the event organisers.’

Councillors Information:

Minute number 122 OMC 23 May 2017 - QN.1 Sundance the Horse is Missing

Memorandum from Director Development and Regulation dated 2 June 2017 in response to a Question without Notice from Councillor David Citer.

Late Councillors Information:

Minute Number 43 OMC 28 February 2017 – QN.1 Plastics – Taking a Lead at Local Level

Memorandum from Director Strategy & Environment dated 8 June 2017 responding to a Question without Notice from Councillor McDonald.






Minutes of Ordinary Meeting of Council

File: S02131



Meeting held 23 May 2017

Minutes numbered 102 to 122





(Moved: Councillors McDonald/Szatow)


That Minutes numbered 102 to 122 circulated to Councillors were taken as read and confirmed as an accurate record of the proceedings of the Meeting.






minutes from the Mayor



Parks & Leisure Australia Award of Excellence


File: S08662

Vide: MM.1



I am very pleased to advise Councillors and our Community that Ku-ring-gai Council has been recognised by Parks & Leisure Australia at their 2017 PLA NSW/ACT Awards of Excellence.


Ku-ring-gai Council won the Leisure and/or Open Space Planning Award for the Activate Ku-ring-gai program of urban renewal and transformation. This award recognises “well planned open space or leisure facilities by rewarding outstanding examples of strategic planning that have enriched and revitalised a community”.


The PLA Awards of Excellence showcase the excellent works of the parks and leisure professionals who deliver enormous benefit to our communities and recognises outstanding performance by both organisations and individuals contributing to the sector.


Being recognised as one of NSW and ACT’s best performing councils in this area is a huge honour, and I would like to congratulate the Council’s strategic planning staff and the consultants who have been engaged by Council to work on the project.


Our Council prides itself on taking the time to listen to our community and actively involving them in decision making for our area, and the Active Ku-ring-gai project is no exception. Earlier this year, Activate Ku-ring-gai was commended by the Greater Sydney Commission through their Greater Sydney Planning Awards. The Lindfield Community Hub Master Plan was also commended by the Commission.


From the outset, this project has been intended to enhance our local centres in a positive and lasting way, and this latest award is yet another indication that our aim is being realised.





A.   That Council receive and note the Mayoral Minute.

B.   That the General Manager convey Council’s congratulations to staff for this outstanding achievement.








Planning Proposal - Deferred Area 15 - Killara Golf Club


File: S11324

Vide: GB.5



For Council to consider a Planning Proposal for the north-eastern part of the Killara Golf Club known as Deferred Area 15 under the Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan 2015.





(Moved: Councillors Szatow/Malicki)


That the matter be deferred pending a site inspection.






NSROC - Notice of Special Resolution to Amend Constitution


File: CY00430/5

Vide: GB.1



To inform Councillors of a Notice of Special Resolution from Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (NSROC), proposing an amendment of the NSROC constitution.





(Moved: Councillors McDonald/Szatow)


That Council endorse the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (NSROC) and direct its representatives on the NSROC Board to vote accordingly at the NSROC Board meeting when this matter is considered.






Mayor and Councillor Fees - 2017/2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal Report and Determination


File: S03158/2

Vide: GB.2



To determine the Mayor and Councillor fees for the 2017/18 financial year.





(Moved: Councillors McDonald/Pettett)


That effective 1 July 2017:

A.   the annual Councillor fee be set at $24,550; and

B.   the annual Mayoral fee to be set at $65,230, in addition to the Councillor fee.






Companion Animals Management Plan 2017 - 2020 - Post Exhibition report


File: S02613

Vide: GB.3



To present to Council the draft Ku-ring-gai Companion Animals Management Plan 2017 to  2020.





(Moved: Councillors McDonald/Pettett)


That the draft Ku-ring-gai Companion Animals Management Plan 2017 to 2020 be adopted by Council.






Divestment of Council Land


File: S09878

Vide: GB.4



For Council to resolve to divest of surplus Operational lands.





(Moved: Councillors McDonald/Pettett)


A.   That Council approves the divestment of the following Operational Lands:


1.       19 Hughes Place,  East Lindfield (Lot 23, DP 28233);

2.       62 Pacific Highway Roseville (Lot 2, DP 202148);

3.       6A Peace Avenue, Pymble (Lot 2, DP 202873);

4.       97 Babbage Road Roseville Chase (Lot 47, DP 13444).


B.   That Council approve $150,000 funding from the Infrastructure and Facilities Reserve to prepare these lands for divestment.


C.   That further reports be brought back to Council as these lands become available for divestment.






Special Rate Variation for the Continuation of the Environmental Levy


File: S11574

Vide: GB.7



To seek Council’s support for the preparation of a Special Rate Variation (SRV) application to IPART under section 508(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, for the permanent continuation of the Environmental Levy at a rate of five per cent above the ordinary rate, commencing on 1 July 2019.





(Moved: Councillors McDonald/Szatow)


A.       That Council resolves to prepare a Special Rate Variation application to IPART under section 508(2) of the Local Government Act 1993 for the permanent continuation of the Environmental Levy at a rate of five per cent above the ordinary rate, commencing on 1 July 2019.


B.       That Council conducts extensive community consultation to determine community support for the ongoing Special Rate Variation for environmental and sustainability programs and initiatives.


C.       That Council conducts community, Councillor and staff consultation to develop an Environmental Levy program to support Council’s Special Rate Variation application.


D.       That the outcomes of (B) and (C) are reported back to Council, prior to Council notifying IPART of its decision to apply for a Special Rate Variation.






Golden Jubilee Oval (front field) - Extension of floodlights for Friday night competition


File: S10119

Vide: GB.8



To seek approval from Council to place a draft amendment to the Sports Facilities Plan of Management for the Ku-ring-gai Stealers Baseball Club at Golden Jubilee (Front Field on public exhibition.





(Moved: Councillors McDonald/Fornari-Orsmond)


A.    That Council approves the placing on Public Exhibition a proposal to amend the Sports Facilities Plan of Management to permit the Ku-ring-gai Stealers Baseball Club to trial floodlights until 10.30pm only on Friday nights at Golden Jubilee (Front Field) for the summer season from September 2017 to March 2018.


B.    That the draft amendment to the Sports Facilities Plan of Management is exhibited for a minimum of 28 days in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.


C.    That a further report is submitted to Council at the conclusion of the exhibition period.


D.    That a review be taken at the close of 2017/18 summer season to evaluate the trial lighting extension including community consultation.






Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital and Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women's Shelter Benefit - Once Upon a Christmas - 15 July 2017


File: CY00043/9

Vide: GB.10



To advise Council of an invitation from the Hornsby Ku‑ring-gai Hospital and Hornsby Ku‑ring-gai Women’s Shelter to purchase tickets for their benefit event, Once Upon a Christmas, being held on Saturday 15 July 2017 at Pymble Golf Club.





(Moved: Councillors McDonald/Pettett)


That Council notes the withdrawal of the report, due to cancellation of the event by event organisers.






Ku-ring-gai fitness & Aquatic Centre - Legal Proceedings Update


File: S10420

Vide: C.1



In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, in the opinion of the General Manager, the following business is of a kind as referred to in sections 10A(2)(d)(i) & 10A(2)(g), of the Act, and should be dealt with in a part of the meeting closed to the public.


Section 10A(2)(d) of the Act permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed:


(i)      prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, or

(ii)     confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of Council, or

(iii)    reveal a trade secret.


This matter is classified confidential under section 10A(2)(d)(i) because it deals with tenders.  Tender details, should they be revealed, may result in commercial disadvantage to parties involved in the tender process.  Some information provided to Council by tenderers is provided on the basis that Council will treat it as commercial in confidence.


It is not in the public interest to reveal details of these tenders or the assessment process.  Tenderers have provided sensitive information about their operations in the confidence that their details will not be made public by Council.  The practice of publication of sensitive information provided by tenderers could result in the withholding of such information by tenderers and reduction in the provision of information relevant to Council’s decision.



Section 10A(2)(g) of the Act permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege.


This matter is classified confidential under section 10A(2)(g) because it contains advice concerning a legal matter that:


(a)        is a substantial issue relating to a matter in which the Council is involved

(b)        is clearly identified in the advice, and

(c)        is fully discussed in that advice.


It is not in the public interest to release details of the legal advice as it would prejudice Council’s position in court proceedings.


Report by Manager Strategic Projects dated 26 May 2017





(Moved: Councillors McDonald/Szatow)


That Council approves the actions outlined in the proposed forward path outlined in this report.






Biobanking within Council Owned and Managed Land


File: S06758

Vide: GB.6



To seek Council’s support for the adoption of the Biodiversity Banking and Offsets Scheme (BioBanking) as an ongoing biodiversity management approach within Council owned or managed land classified as Community Land under the Local Government Act 1993, for public consultation.





(Moved: Councillors Malicki/McDonald)


A.   That Council resolves to adopt BioBanking as an ongoing biodiversity management approach within Council owned or managed land classified as Community Land under the Local Government Act 1993 , for public exhibition;


B.   That Council consults with the community on the ongoing use of BioBanking as a biodiversity management approach across the Ku-ring-gai Local Government Area (LGA);


C.   That following the close of the public exhibition / consultation period a report be brought back to Council to consider any submissions received on a Proposal for the creation of BioBanking sites within Council owned or managed land in the Ku-ring-gai LGA.






Stanhope Road Killara - "Avenue of Trees"


File: RT2/09

Vide: GB.9



To report to Council on the resolutions passed at Council’s meeting of 2 May 2017 relating to the avenue of trees in Stanhope Road, Killara





(Moved: Councillors Szatow/Berlioz)


A.        That the fig trees at 11 and 19A Stanhope Road be removed and replaced as per the independent arborist’s report  (Graham Brooks Arboricultural Tree Services Pty Ltd) with 2 advanced Ficus macrocarpa var Hillii (Hill’s Figs) in the same locations as those removed, to maintain the local amenity which is the Stanhope Road HCA (HCA C25A). The replacement trees must be chosen in accordance with the guidelines provided in AS2303-2015 Tree stock for landscape use.

B.     Should the community wish to nominate the avenue as a significant streetscape to the National Trust, that council provide a letter of support for the nomination.









Killara Golf Course Excluded Attachments book to be retained


File: S11324

Vide: QN.1



Question Without Notice from Councillor Elaine Malicki


Can Councillors be asked to retain their books of attachments on the Killara Golf Course for when the matter returns to Council please, to save paper?


Answered by the Mayor, Councillor Jennifer Anderson


The Mayor, Councillor Jennifer Anderson, acknowledged this would be a very good idea.





Details of Proposed Precincts at Killara Golf Course


File: S11324

Vide: QN.2



Question Without Notice from Councillor Elaine Malicki


Can we have details of the developments proposed for each precinct at the Killara Golf Course site inspection, so we can fully understand heights, and so on, proposed by the Golf Club?


Answered by Director Strategy & Environment


The Director Strategy & Environment advised that as far as he is aware there is nothing specific proposed, but the Golf Club’s proposal was for a uniform height for example across the whole of the R4, which the staff recommended not proceed.


Clarified by Councillor Malicki

What was in the report, so that we understand what staff want?


Director Strategy & Environment

We can go to some attempt to do that, I am not sure how receptive the Golf Club is with our proposals, but we will do our best, I now understand what Councillors are seeking.





Report to Council of Parking Options in Memorial Avenue and Cowan Road St Ives


File: TM9/09

Vide: QN.3



Question Without Notice from Councillor Christiane Berlioz


When will the report, raised at the meeting of 29 August 2015 and September 2016, requesting the outcomes of the investigation of three (3) parking options in Memorial Avenue and Cowan Road St Ives come to Council?


Answered by Director Strategy & Environment


The Director Strategy & Environment advised there was a Question without Notice raised about this a couple of weeks ago, and the answer was ‘before the end of the financial year’, and that is still the understanding.






GB.5   Planning Proposal - Deferred Area 15 - Killara Golf Club

The Director Strategy and Environment advised he would confirm with Killara Golf Club regarding a site inspection during daylight hours due to safety reasons. Councillors will be notified of the date and time.



The Meeting closed at 8:02 pm


The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 13 June 2017 (Pages 1 - 4) were confirmed as a full and accurate record of proceedings on 27 June 2017.






          __________________________                                 __________________________

                   General Manager                                                         Mayor / Chairperson





Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

MM.1 / 22



Item MM.1



13 June 2017



Mayoral Minute



Queen's Birthday Honours 2017





I am pleased to inform you that13 Ku-ring-gai citizens, through their outstanding achievements and services to the community, have been awarded 2017 Queen’s Birthday Honours.


We are very proud to have these dedicated and talented Australians as members of the Ku-ring-gai community.


I would like to read to you the names of these special Ku-ring-gai citizens and, on behalf of Council, congratulate them on their excellent contributions to Australian society.


Richard James ALCOCK AO of Warrawee, for distinguished service to the community, particularly through health management roles, and to the law, corporate governance, and higher education organisations


Ian Clifton CARROLL AM of Killara, for significant service to conservation, particularly through management of the built, cultural and natural heritage sector


Valerie Marie DOYLE OAM  of Turramurra, for service to the community through the Australian Red Cross


Joan Helen HARRIS OAM  of Wahroonga, for service to community history


Paul Ronald HEATHER  AM  of North Turramurra, for significant service to the building and construction industry through leadership of professional bodies, and to industry based education


Ian Perry HYMAN OAM  of Warrawee, for service to people with disability


Victoria Eva KVISLE OAM  of Killara, for service to cancer research organisations, and to the community


Robert Allan LOVE AM  of South Turramurra, for significant service to the performing arts, particularly in Western Sydney, as an administrator, and as a supporter of independent artists


Ashak Nanji NATHWANI  AM  of Wahroonga, for significant service to the Ismaili community in Australia, to tertiary education in the area of sustainable design, and to engineering.


David Robert RICHES  PSM     of Lindfield, for outstanding public service to the built infrastructure in New South Wales


Reginald Phillip ST LEON  OAM of Wahroonga, for service to the multicultural community, and to education


Antony John VARRALL  OAM of Turramurra, for service to people with a disability


Bann Myra YOUL OAM  of East Killara, for service to the community through a range of organisations


On behalf of Council, I congratulate all these award winners on their outstanding achievements.


Ku-ring-gai should be proud that it has so many citizens being recognised at the highest levels for their selfless dedication, commitment and contribution to local, national and international communities.




A.   That Council acknowledge the outstanding contribution made by these recipients of
2017 Queen’s Birthday Honours to the Ku-ring-gai community and to the well-being of
our society.


B.   That the Mayor, on behalf of Council, write to the recipients to congratulate them.







Jennifer Anderson







Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

GB.1 / 24



Item GB.1



15 June 2017



Northern Sydney Science Hub





purpose of report:

To seek endorsement from Council for Ku-ring-gai Council to become a member of the Northern Sydney Science Hub.




With the recent inclusion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) education, as part of the ‘National Innovation and Science Agenda’ by the Australian Government, CSIRO Lindfield has established the Northern Sydney Science Hub. The Hub is seeking Ku-ring-gai Council’s involvement in the project to strengthen focus, and increase uptake and community awareness of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.




Ku-ring-gai currently delivers a number of STEM related education and awareness activities through libraries and environmental education programs. Joining the Northern Sydney Hub will provide an opportunity to better promote these activities to a wider audience, access support and resources from the Hub, whilst aligning them with other organisations also involved in the Hub.




That Council endorse membership of the Northern Sydney Science Hub as outlined in this report.





Purpose of Report

To seek endorsement from Council for Ku-ring-gai Council to become a member of the Northern Sydney Science Hub.




With the recent inclusion of STEM education as part of the ‘National Innovation and Science Agenda’ by the Australian Government, CSIRO Lindfield has established the Northern Sydney Science Hub. The Hub is seeking Ku-ring-gai Council’s involvement in the project to strengthen the focus, and to increase uptake and community awareness of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.


The Hub is a collaborative network of organisations that have been established to support and encourage education and engagement in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) in the Northern Sydney community through the delivery of events and education initiatives.


Ku-ring-gai currently delivers a number of STEM related education and awareness activities through libraries and environmental education programs, as such joining the Hub will provide an opportunity to better promote these activities to a wider audience whilst aligning them with other organisations involved in the Hub.





This report seeks endorsement for Ku-ring-gai Council to become a member of the Northern Sydney Science Hub (the Hub). The Hub has been set up by CSIRO Lindfield and involves other organisations including:


•        Australian Astronomical Observatory

•        Ku-ring-gai Council

•        Laboratories Credit Union (LCU)

•        Macquarie University

•        National Measurement Institute (NMI)

•        Northern Beaches Council

•        Willoughby City Council Library


The Hub broadly aims to achieve the following:


1)       Promote Science in the Community - strive to ensure that everyone who wants to be involved in the hub has the chance to. We want to bring together people from all backgrounds and walks of life to share in the excitement of science and technology.

2)       Organise Events - co-ordinate a group of organisations to ensure there are engaging science-themed events near you throughout the year. We want our events to stimulate and inspire – but most of all be fun!

3)       Show how Science and Technology impacts Everyday Life - Science and technology is all around us, and influences our daily lives.  We want to share how new discoveries and technologies will play a part in the lives of everyone in the community.  


Ku-ring-gai Council has become involved in the Hub through its strong relationship with CSIRO Lindfield. This has developed via its business engagement program - inclusion in the Hub further builds on this valuable relationship.


To this point the Hub and its membership have come together in an impromptu manner. However, with the launch of a new Hub website (www.northernsydneysciencehub.org), as well as CSIRO successfully acquiring two grants from Inspiring Australia NSW to fund Hub activities during National Science week (12- 20 August 2017), along with other Hub events in the next 12 months, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been developed to formalise membership and associated responsibilities.


Details of the commitments are outlined in the attached MOU. (Attachment A1)


The MOU commits council to support the Hub and to contribute by promoting and/or running STEM related Hub events. Due to grant funding and the fact that Council already delivers a number of STEM related education and awareness activities through libraries and sustainability education programs, minimal additional resources are needed to meet the requirement of being members of the Hub.


Membership of the Hub will afford Council a number of opportunities – it will:


1)       Assist to promote existing activities relating to STEM education to a wider audience through the Hub (eg exiting library and sustainability/environmental education)

2)       Align Council’s activities with other organisation and their reputation for excellence in the STEM field (eg CSIRO)

3)       Provide access to additional resources and experience to deliver better quality programs


Joining the Hub will require use of Council’s logo on the Hub website and other promotional materials, and a commitment to promote Hub events and where appropriate to run events to support the objective of the Hub to promote STEM education and awareness.


integrated planning and reporting

Theme 2: Natural Environment


Community Strategic Plan Long Term Objective

Delivery Program

Term Achievement

Operational Plan


N4.1.1 The community is effectively informed and engaged on climate change issues.


Programs are being implemented to build community resilience to the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events.

Deliver the Climate Wise Communities program.


N5.1.2 The community is responsible and engaged in energy and water conservation and efficiency programs.

Implement educational programs to assist the community to reduce energy and water

Deliver community energy reduction and water conservation programs.


Theme 6: Leadership and Governance


Community Strategic Plan Long Term Objective

Delivery Program

Term Achievement

Operational Plan


L1.1.3 Partnerships are established with government agencies, regional and local organisations and community groups and are working to achieve Ku-ring-gai’s community outcomes.

Pursue new opportunities for partnership arrangements with other agencies, organisations and community groups to achieve community outcomes.

Pursue priority areas where partnership arrangements will provide tangible benefits to the local area.


Governance Matters

Membership of the Hub will require the GM’s or his delegate’s signature and Council’s logo to be used on the website and other promotional materials.


Risk Management

No specific risks have been identified with becoming a member of the Hub.


Financial Considerations

There are no significant financial impacts associated with becoming a member of the Hub.


Social Considerations

The aim of the Northern Sydney Science Hub is to support and encourage education and engagement in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) in the Northern Sydney community. Increased awareness and participation in these areas will provide better opportunities in educational and employment context.


Environmental Considerations

There are no specific environmental considerations associated with this report. Additionally, the Hub will further support Council’s existing program of environmental and sustainability education.


Community Consultation

No community consultation is required for this report.


Internal Consultation

The General Manager and Directors were briefed on this proposal. The Hub has also been discussed with staff in the Strategy and Environment, and Community departments.



With the recent inclusion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) education as part of the ‘National Innovation and Science Agenda’ by the Australian Government, CSIRO Lindfield has established the Northern Sydney Science Hub.


The Hub is seeking Ku-ring-gai Council’s involvement in the project to strengthen focus, and increase uptake and community awareness of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.


This report is recommending that Council endorse membership of the Northern Sydney Science Hub. Joining the Hub will require use of Council’s logo on the Hub website and other promotional materials, and a commitment to promote Hub events, and where appropriate, to run events to support the objective of the Hub to promote STEM education and awareness.





That Council endorse membership of the Northern Sydney Science Hub as outlined in this report.







William Adames

Community & Business Engagement Co-ordinator





Virginia Leafe

Manager Corporate Communications





Janice Bevan

Director Community






Northern Sydney Science Hub MOU





Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

GB.2 / 29



Item GB.2



15 June 2017



Investment Report as at 31 May 2017





purpose of report:

To present Council’s investment portfolio performance for May 2017.




Council’s investments are reported monthly to Council in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council’s Investment Policy.




The net return on investments for the financial year to May 2017 was $4,124,000 against a revised budget of $3,764,000 giving a YTD favourable variance of $360,000.




That the summary of investments performance for May 2017 be received and noted; and that the Certificate of the Responsible Accounting Officer be noted and report adopted. 





Purpose of Report

To present Council’s investment portfolio performance for May 2017.





Council’s investments are reported monthly to Council in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council’s Investment Policy.




Investment Portfolio Performance Snapshot


The table below provides the investments portfolio performance against targets identified in Council’s Investment Policy as well as other key performance indicators based on industry benchmarks.



Cumulative Investment Returns against Revised Budget


The net return on investments for the month of May 2017 was $4,124,000 against a revised budget of $3,764,000 giving a YTD favourable variance of $360,000.


The total return on investments for the month of May is provided below.



A comparison of the cumulative investment returns against year to date revised budget is shown in the Chart below.



Cash Flow and Investment Movements


Council’s total cash and investment portfolio at the end of May 2017 was $145,058,000, compared to $137,961,000 at the end of April 2017, a net cash inflow of $7,097,000. The cash inflow was mainly due to last instalment of rates income of 2016/2017.


One investment has matured, and there was one new investment made during the month of May 2017.



Investment Performance against Industry Benchmarks


Overall during the month of May the investment performance was well above the industry benchmark.


The benchmark is specific to the type of investment and the details are provided below.


·      AusBond Bank Bill Index is used for all Council’s investments


Table 1 - Investments Performance against Industry Benchmarks



Table 2 below provides a summary of all investments by type and performance during the month.

Attachment A1 provides definitions in relation to different types of investments.


Table 2 - Investments Portfolio Summary during May 2017




Investment by Credit rating and Maturity Profile


The allocation of Council’s investments by credit rating and the maturity profile are shown below:




integrated planning and reporting


Leadership & Governance


Community Strategic Plan Long Term Objective

Delivery Program

Term Achievement

Operational Plan


L2.1 Council rigorously manages its financial

resources and assets to maximise delivery of


Council maintains and improves its long term financial position and performance

Continue to analyse opportunities to expand the revenue base of Council


Governance Matters


Council’s investments are made in accordance with the Local Government Act (1993), the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council’s Investment Policy.


Section 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 states:


(1)      The responsible accounting officer of a council:


(a)      must provide the council with a written report (setting out details of all money that the council has invested under section 625 of the Act) to be presented:


(i)      if only one ordinary meeting of the council is held in a month, at that meeting, or


(ii)     if more than one such meeting is held in a month, at whichever of those meetings the council by resolution determines, and

(b)      must include in the report a certificate as to whether or not the investment has been made in accordance with the Act, the regulations and the council’s investment policies.


(2)      The report must be made up to the last day of the month immediately preceding the meeting.


Risk Management


Council manages the risk associated with investments by diversifying the types of investment, credit quality, counterparty exposure and term to maturity profile.


Council invests its funds in accordance with The Ministerial Investment Order.


All investments are made with consideration of advice from Council’s appointed investment advisor, CPG Research & Advisory.


Financial Considerations


The revised budget for interest on investments for the financial year 2016/2017 is $4,080,900. Of this amount approximately $2,454,000 is restricted for the benefit of future expenditure relating to development contributions, $555,800 transferred to the internally restricted Infrastructure & Facility Reserve, and the remainder of $1,071,100 is available for operations.


Social Considerations


Not applicable.


Environmental Considerations


Not applicable.


Community Consultation


None undertaken or required.


Internal Consultation


None undertaken or required.


Certification - Responsible Accounting Officer


I hereby certify that the investments listed in the attached report have been made in accordance with Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993, clause 212 of the Local Government General Regulation 2005 and Council’s Investment Policy.




As at 31 May 2017:



·     Council’s total cash and investment portfolio is $145,058,000.


·     The net return on investments for the financial year to May 2017 was $4,124,000 against a revised budget of $3,764,000, giving a YTD favourable variance of $360,000.





A.       That the summary of investments and performance for May 2017 be received and noted.


B.       That the Certificate of the Responsible Accounting Officer be noted and the report adopted.







Tony Ly

Financial Accounting Officer





Angela Apostol

Manager Finance





David Marshall

Director Corporate






Investments definitions specific to Council’s investment portfolio





Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

GB.3 / 36



Item GB.3



30 May 2017



development application



Summary Sheet


Report title:

9, 11 & 11A Livingstone Ave, Pymble - Demolition of existing structures and construction of a residential flat development containing 22 units, basement parking and landscaping works





Application No:


Property Details:

9, 11 & 11A Livingstone Ave, Pymble

Lot & DP No: Lot C DP 391729 & Lot 2 DP 540437 & Lot 1 DP 540437

Site area (m2): 3614.5m2

Zoning: R4 High Density Residential




Demolition of existing structures and construction of a residential flat development containing 22 units, basement parking and landscaping works


Type of Consent:



Brewster Murray Pty Ltd


Pymble Livingstone Pty Ltd

Date Lodged:

16 March 2016







Purpose of Report


To determine Development Application No. DA0115/16 which seeks to demolish the existing structures on site and construct a residential flat development containing 22 units, basement parking and landscaping works.


integrated planning and reporting


Places, Spaces & Infrastructure


Community Strategic Plan Long Term Objective

Delivery Program

Term Achievement

Operational Plan


P3.1 The built environment delivers attractive, interactive and sustainable living and working environments

A high standard of design quality and building environmental performance is achieved in new development.

Assessment of applications is consistent with Council’s adopted LEP’s and DCP’s.



Executive Summary


Issues:                                                  Building height, side setbacks


Submissions:                                         Original proposal: 6 submissions; amended proposal:  5 submissions


Land & Environment Court:                   N/A


Recommendation:                                 Approval






The site has a history of residential use.




On 21 July 2015, a Pre DA consultation was undertaken for the proposed demolition of the existing structures and construction of a residential flat building and multi-dwelling housing development comprising 24 units and basement car parking. The applicant was advised of the following key issues:


·     side and rear setbacks (6 metres required for residential flat building)

·     excessive density given site constraints

·     building bulk/scale impacts to south-western side, including location of elevated access paths/ramps, Units 08 & 09

·     building separation

·     riparian and biodiversity land constraints

·     heritage impacts (adjoining property)

·     relationship with existing ground levels/topography

·     unit amenity (rear RFB units and living spaces to Units 06 & 07)

·     tree protection

·     water management/engineering


DA History


16 March 2016                                          The application was lodged.


1 April 2016                                               The application was notified to neighbouring property owners and advertised for a period of 30 days.


20 July 2016                                                       A letter was sent to the applicant advising of issues relating to:


Planning & urban design

-     height

-     building storeys

-     top storey design

-     Side/rear setbacks and building separation

-     Relationship to ground line

-     Apartment mix and accessibility

-     Building entries, building form and facades


-     roof design and finishes



-     water management

-     driveway gradient

-     waste collection

-     construction vehicle access



-     deep soil landscape area

-     building setbacks

-     tree impacts

-     private open space

-     insufficient/unclear information

-     BASIX inconsistencies


Neighbour amenity

-     privacy/overlooking

-     visual impacts (height, bulk and scale)

-     density

-     solar access

-     setbacks

-     traffic, parking and safety issues

-     streetscape impacts

-     tree impacts


8 September 2016                                    A meeting was held with the applicant to discuss the issues identified in Council’s letter and amendments required to enable further assessment. The applicant submitted conceptual amended plans.


29 September 2016                                            Council sent a response to the applicant detailing outstanding assessment issues (unresolved by draft amended plans) and inviting submission of amended plans


13 October 2016                                       Amended plans and information were submitted.


28 October 2016                                                 Council sent a response to the applicant advising further detailed resolution and information was required in response to issues relating to:


-     driveway and bridge design

-     accessibility

-     private open space

-     urban design

-     external form and aesthetics

-     landscaping


The applicant was offered a final opportunity to amend their plans.


12 December 2016                                   Final amended plans and information were submitted.


22 December 2016                                   The amended application was notified to neighbouring property owners for a period of 21 days.


12 May 2017                                                       The applicant provided written clarification on landscaping and architectural details and a revised BASIX Certificate in response to Council’s request.


The Site


Site description


The subject site comprises Lot C DP 391729, Lot 2 DP 540437 and Lot 1 DP 540437 and is known as Nos. 9, 11 and 11A Livingstone Avenue, Pymble. The three lots form an L-shaped site arrangement located on the north-western side of Livingstone Avenue, approximately 130 metres from its intersection with the Pacific Highway.


The site has a total area of 3614.5m2, comprising a variable width from 44.395 metres at the front (south-eastern) boundary to 25.395 metres at the rear (north-western) boundary. The site depth ranges from 103.285 metres along the south-western side boundary to 50.83 metres along the north-eastern side boundary.


The topography of the site is marked by a significant depression that is centrally located and traverses the width of the site. The site slopes by approximately 5-7 metres from the street frontage to the depression and rises steeply to the rear. An easement for drainage exists within this depression, which is identified as a Category 3a riparian corridor on Council’s mapping system and. The site also exhibits a notable cross-fall of approximately 6.7 metres, representing a grade of 15%.


Existing features on the subject allotments are identified below.


Property address:

Site configuration:

Existing development:

Other features:


9 Livingstone Ave


Two storey brick dwelling

Drainage easement across rear of site

11 Livingstone Ave

Battleaxe-shaped (rear of No. 11A)

Two storey brick dwelling

Swimming pool

11A Livingstone Ave


Two storey brick dwelling

Swimming pool and drainage easement across site rear


Each lot benefits from individual driveway access to Livingstone Avenue. Development on each lot is sited within a landscaped setting, which contains a number of significant trees and biodiversity-significant land. South-eastern portions of the site are also identified as containing vegetation characteristic of an endangered ecological community, Blue Gum High Forest (BGHF).


The site does not contain a heritage item but its north-western (rear) corner adjoins a heritage item at No. 14 Pymble Avenue. The site is also within the vicinity of other heritage listed items at No. 1 Livingstone Avenue, No. 7 Pymble Avenue and No. 1116 Pacific Highway. The Orinoco Street Heritage Conservation Area is identified on the opposite side of Livingstone Avenue, however the site is located outside of this area.


Surrounding development


The site is located within an area zoned for high density residential development. This area broadly encompasses adjoining sites to the north (towards the Pacific Highway and Pymble local centre). The prevailing area to the south is broadly characterised by low density residential development, and also includes sites zoned E4 (Environmental Living), which adjoin the site to the south-west. The site is therefore in an area of transitional density, including a number of sites that are under-developed having regard to their zoning. Notwithstanding, a number of residential flat buildings exist in the vicinity, including 6-7 storey buildings under construction to the north in Everton Street and north-east in Livingstone Avenue.


Specifically, the site is immediately adjoined by neighbouring lots each containing single dwelling houses. Notably, the adjoining properties to the north-east at No. 7 Livingstone Avenue and Nos. 8 & 10 Pymble Avenue are zoned R4 - High density. The adjoining properties to the south-west are zoned E4 - Environmental living, and the heritage listed property adjoining the subject site’s north-western corner, No. 14 Pymble Avenue is zoned R2 – Low density. The properties on the south-eastern side of Livingstone Avenue, opposite the site, are zoned R2 – Low density.


The Proposal


The proposal, as amended, involves the demolition of the existing dwellings and associated structures on site and construction of a residential flat development containing 22 units, basement parking and landscaping works as follows:


·     Two distinct building blocks (‘Building A’ and ‘Building B’) sited in response to the L-shaped site configuration.


·     Building A is located within the site frontage (parallel to the street alignment) and consists of three storeys containing eight three-bedroom units and one two-bedroom unit.


·     Building B is located within the narrow portion of the site’s rear (perpendicular to the street alignment) and consists of four storeys containing eight three-bedroom units and five two-bedroom units.


·     Basement car parking consisting of 33 car spaces (including visitor spaces) is provided beneath the building footprints with driveway access to Livingstone Avenue at the south-western side of the frontage. The basement also incorporates waste storage areas, bicycle parking racks and a loading bay.


·     Associated stormwater management and landscaping works are also proposed, including communal open space and a riparian vegetation area within biodiversity-significant land.


Amended plans


Amended plans were received in response to Council’s issues letter (refer to above DA history), which involved a number of design changes, including:


·     number of units reduced from 23 to 22

·     building height and top storey floor space reduced

·     rear and side setbacks increased

·     unit mix increased from entirely three-bedroom units to include six (6) two-bedroom units

·     saw-tooth roof design amended in response to heritage comments

·     building form and facades redesigned

·     waste storage area relocated

·     deep soil landscape area increased

·     building footprint amendments to reduce encroachment in tree protection areas






In accordance with the Ku-ring-gai Local Centres DCP, owners of surrounding properties were notified of the application. In response, submissions from the following were received:


1.       J Bai - 17 Livingstone Avenue, Pymble

2.       P Buzacott - 4 Orinoco Street, Pymble

3.       J Yi & J Mai – 15 Livingstone Avenue, Pymble

4.       D & V Ming – 5 Livingstone Avenue, Pymble

5.       Y D Forsyth – 7 Livingstone Avenue, Pymble

6.       C Bold - 75 Livingstone Avenue, Pymble


The submissions raised the following issues:


Loss of privacy and amenity (including overlooking and acoustic/noise impacts)


Potential visual and acoustic privacy impacts to neighbouring properties have been assessed with respect to the applicable planning provisions (as below) and are considered acceptable, subject to conditions. The development as amended, will not significantly impact the acoustic privacy of neighbouring properties having regard to the transitional density context of the area, site layout and design considerations including building setbacks. Additional residential and traffic noise associated with the development will be minimal and no greater than that envisaged given the site zoning.


Visual privacy to neighbouring properties will be suitably protected by dwelling configurations, building setbacks, window placement, floor plan layouts and screen planting. The proposal will maintain appropriate visual privacy to neighbouring properties by orientating principle living spaces and associated windows of dwellings towards their respective private open spaces, with adequate building separation and the use of privacy measures such as screens, fencing and vegetation.


Devaluation of property


Devaluation of property is not a consideration under Section 79C (1) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.


Loss of security


The proposal is not expected to result in a loss of security for neighbouring properties. Suitable passive surveillance of the street and communal areas will be provided by the development and privacy aspects are acceptable as discussed above.


Impacts to significant trees and biodiversity


The proposal involves retention and protection of significant trees to the satisfaction of Council’s Landscape Assessment Officer, subject to conditions. Additionally, Council’s Ecological Assessment Officer has assessed the application with respect to biodiversity, including threatened species. The proposal is also considered to be acceptable in these respects, subject to Conditions 2, 5, 25, 87 and 88.


Loss of solar access


The proposal will maintain no less than 3 hours of solar access to the living rooms and principal private open space of adjoining properties between 9am and 3pm in midwinter. The proposal therefore complies with the Ku-ring-gai Local Centres DCP solar access control.


Overdevelopment & excessive built form and overbearing including height (visually overbearing/dominant)


The amended proposal is for 22 units across two distinct buildings, which are predominantly three storeys in height. The design complies with the floor space ratio development standard of the Ku-ring-gai LEP (Local Centres) 2012 and the proposed height as amended is considered acceptable as discussed below in relation to clause 4.6 of the LEP. Overall, the proposal demonstrates a building form compatible with that envisaged for the site given its high density zone and transitional context, and is sympathetic to the visual amenity of neighbouring properties and the streetscape. Additionally, the landscaping provision for the development, including canopy trees, will soften the appearance of built form as viewed from neighbouring properties and the street.


Design inappropriate and out of character with neighbouring properties (single dwellings)


The proposal is permissible within the R4 - High density residential zone and is consistent with the zone objectives. Aspects of design, including with respect to neighbourhood character, have been assessed by Council’s Urban Design Consultant having regard to the SEPP 65 Design Quality Principles and the proposal is considered to be acceptable, subject to conditions.


Heritage impacts


The site of the proposed development does not contain any heritage listed items, however the application was referred to Council’s Heritage Advisor in respect of potential impacts to heritage items in the vicinity of the site, including a conservation area opposite the site. In this regard it is concluded that impacts on the conservation area are minor and acceptable. Photographic archival recording of the existing structures on the site will be required by Condition 11.


Insufficient front setback


Building A has a relatively uniform front setback of 10 metres, which complies with the minimum street setback requirement of the DCP and is acceptable having regard to the transitional context of the site and neighbouring development. The building does not provide a 2 metres articulation zone beyond the front building alignment as also required by the DCP. Nonetheless, the proposal is acceptable having regard to its relationship with the streetscape by virtue of the substantial soft landscaped area within the front setback, which includes provision for existing and proposed trees and vegetation to soften the appearance of the built form. Additionally, the site falls considerably from the front boundary to the depression across the centre of the site, such that the building form is recessive as viewed from the street. 


Insufficient parking


The proposal provides 33 car spaces (including visitor spaces) in accordance with the requirements of the DCP and to the satisfaction of Council’s Development Engineer.  Accordingly, adequate car parking is proposed.


Pollution, including dust


The proposed development is unlikely to result in any significant pollution. Stormwater management measures will minimise runoff in accordance with DCP requirements and to the satisfaction of Council’s Development Engineer, subject to conditions. Aspects of demolition and construction management may be suitably managed by conditions of consent, including dust control and environmental site management measures (Conditions 61 and 29).




Construction noise will be suitably addressed via noise and vibration management plan to be prepared in accordance with AS2436 - 2010 and with the Office of Environment and Heritage Interim Construction Noise Guidelines (Condition 21). Construction work will also be restricted to suitable daytime hours (Condition 55).


Traffic congestion (including construction traffic/vehicles) and related safety issues, including pedestrian safety


The application is accompanied by a detailed traffic report demonstrating that the development will not have an adverse impact upon traffic flows and movements within the local area. Council’s Development Engineer is satisfied with traffic aspects of the proposal, subject to conditions. The engineering assessment has had due regard to aspects relating to driveway access, egress, manoeuvring and related safety implications and no objections are raised to the proposal in these respects. A Construction Traffic Management Plan will address vehicular traffic during the construction phase of the development as required by Condition 13.


Cumulative impacts associated with neighbouring flat building developments


The proposed development has been assessed on its own merits against the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and is considered to be acceptable, subject to conditions. Broader impacts associated with increased residential density were anticipated as part of the rezoning of this locality.


Proposal may contravene the Federal Human Rights Act/rights of the aged


Matters raised in the above respects include standard of living, physical health and privacy. The proposed development has been assessed as required having regard to the relevant matters for consideration under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and is considered to be acceptable in so far as it relates to residential amenity, subject to conditions.


Amended plans


Amended plans received on 12 December 2016 were also notified to surrounding properties. In response, additional submissions from the following were received:


1.       P Buzacott - 4 Orinoco Street, Pymble

2.       D & V Ming – 5 Livingstone Avenue, Pymble

3.       Y D Forsyth – 7 Livingstone Avenue, Pymble

4.       JP & LD Rasmussen – 10 Orinoco Street, Pymble

5.       BA Smith – 204/9 Everton Street, Pymble


The submissions raised the following additional issues:


Notification unjust and unfair over Christmas – new year period


The original proposal and amended plans were notified in accordance with the provisions of the Local Centres DCP as required.


Housing affordability not addressed


The proposal is not for affordable housing.


Housing mix and accessibility is unsatisfactory


The proposed development as amended provides a reasonable mix of two and three bedroom units with accessibility provision, subject to conditions. A market assessment has been submitted in support of the proposed unit mix. Whilst this is not a development under SEPP Seniors Living, the proposal provides suitable access for the ageing demographic has been provided, including at grade access from the street to both buildings via pedestrian footbridges and communal lifts from the basement car parks. Suitable access provision  is required by Conditions 28, 36 & 98.


Stormwater management, including impacts of overland water flow and easement ownership issues


Aspects relating to stormwater management are considered to be satisfactory by Council’s Development Engineer with respect to the Local Centres DCP. The establishment of easement rights is the subject of a deferred commencement condition (Schedule A Condition)


Loss of community


Community/social interaction aspects of the proposal are to the satisfaction of Council’s Urban Design Consultant. The development includes provision of a large communal open space area located centrally on the site for social interaction and recreational opportunities, including BBQ facilities. This will be improved by providing access to this area from the main entry bridge as required by Condition 23.


Loss of amenity/health impacts


The proposed development has been designed sympathetically with regard to the amenity of neighbouring properties, including provision of solar access.


View loss


The proposal as amended constitutes an acceptable building form, which will not result in any unreasonable loss of views, noting there are no iconic views across the subject site.


Within Council




Council's Development Engineer commented on the amended proposal as follows:



Water management


The existing stormwater pipe through the property has been plotted on the survey plan. This is satisfactory.


The submitted title certificate and DP712641 only describe the easement over 15 Livingstone Avenue which benefits 17 Livingstone Avenue. The development will not drain into this easement, but into the 3.05 metres wide easement over the trunk drainage system within 15, 17, 19 and 21 Livingstone Avenue.


A copy of DP1132255 and the Instrument AE272172V has been obtained.  The only properties which benefit from the easement are 2 Pymble Avenue and 2 – 4 Everton Street. The establishment of easement rights is the subject of a deferred commencement condition (Schedule A Condition).


The plans show the structure over the easement to be readily removable as requested. 


The water management plans have been amended but do not contain any further detail on the re-use of the stored rainwater. The required modelling to demonstrate that Council’s target of a 50% reduction in runoff days conditioned to be carried out prior to Construction Certificate issue (Condition 30).


Traffic and parking


Car stackers are proposed for 5 units, which is acceptable.  The plans show 29 resident and 4 visitor parking spaces.  This satisfies the range of resident and visitor spaces required under the Local Centres DCP for the proposed unit mix.


Waste management


The waste collection area has been relocated inside the basement entry by amended plans as required. A longitudinal section has been provided along the entry driveway demonstrating a compliant minimum headroom of 2.6 metres – Drawing DA300 Section 03.  


The application is acceptable, subject to conditions.




Council's Landscape Assessment Officer commented on the amended proposal as follows:


Impacts on significant existing trees


An amended Arboricultural Impact Assessment, prepared by Advanced Treescape Consulting (dated 25/11/16), has been submitted with the application. Tree numbers refer to this report.


Tree removal

Significant trees to be removed:

Tree 25/ Angophora floribunda(Rough barked Apple) - This tree is located at the south-western corner of the site. The tree is in poor condition. There is no objection to the removal of this tree.


Tree 26/ Liquidambar styraciflua (Liquidambar) - This tree that is incorrectly identified as a Jacaranda mimosifolia (Jacaranda) is located at the south-western corner of the site, on the front boundary. The tree has a significant ivy infestation. There is no objection to the removal of this tree.


Tree 41/ Liquidambar styraciflua (Liquidambar) - This tree is located on the south-western boundary, within the centre of the site. The tree is in good health and condition. The tree is to be removed for the basement of the rear building. There is no objection to the removal of this tree.


Tree 43/ Cornus sp. - This tree is located within the centre of the site. The tree is in good health and condition, however is required to be removed for the rear building. There is no objection to the removal of this tree.


Tree 48/ Cedrus deodara (Himalayan Cedar) - This tree is located at the north-eastern corner of the site. The tree has a suppressed form due to the canopy of Tree 49. The tree is to be removed for the rear building. There is no objection to the removal of this tree.


Tree 51/ Liquidambar styraciflua (Liquidambar) - This tree is located at the north-eastern corner of the site. The tree is a fair specimen. The tree is to be removed for the rear building. There is no objection to the removal of this tree.


The application proposes the removal of 23 trees of moderate to low retention value. Two of these trees are exempt species under Cl 1.3 Volume C Ku-ring-gai Local Centres DCP. Trees 31 -36, located on the south-western boundary, are in good condition and provide existing neighbouring amenity. These trees are to be retained and protected (Condition 28).  The arborist recommendations for removal of the remaining trees are considered satisfactory and there is no objection to their removal.


Street trees to be removed

There are no street trees to be removed as part of this application.


Trees to be retained

Tree 1/ Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum) - This tree is located within the centre of the site. This tree is to be retained and protected. The proposed impacts are considered acceptable.


Tree 2/ Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum) - This tree is located within the centre of the site. This tree is to be retained and protected. The proposed excavation for the basement in association with the proposed building will be approximately 6% of the tree protection zone. The majority of the encroachment is within existing built structures and the level of impact is therefore considered acceptable.


The proposed ground floor decking and access paths for private courtyards of Apartments 1-5 will cover a further approximately 9% of the tree protection zone.

The proposed impacts are considered acceptable.


Tree 3/ Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum) - This tree is located within the centre of the site. This tree is to be retained and protected. The proposed impacts are considered acceptable.


Tree 4/ Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum) - This tree is located within the front setback of the site. This tree is to be retained and protected. The proposed excavation for the basement in association with the existing house footprint will be in excess of 10% of the tree protection zone. The proposed lawn area as common open space will adversely impact Tree 4 and is not supported. Existing levels are to be retained in association with planting similar to south of Tree 4 (Condition 28). The majority of the encroachment is within existing built structures and the level of impact is therefore considered acceptable.


Tree 5/ Angophora floribunda (Rough barked Apple) - This tree is located within the front setback of the site. This tree is to be retained and protected. The proposed excavation for the private courtyards will be less than 10% of the tree protection zone. The proposed impacts are considered acceptable.


Tree 6/ Angophora floribunda (Rough barked Apple) - This tree is located within the front setback of the site. This tree is to be retained and protected. The proposed excavation for the private courtyards will be less than 10% of the tree protection zone. The proposed impacts are considered acceptable.


Tree 30/ Angophora floribunda (Rough barked Apple) - This tree is located at the south-western corner of the site, within the adjoining property. The tree has a significant ivy infestation.  The proposed driveway impacts will be less than 10% of the tree protection zone. The proposed impacts are considered acceptable.


Tree 37 - 40/ Backhousia myrtifolia (Ironwood), B. myrtifolia (Ironwood), Pittosporum undulatum (Native Daphne), P. undulatum (Native Daphne) - These trees are located along the south-western boundary. The proposed impacts are considered acceptable.


Tree 49/ Syzygium paniculatum (Brush Cherry) - This tree is located at the north-eastern corner of the site. The proposed excavation for the basement will be less than 10% of the tree protection zone. The proposed impacts are considered acceptable.


Tree 50/ Cinnamomum camphora (Camphor laurel) - This tree is located at the north-eastern corner of the site. The proposed excavation for the basement will be less than 10% of the tree protection zone. The proposed impacts are considered acceptable.


Deep soil landscaping

The minimum deep soil landscaping requirement for these properties is: 40% of the site area (where basement parking is provided).


Site area: 3614.5m2

Numerical compliance: 50% (1807.25m2)

Proposed total deep soil area: 51.18% (1850m2)


The proposal will comply with the minimum deep soil zone requirement.


Tree replenishment

The site should support a minimum 11 trees that can attain 13 metres in height. The proposal provides 14 trees and is therefore satisfactory in this respect.


Communal open space

A communal open space has been provided at the centre of the site within the core riparian zone. The area includes a lawn area, a BBQ and some seating. The access report has not verified the provision of access to any one communal open space at ground level. To this effect, the BBQ area is to be relocated to the western end of the communal open space with an accessible path from Building A provided from the basement lift (Condition 28).


Private open space

To ensure sufficient space for deep soil planting within the adjoining common areas, the proposed private open space at ground floor are to be consistent with the controls.

Clotheslines are not to be located within private open space within the front setback of Apartments A01-A06 (Condition 28).


Landscape plan

The landscape plan is to be amended by Condition 28 :


Cut and fill

Landscape cut or fill should not be more than 600mm above or below the natural ground line as required by the DCP.  To maintain existing levels to garden bed along eastern boundary of Block B, a retaining wall is to be provided along the access path by (Condition 28).  Additionally, as required by Condition 28, access from B10 to the maintenance path is to be relocated to the northern boundary of the private open space to allow for stairs (RL115.20) and a path to the communal open space (RL112.73).  Similarly, the central communal lawn area is to keep to existing grade. The BBQ area is to be relocated in association with entrance path.



The amended Basix certificate is acceptable.


Environmental site management plan                                                  

The ESMP is to be amended to include tree protection that allows for construction access (Condition 29). Tree protection fencing is to be provided for street trees and the riparian zone.  Ground protection is to be provided where access or storage is required within tree protection zones of trees to be retained.


Conditions have also been recommended to resolve drawing inaccuracies/inconsistencies.


The amended proposal is acceptable, subject to conditions.




Council's Ecological Assessment Officer commented on the amended proposal as follows:


The vegetation on site was inspected to determine the presence/absence of native plant communities. Areas of vegetation towards the front of the site and within the rear was determined to be representative of Blue Gum High Forest (BGHF), which is listed as a Critically Endangered Ecological Community (CEEC) under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. 


Ecological constraints/environmental controls


The native vegetation (BGHF) within the site has been mapped as an area of “biodiversity significance” under the under the KLEP (Local Centres) (2012).


Ecological impacts


A detailed flora and fauna investigation and assessment of the impact of the proposal upon threatened species, endangered ecological communities and endangered populations has been prepared by Keystone Ecological.


A review of the arborist report has identified 10 BGHF canopy trees, including 4 Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum), 2 Pittosporum undulatum (Sweet Pittosporum), 4 Angophora floribunda (Rough-barked Apple). One Rough-barked Apple identified (T25), representative of BGHF is proposed for removal due to poor condition.


The impacts of the proposal upon the onsite BGHF community are proposed to be mitigated by the retention and enhancement of BGHF under a vegetation management plan.


An impact assessment (7-part test) has been prepared in accordance with section 5a of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 to assess the impacts of the proposal upon the BGHF community. The impact assessment conclusion that the proposed development will not result in a significant impact upon the BGHF community is supported.


The application is acceptable, subject to conditions.




Council's Heritage Advisor commented on the amended proposal as follows:


Heritage status


The site is not a heritage item but adjoins a heritage item at 14 Pymble Avenue and is within the vicinity of the following items:


No 1 Livingstone Avenue (Church);

No 7 Pymble Avenue; and

No 1116 Pacific Highway (former Police Station).


Clause 5.10 (4) of the (Local Centres) 2012 LEP requires Council to consider the effect of the proposed development on the heritage significance of the item or the area concerned.  Clause 5.10 (5) allows Council to require a heritage management document (HMD) before granting consent.


Statement of significance


The following is the Statement of Significance for the adjoining heritage item:


Reason for listing; cultural, architectural, municipal significance.


Note: the information states it has been altered or extended unsympathetically (possibly the garage/studio addition).


The following is the statement for the Orinoco Street HCA which is located opposite the site:


Historical significance:


The Orinoco Street HCA is of historical significance as a highly intact area of Federation and Inter-war housing, representative of the development of the Hamilton Estate after the opening of the North Shore railway line in 1890.  A significant portion of the houses, (six houses) were designed between 1913 and 1930 by a single architectural firm, and therefore illustrate changing designs from the same firm over this period.


Aesthetic significance:


The Orinoco Street HCA is considered to be of high aesthetic significance for its concentration of architect-designed houses (seven in total in the area).  The street contains six houses designed by the architectural firm Peddle Thorp or Peddle Thorp & Walker between 1913 and 1930, and these houses illustrate changing designs from a single prominent Sydney architectural firm over this period.




The dwellings proposed to be demolished are all post war dwellings.  The HIS states that No 9 Livingstone Avenue was constructed by a Chatswood builder- F. A. Nielson in 1955 and completed by 1956.  It claims that the lots now forming Nos 11 & 11A Livingstone Avenue were subdivided in 1970 and the existing houses were built shortly later.


The existing dwellings on the site are considered to have no significant heritage values and no heritage objections are raised with their demolition.  However, photographic recording to archival standards is recommended (Condition 11).


Heritage management document


A Statement of Heritage impact (HIS) was submitted with the application and prepared by an experienced heritage consultant.  It is generally prepared in accordance with the guidelines prepared by the NSW Heritage Council and has considered the Local Centres LEP & DCP.  Consideration of the DCP is minimal and it simply states the proposal is considered to be consistent with the guidelines without any discussion on the objectives or controls.


Of relevance, in relation to potential heritage impacts the SHI states:


The proposal provides two zones of garden area (public and private) onto the street.  This is in-keeping with the character of the surrounding neighbourhood.


The proposed dwellings do not alter or obscure any views or understanding of the Orinoco Conservation Area.


The proposal is set beyond, and to the west of the rear boundary of the heritage item, and is generally screened by the existing cabana/garage structure.  The setting of the heritage item is not altered.


The proposal does not impact on any views of the heritage item from Pymble Avenue.


The SHI concludes:


The proposed works described above do not adversely affect the identified significance of the heritage item at 14 Pymble Road (sic), Pymble, or the Orinoco Street Conservation Area.  Council should have no hesitation, from a heritage perspective, in approving the application.




The Ku-ring-gai Development Control Plan (Local Centres) 2012 Volume B Section 7 provides objectives and controls for development within the vicinity a Heritage Item.  The following controls are relevant and apply to the site;



Development Control



1 Development in the vicinity of a heritage item is to be sympathetic to the heritage item having regard to form, proportions, materials and colours, siting and orientation; setting and context and streetscape patterns


2 An applicant’s Statement of Environmental Effects or Heritage Impact Statement must discuss the effect that the proposed development will have on a heritage item, including its garden.


3 Significant views to and from heritage items are to be protected.


4 Development in the vicinity of a heritage item must respect the curtilage and setting of that item.


5 An application for development in the vicinity of a heritage item must demonstrate that the construction process will not result in damage to the heritage item or its setting.


Residential Context

New development adjacent to a heritage item must comply with the following:

iii) must have a minimum 12m building separation to the heritage,

iv) must not exceed a facade height of 8m from existing ground level;

v) any building mass above 8m high from existing ground level must be stepped back an additional 6m from the heritage item;

vi) front setbacks must be at least 2m more than the front setback of the adjoining heritage item, for that portion of the new building whose height exceeds the height of the heritage item.

vii) where variations in setbacks exist the larger setback will apply;

viii) any new development must have a maximum 36m wall length to any boundary.











7 Screen planting on side and rear boundaries adjoining a heritage item site is to achieve a minimum mature height of 4m


8 Front and side fences are to be no higher than the fence of the adjoining heritage item. Front fences must be open and transparent such a timber picket or metal palisade. Side fences are to be timber.



Development Controls


General This part applies to development on sites that directly adjoin a heritage conservation area (HCA) or are within close proximity to the HCA.


1 Development in the vicinity of a conservation area is to be sympathetic to the HCA by having regard to:

i) siting and orientation;

ii) materials and colours;

iii) setting and context;

iv) streetscape patterns;

v) form of the buildings in the HCA including height, roofline,

setbacks and building alignment; and

vi) proportions including door and window openings, bays, floor to

ceiling heights and coursing levels.











2 An applicant’s Statement of Environmental Effects or Heritage Impact Statement must discuss the effect that the proposed development will have on the HCA, including the setting and streetscape.


3 Significant views to and from the HCA are to be protected.


4 Development in the vicinity of an HCA must respect the curtilage and setting of the HCA.


5 The treatment of the facade of new development adjacent to the conservation area should relate to the dominant architectural cues which characterise the HCA such as horizontal lines and vertical segmentation.


6 An application for development in the vicinity of the HCA must demonstrate that the construction process will not result in damage to places within the HCA or its setting.



Comments on DCP controls


1 Development in the vicinity of a heritage item is to be sympathetic to the heritage item having regard to form, proportions, materials and colours, siting and orientation; setting and context and streetscape patterns


The proposed development is set behind the heritage item on land that falls below the level of the item.  The form of the proposed development is contemporary which does not conflict with the form of the heritage item.  The proportions are contemporary although the saw toothed proportion of the roof is not complimentary to the adjoining item and has an almost industrial appearance, not considered appropriate in a residential setting.  The dark colour to the upper floors is not considered appropriate in a residential context although might be proposed to reduce visual impacts.  The siting of the proposed buildings is reflective of the exiting lot boundaries. 


Planner’s comment: amendments have been made in response to the above and the saw-tooth design has been replaced with a slanting flat-roof design with tapered edges.


5. An application for development in the vicinity of a heritage item must demonstrate that the construction process will not result in damage to the heritage item or its setting.

The applicant has prepared a geotechnical assessment of the site.  The recommendations in the report are extensive and include groundwater controls, temporary shoring, permanent shoring and permanent retaining.  A series of recommendations are provided for the design and construction phase is provided in the report.  Provided these recommendations are undertaken, any damage to the heritage item should be appropriately managed via standard conditions in any future consent.


New development adjacent to a heritage item must comply with the following:

iii) must have a minimum 12m building separation to the heritage item;

The new development is about 11m from the garage/cabana and is less than the required setback.  The proposed rear building is roughly set out to the 6m building setback line, however, due to the shape of the rear lot boundary, only partially achieves the minimum 6m setback.  The non-compliance is considered minimal and acceptable.


New development adjacent to a heritage item must comply with the following:

iv) must not exceed a facade height of 8m from existing ground level;

The drawings indicate that the wall height to the rear building near the adjoining heritage item is about 7.2m, and has a satisfactory relationship with the adjoining item.  However, the ground level appears to be raised at this point and it is unclear if it achieves a façade height of 8m.


New development adjacent to a heritage item must comply with the following:

v) any building mass above 8m high from existing ground level must be stepped back an additional 6m from the heritage item;

The height of the floor above the 8m level is only set back 4.200m (scaled) and does not comply with this control.


1. Development in the vicinity of a conservation area is to be sympathetic to the HCA by having regard to:

v) form of the buildings in the HCA including height, roofline, setbacks and building alignment; and

vi) proportions including door and window openings, bays, floor to ceiling heights and coursing levels.

The form of the propose buildings is contemporary and not related to the Inter War character of the nearby HCA.  On balance, it is not considered necessary to follow the form, proportions or fenestrations, floor to ceiling heights or coursing levels in the nearby HCA.  The subject site is located at a lower ground level, the existing and proposed landscaping and separation of the roadway will assist in mitigating any visual impacts or impacts.  It should also be noted the HCA precinct is oriented towards Orinoco Street but partially extends to a small portion of Livingstone Avenue opposite the subject site.  The heritage impacts on the HCA are thus considered to be within acceptable limits.




The subject site is a difficult site to develop to achieve the expectations envisaged in the re-zoning.  It has difficult topographical features and a riparian zone running roughly through the centre of the site.  The proposal is considered to be an acceptable response to the natural features on the site.


The garage/cabana of the adjoining heritage item is located approximately 5m (scaled) from the rear boundary of the subject site.  However, it is considered that the visual impacts on the partially adjoining heritage item are limited.


Other nearby heritage items are on the opposite side of Everton Street with frontage to the Pacific Highway, 1116 Pacific Highway (former police station) and Church at 1082- 1084 Pacific Highway and are out of the immediate visual setting of the site.  There is also a heritage item at No 7 Pymble Avenue (to the north-west), also out of the immediate visual setting of the site. 


The immediate vicinity of the site, particularly the area to the north in Pymble Avenue/Avon Road and to the east, is undergoing considerable change and no longer represents a low scale residential area.  The adjoining sites to the west in Livingstone Avenue are zoned E4 – Environmental Living.


Conclusion and recommendations


There are minor non-compliances with the DCP objectives and controls in the Local Centres DCP.  These non-compliances mainly affect the relationship of the proposed development to a later garage/cabana structure on the adjoining heritage item’s site.  


Impacts on the HCA and other nearby heritage items are considered to be acceptable.


Photographic archival recording of the existing structures on the site is recommended (Condition 11).




Council's Senior Building Surveyor commented on the proposal as follows:


The DA plans in general comply with the Building Code of Australia requirements. The following standard Building conditions apply;


1.   Compliance with the Building Code of Australia.

2.   Copy of the final fire safety certificate to be submitted with the final occupation certificate to the Council.

3.   Comply with the access to premises standards at the CC stage.


The above conditions will be applied to the development (Conditions 54, 110 & 36).

Outside Council


Urban design


Council’s urban design consultant commented on the amended proposal as follows:


Assessment against SEPP 65 Design Quality Principles

          Context and neighbourhood character


The proposed development is a 'transitional' site from the R4 zoned high density residential to the north and east of the site and the lower density single dwelling character to the south and west of the site.


The area is characterised by steep topography with single dwellings on large lots. The tall trees and generous setback establish a character defined by dwellings in a landscape.


To the north and east of the proposed development a recent approval of a residential flat development comprises 6-7 storeys. The massing of this development was resolved to ensure solar access is available to this site.


The proposed development is sensitive to the riparian zone that traverses the site.

Further to the south, the riparian zone moves closer to Livingstone Ave resulting in substantial setbacks from Livingstone Ave.


This large setback gives additional prominence to the Livingstone Ave building – this corner has been discussed at length and meetings with the architect and applicant.


This corner is dominated by the driveway entrance that passes under the corner of the building and ramps below, improvements have been made in this area - specifically by reducing the width of the driveway to a single carriageway.


Articulation to the southern boundary has improved with blades, Juliet balconies and changes in material.


Built form and scale


The site has a significant change in grade from the east and west to the riparian zone in the centre. The building mass has been articulated and formed with consideration to the impacts on the adjoining properties - particularly with respect to preserving adequate solar access to the dwelling at the south of the site.


The development has been orientated to the north-east away from the single dwelling at the south. Common access balconies are provided with 1650mm high screening to preserve the privacy on the adjoining site.


The frontage to Livingstone Ave provides an activated edge with individual pedestrian entrances from the 'terrace' style dwellings that front it.

Access to the remainder of the site is through a communal entrance that connects to the building at the rear by a bridge.


The orientation of the buildings and apartments in the development respond to the context, site geometry, constraints and maximises northern solar access to living rooms.




The density and form of the development for the site is satisfactory given the proximity to Pymble Train Station.




The proposed development responds well to the context and responds to passive solar design principles, with good orientation, cross ventilation and shading provided over windows.




The site contains significant landscaped areas that are concentrated in the middle of the site. Grassed areas are provided for more active recreation - however it is unclear how the central area is to be accessed (this is addressed by Condition 28 to ensure access).




The layout of the proposed development provides for apartments with satisfactory amenity. Some of the bedrooms have been provided with minimum dimensions below the 3m required by the design criteria in the ADG, however the dimension in the other direction and the area far exceed the minimum requirements. The rooms remain functional and can be furnished appropriately. This is with the exception of Unit 21. The bedroom to the south should be increased in size - this can be achieved by reducing the size of the bedrooms to the north  (Condition 23).

A generous quantity of storage is provided in the basement.

Many of the units have a maisonette / townhouse format with good size living areas on the ground floor that open to private courtyards.




The common spaces provide good visual connections between them and the units and the public domain to provide safety and security for the residents.


Housing diversity and social interaction


The majority of the development is provided with 2 and 3 bedroom dwellings. This has been supported by a market assessment.


The central communal space if accessible form the main entry bridge would provide a successful communal open space that would contribute to opportunities for social interaction for people living in the development.




The proposed development has seen an improvement in the overall presentation and articulation of the built form. The top floor is expressed as a 'mansard' style roof that assists in breaking down the scale, this combined with the dormer style windows assist in making this a successful development that transitions from the high to the low density development.


The pedestrian bridge that links the two buildings has been refined and the location

amended to reduce the impact on adjoining development. The 3 dimensional views indicate that has a perforated balustrade to about 1.5-1.8 metres high. This restricts views from the pedestrian bridge - given the distance from the boundary this is considered unnecessary and increases the bulk of this element. This should be reduced in height of a maximum of 1.1 metres (Condition 23).


The balustrades on the unit 9 appear to have a height greater than 1 metre. There is no need for privacy at this location as the dwelling house is located away from this part of the development and it overlooks the street. This should be reduced to 1.1 metres to provide the rooms with an outlook to the street (Condition 23).


Department of Primary Industries – Water


The application was referred to the Department of Primary Industries – Water with respect to the drainage line that traverses the site and any controlled activity approval that may be required for the development under the Water Management Act 2000.


The Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Water provided the following comments in response:


DPI Water (formerly the NSW Office of Water) has reviewed documents for the above development application and considers that, for the purposes of the Water Management Act 2000 (WM Act), a controlled activity approval is not required and no further assessment by this agency is necessary for one of the following reasons.


·     The proposed activity is not occurring on waterfront land (which includes (i) the bed of

any river together with any land within 40 metres inland of the highest bank of the river, or (ii) the bed of any lake, together with any land within 40 metres of the shore of the lake, or (iii) the bed of any estuary, together with any land within 40 metres inland of the mean high water mark of the estuary).


Please note: Temporary dewatering of an amount above 3 ML may require a water licence to

be obtained from DPI Water before construction commences.


Please note that the proposal must not incorporate provision for the permanent or semi-

permanent pumping of groundwater seepage from below-ground areas. A fully tanked

structure must be used.


Should the proposed development be varied in any way that results in development extending onto land that is waterfront land, or encompassing works that are defined as controlled activities, then DPI Water should be notified.


Statutory Provisions




Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act)


The proposal is ‘Local Development’ under Part 4 of the EP&A Act and requires development consent.


The provisions of Section 79C (1) of the EP&A Act determine the matters for consideration in assessing a development application as stated below:


(a)   The provisions of:

(i)       any environmental planning instrument, and

(ii)      any proposed instrument that is or has been the subject of public consultation under this Act and that has been notified to the consent authority (unless the Director General has notified the consent authority that the making of the proposed instrument has been deferred indefinitely or has not been approved), and

(iii)     any development control plan; and

(iv)     any planning agreement that has been entered into under section 93F, or any draft planning agreement that a developer has offered to enter into under section 93F, and

(v)      the regulations (to the extent that they prescribe matters for the purposes of this paragraph), and

(vi)     any coastal zone management plan (within the meaning of the Coastal Protection Act 1979), that apply to the land to which the development application relates.

(b)      the likely impacts of that development, including environmental impacts on both the natural and built environments, and social and economic impacts in the locality,

(c)      the suitability of the site for the development,

(d)      any submissions made in accordance with this Act or the regulations,

(e)      the public interest.


The relevant provisions of environmental planning instruments, proposed instruments, DCPs, the regulations and policies are addressed in the following sections of this report. The likely impacts, suitability of the site and public interest are also addressed below.


State Environmental Planning Policies


Sydney Regional Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Harbour Catchment) 2005


SREP 2005 applies to the site as it is located in the Sydney Harbour Catchment. The Planning Principles in Part 2 of the SREP must be considered in the preparation of environmental planning instruments, development control plans, environmental studies and master plans. However, the proposal is not affected by the provisions of the SREP that relate to the assessment of development applications as the site is not located in the Foreshores and Waterways Area as defined by the Foreshores and Waterways Area Map.


State Environmental Planning Policy No. 55 - Remediation of Land (SEPP 55)


The provisions of SEPP 55 require Council to consider the potential for a site to be contaminated. The subject site has a history of residential use and, as such, it is unlikely to contain any contamination. Accordingly, further investigation is not warranted in this case.


State Environmental Planning Policy (BASIX): 2004


A BASIX certificate was lodged with the application as required and a revised certificate was submitted with the amended plans. The revised certificate demonstrates compliance with the provisions of the SEPP and is consistent with commitments identified in the application documentation, subject to conditions.


State Environmental Planning Policy No.65 - Design Quality of Residential Flat Development


SEPP 65 aims to improve the design quality of residential flat buildings across NSW and provides an assessment framework, the Apartment Design Guide, for assessing ‘good design’. 


Clause 50(1A) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 requires the submission of a design verification statement from the Architect at lodgement of the development application. This documentation has been submitted and is satisfactory.


The SEPP requires the assessment of any development application for residential flat development against the design quality principles contained in the SEPP which has been undertaken by Council’s Urban Design Consultant. The SEPP also requires consideration of the matters contained in the publication Apartment Design Guide. As such, the following consideration has been given to the requirements of the Apartment Design Guide.


Pursuant to Clause 30(2) of SEPP 65 in determining a development application for a residential flat building the consent authority is to take into consideration the Apartment Design Guide (ADG). The following table is an assessment of the proposal against the guidelines provided in the ADG.





Compliance  Y/N

Objective 3A-1

Site analysis illustrates that design decisions have been based on opportunities and constraints of the site conditions and their relationship to the surrounding context



Objective 3B-1

Building types and layouts respond to the streetscape and site while optimising solar access within the development



Objective 3B-2

Overshadowing of neighbouring properties is minimised during mid-winter



Objective 3C-1

Transition between private and public domain is achieved without compromising safety and security



Objective 3C-2

Amenity of the public domain is retained and enhanced



Objective 3D-1

An adequate area of communal open space is provided to enhance residential amenity and to provide opportunities for landscaping



Design criteria


Communal open space has a minimum area equal to 25% of the site (see figure 3D.3)


Developments achieve a minimum of 50% direct sunlight to the principal usable part of the communal open space for a minimum of 2 hours between 9 am and 3 pm on 21 June (mid-winter)





Objective 3D-2

Communal open space is designed to allow for a range of activities, respond to site conditions and be attractive and inviting



Objective 3D-3

Communal open space is designed to maximise safety



Objective 3D-4

Public open space, where provided, is responsive to the existing pattern and uses of the neighbourhood



Objective 3E-1

Deep soil zones provide areas on the site that allow for and support healthy plant and tree growth. They improve residential amenity and promote management of water and air quality



Design criteria

Deep soil zones are to meet the following minimum requirements:

Site area

Minimum dimensions

Deep soil zone (% of site area)

less than 650m2



650m2 - 1,500m2



greater than 1,500m2



greater than 1,500m2 with significant existing tree cover







Objective 3F-1

Adequate building separation distances are shared equitably between neighbouring sites, to achieve reasonable levels of external and internal visual privacy



Design criteria

Separation between windows and balconies is provided to ensure visual privacy is achieved. Minimum required separation distances from buildings to the side and rear boundaries are as follows:

Building height

Habitable rooms and balconies

Non-habitable rooms



up to 12m (4 storeys)





up to 25m (5-8 storeys)





over 25m (9+ storeys)











Separation distances between buildings on the same site should combine required building separations depending on the type of room (see figure 3F.2)

Gallery access circulation should be treated as habitable space when measuring privacy separation distances between neighbouring properties




Objective 3F-2

Site and building design elements increase privacy without compromising access to light and air and balance outlook and views from habitable rooms and private open space



Objective 3G-1

Building entries and pedestrian access connects to and addresses the public domain



Objective 3G-2

Access, entries and pathways are accessible and easy to identify



Objective 3G-3

Large sites provide pedestrian links for access to streets and connection to destinations



Objective 3H-1

Vehicle access points are designed and located to achieve safety, minimise conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles and create high quality streetscapes



Design guidance

Car park access should be integrated with the building’s overall facade. Design solutions may include:


·     the materials and colour palette to minimise visibility from the street

·     security doors or gates at entries that minimise voids in the facade

·     where doors are not provided, the visible interior reflects the facade design and the building services, pipes and ducts are concealed


Objective 3J-1


Car parking is provided based on proximity to public transport in metropolitan Sydney and centres in regional areas




Design criteria


For development in the following locations:

·   on sites that are within 800 metres of a railway station or light rail stop in the Sydney Metropolitan Area; or

·   on land zoned, and sites within 400 metres of land zoned, B3 Commercial Core, B4 Mixed Use or equivalent in a nominated regional centre the minimum car parking requirement for residents and visitors is set out in the Guide to Traffic Generating Developments, or the car parking requirement prescribed by the relevant council, whichever is less.

The car parking needs for a development must be provided off street


Objective 3J-2

Parking and facilities are provided for other modes of transport



Objective 3J-3

Car park design and access is safe and secure




Objective 3J-4

Visual and environmental impacts of underground car parking are minimised



Objective 4A-1

To optimise the number of apartments receiving sunlight to habitable rooms, primary windows and private open space



Design criteria


Living rooms and private open spaces of at least 70% of apartments in a building receive a minimum of 2 hours direct sunlight between 9 am and 3 pm at mid-winter in the Sydney Metropolitan Area and in the Newcastle and Wollongong local government areas


In all other areas, living rooms and private open spaces of at least 70% of apartments in a building receive a minimum of 3 hours direct sunlight between 9 am and 3 pm at mid-winter


A maximum of 15% of apartments in a building receive no direct sunlight between 9 am and 3 pm at mid-winter












Objective 4A-3

Design incorporates shading and glare control, particularly for warmer months



Objective 4B-1

All habitable rooms are naturally ventilated



Objective 4B-2

The layout and design of single aspect apartments maximises natural ventilation



Objective 4B-3

The number of apartments with natural cross ventilation is maximised to create a comfortable indoor environment for residents



Design criteria


At least 60% of apartments are naturally cross ventilated in the first nine storeys of the building. Apartments at ten storeys or greater are deemed to be cross ventilated only if any enclosure of the balconies at these levels allows adequate natural ventilation and cannot be fully enclosed


Overall depth of a cross-over or cross-through apartment does not exceed 18m, measured glass line to glass line








Objective 4C-1

Ceiling height achieves sufficient natural ventilation and daylight access



Design criteria

Measured from finished floor level to finished ceiling level, minimum ceiling heights are:

Minimum ceiling height for apartment and mixed use buildings


Habitable rooms






For 2 storey apartments

2.7m for main living area floor

2.4m for second floor, where its area does not exceed 50% of the apartment area


Attic spaces

1.8m at edge of room with a 30 degree minimum ceiling slope


If located in mixed used areas


3.3m for ground and first floor to promote future flexibility of use



Objective 4C-2

Ceiling height increases the sense of space in apartments and provides for well-proportioned rooms


Objective 4C-3

Ceiling heights contribute to the flexibility of building use over the life of the building


Objective 4D-1

The layout of rooms within an apartment is functional, well organised and provides a high standard of amenity


Design criteria

Apartments are required to have the following minimum internal areas:

Apartment type

Minimum internal area





1 bedroom



2 bedroom


75m2 min

3 bedroom


110m2 min








The minimum internal areas include only one bathroom. Additional bathrooms increase the minimum internal area by 5m2 each


Every habitable room must have a window in an external wall with a total minimum glass area of not less than 10% of the floor area of the room. Daylight and air may not be borrowed from other rooms


Objective 4D-2

Environmental performance of the apartment is maximised


Design criteria


Habitable room depths are limited to a maximum of 2.5 x the ceiling height


In open plan layouts (where the living, dining and kitchen are combined) the maximum habitable room depth is 8m from a window




Objective 4D-3

Apartment layouts are designed to accommodate a variety of household activities and needs



Design criteria


Master bedrooms have a minimum area of 10m2 and other bedrooms 9m2 (excluding wardrobe space)


Bedrooms have a minimum dimension of 3m (excluding wardrobe space)

Proposed non-compliances:

2.7m width (Unit 21) and 2.8m width (Units 07 & 08)



Living rooms or combined living/dining rooms have a minimum width of:

·     3.6m for studio and 1 bedroom apartments (N/A)

·     4m for 2 and 3 bedroom apartments

Proposed non-compliances:

2.8m width (Units 01, 02, 03 & 04)



The width of cross-over or cross-through apartments are at least 4m internally to avoid deep narrow apartment layouts


















Objective 4E-1

Apartments provide appropriately sized private open space and balconies to enhance residential amenity


Design criteria

All apartments are required to have primary balconies as follows:

Dwelling type

Minimum area

Minimum depth

Studio apartments



1 bedroom apartments



2 bedroom apartments



3+ bedroom apartments



The minimum  Balcony depth to be counted as contributing to the balcony area is 1m




(9m2 and 2.3m min width)

For apartments at ground level or on a podium or similar structure, a private open space is provided instead of a balcony. It must have a minimum area of 15m2 and a minimum depth of 3m


(11m2 and 2.7m min depth)

Objective 4E-2

Primary private open space and balconies are appropriately located to enhance liveability for residents


Objective 4E-3

Private open space and balcony design is integrated into and contributes to the overall architectural form and detail of the building


Objective 4E-4

Private open space and balcony design maximises safety


Objective 4F-1

Common circulation spaces achieve good amenity and properly service the number of apartments


Design criteria


The maximum number of apartments off a circulation core on a single level is eight


For buildings of 10 storeys and over, the maximum number of apartments sharing a single lift is 40


Objective 4F-2

Common circulation spaces promote safety and provide for social interaction between residents


Objective 4G-1

Adequate, well designed storage is provided in each apartment


Design criteria

In addition to storage in kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms, the following storage is provided:

Dwelling type

Storage size volume

Studio apartments


1 bedroom apartments


2 bedroom apartments


3+ bedroom apartments




At least 50% of the required storage is to be located within the apartment.

Dwelling type

Storage size volume

Studio apartments


1 bedroom apartments


2 bedroom apartments


3+ bedroom apartments



(Condition 24)

Objective 4G-2

Additional storage is conveniently located, accessible and nominated for individual apartments


Objective 4H-1

Noise transfer is minimised through the siting of buildings and building layout


Objective 4H-2

Noise impacts are mitigated within apartments through layout and acoustic treatments


Objective 4J-1

In noisy or hostile environments the impacts of external noise and pollution are minimised through the careful siting and layout of buildings


Objective 4J-2

Appropriate noise shielding or attenuation techniques for the building design, construction and choice of materials are used to mitigate noise transmission


Objective 4K-1

A range of apartment types and sizes is provided to cater for different household types now and into the future


Objective 4K-2

The apartment mix is distributed to suitable locations within the building


Objective 4L-1

Street frontage activity is maximised where ground floor apartments are located


Objective 4L-2

Design of ground floor apartments delivers amenity and safety for residents


Objective 4M-1

Building facades provide visual interest along the street while respecting the character of the local area


Objective 4M-2

Building functions are expressed by the facade


Objective 4N-1

Roof treatments are integrated into the building design and positively respond to the street


Objective 4N-2

Opportunities to use roof space for residential accommodation and open space are maximised


Objective 4N-3

Roof design incorporates sustainability features


Objective 4O-1

Landscape design is viable and sustainable


Objective 4O-2

Landscape design contributes to the streetscape and amenity


Objective 4P-1

Appropriate soil profiles are provided


Objective 4P-2

Plant growth is optimised with appropriate selection and maintenance


Objective 4P-3

Planting on structures contributes to the quality and amenity of communal and public open spaces


Objective 4Q-1

Universal design features are included in apartment design to promote flexible housing for all community members


Objective 4Q-2

A variety of apartments with adaptable designs are provided. Adaptable housing should be provided in accordance with the relevant council policy (acceptable as discussed below)


Objective 4Q-3

Apartment layouts are flexible and accommodate a range of lifestyle needs


Objective 4R-1

New additions to existing buildings are contemporary and complementary and enhance an area's identity and sense of place


Objective 4R-2

Adapted buildings provide residential amenity while not precluding future adaptive reuse


Objective 4S-1

Mixed use developments are provided in appropriate locations and provide active street frontages that encourage pedestrian movement


Objective 4S-2

Residential levels of the building are integrated within the development, and safety and amenity is maximised for residents



Objective 4T-1

Awnings are well located and complement and integrate with the building design



Objective 4T-2

Signage responds to the context and desired streetscape character



Objective 4U-3

Development incorporates passive environmental design



Objective 4U-1


Objective 4U-2

Development incorporates passive solar design to optimise heat storage in winter and reduce heat transfer in summer

Adequate natural ventilation minimises the need for mechanical ventilation



Objective 4V-1

Potable water use is minimised



Objective 4V-2

Urban stormwater is treated on site before being discharged to receiving waters



Objective 4V-3

Flood management systems are integrated into site design



Objective 4W-1

Waste storage facilities are designed to minimise impacts on the streetscape, building entry and amenity of residents



Objective 4W-2

Domestic waste is minimised by providing safe and convenient source separation and recycling



Objective 4X-1

Building design detail provides protection from weathering



Objective 4X-2

Systems and access enable ease of maintenance



Objective 4X-3

Material selection reduces ongoing maintenance costs




An assessment of the variations to the design controls identified in the compliance table is provided below.


Communal open space


A central communal open space area is proposed as part of the development however the area represents 20% of the site, being less than the 25% minimum proportion specified by the design guidance. Notwithstanding, as stated by Council’s Urban Design Consultant, 690m2 is a significant quantity of common area for the proposed 22 units. The subject area is centrally located on site, includes a lawn area, BBQ and seating and is considered to provide good amenity, including solar access. As required by Condition 28, an accessible path from Building A is to be provided from the basement lift. Council’s Landscape Assessment Officer is satisfied with the communal open space area, which will enhance residential amenity and provide opportunities for landscaping in accordance with the objective of 3D-1, subject to conditions.


Building separation

Building B is oriented towards the north-eastern side boundary and provides a setback of 5.7 metres to this boundary, which does not meet the 6 metres specified by the design criteria. Notwithstanding, the separation provided is considered acceptable given the existing dwelling on the adjoining property (8 Pymble Ave) is set back approximately 11 metres from the subject boundary and the approved residential flat building on that property (DA0145/15) indicates a setback of 24 metres. Therefore, the total building separation provided in the case of the existing scenario and future envisaged buildings are well in excess of the required 12m, being 16.7 metres and 29.7 metres. Council’s urban design consultant is satisfied with the building separation provided and the proposal meets the objective of the control to achieve reasonable levels of external and internal visual privacy. Building A is oriented to the street and rear open space/communal area and does not pose any building separation or significant privacy issues having regard to its side elevations.


Apartment layouts


Several proposed units provide room dimensions that do not meet the minimum internal dimensions specified by the design guidance as indicated in the above table. In particular, Unit 21 provides a bedroom width of 2.7 metres and Units 07 and 08 provide widths of 2.8 metres, which do not meet the specified 3 metres minimum dimension. Additionally, Units 01, 02, 03 and 04 provide living rooms with widths of 2.8 metres, which do not meet the specified 4 metres minimum dimension.


As required by Condition 23, the subject bedroom of Unit 21 is to be increased in area to achieve the minimum 3 metres dimension in any direction and minimum area of 9m², which can be achieved by moving the hallway further to the north. Council’s Urban Design Consultant has advised that the other proposed variations are satisfactory with respect to internal amenity, given the sufficient overall areas provided in the subject rooms, which remain functional and can be furnished appropriately. As such, subject to the abovementioned condition, the apartment layouts are designed to accommodate a variety of household activities and needs in accordance with the objective 4D-3.


Private open space


The proposal provides private open space areas to the rear of all units, however some represent minor non-compliances with respect to the numerical areas/dimensions specified by the design guidance as indicated in the above table. The extent of the departures is negligible in all cases and the areas are supplemented by secondary open space areas provided at the unit frontages. The primary private open space areas are usable and accessible from the main living areas of the units and have northerly orientation such that good solar amenity is achieved. Additionally, generous open space area is provided for recreation opportunities and landscaping amenity within the common open space provided between the buildings. Overall, the proposed units provide appropriately sized private open space and balconies to enhance residential amenity in accordance with the objective of 4E-1.




The proposal does not provide the required internal storage area for each unit as specified by the design guideline (50% of the required storage is to be located within the apartment). Substantial basement/external storage is provided for each unit in excess of the overall storage area requirements, however internal storage for all units is also required to be demonstrated by Condition 24 in accordance with the guideline. Overall, the unit sizes are sufficient to accommodate required storage as advised by Council’s urban design consultant.


Local Content


Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan (Local Centres) 2012


Zoning and permissibility:


Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan 2015


The site is zoned R4- High Density Residential. The proposed development is defined as a residential flat building, a form of development permissible in the zone.


The zone objectives are:


§ To provide for the housing needs of the community within a high density residential environment.

§ To provide a variety of housing types within a high density residential environment.

§ To enable other land uses that provide facilities or services to meet the day to day needs of residents.

§ To provide for high density residential housing close to public transport, services and employment opportunities.


The proposal will provide additional housing in the form of 22 apartments. A mix of 6 x two bedroom and 16 x three bedroom apartments is proposed and has been supported by a market assessment submitted with the application. The three bedroom apartments have suitable courtyards/private open spaces and will provide an alternative form of housing for families, including those with children. In addition, the development provides a central common open space area for outdoor recreation between the buildings. The proposal complies with landscaping requirements subject to conditions, including deep soil areas for the provision of tall trees to balance the built form with the natural landscape. The site is within close proximity of the Pymble train station and the associated services of Pymble local centre. Overall, the proposal achieves a high standard of urban and architectural design and is supported by a BASIX certificate which demonstrates the achievement of sustainability objectives. The proposed development therefore upholds the zone objectives.


Development standards:


Development standard



Clause 4.3 Height of buildings:  11.5m

12.8m (Building A)

13.2m (Building B)


Clause 4.4 Floor space ratio (FSR):  0.8:1

Max allowable Gross Floor Area (GFA): 2891.6m2

0.77:1 (proposed GFA: 2795m2)


Clause 6.5 Site requirements for multi dwelling housing and residential flat buildings:

Minimum 1200m2 site area and

1 street frontage of 30m for sites 1800m2









Clause 4.3 Height of buildings


Under Clause 4.3 of the LEP, the height of a building on the site is not to exceed 11.5 metres. Design amendments were made to reduce the building height during the assessment of the application as recommended by Council officers. Notwithstanding, the proposed development as amended has a building height of up to 12.8 metres for Building A and 13.2 metres for Building B. The extent of the proposed variation is up to 1.7 metres (14.8%) and as a percentage of the entire volume of the development, the exceedance represents approximately 2.2% of the development. The breaches arise largely as a consequence of the topography, in particular the depression (drainage line/riparian area) that traverses the width of the site.


Clause 4.6 “Exceptions to development standards” of the LEP allows Council to vary development standards in certain circumstances and provides an appropriate degree of flexibility to achieve better design outcomes. Council may grant the exception as the Director-General’s concurrence can be assumed where Clause 4.6 is adopted in accordance with the Department of Planning Circular PS 08–003, dated 9 May 2008.


Accordingly, the applicant has made a submission pursuant to Clause 4.6 requesting a variation to the building height development standard. In order to demonstrate whether flexibility in applying the development standard is appropriate in this instance, the request has been considered against the provisions of Clause 4.6 below:


Clause 4.6 provision


Whether the proposed development is consistent with the objectives of the particular standard.



The proposal is consistent with the objectives of the standard in that it presents a building height appropriate for the scale of the site’s immediate context within the streetscape and that within the Pymble local centre and broader locality. The proposal establishes a transition in scale between the centres and the adjoining lower density residential zones to protect local amenity, and also provides a built form that is compatible with the size of the land.


The proposal presents a scale and built form that is also acceptable having regard to the applicable assessment criteria prescribed by the SEPP 65 ADG and KDCP, including building separation, setbacks and site coverage. The proposed height is also responsive to local amenity by maintaining suitable soft landscaping space, including deep soil area to enable the retention and planting of tall trees, characteristic of the locality.

Whether the proposed development is consistent with the objectives for development within the zone.



The proposal is consistent with the objectives of the R4 zone. In particular, the proposal provides for the housing needs of the community within a high density residential environment, and includes a variety of housing types by providing 22 units comprising a mix of 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. The site is within close proximity to the public transport, services and employment opportunities provided within Pymble local centre. Pymble railway station is approximately 200 metres walking distance from the site.

Whether compliance with the development standard unreasonable or unnecessary in the circumstances of the case.



The applicant provides that compliance is unreasonable and unnecessary as all clause 4.6 criteria are satisfied, being that the development achieves the objectives of both the standard and zone and there are sufficient environmental planning grounds to justify the variation. In particular:


i.    The proposed variation of the development standard will not result in any significant adverse impacts on the amenity of the neighbouring buildings in terms of overshadowing, privacy, outlook and amenity when compared to a complying scheme.


ii.   The proposed variation will have no significant impact on the streetscape or on the visual privacy and solar access of neighbouring developments.


iii.  Geographically, the proposal is located in a low-lying area of the locality with limited opportunities for significant views. The proposed building elements above the height limit will not obscure any significant view lines and respects the values of view sharing.

Whether there are sufficient environmental planning grounds to justify contravening the development standard.



The applicant provides that there are site specific and development specific environmental planning ground/s for the proposed variation, namely:


i.    The site contains unique characteristics in terms of its gradient and natural constraints with an RL ranging from 111.6m to 124.2m. The development has been ‘stepped’ in response to the topography. As a result, the elements of the roofscape that protrude above the maximum building height - resulting in a variation - are directly related to the slope of the site.


ii.   A riparian zone bisects the site at its lowest point, which is maintained and enhanced by the proposed development, having a 20 metres wide buffer zone between Building A and Building B and suspended access way between the buildings.


iii.  There are a number of significant trees, biodiversity and ecological values on the site which are preserved by the proposal by a restricted development footprint.


iv.  The proposed exceedances of the height of buildings development standard respond to the unique environmental characteristics of the site and allow high level solar access where ground level access would not otherwise have been attainable due to the topography. When viewed from Livingstone Avenue the proposed development will not noticeably breach the height of building development standard.

Whether the proposed development is in the public interest.



The proposal is considered to be in the public interest as it is consistent with the zone and development standard objectives.

Whether the proposed development is consistent with objectives of clause 4.6, being, whether by allowing flexibility in the particular circumstances a better outcome for and from the development is achieved.



The applicant has demonstrated that the proposal is consistent with the objectives of clause 4.6 and that allowing an appropriate degree of flexibility to permit a contravention of the height of buildings development standard will achieve a better outcome for and from the development.


In particular, strict compliance with the building height development standard whilst providing a development envisaged by the zone would involve a substantially increased building footprint that would have adverse environmental and amenity outcomes with respect to the natural topography of the site, riparian area, significant trees, biodiversity and ecological values.


The submitted request to vary the development standard is supported and flexibility in applying the height of buildings development standard is considered appropriate in this circumstance.


Clause 5.9 – Preservation of trees or vegetation


Council’s Landscape and Tree Assessment Officer is satisfied that the proposed tree removal is acceptable and that the development will not unduly impact upon any existing significant trees or vegetation that is to be retained, subject to conditions.


Clause 5.10 – Heritage conservation


Council’s Heritage Advisor is satisfied with the proposed development, subject to conditions.


Clause 6.1 – Earthworks


Proposed earthworks for the development, including excavation for the basement, will not restrict the existing or future use of the site, adversely impact on neighbouring amenity, the quality of the water table or disturb any known relics. Additionally, the fill to be removed will be disposed of appropriately.


Clause 6.2 - Stormwater and water sensitive urban design


Council’s Development Engineer has given consideration to the objective of this clause which seeks to minimise the adverse impacts of urban water on the site and within the catchment. The stormwater design adequately manages water quality and control discharge volumes and frequency, subject to conditions.


Policy Provisions (DCPs, Council policies, strategies and management plans)


Ku-ring-gai Local Centres Development Control Plan


The proposed development as amended has been assessed against the aims of the policy and is found to be acceptable.


Since the date of the application lodgement (16 March 2016), the Ku-ring-gai Local Centres Development Control Plan (DCP) was amended and came into effect on 24 June 2016. The amended DCP does not include any savings or transitional provisions for applications that were under assessment at that time. Accordingly, the below compliance table reflects the controls of the DCP as amended.




Development control




Part 3 Land Consolidation and Subdivision


3A.1 – Lot shape, orientation and design


The lot shape, orientation and design of consolidated and subdivided lots is to demonstrate the following:


·     Ability for the lot to support the land use permitted under the zoning

·     Protection of habitat and distinctive environmental features

·     Sharing of views

·     Avoiding the location of development on steep lands

·     Protection and enhancement of the amenity, solar access, privacy, open space and views of the neighbouring lots

·     Minimisation of impacts of the development (including any asset protection zones required) on riparian or Greenweb lands

·     Incorporation of the principles of water sensitive urban design

·     Easements and servicing requirements

·     Vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle access

·     Respect for and conservation of cultural heritage including any Aboriginal place or site of heritage significance

·     Minimisation of the need for bush fire hazard reduction, while protecting life and property.

The shape, orientation and design of the amalgamated lots is acceptable having regard to the relevant matters for consideration.


The site is able to support the land use permitted by the zone and the proposed development design is sympathetic to the amenity of locality and neighbouring properties, including solar access, privacy and visual impacts.


The proposal involves the protection of distinctive environmental features on the site, including the riparian area, and significant biodiversity and ecological values.


The proposal is designed in response to the topography of the site with the separate building footprints and the building height stepped down with the natural grade.


Associated servicing has been appropriately incorporated with the development, including access and parking, stormwater management to minimise runoff.




The block width, dimension, orientation and layout are to consider the existing subdivision pattern of the locality.


New lot/s created are to be such that each lot with street frontage allows for the siting of a development which will address the street.


Gated communities will not be permitted.

The amalgamated lots are acceptable having regard to the subdivision pattern of the locality and the prevailing dimensions, orientation and layout.


The development has a suitable interface to the street.





3B – Land consolidation


Land consolidation is to increase the width of the street frontage and avoid irregular lot configuration.

The land consolidation increases site width appropriately and forms an acceptable configuration having regard to surrounding allotments and zoning.



Where development is proposed to cross lot boundaries, consolidation of the subject lots will be required.

Lot consolidation is required by Condition 4.



Sites are to be consolidated to avoid isolating an adjoining site or sites. In particular potential redevelopment of the

adjoining site or sites in accordance with its zoning must not be compromised.

The proposal does not result in isolation of adjoining sites with respect to zoning and redevelopment potential.



Part 7 Residential Flat Buildings


7A.1 – Local character and streetscape


Provide a garden setting with buildings surrounded by landscaped gardens, including canopy trees, on all sides.

The landscape plan demonstrates provision of a garden setting with buildings surrounded by landscaped gardens as required, including canopy trees. The high quality characteristics of the locality are maintained by the development.



7A.2 – Site layout


Site layout responds to site analysis


Buildings with a frontage to the street must address the street


Buildings address and provide building entry points to all site frontages


Soft landscaping, including canopy trees, provided between onsite buildings, fences and courtyard walls


Hard surface areas minimised to maximise landscaping


No long straight driveways / driveways designed to minimise visual impact


Single pedestrian entry point provided from each street. Other entries permitted for several buildings addressing the street.


Three hours of direct sunlight between 9am and 3pm on 21st June is maintained to:

·     existing residential flat buildings and multi-dwelling housing on adjoining lots

·     residential development in adjoining lower density zones

Overshadowing does not compromise the development potential of adjoining sites.



















Multiple entry points (3) provided from street frontage








































7A.3 Building setbacks


Street setback

10.0m from the street boundary






2m articulation zone behind street setback and <40% occupied by building

Uniform front setback (2m articulation not provided)





Side and rear setbacks

·     6m for all levels up to the fourth storey

·     9m to the fifth storey and above (N/A)


Side – north-east:

3m (Bldg A) & 5.6m (Bldg B)


Rear: 6m







Side and rear setbacks at a zone interface

·     9m from the side and rear boundary up to the fourth storey

·     12m from the side and rear boundary for the fifth storey and above (N/A)


Side – south-west (E4 Environmental Living / R2 Low Density Residential zone interfaces):

6.3m (Bldg A) & 5.9m (Bldg B)







Driveway set back a minimum of 6m from the side boundary within the street setback to allow for deep soil planting









Basements are not to encroach into any setback areas

Basement set back 4m from south-western side boundary/zone interface (5m encroachment given zone interface requires 9m setback)




Ground floor terrace/courtyards may encroach into the setback area provided there is a minimum setback to the terrace edge/courtyard wall of:

8m to street boundary

4m to rear & side boundaries

7m from side and rear boundaries of land zoned for lower density

Street: 7.5m


Rear: 4m


Side – north-east:

3m (Bldg A & Bldg B)


Side – south-west (zone interface): 5.9m











No encroachments where minimum setbacks have not been achieved.

Side setbacks not achieved as above




<15% of the street setback area occupied by terraces/courtyards




7A.4 Building separation


The minimum separation between residential buildings on the development site is:

Up to 4th storey:

·     12m between habitable rooms/balconies

·     9m between habitable rooms/balconies and non-habitable rooms

·     6m between non-habitable rooms

>23m separation in all cases between Bldg A & Bldg B










7A.5 Site coverage


Max 30% of the site area




7A.6 Deep soil landscaping


A minimum deep soil landscaping area of 50% is required.




Tree replenishment and planting: 11 trees required

>11 trees retained/proposed



At least 50% of all tree plantings are to be locally occurring trees and spread around the site.




7B – Access and parking


7B.1 Car parking provision



All parking within basement


Parking within basement




Car parking does not project more than 1 metre above natural ground level

Partial basement projection >1m above ground level



Single lane aisles, straight ramps and tunnels max 12.0m in length





Direct and continuous internal pedestrian access from basement car park is provided to each level of the building




Car parking to comply with AS2890.1




Car parking rates:

Two bedrooms

1.0 spaces

1.25 spaces

Three or more bedrooms

1.4 spaces

2 spaces

Required range: 29 to 40 spaces


Visitors: 1 per 6 units

Required visitor spaces: 4 spaces


29 resident spaces





4 visitor spaces










At least one visitor parking space is to comply with the dimensional and locational requirements of AS2890.6.




Temporary service/removalist vehicle space provided




7B.2 Bicycle parking and support facilities provision


-       A minimum of 1 bicycle space per 5 units provided within the residential car park area

-       A minimum of 1 bicycle space per 10 units provided for visitors in the visitor car park area












7C – Building design and sustainability


7C.2 – Communal open space


At least 10% of the site area must be provided as communal open space




A single parcel of communal open space (COS) with a minimum area of 80m2, minimum dimensions of 8m and 3 hours solar access to 50% of the space on 21 June is provided

COS located in central area between buildings (690m2 area and >8m minimum dimension), which will receive more than 3 hours solar access as required



Communal open space located behind building line at ground level



Secondary communal open space has a minimum dimension of 5.0m and may be located on roof tops.

COS located behind building line




N/A (secondary COS not required)







Shared facilities such as BBQs, shade structures, play equipment and seating provided in the communal open space


The COS area includes a lawn area, a BBQ and seating. The BBQ area is to be relocated to the western end of the communal open space with an accessible path from Building A provided from the basement lift as required by Condition 28.



Access for people with a disability is provided to and within communal open space

Disabled access as required by Condition 28.



Capable of surveillance from 2 apartments, no entrapment areas and well lit




Garden maintenance storage, water and drainage connections provided

As maintenance is likely to be undertaken by a contractor storage for equipment is not required. The provision of taps for irrigation is a requirement of the BASIX Certificate.



7C.3 Ground floor apartments


Gates from each ground floor apartment private open space into common areas where practical




No subterranean rooms to any part of any apartment




No ground floor apartments created as a result of excessive excavation.




No dwelling walls have direct contact to soil and below the adjacent ground level




Internal finished floor level and private open space is not to be more than 0.9m below existing ground level




Ground level adjacent to the building levelled to the finished floor level for a distance of 3.0m from the building line




7C.4 Apartment mix and accessibility


Range of apartment sizes included within the development




Mix of 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments located on the ground level.

2 and 3 bedroom apartments at the ground floor level.



All apartments meet the Silver Level under the Livable Housing Design Guidelines

82% (18 units) - The application was submitted prior to the commencement of this requirement.



15% of the dwellings meet the Platinum Level under the Livable Housing Design


13.6% (3 units) - The application was submitted prior to the commencement of this requirement.





At least 70% of all dwellings are visitable

82% (18 units)



7C.5 – Building entries


Buildings address the street either:

·   with main entrances to lift lobbies directly accessible and visible from the street; or

·   with the path to the building entry readily visible from the street where site configuration is conducive to having a side entry.

The main accessible and visible pedestrian entrance to the site is provided by a footbridge from the street to Bldg A lift lobby/foyer and extending to the rear as a footbridge to Bldg B. Two additional access points are provided, adjacent to each of the side boundaries.



Entry foyers no more than 1m above ground level.

Main entry foyer at ground level



All entry areas are well lit and designed to avoid any concealment or entrapment areas; with no light spill.





Lockable mail boxes are provided close to the street; at 90 degrees to the street, meet Australia Post standards and integrated with front fences or building entries.

YES - required by Condition 23



Buildings are to have a clearly visible building entry for each vertical circulation core with clear way-finding signs integrated into the external circulation pathway system.




Building entry paths min 1.2m wide, within the common area with 1.2m on either side for landscape planting

YES – landscape planting by Condition 28




1.5m wide common circulation corridors and 1.8m wide at lifts

YES – sufficient widths for circulation corridors and lifts



7C.6 Building form and facades


·    Designed to avoid entrapment areas

·    Modulated and designed to avoid:

large flat walls undifferentiated

window openings applied treatments

one single predominant finish or material

·   No single wall plane exceeds 81m2

·   Air conditioning units not located on building façade or within private open space

·   No balconies run full length of building façade

·   Balconies do not project more than 1.5m

No entrapment areas;

No large flat walls;

Windows do not appears as applied treatments or relied upon to break up facades;

Acceptable selection of materials and finishes;

No single wall plane exceeds 81m2

All air conditioning units to be located in the basement as required by Condition 41;

No balconies run the full length of any façade;

No balconies project more than 1.5m beyond the façade.



Continuous length of any elevation does not exceed 36m.

Bldg A: 35m

Bldg B: 48m




7C.7 Building storeys


Maximum number of stores above the basement:


building height


number of storeys









Bldg A: 3 storeys

Bldg B: Part 4 storeys





7C.8 Top storey design and roof forms


GFA does not exceed 60% of the floor below

Building A: 94%

Building B: 42%




The top storey of a building is to be set back a minimum of 2.4m from the outer face of the floors below on all sides.

Building A: top storey not set back

Building B: top storey not set back




Service elements (plant, air conditioning, solar panels, lift overruns etc.) integrated into overall design

Air conditioning condenser units located within the basement as required by Condition 41



Roof design is to respond to solar access and prevailing weather with the use of eaves, skillion roof, awnings and the like with a minimum overhang of 0.6m

Flat roof design with use of sun shading devices over windows



7C.9 Laundry and air clothes drying facilities


Each apartment has access to an external air clothes drying area, e.g. a screened balcony, a terrace or common area

External clothes drying area available and required by Condition 95.



External air clothes drying areas are screened from public and common open space areas

Clothes drying area to be screened as required by Condition 34.



7C.10 Fencing


Front boundary fences and walls (to a public street) and side boundary fences within the street setback are not to be higher than:

-      0.9m if of solid construction

-      1.2m if of open construction


Solid front fence maximum 1.8m and set back minimum 2m on busy roads or from noise sources only


Fences stepped to follow natural contours


Hedges/shrubs along the entire front boundary do not exceed 1.2m and 1.8m on busy roads


External finishes are robust and graffiti resistant


Fence heights to ground floor private open space, courtyards etc. do not exceed:

·    1.2m to any street frontage

·    1.8m to any side or rear boundary (max 1.2m high solid and a minimum 30% transparent component above).

1.2m high open picket fences to front terrace areas of Bldg A



















1.2m high open picket fences to POS areas of Bldg B
























An assessment of the variations to the design controls identified in the compliance table is provided below.


6A.2 Site layout


The DCP specifies that a single pedestrian entry point be provided from each street. The proposal provides three pedestrian entry points which are each considered acceptable, given the site and design characteristics of the development. The site has a considerable frontage/width and the proposed entry points each provide practical access points to the development. In particular, the main entry is provided by an accessible bridge from the site frontage to the lobby/lift foyer of Building A in response to the steep grade. The other two entries provide purposeful access adjacent to each side boundary, serving the north-eastern units of Building A and providing at grade access to the common open space area between the buildings. The main/central entrance provides a clear and legible address for the development, particularly by virtue of the access bridge and the other paths appear as secondary/ancillary and will not impact the streetscape or neighbouring properties. Ample provision for landscaping within the front setback is maintained to soften the appearance of the development in accordance with the objectives of Part 6A.2.


Overall, site layout is considered appropriate and the design of the development is responsive to the site analysis, particularly the topography, significant riparian and ecological values and allotment configuration.


7A.3 Building setbacks


Street setback


Building A has a relatively uniform front setback of 10 metres, which complies with the minimum street setback requirement. However, the building does not provide a 2 metres articulation zone beyond the front building alignment as required by the DCP and the ground floor courtyards are set back 7.5 metres, thereby encroaching into the 8 metres minimum requirement. Nonetheless, the proposal is acceptable having regard to its relationship with the streetscape by virtue of the substantial soft landscaped area within the front setback, which includes provision for existing and proposed trees and vegetation to soften the appearance of the built form. The courtyard encroachment is relatively minor (0.5 metres) and is considered to not be discernible, particularly given the adjacent soft landscaping provision within the courtyards themselves. Additionally, the fall in ground level from the street frontage towards the building further mitigates the appearance of built form in this regard.


Side setbacks/encroachments


The amended proposal provides north-eastern side setbacks of 3 metres and 5.6 metres for Building A and Building B, respectively. These setbacks do not meet the minimum 6 metres required by the DCP and the proposed ground floor terraces/courtyards encroach into these areas as indicated in the above table. However, the proposed departures are considered justified having regard to the objectives of the DCP and given that the proposal will not significantly impact neighbouring amenity or the streetscape. In particular, suitable privacy and visual amenity will be maintained to the neighbouring properties given the building separation and design (including window placement), screen planting provision and level/topographical differences between the subject site and adjoining properties (the subject site being lower than those to the north-east). The orientation of Building A is such that it faces the front and rear open space areas. The non-compliance is negligible in the case of Building B, being 0.4 metres.


The DCP specifies increased building setbacks of 9 metres as applied to the south-western side boundary given it forms a zone interface with lower density sites, being E4 – Environmental living and R2 – Low density residential. The amended proposal provides south-western side setbacks of 6.3 metres and 5.9 metres for Building A and Building B, respectively, with the basement being set back 4 metres. Strict compliance with the 9 metres setback specification is considered unreasonable in the circumstances given the constraints of the site configuration, particularly the narrow rear portion of the site where Building B is located. It is also considered that the proposed south-western side setbacks (including the terraces/courtyards) satisfy the applicable DCP objectives and will not significantly impact neighbouring amenity or the streetscape. Notably, a suitable transition is provided to the adjoining sites, which will benefit from an uninterrupted corridor of screen planting as provided within the setback, including canopy trees. Privacy will be further supplemented by the proposed 1.65 metres high screening and planter box along the access way for Building B. The orientation of Building A is such that it faces the front and rear open space areas. The overall built form of the development is acceptable given the site constraints and shadow diagrams provided indicate the development will provide compliant levels of solar access.


Additionally, the driveway setback of 4 metres to the south-western side setback is considered adequate despite not meeting the specified 6m requirement. The setback provided will allow for sufficient planting to the satisfaction of Council’s Landscape Officer, which will soften the appearance of hard surfaces to the street. Notably, the setback of the driveway increases to in excess of 6m behind the front building line, which will enable additional deep soil planting.


7B.1 Car parking provision


The proposal provides on-site car parking within basements beneath Building A and Building B, however the basements project more than 1 metre above existing ground level, contrary to the requirement of Part 7B.1-4 of the DCP. The maximum extent of the projections is 3 metres, which occurs at the basement openings. This is as a result of the topographical depression that traverses the site between the buildings such that the basements are at ground level in these areas. Notably, given the significant grade, the basement beneath Building B basement is some 9 metres below the natural ground line at the rear of the site. It is considered that further excavation to lower the basement would detrimentally affect vehicular access due to excessive grades and necessitate excavation in the riparian corridor, contrary to biodiversity and ecological values. The basement projections are located centrally on the site and predominantly internal such that they will not significantly add to any visual impacts associated with building form as viewed from the street or neighbouring properties. Furthermore, landscaping will suitably assist in obscuring and softening the building form.


7C.4 Apartment mix and accessibility


Apartment mix

The proposal as amended provides a mix of two and three-bedroom apartments of a range of sizes (between 75m2 and 128m2) however does not include one-bedroom apartments as required by Part 7C.4 of the DCP. The applicant submitted a market assessment in support of the proposed unit mix, which is considered acceptable having regard to the objectives of this Part and the following factors:


·     The mix increases the diversity of the housing supply pipeline within the locality.

·     The mix supports the housing needs of the projected future population for the locality, which is expected to comprise of a high proportion of family and empty-nester households which tend to prefer larger housing typologies.

·     The site is located in proximity to a number of educational establishments which are expected to increase the attractiveness of this site to family households seeking proximity to this social infrastructure.

·     The proposal provides a mixture of dwelling layouts suitable to a range of prospective households.



The DCP requires all residential flat buildings and apartments to be designed to Silver Level under the Livable Housing Design Guidelines and 15% designed to Platinum Level. As stated in the submitted access report, the proposal nominates 82% (18 units) to be capable of compliance under the Livable Housing Design Guidelines, with 13.6% (3 units) capable of compliance to Platinum Level, which does not meet the numerical requirements of the DCP. Notably, these controls were imposed as part of the amended DCP and were not in force when the application was lodged. Additionally, the access report indicates that Silver Level of housing is unable to be achieved to 18% of the units given the steep grade of the site and resultant necessity for steps from the street or car parking space.


Overall, the proposal provides a reasonable level of accessibility for the ageing demographic, including at grade access from the street to both buildings via pedestrian footbridges and communal lifts from the basement car parks. Suitable access provision to the communal open space is required by Condition 28.


7C.6 Building form and facades


Building length

The DCP requires that the continuous length of any elevation does not exceed 36 metres. The proposed Building A is compliant in this regard, however Building B has a side elevation of 48 metres. Notably, Part 7C.6-17 also states that the length of such elevation may exceed 36 metres provided that:

i)        the facade is recessed in depth and width to appear as distinctive and separate building bays or wings; and

ii)       the recess is retained as common area with landscaping which includes at least one medium tree.


The side elevations of Building B are considered acceptable on the basis of the above considerations.  Additionally, visual bulk/scale of the building is mitigated by the stepped height in response to the topography. The proposed materials and finishes also add design interest to suitably negate impacts of built form.


7C.7 Building storeys


Building B as amended is in part 4 storeys, thereby exceeding the maximum 3 storeys building height control as applicable to the site. The additional storey is considered reasonable in the circumstances of the topographical constraints of the site, which is also discussed above in relation to the basement projection. In accordance with the Part 7C.7-2, the size of the floor plate of the development responds appropriately to these topographical constraints as reflected in the design of the separate building footprints (Building A and Building B) to negotiate the depression across the centre of the site and protect the significant riparian and ecological values therein. Accordingly, the proposal as amended satisfies the objectives of Part 7C.7.


7C.8 Top storey design and roof forms


The amended proposal involved reductions in the floor area of the top storeys of the buildings, in particular to Building B, where the amended top storey floor space represents 42% of the floor space of the level below. However, the equivalent proportion for Building A is 94%, which remains in excess of the maximum 60% specified by the DCP. Additionally, the top storeys of each building are not set back 2.4 metres from the outer face of the floors below on all sides, contrary to the DCP control. Notwithstanding, the proposed top storey designs and roof forms are considered acceptable having regard to the objectives of this Part given the absence of any significant impacts and architectural design features which will suitably minimise visual impacts of built form. These design features include a tapered roof design, facade articulation, Juliette balconies and varied materials and finishes, which suitably differentiate the top floor of the building from those below. Additionally, the building form will be further mitigated by suitable building setbacks and soft landscaping areas therein, including provision for canopy trees.


Volume B – Part 2 Site design for water management


The configuration and composition of the development is considered to be consistent with the controls of Part 2 – Site design for water management.


Volume C - Part 1 Site design


The configuration and composition of the development is considered to be consistent with the controls of Part 1 – Site design contained within the DCP.


Volume C – Part 2 Access and parking


The basements have been designed to satisfy the design criteria and controls as required by Part 2 of the DCP. 

In addition, the application is accompanied by a detailed traffic report and analysis that demonstrates that the development will have an acceptable impact upon traffic flows and movements within the local area and that the basement allows for the necessary movements for vehicles that need to access it.


The basement is also acceptable, providing appropriate ancillary facilities, including bicycle parking, adaptable car parking and shared bays, waste storage and provision of a loading bay for service and removalists vehicles.


Volume C – Part 4 Water management


A stormwater plan has been submitted which demonstrates how stormwater generated by the development will be managed to control run off and associated impacts.


Consistent with the comments of Council’s Development Engineer, the design of the stormwater system is acceptable and there are no objections to water management aspects of the proposal, subject to conditions.


Volume C – Part 5 Notification controls


The proposed development has been notified in accordance with the requirements of Volume C – Part 5 of the notification controls. The submissions received are addressed above.


Section 94 Development Contributions Plan 2010


The development attracts a section 94 contribution of $641,642.39 which is required to be paid prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate (Condition 52).


Likely Impacts


The likely impacts of the development have been considered within this report and are deemed to be acceptable, subject to conditions.


Suitability of the Site


The site is suitable for the proposed development.


Public Interest


The public interest is best served by the consistent application of the requirements of the relevant Environmental Planning Instruments, and by Council ensuring that any adverse effects on the surrounding area and the environment are minimised. The proposal has been assessed against the relevant environmental planning instruments and is deemed to be acceptable. On this basis, the proposal is considered to be in the public interest.




Having regard to the provisions of section 79C of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the proposed development is considered to be satisfactory.





A.   THAT Council, as the consent authority, is of the opinion that the request submitted under clause 4.6 of KLEP (Local Centres) 2012 to vary the building height development standard has met the requirements of clause 4.6(4). Council is also of the opinion that strict compliance with the development standard is unreasonable and unnecessary in the circumstances of the case and that there are sufficient environmental planning grounds to justify the variation to the development standard.




B.   THAT Council, as the consent authority, being satisfied that the proposed development will be in the public interest, grant deferred commencement development consent to DA0115/16 for the demolition of existing structures and construction of a residential flat development containing 22 units, basement parking and landscaping works on land at 9, 11 & 11A Livingstone Avenue, Pymble. Pursuant to Section 95(6) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, this consent lapses if the approved works are not physically commenced within two years from the date on which the consent becomes operable.


SCHEDULE A: Deferred Commencement – Term(s) to be satisfied prior to the consent becoming operable


Evidence required to satisfy the following condition must be submitted to Council within twenty four (24) months of the date of this consent. This consent will lapse if all deferred commencement conditions are not satisfied within twenty four (24) months of the date of this consent.


Drainage easement (deferred commencement)


1.       The applicant shall submit documentary evidence that the property benefits from a           registered drainage easement or easements over all downstream properties as far as           the public drainage system. This consent will not operate until the documentary           evidence has been submitted to and approved by Council’s Development Engineer.  This   documentation must include evidence that the easement has been registered with NSW           Land and Property Information.


Reason:         To ensure that provision is made for stormwater drainage from the site in a proper manner that protects adjoining properties.


Once the consent becomes operable, the conditions in Schedule B will apply. Upon written receipt from Council that the deferred commencement condition in Schedule A has been satisfied, the following conditions will apply:





SCHEDULE B: Conditions of consent:-




1.     Approved architectural plans and documentation (new development)


The development must be carried out in accordance with the following plans and documentation listed below and endorsed with Council’s stamp, except where amended by other conditions of this consent:


Plan no.

Drawn by



Brewster Murray

Nov 2016


Brewster Murray

Nov 2016


Brewster Murray

Nov 2016


Brewster Murray

Nov 2016


Brewster Murray

Nov 2016


Brewster Murray

Nov 2016


Brewster Murray

Nov 2016


Brewster Murray

Nov 2016


Brewster Murray

Nov 2016


Brewster Murray

Nov 2016


Brewster Murray

Nov 2016


Brewster Murray

Nov 2016


Brewster Murray

Nov 2016


Brewster Murray

Nov 2016


Brewster Murray

Nov 2016


Brewster Murray

Nov 2016

Stormwater plans:


J&M Group



J&M Group



J&M Group



J&M Group



J&M Group


Landscape plans:


Site Design and Studios



Site Design and Studios



Site Design and Studios



Site Design and Studios





Flood Impact Study letter (Storm Consulting)

4 June 2015

Flood Impact Study (Storm Consulting)

7 May 2015

Water Cycle Management Plan (J&M Group)

11 February 2016

Geotechnical Investigation (Asset Geotechnical)

24 September 2015

Basix certificate No. 701686M_05

10 May 2017

Vegetation Management Plan (Keystone Ecological)

26 February 2016

Sample board – DA1200 (Brewster Murray)

February 2016

Reason:         To ensure that the development is in accordance with the determination.


2.     Approved Vegetation Management Plan (VMP)


Vegetation Management Plan works shall be carried out in accordance with the amended Vegetation Management Plan prepared by Keystone Ecological as amended by conditions of this consent.


·           All works detailed within the VMP-revegetation, weed removal, weed techniques, environmental protection measures and proposed planting are to be carried out in accordance with the amended VMP.

·           All noxious and environmental weeds are to be removed from within the VMP area.


·           All works at all times within the Blue Gum High Forest community are to be conducted by a suitably qualified bush regenerator. The minimum qualifications and experience (for bush regenerator) are a TAFE Certificate 2 in Bushland Regeneration and one year demonstrated experience (for other personnel).  In addition, the site supervisor is to be eligible for full professional membership of the Australian Association of Bush Regenerators (AABR).


Reason:         To ensure the protection and enhancement of Blue Gum High Forest and the area of biodiversity significance and riparian lands.


3.     Inconsistency between documents


In the event of any inconsistency between conditions of this consent and the drawings/documents referred to above, the conditions of this consent prevail.


Reason:         To ensure that the development is in accordance with the determination.


Conditions to be satisfied prior to demolition, excavation or construction:


4.     Lot consolidation


Prior to the commencement of works, the applicant must consolidate Lot C DP 391729, Lot 2 DP 540437 and Lot 1 DP 540437 into one allotment which will form the development site. Evidence of lot consolidation, in the form of a plan registered with the Land and Property Information must be submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority, prior to works commencing.


Reason:       To facilitate the orderly development of land.


5.     Fauna protection


Prior to works commencing and/or tree removal works a qualified ecologist shall investigate trees/vegetation for fauna occupation. 


Prior to the removal of tree/vegetation an ecologist is to install four nest boxes within close proximity to the area in which tree removal is being undertaken. Two medium mammal box and 2 small bird/mammal box are to be installed within indigenous trees to be retained within the site. Nest boxes are to be installed at a height of greater than 5m and positioned on the south-eastern side of trees.


The ecologist shall supervise the relocation of any fauna found within the trees into the installed nest boxes in accordance with appropriate licensing requirements.


The qualified ecologist must hold an Animal Ethics Permit from the Department of Industry & Investment  and a wildlife licence under section 132C of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 issued by the Office of Environment & Heritage. Evidence of engagement of the qualified ecologist and the required licensing must be provided to the Private Certifying Authority with a copy to Council prior to the trees being removed.


Reason:         To ensure the protection of fauna species.


6.     Project arborist


A suitably qualified project arborist (AQF level 5) is to be engaged to advise the Principal Certifying Authority on the protection of trees at the site and to supervise the installation and maintenance of tree protection measures required by this consent.


Prior to the commencement of any works including demolition on the site in areas required to be protected by this consent, the project arborist shall inspect the site and satisfy himself/herself that the protection measures  are in accordance with the approved design and must provide a written certification to the Principal Certifying Authority to that effect.


If not satisfied, the project arborist must provide to the Principal Certifying Authority a list of works that are to be completed to ensure compliance with all conditions of consent relating to the protection of trees at the site. Those works must be undertaken to the satisfaction of the project arborist.


Reason:         To ensure protection of existing trees.


7.     Asbestos works


All work involving asbestos products and materials, including asbestos-cement-sheeting (ie. Fibro), must be carried out in accordance with the guidelines for asbestos work published by Safe Work NSW.


Reason:         To ensure public safety.


8.     Notice of commencement


At least 48 hours prior to the commencement of any development (including demolition, excavation, shoring or underpinning works), a notice of commencement of building or subdivision work form and appointment of the principal certifying authority form shall be submitted to Council.


Reason:         Statutory requirement.


9.     Notification of builder’s details


Prior to the commencement of any development or excavation works, the Principal Certifying Authority shall be notified in writing of the name and contractor licence number of the owner/builder intending to carry out the approved works.


Reason:         Statutory requirement.


10.   Dilapidation survey and report (public infrastructure)


Prior to the commencement of any development or excavation works on site, the Principal Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that a dilapidation report on the visible and structural condition of all structures of the following public infrastructure, has been completed and submitted to Council:


Public infrastructure


·        Full road pavement width, including kerb and gutter, of Livingstone Avenue over the site frontage, including the full intersection.

·        All driveway crossings and laybacks opposite the subject site.


The report must be completed by a consulting structural/civil engineer. Particular attention must be paid to accurately recording (both written and photographic) existing damaged areas on the aforementioned infrastructure so that Council is fully informed when assessing any damage to public infrastructure caused as a result of the development.


The developer may be held liable to any recent damage to public infrastructure in the vicinity of the site, where such damage is not accurately recorded by the requirements of this condition prior to the commencement of works.


Note:    A written acknowledgment from Council must be obtained (attesting to this condition being appropriately satisfied) and submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority prior to the commencement of any excavation works.


Reason:         To record the structural condition of public infrastructure before works commence.


11.   Archival recording of buildings


Prior to the commencement of any development or excavation works on site, the Principal Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that an archival report has been submitted to Council’s Heritage Advisor.


The report must consist of an archival standard photographic record of the building (internally and externally), its garden and views of it from the street illustrating its relationship to neighbouring properties and the streetscape. Recording shall be undertaken in accordance with the guidelines for “Photographic Recording of Heritage Items Using Film or Digital Capture (2006)” prepared by the New South Wales Heritage Office.


Information shall be bound in an A4 report format.  It shall include copies of photographs, referenced to plans of the site.  Two (2) copies (one (1) copy to include negatives or CD of images shall be submitted to Council's Heritage Advisor.  The recording document will be held in the local studies collection of Ku-ring-gai Library, the local historical society and Council’s files.


Note:    A written acknowledgment from Council must be obtained (attesting to this condition being appropriately satisfied) and submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority prior to the commencement of any works.


Reason:         To ensure the proper management of historical artefacts and to ensure their preservation.


12.   Dilapidation survey and report (private property)


Prior to the commencement of any demolition or excavation works on site, the Principal Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that a dilapidation report on the visible and structural condition of all structures upon the following lands, has been completed and submitted to Council:



·  10 Pymble Avenue

·  7 and 15 Livingstone Avenue


The dilapidation report must include a photographic survey of adjoining properties detailing their physical condition, both internally and externally, including such items as walls ceilings, roof and structural members. The report must be completed by a consulting structural/geotechnical engineer as determined necessary by that professional based on the excavations for the proposal and the recommendations of the submitted geotechnical report.


In the event that access for undertaking the dilapidation survey is denied by a property owner, the applicant must demonstrate in writing to the satisfaction of the Principal Certifying Authority that all reasonable steps have been taken to obtain access and advise the affected property owner of the reason for the survey and that these steps have failed.


Note:    A copy of the dilapidation report is to be provided to Council prior to any excavation works been undertaken. The dilapidation report is for record keeping purposes only and may be used by an applicant or affected property owner to assist in any civil action required to resolve any dispute over damage to adjoining properties arising from works.


Reason:         To record the structural condition of likely affected properties before works commence.


13.   Construction and traffic management plan


The applicant must submit to Council a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP), which is to be approved prior to the commencement of any works on site.


The plan is to consist of a report with Traffic Control Plans attached.


The report is to contain commitments which must be followed by the demolition and excavation contractor, builder, owner and subcontractors.  The CTMP applies to all persons associated with demolition, excavation and construction of the development.


The report is to contain construction vehicle routes for approach and departure to and from all directions.


The report is to contain a site plan showing entry and exit points.  Swept paths are to be shown on the site plan showing access and egress for an 11 metres long heavy rigid vehicle.


The Traffic Control Plans are to be prepared by a qualified person (red card holder).  One must be provided for each of the following stages of the works:


·              Demolition

·              Excavation

·              Concrete pour

·              Construction of vehicular crossing and reinstatement of footpath

·              Traffic control for vehicles reversing into or out of the site.


Traffic controllers must be in place at the site entry and exit points to control heavy vehicle movements in order to maintain the safety of pedestrians and other road users. 


For safety and amenity, no construction vehicle movements are to occur in Livingstone Avenue during school drop-off (8.00am to 9.30am) and pick up (2.30pm to 4.00pm) times on school days.


When a satisfactory CTMP is received, a letter of approval will be issued with conditions attached.  Traffic management at the site must comply with the approved CTMP as well as any conditions in the letter issued by Council.  Council’s Rangers will be patrolling the site regularly and fines may be issued for any non-compliance with this condition.


Reason:         To ensure that appropriate measures have been considered during all phases of the construction process in a manner that maintains the environmental amenity and ensures the ongoing safety and protection of people.


14.   Erosion and drainage management


Earthworks and/or demolition of any existing buildings shall not commence until an erosion and sediment control plan is submitted to and approved by the Principal Certifying Authority.  The plan shall comply with the guidelines set out in the NSW Department of Housing manual "Managing Urban Stormwater: Soils and Construction". Erosion and sediment control works shall be implemented in accordance with the erosion and sediment control plan.


Reason:         To preserve and enhance the natural environment.


15.   Tree protection fencing


To preserve the following tree/s, no work shall commence until the area beneath their canopy is fenced off at the specified radius from the trunk/s to prevent any activities, storage or the disposal of materials within the fenced area.  The fence/s shall be maintained intact until the completion of all demolition/building work on site.




Radius from trunk

Tree 1 / Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum)

located within the centre of the site


Tree 3 / Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum)

located within the centre of the site


Tree 6 / Angophora floribunda (Rough barked Apple)

located within the front setback of the site


Tree 7 / Liquidambar styraciflua (Liquidambar)

located within the nature strip


Tree 8 / Franklinia axillaris (Gordonia)

located within the nature strip


Tree 10 / Franklinia axillaris (Gordonia)

located within the nature strip


Tree 27 / Pyrus sp. located within the nature strip


Tree 30 / Angophora floribunda (Rough barked Apple)

located at the south-western corner of the site, within the adjoining property


Tree 37 – 40 / located along the south-west boundary



Reason:         To protect existing trees during the construction phase.


16.   Tree protection fencing excluding structure


To preserve the following tree/s, no work shall commence until the area beneath their canopy excluding that area of the approved excavation for private courtyards shall be fenced off for the specified radius from the trunk to prevent any activities, storage or the disposal of materials within the fenced area.  The fence/s shall be maintained intact until the completion of all demolition/building work on site:



Radius in metres

Tree 2 / Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum)

located within the centre of the site


Tree 4 / Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum)

located within the front setback of the site


Tree 5 / Angophora floribunda (Rough barked Apple)

located within the front setback of the site


Tree 49 / Syzygium paniculatum (Brush Cherry)

located at the north-eastern corner of the site


Tree 50 / Cinnamomum camphora (Camphor laurel)

located at the north-eastern corner of the site



Reason:         To protect existing trees during the construction phase.




17.   Tree protective fencing type galvanised mesh


The tree protection fencing shall be constructed of galvanised pipe at 2.4 metres spacing and connected by securely attached chain mesh fencing to a minimum height of 1.8 metres in height prior to work commencing.


Reason:       To protect existing trees during construction phase.


18.   Tree protection signage


Prior to works commencing, tree protection signage is to be attached to each tree protection zone, displayed in a prominent position and the sign repeated at 10 metres intervals or closer where the fence changes direction.  Each sign shall contain in a clearly legible form, the following information:


Tree protection zone


·          this fence has been installed to prevent damage to the trees and their growing environment both above and below ground and access is restricted

·          any encroachment not previously approved within the tree protection zone shall be the subject of an arborist's report

·          the arborist's report shall provide proof that no other alternative is available.

·          the arborist's report shall be submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority for further consultation with Council

·          the name, address, and telephone number of the developer


Reason:         To protect existing trees during the construction phase.


19.   Tree fencing inspection


Upon installation of the required tree protection measures, an inspection of the site by the Principal Certifying Authority is required to verify that tree protection measures comply with all relevant conditions.


Reason:         To protect existing trees during the construction phase.


20.   Construction waste management plan


Prior to the commencement of any works, the Principal Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that a waste management plan, prepared by a suitably qualified person, has been prepared in accordance with Council’s Waste Management controls in the Ku-ring-gai Local Centres Development Control Plan.


The plan shall address all issues identified in the DCP, including but not limited to: the estimated volume of waste and method for disposal for the construction and operation phases of the development.


Note:    The plan shall be provided to the Certifying Authority.


Reason:         To ensure appropriate management of construction waste.


21.   Noise and vibration management plan


Prior to the commencement of any works, a noise and vibration management plan is to be prepared by a suitably qualified expert addressing the likely noise and vibration from demolition, excavation and construction of the proposed development and provided to the Principal Certifying Authority.  The management plan is to identify amelioration measures to achieve the best practice objectives of AS 2436-2010 and NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change Interim Construction Noise Guidelines. The report shall be prepared in consultation with any geotechnical report that itemises equipment to be used for excavation works.


The management plan shall address, but not be limited to, the following matters:


·          identification of the specific activities that will be carried out and associated noise sources

·          identification of all potentially affected sensitive receivers, including residences, churches, commercial premises, schools and properties containing noise sensitive equipment

·          the construction noise objective specified in the conditions of this consent

·          the construction vibration criteria specified in the conditions of this consent

·          determination of appropriate noise and vibration objectives for each identified sensitive receiver

·          noise and vibration monitoring, reporting and response procedures

·          assessment of potential noise and vibration from the proposed demolition, excavation and construction activities, including noise from construction vehicles and any traffic diversions

·          description of specific mitigation treatments, management methods and procedures that will be implemented to control noise and vibration during construction

·          construction timetabling to minimise noise impacts including time and duration restrictions, respite periods and frequency

·          procedures for notifying residents of construction activities that are likely to affect their amenity through noise and vibration

·          contingency plans to be implemented in the event of non-compliances and/or noise complaints


Reason:         To protect the amenity afforded to surrounding residents during the construction process.


22.   CCTV report of existing Council pipe system near works


Prior to the commencement of any works on site, qualified practitioners must undertake a closed circuit television inspection and then report on the existing condition of the Council drainage pipeline traversing the subject property. The report must be provided to Council’s, Development Engineer and is to include a copy of the video footage of the pipeline. A written acknowledgment from Council’s Development Engineer (attesting to this condition being appropriately satisfied) shall be obtained and submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority prior to the commencement of any works on site.

Reason:         To protect Council’s infrastructure.


Conditions to be satisfied prior to the issue of the construction certificate:


23.   Design amendments


Prior to issue of a Construction Certificate, the following design changes are to be demonstrated on amended plans to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority:


a)       The balustrade height is to be reduced to 1.1 metres (maximum) for unit E09 and the pedestrian bridge linking the two buildings.


b)       The southern bedroom of Unit F21 is to be increased in area to achieve a minimum dimension in any direction of 3 metres and a minimum area of 9m2. This may be achieved by moving the hallway further to the north.


c)       A stair is to be provided to access the common open space to the south east of the riparian zone. The stair is to be located in front of unit A05 and 1.5 metres (minimum) width.


d)       Lockable mail boxes are to be:

i)     provided close to the street; and

ii)    90 degrees to the street and to Australia Post standards; and

iii)   integrated with front fences or building entries.


Reason:       Residential amenity.


24.   Storage facilities in units


Architectural plans are to be amended to demonstrate accessible storage facilities for all units at the following rates:


·                     two-bedroom apartments    8m3

·                     three plus bedroom apartments      10m3


At least 50% of which must be within the units and is in addition to kitchen and bathroom cupboards and bedroom wardrobes.


Amended plans demonstrating the above are to be submitted to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority, prior to issue of a Construction Certificate.


Reason:       Residential amenity.


25.   Amended Vegetation Management Plan (VMP)


The Vegetation Management Plan (VMP), prepared by Keystone Ecological, dated February 2016 version (Ref KMC. 15-740), is to be amended in accordance with this condition.


An amended VMP is to be provided to the Certifying Authority and copied to Council prior to the release of the Construction Certificate that addresses the following points below.


·           management zones are to be amended to reflect the approved development

·           the type and number of each species to be planted within each management zone is to be detailed within the amended VMP

·           the maintenance period for the VMP is to be extended from 2 to 5 years

·           monitoring reports are to be provided to the principal certifying authority and copied to Council every 6 months from the commencement of vegetation management works

·           only local provenance material is to be planted no cultivar varieties are to be planted within Blue Gum High Forest management zones


Reason:         To ensure the protection and enhancement of Blue Gum High Forest and the area of biodiversity significance and riparian lands.


26.   Tanked basement design


Prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority is to be satisfied that the basement has been designed to be waterproof (tanked) as required under Part 22.3-4 of Ku-ring-gai DCP and by DPI Water Ref: 10ERM2016/0201 dated 3 May 2016.


Reason:       To protect the environment.


27.   Driveway design


Prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority is to be satisfied that the structural drawings show that the section of driveway over the drainage easement has been designed to be lightweight and readily removable to allow for future maintenance of the pipe. 


Reason:       To protect the environment.


28.   Amendments to approved landscape plan


Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate, the Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that the approved landscape plans, listed below and endorsed with Council’s stamp, have been amended in accordance with the requirements of this condition as well as other conditions of this consent:


Plan no.


Drawn by



Basement and Existing Tree Plan

Site Design and Studios



Ground Floor Landscape Plan

Site Design and Studios



Level 1 Floor Plan

Site Design and Studios



Level 2 Floor Plan

Site Design and Studios



The above landscape plan(s) shall be amended as follows:


1.         Trees 31-36 are to be shown to be retained and protected.


2.         The access path along the northern boundary of the riparian area/communal open space is to be set back a minimum of 2 metres from the boundary to allow for screen planting. The ‘shared bay’ as indicated as footpath/pebbles on the landscape plan is to be relocated south of the shared bay to connect with the path as amended above.


3.         The entry path to Units A01-A04 is to be set back from the eastern boundary of the front setback by a minimum of 3 metres to allow for screen planting. A maintenance access path is to be provided to the eastern boundary of Building A and to common space at the northern and western setback of Building B.


4.         The communal open space in the front setback is to be deleted and planted as per the western section of the front setback.


5.         The BBQ area is to be relocated to the western end of the central communal open space with an accessible path from Building A provided from the basement lift.


6.         Clotheslines are to be deleted within private open space within the front setback of Units A01-A06.


7.         Existing levels are to be retained to the garden bed along eastern boundary of Block B.  Retaining walls with top of wall levels are to be shown as required along access path within eastern setback of Building B, particularly at the south-eastern corner of Building B. Access from B10 to maintenance path is to be relocated to northern boundary of private open space to allow for stairs (RL115.20) and path to communal open space (RL112.73). 


8.         Canopy trees are to be provided in association with screen planting along the western and eastern setbacks of Building B. Screen planting to side boundaries are not to be monoculture hedges but grouped assorted species.


9.         Planting detail is to be shown to the Basement Floor level on the Basement and Existing Tree Plan landscape plan.


10.       Details of the proposed surface treatment under the proposed pedestrian entry ‘bridge’ and driveway ‘bridge’ are to be provided.


11.       Unit numbers are to be shown.


12.       Proposed levels to external paths and steps are to be shown. Existing and proposed levels to the front setback, including the nature strip are to be provided. No additional retaining walls are permitted.


Prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that the amended landscape plan has been submitted as required by this condition.


Reason:         To ensure that the development is in accordance with the determination.





29.   Amendments to approved environmental site management plan


Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate, the Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that the approved environmental site management plan, listed below and endorsed with Council’s stamp, have been amended in accordance with the requirements of this condition as well as other conditions of this consent:


Plan no.


Drawn by


DA 1000

Environmental Site Management Plan

Brewster Murray

November 2016


The above environmental site management plan(s) shall be amended as follows:


1.         A note is to be added that during demolition existing paved areas are used for truck access where possible.


2.         Trees 31-36 are to be shown to be retained and protected. Stockpiles and material storage are to be relocated from within their tree protection zones.


3.         Tree protection fencing is to be shown in accordance with arborist recommendations and other conditions of consent. Riparian zone is to be protected in accordance with Vegetation Management Plan.


4.         Ground protection is to be shown where access or storage is required within tree protection zones of trees to be retained.


Prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that the amended environmental site management plan has been submitted as required by this condition.


Reason:         To ensure that the development is in accordance with the determination.


30.   Amendments to approved engineering plans


Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate, the Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that the approved engineering plan(s), listed below and endorsed with Council’s stamp, have been amended in accordance with the requirements of this condition as well as other conditions of this consent:


Plan no.

Drawn by


Water Cycle Management Plan

J&M Group


H5500B & H5501C - H5504C

J&M Group



The above engineering plan(s) shall be amended as follows:


The Water Cycle Management Plan is to be amended to refer to Part 24 of

Ku-ring-gai Local Centres DCP. Re-use of retained roofwater is to be nominated to achieve Council's target of a 50% reduction in runoff days, and shown on the Construction Certificate plans.

Note:    An amended engineering plan, prepared by a qualified engineer shall be submitted to the Certifying Authority.


Reason:         To ensure that the development is in accordance with the determination.


31.   Long service levy


In accordance with Section 109F(i) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act a Construction Certificate shall not be issued until any long service levy payable under Section 34 of the Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments Act 1986 (or where such levy is payable by instalments, the first instalment of the levy) has been paid. Council is authorised to accept payment. Where payment has been made elsewhere, proof of payment is to be provided to Council.


Reason:         Statutory requirement.


32.   Builder’s indemnity insurance


The applicant, builder, developer or person who does the work on this development, must arrange builder’s indemnity insurance and submit the certificate of insurance in accordance with the requirements of Part 6 of the Home Building Act 1989 to the Certifying Authority for endorsement of the plans accompanying the Construction Certificate.


It is the responsibility of the applicant, builder or developer to arrange the builder's indemnity insurance for residential building work over the value of $20,000. The builder's indemnity insurance does not apply to commercial or industrial building work or to residential work valued at less than $20,000, nor to work undertaken by persons holding an owner/builder's permit issued by the Department of Fair Trading (unless the owner/builder's property is sold within 7 years of the commencement of the work).


Reason:         Statutory requirement.


33.   Outdoor lighting


Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate, the Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that all outdoor lighting will comply with AS/NZ1158.3: 1999 Pedestrian Area (Category P) Lighting and AS4282: 1997 Control of the Obtrusive Effects of Outdoor Lighting.


Note:    Details demonstrating compliance with these requirements are to be submitted prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate.


Reason:         To provide high quality external lighting for security without adverse impacts on public amenity from excessive illumination levels.


34.   Air drying facilities


Prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate, the Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that a common open space area dedicated for open air drying of clothes is provided. This area is to be located at ground level behind the building line and in a position not visible from the public domain.

In lieu of the above, written confirmation that all units will be provided with internal clothes drying facilities prior to the Occupation Certificate is to be submitted to the Certifying Authority prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate.


Reason:         Amenity & energy efficiency.


35.   External service pipes and the like prohibited


Proposed water pipes, waste pipes, stack work, duct work, mechanical ventilation plant and the like must be located within the building.  Details confirming compliance with this condition must be shown on construction certificate plans and detailed with construction certificate specifications.  Required external vents or vent pipes on the roof or above the eaves must be shown on construction certificate plans and detailed with construction certificate specifications.  External vents or roof vent pipes must not be visible from any place unless detailed upon development consent plans.  Where there is any proposal to fit external service pipes or the like this must be detailed in an amended development (S96) application and submitted to Council for determination.


Vent pipes required by Sydney Water must not be placed on the front elevation of the building or front roof elevation.  The applicant, owner and builder must protect the appearance of the building from the public place and the appearance of the streetscape by elimination of all external services excluding vent pipes required by Sydney Water and those detailed upon development consent plans.


Reason:         To protect the streetscape and the integrity of the approved development.


36.   Access for people with disabilities (residential)


Prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate, the Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that access for people with disabilities to and from and between the public domain, residential units and all common open space areas is provided. Consideration must be given to the means of dignified and equitable access.


Compliant access provisions for people with disabilities shall be clearly shown on the  plans submitted with the Construction Certificate.  All details shall be provided to the Principal Certifying Authority prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate. All details shall be prepared in consideration of the Disability Discrimination Act, and the relevant provisions of AS1428.1, AS1428.2, AS1428.4 and AS 1735.12.


Reason:         To ensure the provision of equitable and dignified access for all people in accordance with disability discrimination legislation and relevant Australian Standards.


37.   Adaptable units


Prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate, the Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that the nominated adaptable units within the development application are designed as adaptable housing in accordance with the provisions of Australian Standard AS4299-1995: Adaptable Housing.

Note:    Evidence from an appropriately qualified professional demonstrating compliance with this control is to be submitted to and approved by the Certifying Authority prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate.


Reason:         Disabled access & amenity.


38.   Excavation for services


Prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that no proposed underground services (ie: water, sewerage, drainage, gas or other service) unless previously approved by conditions of consent, are located beneath the canopy of any tree protected under Council’s Tree Preservation Order, located on the subject allotment and adjoining allotments.


Note:    A plan detailing the routes of these services and trees protected under the Tree Preservation Order shall be submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority.


Reason:         To ensure the protection of trees.


39.   Recycling and waste management


Prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate, the Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that the development provides a common garbage collection/separation area sufficient in size to store all wheelie garbage bins and recycling bins provided by Council for the number of units in the development in accordance with Council’s Local Centres DCP. The garbage collection point is to be accessible by Council’s Waste Collection Services.


The responsibility for:


·        the cleaning of waste rooms and waste service compartments; and

·        the transfer of bins within the property, and to the collection point once the development is in use;


shall be determined when designing the system and clearly stated in the Waste Management Plan.


Reason:         Environmental protection.


40.   Noise from plant in residential zone


Where any form of mechanical ventilation equipment or other noise generating plant is proposed as part of the development, prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate the Certifying Authority, shall be satisfied that the operation of an individual piece of equipment or operation of equipment in combination will not exceed more than 5dB(A) above the background level during the day when measured at the site’s boundaries and shall not exceed the background level at night (10.00pm –6.00 am) when measured at the boundary of the site.


C1.   Note:    A certificate from an appropriately qualified acoustic engineer is to be submitted with the Construction Certificate, certifying that all mechanical ventilation equipment or other noise generating plant in isolation or in combination with other plant will comply with the above requirements.


Reason:         To comply with best practice standards for residential acoustic amenity.


41.   Location of plant (residential flat buildings)


Prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate, the Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that all plant and equipment (including but not limited to air conditioning equipment) is located within the basement.


C1.   Note:    Architectural plans identifying the location of all plant and equipment shall be provided to the Certifying Authority.


Reason:         To minimise impact on surrounding properties, improved visual appearance and amenity for locality.


42.   Driveway crossing levels


Prior to issue of the Construction Certificate, driveway and associated footpath levels for any new, reconstructed or extended sections of driveway crossings between the property boundary and road alignment must be obtained from Ku-ring-gai Council. Such levels are only able to be issued by Council under the Roads Act 1993.  All footpath crossings, laybacks and driveways are to be constructed according to Council's specifications "Construction of Gutter Crossings and Footpath Crossings".


Specifications are issued with alignment levels after completing the necessary application form at Customer Services and payment of the assessment fee. When completing the request for driveway levels application from Council, the applicant must attach a copy of the relevant development application drawing which indicates the position and proposed level of the proposed driveway at the boundary alignment.


This development consent is for works wholly within the property. Development consent does not imply approval of footpath or driveway levels, materials or location within the road reserve, regardless of whether this information is shown on the development application plans. The grading of such footpaths or driveways outside the property shall comply with Council's standard requirements.  The suitability of the grade of such paths or driveways inside the property is the sole responsibility of the applicant and the required alignment levels fixed by Council may impact upon these levels.


The construction of footpaths and driveways outside the property in materials other than those approved by Council is not permitted.


Reason:         To provide suitable vehicular access without disruption to pedestrian and vehicular traffic.


43.   Driveway grades - basement carparks


Prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate, longitudinal driveway sections are to be prepared by a qualified civil/traffic engineer and be submitted for to and approved by the Certifying Authority. These profiles are to be at 1:100 scale along both edges of the proposed driveway, starting from the centreline of the frontage street carriageway to the proposed basement floor level. The traffic engineer shall provide specific written certification on the plans that:


·           vehicular access can be obtained using grades of 20% (1 in 5) maximum and

·           all changes in grade (transitions) comply with Australian Standard 2890.1 -“Off-street car parking” (refer clause 2.5.3) to prevent the scraping of the underside of vehicles. 


If a new driveway crossing is proposed, the longitudinal sections must incorporate the driveway crossing levels as issued by Council upon prior application.


Reason:         To provide suitable vehicular access without disruption to pedestrian and vehicular traffic.


44.   Basement car parking details


Prior to issue of the Construction Certificate, certified parking layout plan(s) to scale showing all aspects of the vehicle access and accommodation arrangements must be submitted to and approved by the Certifying Authority. A qualified civil/traffic engineer must review the proposed vehicle access and accommodation layout and provide written certification on the plans that:


·           all parking space dimensions, driveway and aisle widths, driveway grades, transitions, circulation ramps, blind aisle situations and other trafficked areas comply with Australian Standard 2890.1 - 2004 “Off-street car parking”

·           a clear height clearance of 2.6 metres is provided over the designated garbage collection truck manoeuvring areas within the basement

·           no doors or gates are provided in the access driveways to the basement carpark which would prevent unrestricted access for internal garbage collection at any time from the basement garbage storage and collection area

·           the vehicle access and accommodation arrangements are to be constructed and marked in accordance with the certified plans


Reason:         To ensure that parking spaces are in accordance with the approved development.


45.   Car parking allocation


Car parking within the development shall be allocated in the following way:


Resident car spaces


Visitor spaces


Total spaces



Each adaptable dwelling must be provided with car parking complying with the dimensional and location requirements of AS2890.1 - parking spaces for people with disabilities.


At least one visitor space shall also comply with the dimensional and location requirements of AS2890.1 - parking spaces for people with disabilities.


Consideration must be given to the means of access from disabled car parking spaces to other areas within the building and to footpath and roads and shall be clearly shown on the plans submitted with the Construction Certificate.


Reason:         To ensure equity of access and appropriate facilities are available for people with disabilities in accordance with federal legislation.


46.   Bicycle spaces


The bicycle parking spaces within the basement shall be designed in accordance with AS2890.3. Details shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate.


Reason:         To provide alternative modes of transport to and from the site.


47.   Design of works in public road (Roads Act approval)


Prior to issue of the Construction Certificate, the Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that engineering plans and specifications prepared by a qualified consulting engineer have been approved by Council’s Development Engineer. The plans to be assessed must be to a detail suitable for construction issue purposes and must detail the following infrastructure works required in Livingstone Avenue:


·           Footpath directly behind the kerb for the full site frontage


Development consent does not give approval to these works in the road reserve.  The applicant must obtain a separate approval under sections 138 and 139 of The Roads Act 1993 for the works in the road reserve required as part of the development. The Construction Certificate must not be issued, and these works must not proceed until Council has issued a formal written approval under the Roads Act 1993.


The required plans and specifications are to be designed in accordance with the General Specification for the Construction of Road and Drainage Works in Ku-ring-gai Council, dated November 2004. The drawings must detail existing utility services and trees affected by the works, erosion control requirements and traffic management requirements during the course of works.  Survey must be undertaken as required. Traffic management is to be certified on the drawings as being in accordance with the documents SAA HB81.1 - 1996 - Field Guide for Traffic Control at Works on Roads - Part 1 and RTA Traffic Control at Work Sites (1998). Construction of the works must proceed only in accordance with any conditions attached to the Roads Act approval issued by Council.


A minimum of three (3) weeks will be required for Council to assess the Roads Act application. Early submission of the Roads Act application is recommended to avoid delays in obtaining a Construction Certificate. An engineering assessment and inspection fee (set out in Council’s adopted fees and charges) is payable and Council will withhold any consent and approved plans until full payment of the correct fees. Plans and specifications must be marked to the attention of Council’s Development Engineers. In addition, a copy of this condition must be provided, together with a covering letter stating the full address of the property and the accompanying DA number.


Reason:         To ensure that the plans are suitable for construction purposes.


48.   Energy Australia requirements


Prior to issue of the Construction Certificate, the applicant must contact Energy Australia regarding power supply for the subject development. A written response detailing the full requirements of Energy Australia (including any need for underground cabling, substations or similar within or in the vicinity the development) shall be submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority for approval prior to issue of the Construction Certificate.


Any structures or other requirements of Energy Australia shall be indicated on the plans issued with the Construction Certificate, to the satisfaction of the Principal Certifying Authority and Energy Australia. The requirements of Energy Australia must be met in full prior to issue of the Occupation Certificate.


Reason:         To ensure compliance with the requirements of Energy Australia.


49.   Utility provider requirements


Prior to issue of the Construction Certificate, the applicant must make contact with all relevant utility providers whose services will be impacted upon by the development. A written copy of the requirements of each provider, as determined necessary by the Certifying Authority, must be obtained.  All utility services or appropriate conduits for the same must be provided by the developer in accordance with the specifications of the utility providers.


Reason:         To ensure compliance with the requirements of relevant utility providers.


50.   Underground services


All electrical services (existing and proposed) shall be undergrounded from the proposed building on the site to the appropriate power pole(s) or other connection point. Undergrounding of services must not disturb the root system of existing trees and shall be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the relevant service provided. Documentary evidence that the relevant service provider has been consulted and that their requirements have been met are to be provided to the Certifying Authority prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate. All electrical and telephone services to the subject property must be placed underground and any redundant poles are to be removed at the expense of the applicant.


Reason:         To provide infrastructure that facilitates the future improvement of the streetscape by relocation of overhead lines below ground.


Conditions to be satisfied prior to the issue of the construction certificate or prior to demolition, excavation or construction (whichever comes first):


51.   Infrastructure damage security bond and inspection fee


To ensure that any damage to Council property as a result of construction activity is rectified in a timely matter:


(a)      All work or activity undertaken pursuant to this development consent must be undertaken in a manner to avoid damage to Council property and must not jeopardise the safety of any person using or occupying the adjacent public areas.


(b)      The applicant, builder, developer or any person acting in reliance on this consent shall be responsible for making good any damage to Council property and for the removal from Council property of any waste bin, building materials, sediment, silt, or any other material or article.


(c)      The Infrastructure damage security bond and infrastructure inspection fee must be paid to Council by the applicant prior to both the issue of the Construction Certificate and the commencement of any earthworks or construction.


(d)      In consideration of payment of the infrastructure damage security bond and infrastructure inspection fee, Council will undertake such inspections of Council Property as Council considers necessary and will also undertake, on behalf of the applicant, such restoration work to Council property, if any, that Council considers necessary as a consequence of the development. The provision of such restoration work by the Council does not absolve any person of the responsibilities contained in (a) to (b) above. Restoration work to be undertaken by Council referred to in this condition is limited to work that can be undertaken by Council at a cost of not more than the Infrastructure damage security bond payable pursuant to this condition.


(e)      In this condition:


“Council property” includes any road, footway, footpath paving, kerbing, guttering, crossings, street furniture, seats, letter bins, trees, shrubs, lawns, mounds, bushland, and similar structures or features on any road or public road within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) or any public place; and


“Infrastructure damage security bond and infrastructure inspection fee” means the Infrastructure damage security bond and infrastructure inspection fee as calculated in accordance with the Schedule of Fees & Charges adopted by Council as at the date of payment and the cost of any inspections required by the Council of Council property associated with this condition.


Reason:         To maintain public infrastructure.


52.   Section 94 Contributions - Centres


This development is subject to a development contribution calculated in accordance with Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan 2010, being a s94 Contributions Plan in effect under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, as follows:


Infrastructure Type                                                                      Total

LGA Wide Local Recreational & Cultural                                                  $41,956.03

Pymble TC Local Parks & Sporting Facilities                                         $374,584.36

Pymble TC New Roads & Road Mods                                                       $60,811.38

Pymble TC Townscape Transport & Pedest Fac                                     $164,290.62

Development Contributions Total                                         $641,642.39


The contribution shall be paid to Council prior to the issue of any Construction Certificate, Linen Plan, Certificate of Subdivision or Occupation Certificate whichever comes first in accordance with Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan 2010.


The contributions specified above are subject to indexation and will continue to be indexed to reflect changes in the consumer price index and housing price index until they are paid in accordance with Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan 2010 to reflect changes in the consumer price index and housing price index.  Prior to payment, please contact Council directly to verify the current payable contributions.


Copies of Council’s Contribution Plans can be viewed at Council Chambers, 818 Pacific Hwy Gordon or on Council’s website at www.kmc.nsw.gov.au.


Reason:       To ensure the provision, extension or augmentation of the Key Community Infrastructure identified in Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan 2010 that will, or is likely to be, required as a consequence of the development.


Conditions to be satisfied during the demolition, excavation and construction phases:


53.   Road opening permit


The opening of any footway, roadway, road shoulder or any part of the road reserve shall not be carried out without a road opening permit being obtained from Council (upon payment of the required fee) beforehand.


Reason:       Statutory requirement (Roads Act 1993 Section 138) and to maintain the integrity of Council’s infrastructure.


54.   Prescribed conditions


The applicant shall comply with any relevant prescribed conditions of development consent under clause 98 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation. For the purposes of section 80A (11) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, the following conditions are prescribed in relation to a development consent for development that involves any building work:


·          the work must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia

·          in the case of residential building work for which the Home Building Act 1989 requires there to be a contract of insurance in force in accordance with Part 6 of that Act, that such a contract of insurance is in force before any works commence

·          if the development involves an excavation that extends below the level of the base of the footings of a building, structure or work (including any structure or work within a road or rail corridor) on adjoining land, the person having the benefit of the development consent must, at the person’s own expense:


(a)      protect and support the building, structure or work from possible damage from the excavation, and

(b)      where necessary, underpin the building, structure or work to prevent any such damage.


Reason:       Statutory requirement.


55.   Hours of work


Demolition, construction work and deliveries of building material and equipment must not take place outside the hours of 7.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday and 8.00am to 12 noon Saturday. No work and no deliveries are to take place on Sundays and public holidays.


Excavation using machinery must be limited to between 7.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday, with a respite break of 45 minutes between 12 noon and 1.00pm.  No excavation using machinery is to occur on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays.


Where it is necessary for works to occur outside of these hours (ie) placement of concrete for large floor areas on large residential/commercial developments or where building processes require the use of oversized trucks and/or cranes that are restricted by the RTA from travelling during daylight hours to deliver, erect or remove machinery, tower cranes, pre-cast panels, beams, tanks or service equipment to or from the site, approval for such activities will be subject to the issue of an "outside of hours works permit" from Council as well as notification of the surrounding properties likely to be affected by the proposed works.


Note:    Failure to obtain a permit to work outside of the approved hours will result in on the spot fines being issued.


Reason:         To ensure reasonable standards of amenity for occupants of neighbouring properties.


56.   Approved plans to be on site


A copy of all approved and certified plans, specifications and documents incorporating conditions of consent and certification (including the Construction Certificate if required for the work) shall be kept on site at all times during the demolition, excavation and construction phases and must be readily available to any officer of Council or the Principal Certifying Authority.


Reason:         To ensure that the development is in accordance with the determination.


57.   Engineering fees


For the purpose of any development related inspections by Ku-ring-gai Council engineers, the corresponding fees set out in Councils adopted Schedule of Fees and Charges are payable to Council. A re-inspection fee per visit may be charged where work is unprepared at the requested time of inspection, or where remedial work is unsatisfactory and a further inspection is required. Engineering fees must be paid in full prior to any final consent from Council.


Reason:         To protect public infrastructure.


58.   Statement of compliance with Australian Standards


The demolition work shall comply with the provisions of Australian Standard AS2601: 2001 The Demolition of Structures. The work plans required by AS2601: 2001 shall be accompanied by a written statement from a suitably qualified person that the proposal contained in the work plan comply with the safety requirements of the Standard. The work plan and the statement of compliance shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Principal Certifying Authority prior to the commencement of any works.


Reason:         To ensure compliance with the Australian Standards.


59.   Construction noise


During excavation, demolition and construction phases, noise generated from the site shall be controlled in accordance with the recommendations of the approved noise and vibration management plan.


Reason:         To ensure reasonable standards of amenity to neighbouring properties.


60.   Site notice


A site notice shall be erected on the site prior to any work commencing and shall be displayed throughout the works period.


The site notice must:


·           be prominently displayed at the boundaries of the site for the purposes of informing the public that unauthorised entry to the site is not permitted

·           display project details including, but not limited to the details of the builder, Principal Certifying Authority and structural engineer

·           be durable and weatherproof

·           display the approved hours of work, the name of the site/project manager, the responsible managing company (if any), its address and 24 hour contact phone number for any inquiries, including construction/noise complaint are to be displayed on the site notice

·           be mounted at eye level on the perimeter hoardings/fencing and is to state that unauthorised entry to the site is not permitted


Reason:         To ensure public safety and public information.


61.   Dust control


During excavation, demolition and construction, adequate measures shall be taken to prevent dust from affecting the amenity of the neighbourhood. The following measures must be adopted:


·           physical barriers shall be erected at right angles to the prevailing wind direction or shall be placed around or over dust sources to prevent wind or activity from generating dust

·           earthworks and scheduling activities shall be managed to coincide with the next stage of development to minimise the amount of time the site is left cut or exposed

·           all materials shall be stored or stockpiled at the best locations

·           the ground surface should be dampened slightly to prevent dust from becoming airborne but should not be wet to the extent that run-off occurs

·           all vehicles carrying spoil or rubble to or from the site shall at all times be covered to prevent the escape of dust

·           all equipment wheels shall be washed before exiting the site using manual or automated sprayers and drive-through washing bays

·           gates shall be closed between vehicle movements and shall be fitted with shade cloth

·           cleaning of footpaths and roadways shall be carried out daily


Reason:         To protect the environment and amenity of surrounding properties.


62.   Further geotechnical input


The geotechnical and hydro-geological works implementation, inspection, testing and monitoring program for the excavation and construction works must be in accordance with the report by Asset Geotechnical dated 24 September 2015. Over the course of the works, a qualified geotechnical/hydro-geological engineer must complete the following:


·           further geotechnical investigations and testing recommended in the above report(s) and as determined necessary

·           further monitoring and inspection at the hold points recommended in the above report(s) and as determined necessary

·           written report(s) including certification(s) of the geotechnical inspection, testing and monitoring programs


Reason:         To ensure the safety and protection of property.


63.   Compliance with submitted geotechnical report


A contractor with specialist excavation experience must undertake the excavations for the development and a suitably qualified and consulting geotechnical engineer must oversee excavation.


Geotechnical aspects of the development work, namely:


·           appropriate excavation method and vibration control

·           support and retention of excavated faces

·           hydro-geological considerations


must be undertaken in accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report prepared by Asset Geotechnical dated 24 September 2015. Approval must be obtained from all affected property owners, including Ku-ring-gai Council, where rock anchors (both temporary and permanent) are proposed below adjoining property(ies).


Reason:         To ensure the safety and protection of property.


64.   Use of road or footpath


During excavation, demolition and construction phases, no building materials, plant or the like are to be stored on the road or footpath without written approval being obtained from Council beforehand.  The pathway shall be kept in a clean, tidy and safe condition during building operations.  Council reserves the right, without notice, to rectify any such breach and to charge the cost against the applicant/owner/builder, as the case may be.


Reason:         To ensure safety and amenity of the area.


65.   Guarding excavations


All excavation, demolition and construction works shall be properly guarded and protected with hoardings or fencing to prevent them from being dangerous to life and property.


Reason:         To ensure public safety.


66.   Toilet facilities


During excavation, demolition and construction phases, toilet facilities are to be provided, on the work site, at the rate of one toilet for every 20 persons or part of 20 persons employed at the site.


Reason:         Statutory requirement.


67.   Protection of public places


If the work involved in the erection, demolition or construction of the development is likely to cause pedestrian or vehicular traffic in a public place to be obstructed or rendered inconvenient, or building involves the enclosure of a public place, a hoarding or fence must be erected between the work site and the public place.


If necessary, a hoarding is to be erected, sufficient to prevent any substance from, or in connection with, the work falling into the public place.


The work site must be kept lit between sunset and sunrise if it is likely to be hazardous to persons in the public place.


Any hoarding, fence or awning is to be removed when the work has been completed.


Reason:         To protect public places.


68.   Recycling of building material (general)


During demolition and construction, the Principal Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that building materials suitable for recycling have been forwarded to an appropriate registered business dealing in recycling of materials. Materials to be recycled must be kept in good order.

Reason:         To facilitate recycling of materials.


69.   Construction signage


All construction signs must comply with the following requirements:


·           are not to cover any mechanical ventilation inlet or outlet vent

·           are not illuminated, self-illuminated or flashing at any time

·           are located wholly within a property where construction is being undertaken

·           refer only to the business(es) undertaking the construction and/or the site at which the construction is being undertaken

·           are restricted to one such sign per property

·           do not exceed 2.5m2

·           are removed within 14 days of the completion of all construction works


Reason:         To ensure compliance with Council's controls regarding signage.


70.   Approval for rock anchors


Approval is to be obtained from the property owner for any anchors proposed beneath adjoining private property.  If such approval cannot be obtained, then the excavated faces are to be shored or propped in accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical and structural engineers.


Reason:         To ensure the ongoing safety and protection of property.


71.   Maintenance period for works in public road


A maintenance period of six (6) months applies to all work in the public road reserve carried out by the applicant - after the works have been completed to the satisfaction of Ku-ring-gai Council. In that maintenance period, the applicant shall be liable for any section of the public infrastructure work which fails to perform in the designed manner, or as would reasonably be expected under the operating conditions. The maintenance period shall commence once the applicant receives a formal letter from Council stating that the works involving public infrastructure have been completed satisfactorily.


Reason:         To protect public infrastructure.


72.   Road reserve safety


All public footways and roadways fronting and adjacent to the site must be maintained in a safe condition at all times during the course of the development works. Construction materials must not be stored in the road reserve. A safe pedestrian circulation route and a pavement/route free of trip hazards must be maintained at all times on or adjacent to any public access ways fronting the construction site.  Where public infrastructure is damaged, repair works must be carried out when and as directed by Council officers. Where pedestrian circulation is diverted on to the roadway or verge areas, clear directional signage and protective barricades must be installed in accordance with AS1742-3 (1996) “Traffic Control Devices for Work on Roads”. If pedestrian circulation is not satisfactorily maintained across the site frontage, and action is not taken promptly to rectify the defects, Council may undertake proceedings to stop work.


Reason:         To ensure safe public footways and roadways during construction.


73.   Services


Where required, the adjustment or inclusion of any new utility service facilities must be carried out by the applicant and in accordance with the requirements of the relevant utility authority. These works shall be at no cost to Council. It is the applicants’ full responsibility to make contact with the relevant utility authorities to ascertain the impacts of the proposal upon utility services (including water, phone, gas and the like). Council accepts no responsibility for any matter arising from its approval to this application involving any influence upon utility services provided by another authority.


Reason:         Provision of utility services.


74.   Temporary rock anchors


If the use of temporary rock anchors extending into the road reserve is proposed, then approval must be obtained from Council and/or the Roads and Traffic Authority in accordance with Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993.  The Applicant is to submit details of all the work that is to be considered, and the works are not to commence until approval has been granted.  The designs are to include details of the following:


·           How the temporary rock anchors will be left in a way that they will not harm or interfere with any future excavation in the public road

·           That the locations of the rock anchors are registered with Dial Before You Dig

·           That approval of all utility authorities likely to use the public road has been obtained. All temporary rock anchors are located outside the allocations for the various utilities as adopted by the Streets Opening Conference.

·           That any remaining de-stressed rock anchors are sufficiently isolated from the structure that they cannot damage the structure if pulled during future excavations or work in the public road.

·           That signs will be placed and maintained on the building stating that de-stressed rock anchors remain in the public road and include a contact number for the building manager.  The signs are to be at least 600mm x 450mm with lettering on the signs is to be no less than 75mm high.  The signs are to be at not more than 60m spacing.  At least one sign must be visible from all locations on the footpath outside the property.  The wording on the signs is to be submitted to Council’s Director Technical Services for approval before any signs are installed.


Permanent rock anchors are not to be used where any part of the anchor extends outside the development site into public areas or road reserves.


All works in the public road are to be carried out in accordance with the Conditions of Construction issued with any approval of works granted under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993.


Reason:         To ensure the ongoing safety and protection of property.


75.   Structures to be clear of drainage easements


During all phases of demolition, excavation and construction, it is the full responsibility of the applicant and their contractors to:


·           ascertain the exact location of the Council drainage pipe traversing the site in the vicinity of the works

·           take full measures to protect the in-ground Council drainage system

·           ensure dedicated overland flow paths are satisfactorily maintained through the site


Drainage pipes can be damaged through applying excessive loading (such as construction machinery, material storage and the like). All proposed structures and construction activities are to be sited fully clear of Council drainage pipes, drainage easements, watercourses and trunk overland flow paths on the site. Trunk or dedicated overland flow paths must not be impeded or diverted by fill or structures unless otherwise approved. 


If a Council drainage pipeline is uncovered during construction, all work is to cease and the Principal Certifying Authority and Council must be contacted immediately for advice. Any damage caused to a Council drainage system must be immediately repaired in full as directed and at no cost to Council.


Reason:         To protect existing Council infrastructure and maintain over land flow paths.


76.   Erosion control


Temporary sediment and erosion control and measures are to be installed prior to the commencement of any works on the site. These measures must be maintained in working order during construction works up to completion. All sediment traps must be cleared on a regular basis and after each major storm and/or as directed by the Principal Certifying Authority and Council officers.


Reason:         To protect the environment from erosion and sedimentation.


77.   Sydney Water Section 73 Compliance Certificate


The applicant must obtain a Section 73 Compliance Certificate under the Sydney Water Act 1994. An application must be made through an authorised Water Servicing CoOrdinator. The applicant is to refer to “Your Business” section of Sydney Water’s web site at www.sydneywater.com.au <http://www.sydneywater.com.au> then the “e-develop” icon or telephone 13 20 92. Following application a “Notice of Requirements” will detail water and sewer extensions to be built and charges to be paid. Please make early contact with the CoOrdinator, since building of water/sewer extensions can be time consuming and may impact on other services and building, driveway or landscape design.


Reason:         Statutory requirement.



78.   Arborist’s report

All trees to be retained shall be inspected and monitored by an AQF Level 5 Arborist in accordance with AS4970-2009 and the amended Arboricultural Impact Assessment prepared by Advanced Treescape Consulting and dated 25/11/16, during and after completion of development works to ensure their long term survival.  Regular inspections and documentation from the project arborist to the Principal Certifying Authority are required during all works within the canopy spread of all existing trees on site and overhanging from adjoining sites, including date, brief description of the works inspected, and any mitigation works prescribed. 


All monitoring shall be provided to the Principal Certifying Authority prior to issue of the Occupation Certificate.


·           All works as recommended by the project arborist are to be undertaken by an experienced arborist with a minimum AQF Level 3 qualification.


Reason:         To ensure protection of existing trees.


79.   Canopy/root pruning


Canopy and/or root pruning of the following tree/s shall be undertaken by an experienced Arborist/Horticulturist, with a minimum qualification of the Horticulture Certificate or Tree Surgery Certificate.  All pruning works shall be undertaken as specified in Australian Standard 4373-2007 - Pruning of Amenity Trees.




Tree works

Tree 1 / Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum)

located within the centre of the site

Minor root pruning

Tree 2 / Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum)

located within the centre of the site

Minor root pruning

Tree 3 / Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum)

located within the centre of the site

Minor root pruning

Tree 4 / Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum)

located within the front setback of the site

Minor root pruning

Tree 5 / Angophora floribunda (Rough barked Apple)

located within the front setback of the site

Minor root pruning

Tree 6 / Angophora floribunda (Rough barked Apple)

located within the front setback of the site

Minor root pruning

Tree 30 / Angophora floribunda (Rough barked Apple)

located at the south-western corner of the site, within the adjoining property

Minor root pruning

Tree 37 – 40 / located along the south-western boundary

Minor root pruning

Tree 49 / Syzygium paniculatum (Brush Cherry)

located at the north-eastern corner of the site

Minor root and canopy pruning

Tree 50 / Cinnamomum camphora (Camphor laurel)

located at the north-east corner of the site

Minor root pruning


Reason:         To protect the environment.

80.   Treatment of tree roots


If tree roots are required to be severed for the purposes of constructing the approved works, they shall be cut cleanly by hand, by an experienced Arborist/Horticulturist with a minimum qualification of Horticulture Certificate or Tree Surgery Certificate.  All pruning works shall be undertaken as specified in Australian Standard 4373-2007 – Pruning of Amenity Trees.


Reason:         To protect existing trees.


81.   Hand excavation


All excavation excluding for approved basement within the specified radius of the trunk(s) of the following tree(s) shall be hand dug:




Radius from trunk

Tree 1 / Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum)

located within the centre of the site


Tree 2 / Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum)

located within the centre of the site


Tree 3 / Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum)

located within the centre of the site


Tree 4 / Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum)

located within the front setback of the site


Tree 5 / Angophora floribunda (Rough barked Apple)

located within the front setback of the site


Tree 6 / Angophora floribunda (Rough barked Apple)

located within the front setback of the site


Tree 13-15, 18 and 19 / Cyathea cooperi (Scaly Treefern)

located on the eastern boundary of the riparian zone


Tree 30 / Angophora floribunda (Rough barked Apple)

located at the south-western corner of the site, within the adjoining property


Tree 37 – 40 / located along the south-western boundary


Tree 49 / Syzygium paniculatum (Brush Cherry)

located at the north-eastern corner of the site


Tree 50 / Cinnamomum camphora (Camphor laurel)

located at the north-east corner of the site



Reason:         To protect existing trees.


82.   No storage of materials beneath trees


No activities, storage or disposal of materials shall take place beneath the canopy of any tree protected under Council's Tree Preservation Order at any time.


Reason:         To protect existing trees.



83.   Removal of refuse


All builders' refuse, spoil and/or material unsuitable for use in landscape areas shall be removed from the site on completion of the building works.


Reason:         To protect the environment.


84.   Canopy replenishment trees to be planted


The canopy replenishment trees to be planted shall be maintained in a healthy and vigorous condition until they attain a height of 5.0 metres whereby they will be protected by Council’s Tree Preservation Order.  Any of the trees found faulty, damaged, dying or dead shall be replaced with the same species.


Reason:         To maintain the treed character of the area.


85.   Survey and inspection of waste collection clearance and path of travel


At the stage when formwork for the ground floor slab is in place and prior to concrete being poured, a registered surveyor is to:


·           ascertain the reduced level of the underside of the slab at the driveway entry,

·           certify that the level is not lower than the level shown on the approved DA plans; and

·           certify that the minimum headroom of 2.6 metres will be available for the full path of travel of the small waste collection vehicle from the street to the collection area.

·           This certification is to be provided to Council’s Development Engineer prior to any concrete being poured for the ground floor slab.

·           No work is to proceed until Council has undertaken an inspection to determine clearance and path of travel.


At the stage when formwork for the ground floor slab is in place and prior to concrete being poured, Council’s Development Engineer and Manager Waste Services are to carry out an inspection of the site to confirm the clearance available for the full path of travel of the small waste collection vehicle from the street to the collection area.  This inspection may not be carried out by a private certifier because waste management is not a matter listed in Clause 161 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.


Reason:       To ensure access will be available for Council’s contractors to collect waste from the collection point.


86.   On site retention of waste dockets


All demolition, excavation and construction waste dockets are to be retained on site, or at suitable location, in order to confirm which facility received materials generated from the site for recycling or disposal.


·           Each docket is to be an official receipt from a facility authorised to accept the material type, for disposal or processing.

·           This information is to be made available at the request of an Authorised Officer of Council.

Reason:       To protect the environment.


Conditions to be satisfied prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate:


87.   Amended vegetation management plan


Prior to the release of the Occupation Certificate the following works as outlined below as detailed within the Vegetation Management Plan, prepared by Keystone Ecological, dated 26 February 2016, are to be completed.


1.   All works detailed within the VMP pre-construction activities, plantings of compensatory canopy trees/shrubs/groundcovers, weed control, revegetation, maintenance and monitoring are to be carried out in accordance with the VMP.


2.   Planting to be undertaken within the Blue Gum High Forest within the site are to be species characteristic of Blue Gum High Forest in accordance with the Vegetation Management Plan. All trees/plant material to be planted is to be of local provenance sourced from parent material within Ku-ring-gai or Hornsby LGA’s.


3.   All fencing as detailed within the VMP is to be installed prior to works commencing.


4.   The area beneath the access driveway which crosses the riparian area is to be planted out with riparian species characteristic of Blue Gum High Forest under the direction of a qualified ecologist/bush regenerator. No monocultures are supported. A mixture of groundcovers including ferns, sedges, grasses, climbers, sprawlers and shrubs are to be planted.


5.   All noxious and environmental weeds are to be removed from the Blue Gum High Forest community within the site in accordance with the VMP.


6.   All vegetation management actions as specified in the VMP shall be carried out by suitably qualified and experienced bush regenerators. The minimum qualifications and experience required for the bush regeneration contractor are a TAFE Certificate 2 in Bushland Regeneration with two years demonstrated experience (for site supervisor) and a TAFE Certificate 2 in Bushland Regeneration with one year demonstrated experience (for other personnel). In addition, the site supervisor is to be eligible for full professional membership of the Australian Association of Bush Regenerators (AABR).


7.   VMP monitoring works are to be undertaken by an engaged bushland restoration contractors or a suitably qualified and experienced landscape architect, horticulturist, bush regenerator or ecologist. The rehabilitation actions identified in this VMP are to be monitored. Monitoring is to be undertaken throughout the entire contract period. Monitoring and maintenance works are to be undertaken for a minimum period of 5 years with 6 monthly reports are to be provided to the Principal Certifying Authority and Copied to Council’s Ecologist.


Reason:         To ensure the protection and enhancement of Blue Gum High Forest within the site.



88.   Blue Gum High Forest management unit areas -Section 88b instrument


The Certifying Authority is to be provided with evidence of the creation of a restriction on the use of land under Section 88B of the Conveyancing Act 1919, burdening the following Blue Gum High Forest management unit areas (2 & 3). The terms of restriction must state that any excavation, soil level changes or construction works are prohibited with the exception of works to be undertaken and outlined in accordance with the plan below.


Plan no.

Prepared by


Vegetation Management Plan (Ref: KMC 15-740)

Keystone Ecological

26 February 2016


Reason:         To ensure that Critically Endangered Blue Gum High Forest offset management areas are protected.


89.   Easement for waste collection


Prior to the issue of the Occupation Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority is to be satisfied that an easement for waste collection has been created under Section 88B of the Conveyancing Act 1919.  The terms of the easement are to be generally in accordance with Council's draft terms for an easement for waste collection and shall be to the satisfaction of Council's Development Engineer.


Reason:         To permit legal access for Council, Council's contractors and their vehicles over the subject site for waste collection.


90.   Installation of car stacking system


The car stacking system must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s standards and guidelines.


Reason:       Safety and amenity.


91.   Certification of car stacking system


A suitably qualified traffic or structural engineer must certify that the car stacking system is structurally sound and has been installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines.  The certification must also confirm that the device is operating satisfactorily.  The certificates are to be provided to the Principal Certifying Authority prior to issue of the Occupation Certificate.


Reason:       Safety and amenity.


92.   Car stacking system positive covenant


Prior to issue of the Occupation Certificate the applicant must create a Positive Covenant under Section 88 E of the Conveyancing Act 1919, burdening the owner with the requirement to maintain the car stacking system on the property.  Registered title documents showing the covenant must be submitted to and approved by the Principal Certifying Authority prior to issue of an Occupation Certificate.

Reason:       Safety and amenity.


93.   Driveway construction


Prior to the issue of the Occupation Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority is to be satisfied that the section of driveway over the drainage easement has been constructed in accordance with the approved Construction Certificate plans and is lightweight and readily removable to allow for future maintenance of the pipe. 


Reason:         To protect the environment.


94.   Compliance with BASIX Certificate


Prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that all commitments listed in BASIX Certificate No. 701686M_05 have been complied with.


Reason:         Statutory requirement.


95.   Clotheslines and clothes dryers


Prior to the issue of the Occupation Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that the units either have access to an external clothes line located in common open space or have a mechanical clothes dryer installed.


Reason:         To provide access to clothes drying facilities.


96.   Mechanical ventilation


Following completion, installation and testing of all the mechanical ventilation systems, the Principal Certifying Authority shall be satisfied of the following prior to the issue of any Occupation Certificate:


1.         The installation and performance of the mechanical systems complies with:


·        The Building Code of Australia

·        Australian Standard AS1668

·        Australian Standard AS3666 where applicable


2.         The mechanical ventilation system in isolation and in association with other mechanical ventilation equipment, when in operation will not be audible within a habitable room in any other residential premises before 7am and after 10pm Monday to Friday and before 8am and after 10pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays. The operation of the unit outside these restricted hours shall emit a noise level of not greater than 5dbA above the background when measured at the nearest adjoining boundary.


Note:    Written confirmation from an acoustic engineer that the development achieves the above requirements is to be submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority prior to the issue of the Occupation Certificate.

Reason:         To protect the amenity of surrounding properties.


97.   Completion of landscape works


Prior to the release of the Occupation Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority is to be satisfied that all landscape works, including the removal of all noxious and/or environmental weed species, have been undertaken in accordance with the approved plan(s) and conditions of consent.


Reason:         To ensure that the landscape works are consistent with the development consent.


98.   Accessibility


Prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that:


·           the lift design and associated functions are compliant with AS 1735.12 & AS 1428.2

·           the level and direction of travel, both in lifts and lift lobbies, is audible and visible

·           the controls for lifts are accessible to all persons and control buttons and lettering are raised

·           international symbols have been used with specifications relating to signs, symbols and size of lettering complying with AS 1428.2

·           the height of lettering on signage is in accordance with AS 1428.1 – 1993

·           the signs and other information indicating access and services incorporate tactile communication methods in addition to the visual methods


Reason:         Disabled access & services.


99.   Retention and re-use positive covenant


If internal re-use of rainwater is proposed, then prior to issue of the Occupation Certificate, the applicant must create a positive covenant and restriction on the use of land under Section 88E of the Conveyancing Act 1919, burdening the property with the requirement to maintain the site stormwater retention and re-use facilities on the property.


The terms of the instruments are to be generally in accordance with the Council's "draft terms of Section 88B instruments for protection of retention and re-use facilities" and to the satisfaction of Council (refer to Part 24R.8 of Ku-ring-gai Local Centres Development Control Plan). For existing titles, the positive covenant and the restriction on the use of land is to be created through an application to the Land Titles Office in the form of a request using forms 13PC and 13RPA. The relative location of the reuse and retention facility, in relation to the building footprint, must be shown on a scale sketch, attached as an annexure to the request forms.


Registered title documents showing the covenants and restrictions must be submitted to and approved by the Principal Certifying Authority prior to issue of an Occupation Certificate.


Reason:         To protect the environment.

100. Certification of drainage works


Prior to issue of the Occupation Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority is to be satisfied that:


·           the stormwater drainage works have been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the approved Construction Certificate drainage plans

·           the minimum retention and on-site detention storage volume requirements of Ku-ring-gai Local Centres Development Control Plan have been achieved

·           retained water is connected and available for use

·           all grates potentially accessible by children are secured

·           components of the new drainage system have been installed by a licensed plumbing contractor in accordance with the Plumbing and Drainage Code AS3500.3 2003 and the Building Code of Australia

·           all enclosed floor areas, including habitable and garage floor levels, are safeguarded from outside stormwater runoff ingress by suitable differences in finished levels, gradings and provision of stormwater collection devices


Note:    Evidence from a qualified and experienced consulting civil/hydraulic engineer documenting compliance with the above is to be provided to Council prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate.


Reason:         To protect the environment.


101. WAE plans for stormwater management and disposal


Prior to issue of the Occupation Certificate, a registered surveyor must provide a works as executed survey of the completed stormwater drainage and management systems. The survey must be submitted to and approved by the Principal Certifying Authority prior to issue of the Occupation Certificate. The survey must indicate:


·           as built (reduced) surface and invert levels for all drainage pits

·           gradients of drainage lines, materials and dimensions

·           as built (reduced) level(s) at the approved point of discharge to the public drainage system

·           as built location and internal dimensions of all detention and retention structures on the property (in plan view) and horizontal distances to nearest adjacent boundaries and structures on site

·           the achieved storage volumes of the installed retention and detention storages and derivative calculations

·           as built locations of all access pits and grates in the detention and retention system(s), including dimensions

·           the size of the orifice or control fitted to any on-site detention system

·           dimensions of the discharge control pit and access grates

·           the maximum depth of storage possible over the outlet control

·           top water levels of storage areas and indicative RL’s through the overland flow path in the event of blockage of the on-site detention system


The works as executed plan(s) must show the as built details above in comparison to those shown on the drainage plans approved with the Construction Certificate prior to commencement of works. All relevant levels and details indicated must be marked in red on a copy of the Principal Certifying Authority stamped construction certificate stormwater plans.


Reason:         To protect the environment.


102. OSD positive covenant/restriction


Prior to issue of the Occupation Certificate, the applicant must create a positive covenant and restriction on the use of land under Section 88E of the Conveyancing Act 1919, burdening the owner with the requirement to maintain the on-site stormwater detention facilities on the lot.


The terms of the instruments are to be generally in accordance with the Council's "draft terms of Section 88B instrument for protection of on-site detention facilities" and to the satisfaction of Council (refer to Part 24R.8 of Ku-ring-gai Local Centres DCP). For existing titles, the positive covenant and the restriction on the use of land is to be created through an application to the Land Titles Office in the form of a request using forms 13PC and 13RPA. The relative location of the on-site detention facility, in relation to the building footprint, must be shown on a scale sketch, attached as an annexure to the request forms.


Registered title documents, showing the covenants and restrictions, must be submitted and approved by the Principal Certifying Authority prior to issue of an Occupation Certificate.


Reason:         To protect the environment.


103. CCTV report of pipe after work


Prior to issue of the Occupation Certificate, a closed circuit television inspection and report on the Council drainage pipeline traversing the site is to be undertaken by appropriate contractors and provided to Council’s Development Engineer.  The report is to include a copy of the footage of the inside of the pipeline.  Any damage that has occurred to the section of the pipeline since the commencement of construction on the site must be repaired in full to the satisfaction of Council’s Development Engineer at no cost to Council.


Reason:         To protect the environment.


104. Sydney Water Section 73 Compliance Certificate


Prior to issue of an Occupation Certificate the Section 73 Sydney Water Compliance Certificate must be obtained and submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority


Reason:         Statutory requirement.


105. Certification of as-constructed driveway/carpark


Prior to issue of an Occupation Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority is to be satisfied that:


·          the as-constructed car park complies with the approved Construction Certificate plans

·          the completed vehicle access and accommodation arrangements comply with Australian Standard 2890.1 - 2004 “Off-Street car parking" in terms of minimum parking space dimensions


·          finished driveway gradients and transitions will not result in the scraping of the underside of cars


·          no doors, gates, grilles or other structures have been provided in the access driveways to the basement carpark, which would prevent unrestricted access for internal garbage collection from the basement garbage storage and collection area


·          the vehicular headroom requirements of:

-        Australian Standard 2890.1 - “Off-street car parking”,

-        2.6 metres height clearance for waste collection trucks are met from the public street into and within the applicable areas of the basement carpark.


Note:    Evidence from a suitably qualified and experienced traffic/civil engineer indicating compliance with the above is to be provided to and approved by the Principal Certifying Authority prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate.


Reason:         To ensure that vehicular access and accommodation areas are compliant with the consent.


106.   Reinstatement of redundant crossings and completion of infrastructure



Prior to issue of the Occupation Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority must be satisfied that he or she has received a signed inspection form from Council which states that the following works in the road reserve have been completed:


·           new concrete driveway crossing in accordance with levels and specifications issued by Council

·           removal of all redundant driveway crossings and kerb laybacks (or sections thereof) and reinstatement of these areas to footpath, turfed verge and upright kerb and gutter (reinstatement works to match surrounding adjacent infrastructure with respect to integration of levels and materials)

·           full repair and resealing of any road surface damaged during construction

·           full replacement of damaged sections of grass verge to match existing


This inspection may not be carried out by the Private Certifier because restoration of Council property outside the boundary of the site is not a matter listed in Clause 161 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.


All works must be completed in accordance with the General Specification for the Construction of Road and Drainage Works in Ku-ring-gai Council, dated November 2004. The Occupation Certificate must not be issued until all damaged public infrastructure caused as a result of construction works on the subject site (including damage caused by, but not limited to, delivery vehicles, waste collection, contractors, sub contractors, concrete vehicles) is fully repaired to the satisfaction of Council. Repair works shall be at no cost to Council.

Reason:         To protect the streetscape.


107. Construction of works in public road - approved plans


Prior to issue of the Occupation Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority must be satisfied that all approved road, footpath and/or drainage works have been completed in the road reserve in accordance with the Council Roads Act approval and accompanying drawings, conditions and specifications.


The works must be supervised by the applicant’s designing engineer and completed and approved to the satisfaction of Ku-ring-gai Council.


The supervising consulting engineer is to provide certification upon completion that the works were constructed in accordance with the Council approved stamped drawings.  The works must be subject to inspections by Council at the hold points noted on the Roads Act approval.  All conditions attached to the approved drawings for these works must be met prior to the Occupation Certificate being issued. 


Reason:         To ensure that works undertaken in the road reserve are to the satisfaction of Council.


108. Infrastructure repair


Prior to issue of the Occupation Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority must be satisfied that any damaged public infrastructure caused as a result of construction works (including damage caused by, but not limited to, delivery vehicles, waste collection, contractors, sub contractors, concrete vehicles) is fully repaired to the satisfaction of Council Development Engineer and at no cost to Council.


Reason:         To protect public infrastructure.


109. Mechanical ventilation


Prior to the issue of the Occupation Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that all mechanical ventilation systems are installed in accordance with Part F4.5 of the Building Code of Australia and comply with Australian Standards AS1668.2 and AS3666 Microbial Control of Air Handling and Water Systems of Building.


Reason:         To ensure adequate levels of health and amenity to the occupants of the building.


110. Fire safety certificate


Prior to the issue of the Occupation Certificate, the Principal Certifying Authority shall be satisfied that a Fire Safety Certificate for all the essential fire or other safety measures forming part of this consent has been completed and provided to Council.


Note:    A copy of the Fire Safety Certificate must be submitted to Council.



Reason:         To ensure suitable fire safety measures are in place.


Conditions to be satisfied at all times:


111. Outdoor lighting


At all times for the life of the approved development, all outdoor lighting shall not detrimentally impact upon the amenity of other premises and adjacent dwellings and shall comply with, where relevant, AS/NZ1158.3: 2005 Pedestrian Area (Category P) Lighting and AS4282: 1997 Control of the Obtrusive Effects of Outdoor Lighting.


Reason:         To protect the amenity of surrounding properties.


112. No door restricting internal waste collection in basement


At all times, the basement garbage storage and collection area is to be accessible by Council’s Waste Collection Services. No doors, grilles, gates or other devices shall be provided in any location which would prevent this service. Where a gate, door or the like is to be erected, unimpeded access to the garbage collection point is to be provided by other means through written agreement with Council’s Waste Collection Services.


Reason:         To facilitate access to the garbage collection point.


113. Noise control – plant and machinery


All noise generating equipment associated with any proposed mechanical ventilation system/s shall be located and/or soundproofed so the equipment is not audible within a habitable room in any other residential premises before 7am and after 10pm Monday to Friday and before 8am and after 10pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.  The operation of the unit outside these restricted hours shall emit a noise level of not greater than 5dbA above the background when measured at the nearest boundary.


Reason:         To protect the amenity of surrounding residents.


114. Noise control - rainwater re-use system


All noise generating equipment, such as pumps, associated with any proposed rainwater re-use system/s shall be located and/or soundproofed so the equipment is not audible within a habitable room in any other residential premises before 7am and after 10pm Monday to Friday and before 8am and after 10pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.  The operation of the pump/s outside these restricted hours shall emit a noise level of not greater than 5dbA above the background when measured at the nearest boundary.


Reason:       To protect the amenity of surrounding residents.


115. Car parking


At all times, the visitor car parking spaces are to be clearly identified and are to be for the exclusive use of visitors to the site. On site permanent car parking spaces are not to be used by those other than an occupant or tenant of the subject building. Any occupant, tenant, lessee or registered proprietor of the development site or part thereof shall not enter into an agreement to lease, license or transfer ownership of any car parking spaces to those other than an occupant, tenant or lessee of the building.


Reason:         To ensure adequate provision of visitor parking spaces.


116. Loading and unloading


At all times, all loading and unloading of service vehicles in connection with the use of the premises shall be carried out wholly within the site.


Reason:         To ensure safe traffic movement.


117. Unobstructed driveways and parking areas


At all times, all driveways and parking areas shall be unobstructed. Driveways and car spaces shall not be used for the manufacture, storage or display of goods, materials or any other equipment and shall be used solely for vehicular access and for the parking of vehicles associated with the use of the premises.


Reason:         To ensure safe traffic movement.


118. Department of Primary Industries - Water


Temporary dewatering of an amount above 3 ML may require a water licence to be obtained from DPI Water before construction commences.


The proposal must not incorporate provision for the permanent or semi-permanent pumping of groundwater seepage from below-ground areas. A fully tanked structure must be used.


Reason:       DPI Water requirements.





Joshua Daniel

Executive Assessment Officer



Shaun Garland

Team Leader Development Assessment Central



Corrie Swanepoel

Manager Development Assessment Services



Michael Miocic

Director Development & Regulation




Location sketch





Zoning extract





Site survey





Architectural plans





Landscape plans





Vegetation management plan





Cl.4.6 Request to vary development standard - building height





Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

GB.4 / 123



Item GB.4



15 June 2017



Planning Proposal - Deferred Area 15 - Killara Golf Club





purpose of report:

For Council to consider a Planning Proposal for the north-eastern part of the Killara Golf Club known as Deferred Area 15 under the Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan 2015.




At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 13 June 2017 Council resolved That the matter be deferred pending a site inspection.  A site inspection was scheduled to be held at the Killara Golf Club on 23 June 2017. The matter is now being reported back to Council.

This parcel of land was deferred from inclusion in the Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan 2015 to allow Council to consider the landowner’s case regarding the zoning and standards that apply to the site The proposal seeks to maintain the KPSO residential status of the land with a partial rezoning to a higher density.

The Planning Proposal indicates that should development of the site be found necessary at some future date to enable the continued long-term operation of the Club. The Club has indicated they will maintain the existing golf provision through relocation of the facilities currently provided on the Deferred Area, including the bowling greens and tennis courts.




This report presents the assessment of the Planning Proposal and addresses key issues regarding the application, namely the flexibility sought through the proposal that will support the long term retention of the Killara Golf Club in this location, and the issues of interface impacts on neighbouring properties and the protection of the Heritage Item and its curtilages.


This report stipulates the amendments required to the Planning Proposal prior to it proceeding for Gateway Determination.




That the Planning Proposal be amended and forwarded to the Department of Planning and Environment for a Gateway Determination in accordance with section 56 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.



Purpose of Report

For Council to consider a Planning Proposal for the north-eastern part of the Killara Golf Club known as Deferred Area 15 under the Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan 2015.




At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 13 June 2017 Council resolved That the matter be deferred pending a site inspection.  A site inspection is scheduled to be held at the Killara Golf Club from 2pm – 3.30pm on Friday 23 June 2017. The matter is now being reported back to Council.


The land subject of this Planning Proposal is known as Deferred Area 15 under the Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan 2015 (KLEP 2015). It is owned by Killara Golf Club and forms the north-eastern part of the Golf Club land located closest to the Pacific Highway.


Under the Ku-ring-gai Planning Scheme Ordinance (KPSO), the land was zoned Residential 2(b), allowing low density residential development across the site. The draft Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan 2013 (draft KLEP 2013), exhibited the land as RE2 Private Recreation; however, Killara Golf Club expressed the necessity to retain the residential status of the site as a means to future proof and facilitate the longevity of the Golf Club and its facilities.


In making the KLEP 2015, the Department of Planning and Environment made a variation to exclude part of the Killara Golf Club site from the KLEP 2015. The excluded land is known as Deferred Area 15.


In its 4 March 2015 notification letter to Council (refer to Attachment A2) the Department of Planning and Environment advised that:


4. The draft Plan has been amended to defer part of the Killara Golf Club site that is currently zoned to permit low density residential development.


   The change has been made as a result of representations to the Department on behalf of Killara Golf Club that identified that the site was appropriately zoned for low density residential and an R2 Low Density zone was preferred. This will mean that the current controls from the Ku-ring-gai Planning Scheme Ordinance will continue to apply, pending a planning proposal to enable consideration of the appropriate zone for the land.


   The deferral option is recommended as it provides the opportunity for a transparent process to address the appropriate zone for the land, and provides an opportunity for adjoining landowners to make submissions on the proposed zoning.


The lodgement of the Planning Proposal will enable the transparent assessment of the Deferred Area zoning and corresponding standards, including consultation and consideration of community comment during the public exhibition.


A Pre-Planning Proposal meeting was held with the applicant and Council staff on 20 August 2015. Assessment of the Planning Proposal commenced on 24 February 2017 following the receipt of complete documentation on the proposal. Further clarification was requested by Council and received on 15 May 2017.


The Planning Proposal seeks to reinstate residential zoning across the Deferred Area with a split zoning of R2 (Low Density Residential) and R4 (High Density Residential).


A copy of the Planning Proposal and appendices are included at Attachments A3 – A14.


Site description and local context


The site is owned by the Killara Golf Club and is one of four private golf clubs in the Ku-ring-gai local government area. Killara Golf Club has long standing historical links with the area since its establishment in 1899.


The site, subject of this Planning Proposal, is part of a larger site known as 556 Pacific Highway, Killara and identified as Lot 2 in DP535219. The Deferred Area site constitutes a limited area to the north-east of the Lot and comprises the Clubhouse, bowling greens, tennis courts, golf fairways, parking and vehicular access from the Pacific Highway. The Killara Golf Course Clubhouse is identified as a local Heritage Item under Schedule 7 of the KPSO.


The subject site is located within a predominantly residential area with low density residential development (zoned R2 (Low Density Residential)) to the south fronting Fiddens Wharf Road and north-west fronting Buckingham Road. High density residential development including some small business premises (zoned R4 (High Density Residential)) is located to the north and east of the site, fronting the Pacific Highway. The Deferred Area site operates as a battle-axe property with driveway access from Pacific Highway.


The historical Club house building sits on a relatively flat area at a lower level than surrounding land to the east and north. The topography of the site steadily falls to the west, thus giving panoramic views from the Club house and private properties around it.


Almost all of the lots along Pacific Highway are zoned R4 (High Density Residential). Lots towards the north consist of unit blocks of 4-5 stories. Lots surrounding the site are made up of large lots of private residential housing. These lots are zoned R2 (Low Density Residential).



Location and Context - Killara Golf Club - Deferred Area 15 (KLEP 2015)

Reason for the Planning Proposal


The applicant’s justifications for the proposed amendments to the KLEP 2015 are as follows:


·     there is a growing worldwide trend of golf slowly losing popularity, especially amongst younger people, with many golf clubs in Australia already experiencing financial difficulty;

·     Killara Golf Club is currently in a strong financial position and wishes to maintain this through good forward planning able to cater for the needs of a changing local demography;

·     the Club sees as crucial to its future, the maintenance and continual improvement of its golf course together with the provision of a wider offering of activities and facilities for current and future Members; and

·     through the increased zoning, to ensure that future Boards and Members have options to secure Club’s future including the major upgrade to the Clubhouse facilities, enabling the Club to offer much greater functionality in a more cost effective manner.

The Killara Golf Club proposal seeks to maintain the KPSO residential status of the land with a partial rezoning to a higher density as a means to enable long-term flexibility around the use of the site to support and preserve the majority of the land as a golf course and other related facilities. The Planning Proposal indicates that should development of the site be found necessary at some future date to enable the continued long-term operation of the Club, the Club will maintain the existing golf provision through relocation of the facilities currently provided on the Deferred Area, including the bowling greens and tennis courts.


The Planning Proposal


The Planning Proposal seeks to make the following amendments to the KLEP 2015:


·     rezone the subject site from Residential 2(b) under the KPSO to a split zoning of R2 (Low Density Residential) and R4 (High Density Residential);

·     amend the associated development standards to the R2 (Low Density Residential) and R4 (High Density Residential) land to be consistent with the KLEP 2015; and

·     to amend the heritage mapping and Schedule 5 - Environmental Heritage to delineate and extend the Heritage Curtilage Area and the Heritage View Curtilage around the Clubhouse Heritage Item.


These amendments to the KLEP 2015 are intended to:


·     maintain the Killara Golf Club’s flexibility on the use of the site;

·     enable the conservation of the heritage clubhouse and its curtilage; and

·     to facilitate future development to support and retain the long-term operation and upkeep of the Club and its facilities, should the need arise.


Several studies form appendices to the Planning Proposal and provide analyses and justifications for the Planning Proposal. The studies, listed below, have been considered with comment and recommendations in the Table of Amendments at Attachment A1.


·     Detailed Site Survey prepared by YSCO Geomatics;

·     Killara Golf Club Urban Design Study Dec 2016 – PMDL;

·     Traffic Report (Varga Traffic Planning);

·     Conservation Management Plan + Statement of Heritage Impact;

·     Flora and Fauna Assessment;

·     Arborist Report;

·     Contamination Report, SESL Australia; and

·     Killara Golf Club - Communications Outcomes Report, Elton Consulting.


A Planning Proposal is not a Development Application and does not consider the specific detailed matters for consideration under section 79C of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. A Planning Proposal relates only to an LEP amendment and the proposed amendments need to be acceptable as an outcome on the site, regardless of the subsequent approval or refusal of any future Development Application.




A Planning Proposal must demonstrate the strategic merit of the proposed amendments to a Local Environmental Plan. This Planning Proposal has been assessed against the provisions of the Department of Planning and Environment’s “A Guide to Preparing Planning Proposals” and section 55 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.


Detailed assessment of the Planning Proposal and its supporting studies has been conducted. In general the Planning Proposal is supported conditional on the incorporation of all the recommended amendments stipulated in this Council Report and in the Table of Amendments at Attachment A1.


The following is an assessment of the key planning issues regarding the amendments proposed in this Planning Proposal.




As stated above, the subject site is currently zoned Residential 2(b) under the KPSO enabling low density residential development. The draft KLEP 2013 exhibited the land as RE2 Private Recreation; however, following instruction from the Department of Planning and Environment the site was deferred from KLEP 2015 and is known as Deferred Area 15 in that LEP. This issue was not raised by the Club in submissions to the exhibition of the Principal LEP at the time.


The Planning Proposal seeks to amend the zoning of the site to:


·     translate the existing Residential 2(b) KPSO zoning to R2 (Low Density Residential) on the majority of the site;

·     rezone to R4 (High Density Residential) that portion of the site at the north-east of the Deferred Area parcel.


It is understood that the motivation for Killara Golf Club to rezone part of the site to R4 (High Density Residential) is to enable a means of protecting and retaining the Golf Club and its associated facilities into a future which is already experiencing a change in the traditional recreational function of the sport.


The position to protect the longevity of the sport at this location is supported as this recreational facility is important in the long-term structure and historical fabric of the area.



Planning Proposal – proposed zoning


R2 (Low Density Residential) Zoning


The Planning Proposal retains a larger portion of the site as R2 (Low Density Residential).


This is supported as the zoning has historically applied to the land through the KPSO equivalent of Residential 2(b). Further, the dwellings resulting from any future development of the site will not conflict with the built form of the surrounding area which is predominantly single dwellings (R2 (Low Density Residential) zone) located upslope from the Deferred Area site.


R4 (High Density Residential) Zoning


The Planning Proposal incorporates an area of R4 (High Density Residential) restricted to the north-east of the Deferred Area. The location of the R4 (High Density Residential) zoning to that part of the site, places any future high-density development mainly adjacent to existing areas of similar R4 (High Density Residential) zoning fronting Pacific Highway and Buckingham Road.


The proposal siting the R4 (High Density Residential) component at this location is supported as the placement ensures no overshadowing or impacts on solar access to adjacent properties, and will result in limited impact on the golf course site itself with separation from areas of biodiversity and heritage curtilages.




The split R2 (Low Density Residential) and R4 (High Density Residential) zoning to the Deferred Area site is supported.


The amendments to the zoning boundaries, adjusted to incorporate key trees into the heritage curtilage area is detailed in Table of Amendments including at Appendix B Detailed Site Survey prepared by YSCO Geomatics and Appendix C – Urban Design Study prepared by PMDL and illustrated in the diagram below.



Recommended R2 (Low Density Residential) and R4 (High Density Residential) Zone Boundaries




The Planning Proposal stipulates a height standard of 17.5m to all the proposed R4 (High Density Residential) area; however, the PMDL Urban Study attached to the Planning Proposal provides variations to the heights within the R4 (High Density Residential) zoning.


The PMDL study indicates three height variations within the R4 (High Density Residential) zoning labelled Area B, B1, B2 (discussed in detail in the Table of Amendments at Attachment A1). The proposed heights are:


·     Area B - a maximum height level set by the Heritage Item Clubhouse;

·     Area B1 - a 17.5m height enabling 5-storey development to the north-east of the site and on the tennis court area;

·     Area B2 - a maximum RL109.810 height level enabling 4-5-storey development on the R4 (High Density Residential) land adjacent to the R2 (Low Density Residential) area of single dwellings fronting Buckingham Road.



Planning Proposal – proposed height areas – Area B, Area B1, Area B2




The boundary lines of the proposed Areas B1 and B2, with their differing height standards is not supported.


As illustrated in the PMDL report and analysed in the Table of Amendments at Attachment A1, the proposed height of Area B1 on the tennis courts would enable a building with a greater height (RL 114.7) than the adjacent building (RL109.810) within Area B2 on the bowling greens. This built form is not congruent with Council’s policy of buildings stepping down in response to the sloping topography. Therefore it is recommended that the boundary line between Area B1 and Area B2 be adjusted to ensure the heights and built forms can better respond to the topography.


It is recommended that the RL109.500 apply to that part of Area 1 located on and around the tennis court, and that this area be merged into Area B2. This will give the additional advantage of the 5-storey element being recessed from the wider views from the Clubhouse Heritage Item. See the below diagram.




Whilst the views from the Buckingham Road houses will change should the site be developed in the future, it is acknowledged that the views are not to the public domain, nor iconic, nor district views. The views are landscape views across private property with no established propriety rights to the neighbouring properties. For this reason views do not present sufficient motive to dismiss consideration of rezoning to R4 (High Density Residential). However, consideration of the amenity arising from the rezoning must be addressed as the area directly adjacent to the single dwellings on Buckingham Road creates an Interface Area.




Area B2 is classed as an interface site as it is directly adjacent to R2 (Low Density Residential) land. As such, it is acknowledged that there will be a change to the amenity (privacy and overlooking) of the dwellings and their private open spaces should 5-storey buildings be permitted adjacent to the 2-storey dwellings accessed from Buckingham Road.


Since Council has the position of providing an Interface Area that acts as a buffer between low density R2 (Low Density Residential) areas and high density R4 (High Density Residential) areas, it is important to maintain consistency with that approach at this location.


An Interface Area may be provided through placing an R3 (Medium Density Residential) zoning with height limit of 11.5m (3-storey) in between the R2 (Low Density Residential) 2-storey, and R4 (High Density Residential) 5-storey zones; or, by placing R4 (High Density Residential) zoning with height limit of 11.5m (3-storey) between the R2 (Low Density Residential) height 9.5m-2 storey, and R4 (High Density Residential) 17.5m – 5 storey zones. 


Given the topography of the site, a lower height R4 (High Density Residential) zoning to the interface area is preferred as it will limit the footprint of the built structure. The footprint of R3 (Medium Density Residential) development will be more widespread and reduce the ability to provide view corridors and areas for large canopy tree planting around the new development.


Use of Reduced Level (RL) Height Standard


To acknowledge the views that have benefited surrounding properties albeit across private lands, and to ensure the proposed R4 (High Density Residential) zone building heights maintain a relationship to the existing balcony levels of the dwellings with R2 (Low Density Residential) zoning on Buckingham Road adjacent to Area B2 (as provided in the PMDL study attached to the Planning Proposal), it is recommended that the maximum height permissible under the amended LEP be stipulated as a specific RL amount.


This will ensure that any future development that occurs in front of the existing R2 (Low Density Residential) dwellings on Buckingham Road will remain at a level that minimises impacts to those dwellings and is congruent with Council’s approach to development on both topographically sloping land and Interface Areas.


The PMDL study (discussed in Attachment A1) proposes an RL109.810 to the B2 Area. A recommended reduction in this RL from the proposed RL109.810 to RL109.500 will maintain the amenity to the dwellings at 8A, 14, 16, 22 Buckingham Road as it will retain height levels relative to those dwellings. The reduction in the proposed RL will enable 3-story buildings at the boundary with the dwellings (at the bowling greens), and a 4-storey building further into the site at the lower level tennis court location.


Therefore, whilst the proposed height variations are supported, a further reduction to Area B2 is recommended due to its status as an Interface Area. This reduction to RL109.500 will limit the building heights adjacent to the rear boundaries of the Buckingham Road dwellings. It will ensure the proposed R4 (High Density Residential) development does not tower over the neighbouring dwellings fronting Buckingham Road, and in tandem with Council’s DCP controls of view corridors, 9m setbacks on such interface sites, screening and landscaping requirements, will maintain privacy and amenity to the rear of the dwellings and their gardens.

As a result of the recommended adjustment to boundaries for zoning and differing heights to Areas B, B1, B2within the R4 (High Density Residential) area, calculations are to be undertaken by the applicant to establish the site FSRs based on the zoning and height areas recommended in this Council report and in the Table of Amendments at Attachment A1. The evidence and numerics of the FSR calculations must also be provided to enable verification by Council.




The variation of height standards across the R4 (High Density Residential) site is supported; however, a reduction in Height to Area B2, classed as an Interface Area, will ensure that partial views and good amenity, consistent with Interface Areas, is maintained to the neighbouring single dwelling properties to Buckingham Road consistent with that afforded to interface sites within the LGA.


The proposed mixture of height standards across the R4 (High Density Residential) area will enable a variety of building heights and corresponding FSR standards to be achieved appropriate to their location in the Deferred Area. This will preserve amenity onsite and to adjacent properties.


The amendments to the height standards are detailed in Table of Amendments including at Appendix B Detailed Site Survey prepared by YSCO Geomatics and Appendix C – Urban Design Study prepared by PMDL at Attachment A1 and illustrated in the diagram below


Recommended Boundaries for Height Variations




The Clubhouse is a Heritage Item which under the KPSO has a limited curtilage area around it. This Planning Proposal provides analysis of the Item and its curtilage. Comment on these studies has been provided in the Table of Amendments - Appendix E – Conservation Management Plan + Statement of Heritage Impact at Attachment A1.


The CMP studies have resulted in a proposal that seeks to ensure the long-term preservation of the Heritage Item through adaptive reuse should it become necessary, and the establishment of two Heritage Curtilage Areas protecting its setting: a Heritage Curtilage Area directly around the Item, and a Heritage View Curtilage Area in front of the building relating to views from the Item in a view corridor downslope across the fairways.


Heritage Item


The Killara Golf Course Clubhouse is identified as a local Heritage Item under Schedule 7 of the KPSO and is located within the proposed R4 (High Density Residential) area to the north of the site known as Area B under the recommended Height diagram above.


The Planning Proposal seeks to retain the Clubhouse as a Heritage Item with the option for its adaptive reuse and the formalisation of its heritage curtilage area, including a new formalised area surrounding the Clubhouse and a view curtilage (view corridor) to the main facade of the building.


The Planning Proposal has looked at future options for the Clubhouse, including a refurbishment of the existing building, or relocation of the clubhouse facility to another location within the site and adaptive reuse of the existing heritage listed building for high-end apartment living.


The R4 (High Density Residential) zoning may be perceived as conflicting with the conservation of the Item. However, in this instance the R4 (High Density Residential) zoning is the zoning-through of a Heritage Item which allows development in the vicinity of the item that does not impact on the item’s significance, particularly with the recommended changes to the zoning, height and curtilage boundaries, and allows for the adaptive reuse of the building should it be necessary in the long-term.


Further, to mitigate against any future assumptions that R4 (High Density Residential) development is supported within the immediate curtilage of the Heritage Item it is recommended the permissible Maximum Building Height within the area identified in the CMP (page 74) as Curtilage A, and identified in the Height map in the PMDL study and in this Council Report as Area B, be limited to an RL equivalent to the main roof ridgeline (running NE-SW) of the Clubhouse. This potentially permits adaptive reuse of the Clubhouse while not supporting 5-storey development within the curtilages of the Heritage Item. This RL is to be provided as stipulated in the Table of Amendments including at Appendix B Detailed Site Survey prepared by YSCO Geomatics and Appendix C – Urban Design Study prepared by PMDL at Attachment A1.


In addition, the CMP refers to the item as Killara Golf Course Clubhouse. The item name doesn’t fully describe the elements and curtilage identified as significant. It is recommended to revise the Heritage Item name in Schedule 5 to: Killara Golf Course Clubhouse including putting green and fairway.


Heritage Curtilage Area and Heritage View Curtilage Area


The proposed curtilage for the Clubhouse, based on the assessment CMP, is considered to be insufficient.


The nominated curtilage of the Heritage Item which includes a significant view corridor has failed to include two groups of trees close to the Clubhouse. Many of these trees have previously been assessed by Council in the assessment of DA0147/11 as having significant aesthetic value to the setting of the Heritage Item.


It is recommended to expand the mapped area for the Heritage Item curtilages on the proposed Heritage Map within the Planning Proposal to include the two groups of trees on the southern boundary of the proposed Heritage Item (between the 1st and 18th holes) being H1 202-209, H18 160-164 and H1 188-200, extending the boundary of the Curtilage Area and Visual Curtilage Area to the edge of the dripline of these trees – also detailed in Table of Amendments including at Appendix B Detailed Site Survey prepared by YSCO Geomatics and Appendix C – Urban Design Study prepared by PMDL (Attachment A1).


Other Heritage considerations


The north-west corner of the proposed R4 (High Density Residential) zone abuts an existing R2 (Low Density Residential) zoned area which includes the Heritage Item I257 at 22 Buckingham Road. To have R4 (High Density Residential) immediately adjacent to an R2 (Low Density Residential) zoning creates an interface issue as discussed above in this Council Report. It is Ku‑ring-gai Council’s practice to generally (where possible) step down the built form bulk and scale through appropriate transitionary zoning, or height/FSR standards within an interface site to reduce amenity impacts such as overshadowing and loss of privacy that result from R4 (High Density Residential) 5-storey buildings being adjacent to R2 (Low Density Residential) 2-storey buildings.


Reducing the maximum building height of the site immediately adjacent the 22 Buckingham Road Heritage Item from an RL109.810 to RL109.500 will ameliorate some of the impacts from having an incompatible zoning immediately adjacent to the Heritage Item.




The retention and conservation of the Heritage Item via the R4 (High Density Residential) through-zoning with height and development standard restrictions protecting the Item as recommended in this Council Report and the Table of Amendments (Attachment A1) is supported.


The curtilages associated with the Item are also supported conditional on the recommendation to expand the visual curtilage to include significant trees on the boundary of the fairway as the trees contribute to consolidating the fairways sense of place and facilitates the future interpretation of its original use. Detail on the curtilage boundary lines may be found in the Table of Amendments to the Statement of Heritage Impact and detailed in Table of Amendments to Appendix B – Detailed Site survey by YSCO Geomantics (Attachment A1).


Reduction of the height of the site known as Area B2 in the PMDL Height map, and adjusted in the Height diagram above from RL109.810 to RL109.500, will ameliorate some of the impacts to the 22 Buckingham Road Heritage Item directly adjacent to the interface site.


Recommended Boundaries for Heritage Curtilage and Heritage View Curtilage




Site specific Development Control Plan


Given the unusual nature of this site, its “battleaxe” aspect, interface issues, topographical features, heritage significance and ecological areas, it is recommended that site specific provisions be prepared for inclusion in Council’s comprehensive Development Control Plan (DCP) be prepared should a Gateway Determination be issued for the public exhibition of the Planning Proposal. This DCP amendment will be prepared by Council incorporating masterplan principles discussed with the landowner with costs paid by the landowner and in accordance Council’s Fees and Charges.


The DCP amendment would ensure consideration of: the physical and visual amenity to adjacent low density dwellings including the Heritage Items in the vicinity of the proposal; consideration of the Heritage Item clubhouse and its curtilage and view corridor; consideration of new onsite dwellings; and consideration of the users of the golf course. Consistent with the current development controls in the DCP, the site specific DCP amendment would reflect the landscape, screening, access, circulation, amenity and setback requirements including the larger setback dimensions required on Interface Areas adjacent to lower density zoning.


Traffic Study


Whilst the access for all vehicles off Pacific Highway is supported, consideration of further access off Fiddens wharf Road is recommended. To this end, an assessment of impacts of a separate access point from Fiddens Wharf Road for the R2 (Low Density Residential) zone at the southern end of the Deferred Area site is required for inclusion into the Varga traffic study. Refer to details in the Table of Amendments (Attachment A1).

Contamination Study


The Contamination Report by SESL conducted for this Planning Proposal has limited the area of investigation to the carpark area only; and, the study dismisses the requirement for consideration of contamination and remediation consideration as part of this Planning Proposal. This approach is not supported.


Contamination is a consideration for this site as it falls under cl6 of SEPP 55, which requires contamination and remediation to be considered in zoning or rezoning proposals involving residential purposes. This Planning Proposal involves residential uses, moreover, the intensification of the residential use to R4 (High Density Residential) will require extensive excavation which warrants this investigation. In particular, the cl6(4) references Table 1 of the Planning Guidelines which emphasises the requirement to consider contamination and remediation for certain land uses including horticultural activities (relating to the use of chemicals for maintenance of the building greens and golf greens) and landfill (relating to the built up landform to the building greens across the site). Further, the SESL Report verifies these uses on pages 1 and 51:


“historically been used as a golf course and has been filled to achieve the current landscape. This fill is of unknown origin. Onsite activities involved in course maintenance include pesticide and herbicide use.”


It is recommended that the SESL study investigates the entire Deferred Area 15 site as detailed in the Table of Amendments (Attachment A1).




The Planning Proposal is supported in principle as the proposal presents sufficient planning grounds for proceeding with the amendments to the KLEP 2015 and the progression of the Planning Proposal for Gateway Determination, subject to the recommended changes presented in this Council Report and the Table of Amendments at Attachment A1.


The key consideration is the reinstatement of the residential use of the site under the KPSO and the ongoing retention of social and recreational uses historically associated with this location, particularly preserving the longevity of the recreational golfing facility in uncertain economic and changing demographic times.


The key changes to the applicant’s Planning Proposal are as follows:


1.   Amend the Planning Proposal as stated in the Table of Amendments at Attachment A1 to ensure clear, correct and content consistent with Council’s approach to land use planning is presented for Gateway Determination and for public exhibition.


2.   Amend the Zoning Map boundary lines for the split R2 (Low Density Residential) and R4 (High Density Residential) zoning as required in this Council Report and the Table of Amendments at Attachment A1and depicted in Figure 1 below.


Figure 1: Recommendation for zoning amendments to the Planning Proposal


3.   Amend the Building Height Map boundary lines to include the following standards and detail as required in this Council Report and the Table of Amendments (Attachment A1) and depicted in Figure 2 below:


-     R4 (High Density Residential) area with height of RL 109.500 from the corner boundary point between 8A Buckingham Road and 6-8 Buckingham Road to the corner point of the Heritage Curtilage Area and the Heritage Visual Curtilage lines (referred to as Area B2 in this Council Report);

-     R4 (High Density Residential) area with height of maximum 17.5m (referred to as Area B1 in this Council Report);

-     R4 (High Density Residential) area with height of maximum RL equivalent to the main roof ridgeline of the Heritage Item Clubhouse running NW-SE (referred to as Area B in this Council Report).


Figure 2: Recommendation for height amendments to the Planning Proposal


4.   Amend the Heritage Map boundary lines to include the two heritage curtilage area lines as per the Planning Proposal with the amendment stated below and as required in this Council Report and the Table of Amendments (Attachment A1), and depicted in Figure 3 below:


-     Heritage Visual Curtilage  Area and Heritage Visual Curtilage Area (view corridor) lines to include the two groups of trees on the southern boundary of the proposed Heritage Item (between the 1st and 18th holes) being H1 202-209, H18 160-164 and H1 188-200. Extend the boundary of the Curtilage Area and Visual Curtilage Areas to the edge of the dripline of these trees.


Figure 3: Recommendation for heritage amendments to the Planning Proposal


5.    Tabulate all numerics relating to the R2 (Low Density Residential) and R4 (High Density Residential) areas, including FSR calculations for each differing height area based on the recommended maximum Heights for Area B, Area B1, Area B2. Include evidence and numerics of the FSR calculations to enable verification by Council. Refer to detailed requirements in this Council Report and the Table of Amendments (Attachment A1).


6.   Amend the description of the Heritage Item for inclusion in KLEP 2015 Schedule 5 to “Killara Golf Course Clubhouse including putting green and fairway.”


7.   Provide/assess impacts of a separate access point from Fiddens Wharf Road for the R2 (Low Density Residential) zone at the southern end of the site as required in this Council Report and the Table of Amendments (Attachment A1).


8.   Extend the investigation area covered by the contamination report by SESL area to cover all of the proposed R4 (High Density Residential) land within the Deferred Area 15 and revise the statement to show that contamination and remediation has been considered for the entire Deferred Area 15 site as required in this Council Report and the Table of Amendments (Attachment A1).


integrated planning and reporting


Places, Spaces and Infrastructure


Community Strategic Plan Long Term Objective

Delivery Program

Term Achievement

Operational Plan


P2.1 A robust planning framework is in place to deliver quality design outcomes and maintain the identity and character of Ku-ring-gai

Strategies, plans and processes are in place to effectively manage the impact of new development

Continue to review existing strategies and plans



Governance Matters


The process for the preparation and implementation of Planning Proposals is governed by the provisions contained in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.


Risk Management


This is a privately initiated Planning Proposal. Council needs to determine its position on this Planning Proposal. Council risks damage to its reputation if it does not undertake strategic land use planning in an effective and timely manner.


Financial Considerations


This is a private Planning Proposal and Council’s Fees and Charges have been applied to cover the Departmental costs of processing the Planning Proposal. Should the proposal proceed to exhibition, advertising fees will be sought from the applicant as per Council’s Fees and Charges. Costs to develop the recommended site specific DCP controls upon Gateway determination will be sought from the applicant in accordance with Council’s Fees and Charges.


Social Considerations


The Killara Golf Course had submitted this Planning Proposal as a means of future proofing their land by reinstating the residential uses on the site. This enables flexibility of the land use into the future. The Club is committed to remaining in operation in the long-term, continuing to provide the existing level of recreational uses despite the global and national trends of diminishing interest in the sport of golf.


Environmental Considerations


All aspects of the proposal with potential environmental impacts have been considered in the preparation of this Council Report. Assessment has included the investigation of riparian, biodiversity and flora/fauna aspects relating to the site. The Planning Proposal will not impact on the environmental aspects of the site. Any specific development that occurs on the site as a result of the proposal will be considered in detail at the development application stage.


Community Consultation


Elton Consulting were engaged by Killara Golf Club to undertake and report on a preliminary (non-statutory) period of community consultation from 3 November 2016 to 24 November 2016. Consultation was undertaken by the KGC to provide the community and relevant stakeholders with an opportunity to comment on the Planning Proposal prior to its finalisation and lodgement with Council.


If the Planning Proposal proceeds to a Gateway Determination, the draft Planning Proposal will be formally publicly exhibited by Council,  in accordance with the requirements of the Gateway Determination and the NSW Department of Planning Guide to Preparing Local Environmental Plans.


Internal Consultation


Where relevant, internal consultation with other Departments of Council has taken place for the preparation of this report.  Staff provided Councillors a presentation on the overall planning proposal and the opportunity to ask any questions on Tuesday 13 June 2017.




The Killara Golf Club has submitted a Planning Proposal to consider the zoning and development standards on a portion of their land known as Deferred Area 15 under the KLEP 2015. The Planning Proposal seeks to reinstate the existing KPSO residential zoning across the Deferred Area with a split zoning of R2 (Low Density Residential) and R4 (High Density Residential).


The motivation for Killara Golf Club to rezone part of the site to R4 (High Density Residential) is to enable a means of protecting and retaining the Golf Club and its associated facilities into a future which is already experiencing a change in the traditional recreational function of the sport. The position to protect the longevity of the sport at this location is supported as this recreational facility is important in the long-term structure and historical fabric of the area.


The proposed amendments address the conflicting concerns around the proposal, namely the flexibility sought through the proposal that will support the long term retention of the Killara Golf Club facilities into the future, and the issues of interface impacts on neighbouring properties and the protection of the Heritage Item and its curtilages.


The recommendation of this Council Report is to support the proposal and proceed it to Gateway Determination subject to the Planning Proposal being amended in accordance with this Council Report and the Table of Amendments at Attachment A1.




A.   That the Planning Proposal be amended in accordance with the recommendations in this Council Report and Table of Amendments at Attachment A1.


B.   That the Planning Proposal be forwarded to the Department of Planning and Environment for a Gateway Determination in accordance with section 56 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

C.   That delegation be given to the General Manager and Director of Strategy and Environment to verify all amendments are in accordance with the recommendations of this Council Report and Table of Amendments at Attachment A1prior to forwarding to the Department of Planning and Environment.


D.   That should a Gateway Determination be issued for public exhibition of the Planning Proposal, site specific amendments to Council’s Comprehensive Development Control Plan be prepared in accordance with  Council’s fees and charges, the details in this Council Report and the Table of Amendments at Attachment A1 and be placed on public exhibition concurrently with the Planning Proposal.


E.   That a Report be brought back to Council, as per any Gateway requirements, following the exhibition of the Planning Proposal and site specific draft Development Control Plan.


F.   That Council proceeds to make the Plan under delegated authority under Section 23 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.


G.   That the applicant be notified of Council’s Resolution.





Rathna Rana

Senior Urban Planner



Craige Wyse

Team Leader Urban Planning



Antony Fabbro

Manager Urban & Heritage Planning



Andrew Watson

Director Strategy & Environment




Table of Amendments





Department of Planning and Environment Letter to Council 4 March 2015





Planning Proposal





Appendix A Checklist of Consistency with Section 117 Directions and SEPPs





Appendix B Detailed Site Survey prepared by YSCO Geomatics 





Appendix C Killara Golf Club Urban Design Study December 2016, PDML





Appendix D Killara Golf Club 556 Pacific Hwy Killara - Traffic and Parking Assessment Report





Appendix E Statement of Heritage Impact and Conservation Management Plan December 2016





Appendix F  Flora & Fauna Assessment – Planning Proposal – Deferred Area 15 at Killara Golf Course & 552-554 Pacific Hwy Killara





Appendix G  Preliminary Arboricultural Assessment – Planning Proposal Deferred Area 15, May 2016





Appendix H Tier 1 Detailed Site Investigation Killara Golf Course 556 Pacific Hwy Killara – SESL Australia





Appendix I Killara Golf Club Planning Proposal Consultation Outcomes Report, Elton Consulting





Appendix J Information Checklist





Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

GB.5 / 141



Item GB.5



22 May 2017



Draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and Draft Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2017





purpose of report:

To seek endorsement of the proposed contents of a Council submission to the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) on the draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents, and for Council to note that no submission is to be put forward by Council in regards to draft Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2017.




The NSW RFS is currently inviting public submissions on a draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents in accordance with sections 100J to 100N of the Rural Fires Act 1997, and a draft Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2017.




This report outlines a number of key concerns, implications and recommendations for inclusion in Council’s submission on the draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents, for consideration and endorsement by Council.


No concerns have been raised in regards to the Draft Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2017.




That Council endorses the submission as provided within Attachment A1, on the Draft Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents.


That Council notes a submission in regards to the Draft Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2017 will not be submitted.


That Council undertakes a review of all relevant spatially identified land management agreements, for provision to the RFS and that conditions relating to these agreements be stored within an accessible location to enable provision of conditions within 3 working days.



Purpose of Report

To seek endorsement of the proposed contents of a Council submission to the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) on the draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents, and for Council to note that no submission is to be put forward by Council in regards to draft Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2017.




The NSW Rural Fire Service has prepared a draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and a number of supporting documents in accordance with sections 100J to 100N of the Rural Fires Act 1997, and a Draft Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2017. The NSW RFS is currently inviting public submissions on these draft instruments until Sunday, 25 June 2017. Ku‑ring-gai Council will be required to provide any draft submissions by this date, but has been granted an extension to the deadline and may provide a final submission no later than 5:00pm Sunday, 2 July 2017.


It should be noted that prior to the release of this draft, the RFS have sought to engage Council and other land managers over a number of years in the creation of the draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and the Bush Fire Protection for Existing Development Guidelines (draft).


The Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code 2006 (the Code) is a streamlined environmental assessment process to facilitate the approval of bush fire hazard reduction works. The draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code is proposed to replace the current version which has been in operation since 2006. The Code simplifies the approval of bush fire hazard reduction works which would otherwise require consideration of the full range of environmental approvals provided for by other environmental legislation. The major changes to the existing Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code are the broadening of the scope of the Code to include an approvals process for a range of hazard reduction works not previously covered, and the inclusion of the supporting document Bush Fire Protection for Existing Development Guidelines (draft). This report outlines a number of key concerns, implications and recommendations for inclusion in Council’s submission on the draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code, for consideration and endorsement by Council.


Planning for Bush Fire Protection provides the development standards for bush fire prone areas in NSW. The Draft Planning for Bush Fire Protection (PBP) 2017 will replace Planning for Bush Fire Protection (PBP) 2006. Major changes within the Draft PBP 2017 are outlined within Attachment A2; additionally:


·     As for PBP 2006, the minimum APZ distances specified by draft PBP 2017 for new development vary depending on the effective slope and vegetation formation present. In most cases, there is a proposed increase in the minimum APZ distance of between 1m and 12m for residential development and up to 19m for SFPP development;


·     The document provides improved alignment and replicates sections of AS 3959-2009 (Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas) and ‘National Association of Steel-Framed Housing Standard’ (NASH). For example:



for Residential Infill Development, the draft PBP 2017 has adopted a suite of additional measures over and above AS 3959:2009 and the NASH standard;

the Draft PBP 2017 replaces the site assessment methodology for determine the bush fire attack level when determining the construction requirements for buildings in a designated bush fire prone area;


·     Additional clarification has been provided to bushfire requirements for multi-storey residential development and historic buildings;


·     Provisions relating to dual occupancy, multi-dwelling housing, secondary dwellings (including detached granny flats) and boarding houses have been elaborated upon, including:


where an existing dwelling within the subject site and a second building can otherwise comply with the provisions of the Draft PBP 2017, it may be necessary to upgrade the existing dwelling;

where a secondary dwelling could be considered as complying development providing it can achieve BALLow, BAL-12.5, BAL-19 or BAL-29. A complying development is also required to meet the access, water and landscaping requirements of Draft PBP 2017;  

as for the PBP 2006, unless assessed as complying development a bush fire safety authority (BFSA) from the NSW RFS for subdivision on bush fire prone land under section 100B of the Rural Fires Act 1997 is required.


The document restructuring, simplifications and clarifications have improved the documents usability. No significant concerns have been raised during the internal consultation phase of preparing this report and no recommendations are made for inclusion in a Council submission.



The following provides a summary of the key points and recommendations, as they relate to the Ku-ring-gai area in response to the draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents released by the NSW RFS for public comment.


Draft Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code


a)    In preparing the draft Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents, the RFS has not met the requirements of section 100J of the Rural Fires Act 1997 to have regard for the principles of ecologically sustainable development.


The proposed inclusion of an approval process for transport corridors, fire breaks, fire trails and vehicle-accessible control lines is welcomed, as is the relocation of specific conditions and standards to supporting documents so they can be more easily updated to reflect future advances in best-practice guidelines.


It is considered that broadening the scope of the Code to facilitate the approval of larger scale recurring clearing works, such as the creation and maintenance of linear fire breaks and Neighbourhood Safer Places as well as clearing on land adjacent to Neighbourhood Safer Places, will result in serious and ongoing environmental damage which cannot be adequately addressed by the streamlined Code. Other, more rigorous environmental approval processes are available to facilitate highly damaging works where they are necessary, and the Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code should only be applicable to relatively low-impact works; those with small scale or short term negative impacts.


b)    Section 2.6.1 (Certificates issued under 100F of the Rural Fires Act 1997) states that “the conditions on a certificate must not be inconsistent with any of the conditions of the following land management agreements, unless mutually agreeable conditions are developed in consultation with the public authority responsible for the agreement”.


However it is noted that a number of the land management agreements listed within Section 2.6.1 expressly permit the carrying out of hazard reduction works as a standard condition (i.e. not an optional condition).  In these cases there is concern that the above restriction may not afford actual environmental protection to the areas subject to those agreements.


It is requested that a clause be included in the Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code to clearly articulate the requirement of issuing authorities to consider not just the conditions of a land management agreement but the intent of that agreement and the effect of proposed hazard reduction works on that land management agreement. The presence of a land management agreement must be grounds to either refuse an application for a Hazard Reduction Certificate (to potentially be approved under a more rigorous process) or require alternative, less environmentally damaging hazard reduction works.


c)    To better facilitate the control of weeds, it is requested that conditional mechanical works be included as permissible works within Strategic Fire Advantage Zones.


d)    The inclusion of an approval process for linear fire breaks is not supported, and it is requested that this be removed from the Code. Clarification is sought regarding the benefits of linear fire breaks over other less damaging works, and it is suggested that the negative environmental impacts of these works cannot be adequately addressed by a simplified environmental approval process.


e)    The inclusion of an approval process for the establishment of a Neighbourhood Safer Place (NSP) is not supported, and it is requested that this be removed from the Code. In regards to NSPs, the Code should apply only to maintaining those that already exist.


f)     Clarification is sought on the extent of works permissible on land adjoining a NSP, specifically the definition of the “external boundary” of an open space NSP. It is suggested that no clearing should be permitted on land adjoining an open space NSP and the Code should permit clearing on land adjoining a building NSP only.


g)    It is noted that the requirement to prevent the spread of noxious or environmental weeds is hindered by the prohibition of mechanical works in Strategic Fire Advantage Zones. The proposed future inclusion of Fire and Weed Management Guidelines is supported.


h)    Information is sought on the justification of a proposed reduction to the minimum fire interval for Wet Sclerophyll Forest (Shrubby) vegetation from 25 years to 15 years.


Draft Bush Fire Protection for Existing Development Guidelines


The draft Bush Fire Protection for Existing Development Guidelines propose an approach to risk treatments that is impractical to implement, and the principals of ecologically sustainable development are not adequately applied.


a)   There is concern that the draft Bush Fire Protection for Existing Development Guidelines place a disproportionate focus on separation distance and reducing radiant heat exposure, while failing to adequately address the more pertinent risk of ember attack or to promote the concept of shared responsibility for bush fire risk management.


b)   Proposed separation distances are based on a radiant heat target of 19kW/m2. It is suggested that a higher radiant heat target of 29kW/m2 be adopted, and a greater emphasis be placed on building upgrades and homeowner preparedness.


c)   It is requested that impediments to the ongoing maintenance of bush fire risk treatments (e.g. steep slopes) be considered a trigger for the application of alternative risk treatments.


d)   It is requested that a targeted community engagement activity be required as a standard component of the acceptable approach to risk treatments.


e)   It is suggested that the RFS facilitate the regulation and enforcement of compliance with the Building Best Practice Guide – Upgrading of Existing Buildings.


f)    It is requested that the presence of high biodiversity value (e.g. threatened species, endangered ecological communities, land management agreements, biodiversity corridors, regionally significant species etc.) be considered a trigger for the application of alternative risk treatments.


integrated planning and reporting

Community, People and Culture


Community Strategic Plan Long Term Objective

Delivery Program

Term Achievement

Operational Plan


An aware community able to prepare and respond to the risk to life and property from emergency events.


Plans are developed in partnership with emergency service agencies and key stakeholders and implemented.

Complete fire trail, fire break and hazard reduction maintenance programs.


Governance Matters

It is important that Council comment on the draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents to ensure that administrative issues are addressed and best practice measures are implemented.


Whilst the time frame requirements for issuing Hazard Reduction Certificates have not changed, additional workloads may be experienced for works affecting property subject to the following land management agreements:


a)   any conservation agreement entered into under Division 12 of Part 4 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974;

b)   any property agreement entered into under Part 5 of the Native Vegetation Conservation Act 1997;

c)   any Trust Agreement entered into under Part 3 of the Nature Conservation Trust Act 2001;

d)   any property management plan approved by the Director-General of National Parks and Wildlife under section 91 of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995;

e)   any Property Vegetation Plan agreement entered into under Part 4 of the Native Vegetation Act 2003;

f)    any property subject to a Biobanking Agreement entered into under Part 7A of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995;

g)   any Joint Management Agreement with another public authority under s.121 of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995;

h)   any Conservation Agreement established under a section 88b Conveyancing Act 1919 instrument that requires the retention and management of vegetation for conservation purposes or protection of environmental values on private lands prepared;

i)    any agreement established under a section 88E(3) Conveyancing Act 1919 instrument by a prescribed authority that identifies and requires the retention and management of vegetation;

j)    land subject to a Voluntary Planning Agreement between a planning authority and a developer; and

k)   any agreement entered into under legislation that replaces the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, the Native Vegetation Act 2003, the Nature Conservation Trust Act 2001 or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 or associated regulations.


The draft code states that in regards to issuing a Hazard Reduction Certificate under 100F of the Rural Fires Act 1997:


“An issuing authority is to consider whether the property is subject to any applicable land management agreements that have been spatially identified by the relevant public authority and provided to the NSW RFS by that public authority.


The appropriate public authority is to make available a copy of the relevant conditions associated with any identified agreement within three working days of a request by an issuing authority.”


Whilst it is assumed that The Office of Environment and Heritage will be the public authority for the majority of the land management agreements listed above, Council may be the public authority for sum (e.g. Conservation Agreement established under a section 88b Conveyancing Act 1919, where Council is party to the agreement).


It is recommended that Council undertake a review of all relevant land management agreements within the LGA that have been spatially identified; for provision to the RFS; and that conditions relating to these agreements are stored within an accessible location to enable provision of condition within 3 working days.


Risk Management

The draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents do not demonstrate a comprehensive risk management strategy and may have implications surrounding the resourcing of strategic hazard reduction works as identified in Council’s Bush Fire Risk Management Plan.


Financial Considerations

The draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents may have significant implications for Council budgets and resourcing relating to maintenance, regulation and compliance.


For example, many residential properties and major buildings within bushland-adjacent subdivisions in the Ku-ring-gai LGA, as in many other areas of the state that were developed prior to the introduction of Planning for Bush Fire Protection, provide very little distance separating privately owned buildings and public land. Meaning that there are large stretches of urban-bushland interface where the APZs required to meet the standards of Bush Fire Protection for Existing Development will need to be constructed almost entirely on land managed by Council or other public agencies. The construction of these new APZs, as well as the expansion of existing APZs that do not meet the proposed standards, will result a substantial increase in demand on land managers, potentially diverting resources away from strategic hazard reduction works. In many cases the works will simply not be feasible.


Social Considerations

It is important that Council comments on the Draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents to ensure that realistic and effective measures are introduced and/or promoted which reduce the risks from bushfire to life and property.


Environmental Considerations

The draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents will have implications for loss of canopy, endangered ecological communities, threatened species, heritage, soil erosion and riparian systems.


Council’s submission seeks to ensure that the code seeks to align more strongly with the principles of ecologically sustainable development and best practice measures which will reduce risk and conserve our environment, biodiversity and local area values/amenity.


Community Consultation

This submission responds to the community vision of ‘Working together as a community to protect and enhance our natural environment and resources’ and the long term objectives of ‘a community addressing and responding to the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events’ and ‘an aware community able to prepare and respond to the risk to life and property from emergency events’, in Council’s Community Strategic Plan 2030, which is based on the results of extensive community consultation and engagement.


Internal Consultation

Staff from Strategy and Environment, Operations, and Development and Regulation were consulted on the draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents, as well as the draft Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2017, and have contributed to this report and its associated submission.



The NSW Rural Fire Service has prepared a draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents, as well as a draft Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2017. The RFS is currently seeking public comment on these draft documents. This report details the key concerns and implications for the Ku-ring-gai area, and recommendations for inclusion in Council’s submission to the RFS on the draft Revised Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents, for consideration and endorsement by Council. No concerns have been raised or recommendations made in regards to the draft Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2017.





A.   That Council endorses the submission as provided within Attachment A1, on the draft Bush Fire Environmental Assessment Code and supporting documents.


B.   That Council notes a submission in regards to the draft Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2017 will not be submitted.


C.   That Council undertakes a review of all relevant spatially identified land management agreements, for provision to the RFS and that conditions relating to these agreements be stored within an accessible location to enable provision of conditions within 3 working days.






Heath  Fitzsimmons

Technical Officer Bushfire





Penny Colyer

Team Leader - Natural Areas





Andrew Watson

Director Strategy & Environment






Submission to NSW RFS





PBP 2006 to DRAFT PBP 2017 – What has changed





Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

GB.6 / 149



Item GB.6



14 June 2017



Revised Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2017-2018 - Post Exhibition





purpose of report:

For Council to adopt the revised Delivery Program 2013 – 2017 and Operational Plan 2017 – 2018, incorporating the Budget, Capital Works Program, Statement of Revenue Policy and Fees and Charges for 2017 – 2018.




In December 2016 the Office of Local Government advised councils with deferred elections that an additional Operational Plan for the period 2017 – 2018 must be developed and adopted by 30 June 2017.

On 2 May 2017, Council considered a report on the Revised Delivery Program 2013 – 2017 and draft Operational Plan 2017 – 2018, incorporating the budget, capital works program, statement of revenue policy and fees and charges for 2017 – 2018. At that meeting Council resolved to place the revised program and draft plan on public exhibition for a minimum period of 28 days in accordance with Sections 404 and 405 of the Local Government Act, 1993.




The revised Delivery Program 2013 – 2017 and draft Operational Plan 2017 – 2018 were exhibited for a period of 29 days from 5 May to 2 June 2017. Twelve (12) external and four (4) internal written submissions were received as a result of the exhibition. Following a review of the submissions minor amendments and corrections are proposed to the operational plan and fees and charges.




That pursuant to Sections 404 and 405 of the Local Government Act, 1993 Council adopts the revised Delivery Program 2013 – 2017 and Operational Plan 2017 – 2018 incorporating the Budget, Capital Works Program, Statement of Revenue and Fees and Charges for 2017 – 2018.




Purpose of Report

For Council to adopt the revised Delivery Program 2013 – 2017 and Operational Plan 2017 – 2018, incorporating the Budget, Capital Works Program, Statement of Revenue Policy and Fees and Charges for 2017 – 2018.




In December 2016 the Office of Local Government advised councils with deferred elections that an additional Operational Plan for the period 2017 – 2018 must be developed and adopted by 30 June 2017.

On 2 May 2017, Council considered a report (GB.1) on the Revised Delivery Program 2013 – 2017 and draft Operational Plan 2017 – 2018, incorporating the budget, capital works program, statement of revenue policy and fees and charges for 2017 – 2018. At that meeting Council unanimously resolved to place the revised program and draft plan on public exhibition, with amendments, for a minimum period of 28 days in accordance with Sections 404 and 405 of the Local Government Act, 1993 (Act), as follows:


A.      That the revised Delivery Program 2013-2017 and draft Operational Plan 2017-2018, incorporating the Budget, Capital Works Program, Statement of Revenue Policy and Fees and Charges for 2017-2018, be endorsed and placed on public exhibition for a period of twenty-eight (28) days.


B.      That following public exhibition, a further report is submitted to Council to consider any submissions, to adopt the revised Delivery Program 2013-2017 and Operational Plan 2017-2018 including Fees and Charges 2017–2018.



On 25 June 2013 Council adopted a suite of documents that form the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework.  This included the:


•        Community Strategic Plan;

•        Delivery Program & Operational Plan; and

•        Resourcing Strategy.


As required by the Office of Local Government this fifth Operational Plan has been developed to facilitate the delivery of Council’s current term achievements, contained in its revised Delivery Program 2013 – 2017, while maintaining the key themes and any activities not yet complete. The Plan contains the services, projects and tasks to be undertaken by Council during the year supported by an annual budget and works program.


The Delivery Program and new Operational Plan developed for 2017 - 2018 are presented in a single integrated document. Organisational performance is measured through the progress or delivery of four year term achievements and critical actions and one year tasks under each theme.  In addition performance indicators are included under each theme, to provide both qualitative and quantitative information back to the community.



As required by the Act the document was placed on public exhibition for a minimum period of twenty-eight (28) days to allow for community feedback.


As required by legislation, the revised Delivery Program and Operational Plan also contains the income (revenue) and budget for Council over the coming year which supports the various services and projects to be delivered.


integrated planning and reporting

Leadership and Governance


Community Strategic Plan Long Term Objective

Delivery Program

Term Achievement

Operational Plan



The organisation is recognised and distinguished by its ethical decision-making, efficient management, innovation and quality customer service.



Council’s integrity and operation effectiveness is continually being improved through its leadership, decision-making and policies.



Prepare Integrated Planning and Reporting documents and complete all statutory reporting required under the Local Government Act and Integrated Planning and Reporting framework.


Governance Matters

The legislative requirements to prepare and exhibit the revised Delivery Program 2013 - 2017 and draft Operational Plan 2017 - 2018 each year, incorporating the budget, capital works program, statement of revenue policy and fees and charges for 2017 – 2018 is governed by sections 404 and 405 of the Local Government Act, 1993.


It is the responsibility of Council to consider all submissions made during the exhibition of the draft program and plan prior to their adoption.


Risk Management

The structure and content of the revised Delivery Program and draft Operational Plan comply with the requirements of the Local Government Act, 1993. Council has a statutory obligation to prepare, exhibit, consider feedback and adopt the revised Delivery Program and Operational Plan, no later than 30 June each year.


Financial Considerations

Financial summary


Ku-ring-gai Council is in a sound financial position. The 2017-18 budget provides for an operating surplus of $21 million after allowing for the depreciation expense on Council’s $1.068 billion portfolio of depreciable assets such as roads, footpaths, drains and buildings. If capital grants and contributions are excluded, the operating result remains in surplus, with a result of $1.5 million. This is consistent with Council’s long term financial plan which provides a framework to achieve continued operating surpluses.





The Operating Surplus contributes to Council’s capital works program. In 2017-18 the capital works program is $53 million. Details of the capital works program for 2017-18 can be found under separate Attachments.




Council’s long term financial plan and budget ensures that Council maintains adequate liquidity. This is demonstrated by the Unrestricted Current Ratio, for which the industry benchmark of greater than 1.5:1 is considered to be “Satisfactory” and greater than 2:1 to be “Good”. Council’s budget maintains a “Good” Unrestricted Current Ratio that is greater than 2:1.



Council’s 2017-18 budget provides for loan capital repayment of $1.7 million. Council’s debt peaked at $43.7 million in 2013-14 and is projected to be gradually repaid over the period 2015-16 to 2022-23 from Council’s operating surplus and asset sales. 



Council collects s.94 contributions from developers to help pay for new infrastructure and facilities for the growing population of the area. Some of the works to be undertaken in the s.94 plan cater for the existing population and these works require a co-contribution from Council’s general funds. The works programmed to be undertaken over the next year are shown below:



Council’s total Rates income is “pegged” by the State Government and approval must be obtained for increases above this amount (known as Special Rates Variations). In the 2017-18 budget the projected Rates income is $61.8 million. This amount includes the permanent existing Special Rates Variations for Infrastructure and the continuation of the Environmental Levy.




A summary of Council’s Funding Statement for the next year 2017/18 is provided below. Years 2014/15 - 2016/17 are also provided as they are part of the revised Delivery Program 2013-2017.



Budget principles


Council’s budget for 2017-2018 is developed using the 10 Year Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP). The LTFP principles and financial sustainability tests applied in developing next year’s budget and future financial planning are outlined in Council’s Resourcing Strategy. In summary these are:


1.   maximise funds available for projects to renew infrastructure;

2.   satisfy applied tests of financial sustainability; and

3.   a borrowing and loan repayment strategy.


The draft 2017-2018 budget has been developed to ensure that the LTFP financial targets are met and maintained in the future.


Major assumptions of the 2017-2018 budget include:


·     CPI of 2.3% applied;

·     the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) approved rate pegging increase of 1.5%;

·     no price increase for domestic waste charges;

·     fees and charges increased by an average of 2.3%;

·     interest on investments estimated at 2.8%;

·     employee costs increase of 3.5%;

·     capital works and other major projects program of $53 million; and

·     Section 94 revenue plus interest of $20.6 million transferred to externally restricted reserves and expenditure of $31.9 million from these reserves;


Rating structure 2017-2018


Each year the NSW Government approves a maximum percentage increase in the total income a council can receive from rates, known as the ‘rate-peg’. The rate peg for 2017-2018 has been determined by IPART at 1.5% and this percentage increase has been applied to Council’s rates.


Ordinary General Residential and Business Rates, plus the special ‘Infrastructure – Primary Rate’ together represent the total notional rates income of Council excluding the rates received from the two special rate variations. The rates structure represented in the table below divides this amount into the Ordinary Rates (59%) and ‘Infrastructure – Primary Rate’ (41%).


Under this rates structure, Council will grant a voluntary pensioner rebate (in addition to the Statutory Rebate) of 8.5% of the total rates and charges. This voluntary rebate will apply to pensioners who are eligible for the Statutory Rebate.


Rates structure including rate peg increase of 1.5%


The details of rates levied for the 2017/18 will be as follows:




Rate in $




% of Revenue from Base for each rate
















Infrastructure – Primary Rate






Infrastructure – Primary Rate






Infrastructure - Special Rate Variation







Infrastructure - Special Rate











Environmental – Special

Rate Variation








Stormwater management charge


The stormwater management service charge for 2017-2018 is levied under Section 496A of the Local Government Act 1993 (as amended).


The charges have been set in accordance with the Local Government Amendment (Stormwater) Bill 2005 and for 2017-2018 are as follows:


Strata/Company titled residential home units:        $12.50 per unit


Other residential property:                                         $25.00 per rateable property


Business rateable property:                                        $25.00 per 350 square metres of land area (a maximum charge of $1,500.00 applies to land area greater than 21,000 square metres).


Strata/Company titled business units:                       A minimum of $5.00 or the relevant portion of the maximum annual charge that would apply to the land subject to the strata scheme if it were a parcel of land subject to the Business rateable property charge.


Waste management charge – for business properties


The waste management charge for 2017-2018 is levied under Section 501 of the Local Government Act 1993 (as amended).


Council’s annual waste management charges include a charge for waste management per business service provided. Upon request, a 120L waste bin to be emptied weekly will be provided. In 2017/2018 this charge will be $270 per service.


The charge for aged care/nursing homes rated as business properties will be $270 per service. The service is:


·     equivalent of 120 litres of waste per service per week; and

·     equivalent of 120 litres of recycling per service per week.


Domestic waste management charge


Sections 496 and 504 of the Local Government, Act 1993 (as amended) require councils to make and levy an annual charge for the provision of domestic waste (DWM) service for each parcel of rateable land for which the service is available, ensure that the cost of providing the service is met by the charge and that the charge is reasonable for the services provided. A council cannot use income from its ordinary rate towards the cost of providing DWM services.


Charges for 2017-2018 are shown below:



Charge per Occupancy

Number of Services

Estimated Yield

Base Service with Green waste




Base Service without Green waste




Flat, Home Unit




Additional Green waste Bin




240L waste bin with Green waste




Additional 120L waste bin




Availability / Vacant Land




240L waste bin without Green waste




240L waste, flat home unit




Total Yield





Note:          For aged care/retirement villages rated as Residential Properties, charge is applied per service as follows:


·     base service without green waste plus $152.50 (being 50%) for each additional service –

·     1 x bed self-care unit; and

·     base service without green waste plus $76.25 (being 25%) for each additional service –

·     1 x bed fully serviced hostel room.


Note:          For aged care/retirement villages exempt from rating, charge is applied under Section 496(2) per service as follows:


·     base service without green waste plus $152.50 (being 50%) for each additional service –

·     1 x bed self-care unit; and

·     base service without green waste plus $76.25 (being 25%) for each additional service –

·     1 x bed fully serviced hostel room.


Fees and charges schedule for 2017 - 2018


The revised Delivery Program and draft Operational Plan includes a range of proposed increases to current fees and charges in 2017-2018. Underlying these is the pricing methodology in relation to fees and charges which are not prescribed by legislation. The pricing methodology seeks to ensure Council recovers its costs in delivering of services, while also allowing for fees and charges to be discounted, where appropriate, in recognition of Council’s community service obligations.


Council’s Fees and Charges have been increased where appropriate. Fees that have not been subject to an annual increase include Statutory and Regulatory Fees, Section 94 Contributions and those where it was not commercially viable to do so.


Changes to Fees & Charges post exhibition


Council has been advised of the following changes to statutory rating fees which are set each year by the Minister for Local Government:


Rates - Section 603 Certificate


Under section 603 of the LG Act, Council issues a certificate as to the amount (if any) of rates and charges due or payable to the council for a parcel of land. Section 603(2) states the application must be accompanied by the approved fee. In accordance with the approved methodology, the approved fee for 2017-18 is determined to be $80. The previous year fee (2016-17) was $75.


Rates - Maximum Interest on Overdue Rates and Charges


In accordance with section 566(3) of the LG Act, it has been determined that the maximum rate of interest payable on overdue rates and charges for the 2017-2018 rating year will be 7.5%, compared to 8% in 2016 - 2017.


Annual Budget 2017 - 2018 – Changes to Operational and Capital Budget


Revision to Roads Program: A submission was received in reference to the Roads Program for the Dumaresq and Moree Streets, Gordon land acquisition for a new street (page 93 of exhibited document). The resident has queried the $3,626,000 line item. The above project included budget for a portion of the land acquisition which was already acquired in previous years. The remainder of funds are to be allocated to construction only. The cost of construction of the new road has been revised and is approximately $2,621,100 funded from S94 development contributions.


It is recommended that the Roads program for 2017 – 18 be amended to reduce the allocation for Dumaresq and Moree Streets, Gordon.


Rates Levied:  Minor changes have been made to the rate in the dollar as a result of additional supplementary valuations received after finalising the Draft 2017 - 2018 Annual Budget. The rates levied are listed under section Rates Structure including Rate Peg increase of 1.5% “in this report.


No other changes have been made to the total 2017- 2018 Budget since it was placed on public exhibition.  Minor changes to the budget will be reflected in the September Quarterly Budget Review.


Social Considerations

Integration of the Delivery Program and Operational Plan with the Community Strategic Plan, including the same six (6) themes and term achievements from that plan, ensures that the program and plan address social justice principles and social issues in an integrated way, along with civic leadership, environmental and economic issues as required by the Integrated Planning and Reporting framework.


Environmental Considerations

The revised Delivery Program and Operational Plan, through integration with the Community Strategic Plan, address both natural and built environment issues in a comprehensive manner integrated with civic leadership, social and economic issues as required by the Integrated Planning and Reporting framework.


Community Consultation

The revised Delivery Program 2013 – 2017 and draft Operational Plan 2017 – 2018, including draft Fees and Charges, were publicly exhibited for 29 days from 5 May to 2 June 2017.  Copies of the exhibition documents were made available at Council’s Customer Service Centre at Chambers and Council’s four (4) libraries as well as being available on Council’s website.


Notification of the exhibition included a local newspaper advertisement within Council’s dedicated Ku-ring-gai Focus section as well as information on Council’s website homepage with direct links to a dedicated page explaining the exhibition and documents. 


Twelve (12) external and four (4) internal submissions were received and are summarised in the tables below.



Issues raised

1.  Resident

Request for Yarrara Road, West Pymble to be resurfaced due to its poor existing condition.


Council uses a sophisticated Pavement Management System to assess all road pavements within Ku-ring-gai. The assessment, which is reviewed annually, takes into account existing pavement condition, traffic loading and available funds.  It enables Council to determine the most cost effective pavement treatment and timing and develop a prioritised road rehabilitation program.

Council is aware of the road condition of Yarrara Road. Under Council’s draft five (5) year program, this road was initially identified for inclusion in the 2017-2018 Road Rehabilitation program. However, due to budgeting allocation the road was unable to be listed in the Delivery Program and draft Operational Plan 2017 – 2018. It has therefore not been included in the proposed 2017 – 2018 road program.



That the resident be informed that Yarrara Road, West Pymble will be reviewed for inclusion in the 2018- 2019 Road Rehabilitation program.  This program is reviewed annually subject to available funding and adoption by Council.


Issues raised

2.  Resident

Submission seeking confirmation that Council will investigate inclusion of a half court for basketball in its design planning for Gordon Park, consistent with earlier Council advice.


At the meeting of 9 December 2014 Council resolved to allocate up to $7000 from the Section 94 Reserve (2010 Contributions Plan – Parks and Sporting Facilities South) in the 2015 first quarter budget review for the immediate installation of a basketball half court at Regimental Park, Killara.


As Regimental Park sits on top of a Sydney Water reservoir, Council officers approached Sydney Water in early 2015 seeking in principle support prior to Council spending money on geotechnical and engineering reports. In principle approval was given in April 2015 and footing details were forwarded to Sydney Water in June 2015. In August 2016 Sydney water requested further information and subsequently imposed a load rating for the reservoir roof of 5.4Kpa. Council engineers calculated the footing for the basketball hoop to be some three times more than the load rating permitted by Sydney Water.


As Council was then unable to install the basketball hoop at Regimental Park it is proposed to relocate the hoop to Gordon Recreation Ground as part of the masterplanning and playground upgrade works. To date an initial public survey has been carried out to inform the masterplan. The development of the masterplan will take place over the first quarter of 2017-2018 and will include public consultation on the proposed facilities and works.  Following Council’s adoption of a masterplan it is anticipated that works will commence late in the 2017-2018 financial year.



That the resident be advised in terms of the response above.


Issues raised

3.  President of Roseville Park Tennis Club, Manager of Online Tennis

Seeking urgent inclusion of the construction of a new clubhouse/tennis pavilion at Roseville Park in Council’s 2017 – 2018 Operational Plan for the following reasons:

·     That the replacement of the tennis pavilion, which was demolished over four years ago does not include funding for in 2017 – 2018 Operational Plan.

·     Roseville Park tennis courts are one of the largest tennis court complexes in Ku-ring-gai.

·     The demountable building and port-a loos provided by Council temporarily are inadequate for the large number of patrons who use the tennis facilities. This includes tennis club members, 461 juniors in the Online Tennis program and other tennis players who use the facilities.

·     There is no access to hot water for tennis patrons.

·     The club is prepared to contribute to the financial cost of works and to seek grant funding from other agencies once a DA is finalised.


In October 2013 a fallen tree branch damaged three external wall panels and roofing to the existing tennis shelter at Roseville Park.  After risk assessments were conducted and reports identifying asbestos, Council organised for the tennis shelter to be demolished. Due to limited funding and heritage curtilage issues related to nearby Firs Cottage, a replacement building was not considered suitable at the original location. As a temporary arrangement, Council established a demountable building (powered) to service the full time tennis coach (Online Tennis) and the Roseville Park Tennis Club. Portable toilets (x2) were also set up onsite to supplement the existing toilet facilities located at the nearby amenities building at Roseville Park and the public toilets open in line with Firs Cottage trading hours.


Council’s Section 94A Contributions Plan 2015 states that whilst the Roseville Park Masterplan was adopted in 2015, the first notional funding available in Council’s Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) was in 2017- 2018 where $570,000 had been allocated through the Infrastructure and Facilities Reserve. At least $4M is required to implement most of the Masterplan’s high priority items. However, it is acknowledged that a replacement Tennis Pavilion with the provision of amenities would rank highly in the priority order for the park.


The LTFP was predicated on a number of asset sales. These asset sales rely on the reclassification of land by the NSW Government which have been significantly delayed, deferred and in some cases rejected. Without asset sales limited funding is available and as a result the project was not included in the Draft Operational Plan. However, in the interim it is proposed that $60,000 be allocated in the 2017-2018 financial year from S94A for the design and public consultation for the tennis pavilion with amenities. Allocation of these funds in the 2017–2018 budget are proposed as part of Council’s September Quarterly Budget Review process.


It must be noted that until alternate funding is identified or the NSW Government advances the reclassification proposals, there are no funds available for the construction.



·     That Council include the design and consultation for the construction of a tennis pavilion with amenities at Roseville Park in the 2017/2018 Operational Plan.

·     That Roseville Park Tennis Club and Online Tennis be advised of Council’s response.


Issues raised

4.  Member of Roseville Park Tennis Club


Seeking Council’s urgent attention to replace the tennis clubhouse building and facilities demolished over 5 years ago for the reasons that the temporary port-a-loos and facilities provided by Council are inadequate for all users of Roseville Park facilities as well as the detrimental effect this has on tennis club membership. 


See response provided to Submission 3 above.



·     That Council include the design and consultation for the construction of a tennis pavilion with amenities at Roseville Park in the 2017/2018 Operational Plan.

·     That the club member be advised of Council’s response.


Issues raised



7. ) Northern Suburbs Football Association Inc.

Three separate submissions were received from Northern Suburbs Football Association, the governing body for football on Sydney’s North Shore,  advising Council of its support for the capital works included in Council’s draft 2017-2018 Operational Plan which will assist its

15 NSFA clubs located in the Ku-ring-gai LGA with combined 7000 members:


Norman Griffiths Oval, West Pymble – confirming the NSFA’s support for Council’s funding towards the development of the Oval in addition to $125,000 of committed NSFA funds and $50,000 secured government funding.


Comenarra Playing Field, Turramurra and George Christie Oval , Wahroonga - confirming the NSFA’s support for Council’s funding towards the upgrade to amenities at these locations.


Completion of the 200 space carpark at the North Turramurra Recreation Area; Stage 4 works at Koola Park, East Killara; Primula Park sportsfield upgrade  and investigation of upgrading Warrimoo Oval surface - confirming the NSFA’s support for Council’s funding towards these projects. 

Response:  The submissions from Northern Suburbs Football Association in support of the above proposed works are noted.



That the Northern Suburbs Football Association be advised that Council has received and noted its submissions in support of the above stated capital works. 


Issues raised

8. Northern Suburbs Football Association Inc.

Seeks Council’s co-contribution for a ZAPSTAND automated external defibrillator to be located at North Turramurra Recreation Area. The estimated running and maintenance cost is $8,000 + GST per annum of which the association is seeking an annual 50% contribution from Council.


The NSFA submission follows discussions with Council officers regarding the defibrillator proposal where they were advised that Council does not currently have funding for this in the NTRA budget.


This defibrillator is designed as an externally accessible unit and has recently been installed at Circular Quay.  Preliminary assessment suggests that the unit has merit based on the projected numbers of patrons that will be utilising the three sportsfields and golf course within the NTRA.  The robust design may also overcome Council maintenance and vandalism concerns with a previous proposal to install units in change rooms. 


Funding opportunities are presently being discussed with the Association.  This includes applying for a small equipment grant under Council’s community grants program, which closes on July 2, as well as seeking advice on state government funding opportunities.



·     That Council officers continue to liaise with the Northern Suburbs Football Association regarding the proposed defibrillator equipment at the North Turramurra Recreation Area including security and maintenance requirements and funding opportunities.

·     That the Association be advised in the above terms.


Issues raised

9.  Resident

Recommends the following priorities for funding as a result of the high number of new dwellings being built in the Ku-ring-gai area:

Improve infrastructure

·     Change the existing Pacific Highway (from Roseville to Wahroonga) to three (3) lanes, including T2 and T3 lanes and left/ right turning lanes.

·     Make all train stations accessible with lifts or ramps

·     Increase train and bus services

Provide more public schools

·     Increase the number and capacity of local public schools to reduce the demand for demountable buildings through higher buildings while maintaining valuable outdoor areas

Dwelling lot size

·     Reduce the minimum residential lot size to 600-700m2 to allow for  denser housing and increase housing affordability whilst protecting the environment through mandatory tree planting.

Town centres

·     Replace the east side of Gordon town centre (between the railway and Pacific Highway) with mixed use 8-10 storey buildings

·     Replace Gordon Centre with a bigger centre.


Improve infrastructure

Council has been planning for transport changes in targeted local centres in Ku-ring-gai for a number of years, in conjunction with Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), Transport for NSW and other transport stakeholders. A suite of traffic flow and intersection changes have been proposed in Turramurra, Pymble, Gordon, Lindfield and Roseville, and agreed to by RMS (in principle).


Traffic flow and intersection changes in these centres include upgrades and improvements to locations on the Pacific Highway in Ku-ring-gai. Ultimately though, traffic management of the Pacific Highway is the responsibility of Roads and Maritime Services, which is addressing traffic delays, managing congestion and improving travel times on Sydney's major roads through its Pinch Points Program.


Similarly, lift access to train stations and additional train and bus services is the responsibility of Transport for NSW, although Council works with and lobbies Transport for NSW and other state agencies to seek opportunities for improvements to transport infrastructure.


Provide more public schools

As part of the North District planning process the Greater Sydney Commission, NSW Education Department and Council are working closely on meeting the demand for schools in the region.


Dwelling lot size

As part of the North District planning process Council will be preparing a housing strategy for Ku-ring-gai local government area looking at various options for increasing housing supply, housing choice and affordability.


Local centre

Council has commenced a master planning process for Gordon focusing on Council owned land within the Gordon local centre. The master plan process will explore opportunities to work collaboratively with major landowners to play a role as catalyst for the revitalisation and activation of Gordon local centre. This would include wider benefits for the community in terms of significant public domain works, community facilities and civic space provision and vastly improved pedestrian connectivity.  It is anticipated that consultation with the community will occur in late 2017.



That the resident be advised in terms of the response above.


Issues raised

10.  Resident

Traffic management and congestion when exiting the Wade Lane, Gordon car park onto Park Avenue, Gordon and would like Council to consider options such as traffic signals.


The traffic issues associated with exiting the Gordon train station (Wade Lane) carpark, particularly during peak times, are noted.  As part of the upcoming Gordon local centre masterplanning process, Council will be reviewing traffic conditions in this precinct. At this stage it is intended to consult with the community in late 2017.



That the resident be advised in terms of the response above including the forthcoming review of traffic conditions and community consultation for this precinct.


Issues raised

11.  Resident

Concerns in relation to the loss of existing carparking at the new Lindfield Hub site and likely accessibility issues for older residents if they cannot drive to the precinct and are required to walk, cycle or take public transport.


The Lindfield Village (Community) Hub is a redevelopment project being undertaken by Council on Council owned land.  The 1.3 hectare site will deliver a mixed use precinct and will include publicly accessible parking within the development along with commuter parking and additional on-street parking provision.



That the resident be advised in terms of the response above.


Issues raised

12.  Resident

This submission is in reference to the Roads Program for the Dumaresq and Moree Streets, Gordon land acquisition for a new street (page 93 of exhibited document). The submission queried the $3,626,000 line item as the acquisition was completed in previous years.


This project incorrectly included a portion of the funding associated with the land acquisition. The cost of construction of the new road has been revised and the balance of funds allocated for construction is approximately $2,621,100, from S94 development contributions.



·     That the Roads Program for 2017 – 18 be amended to reduce the allocation for Dumaresq and Moree Streets, Gordon.

·     That the resident be advised in terms of the response above.

Internal Consultation

The development of the draft Operational Plan, incorporating the budget, capital works program, statement of review policy and fees and charges for 2017 – 2018 was undertaken in full consultation with all departments across Council.  Refinement to the draft documents, as a result of ongoing review by staff and councillors during the public exhibition period are proposed for inclusion. Minor revisions to tasks and the capital works list are summarised below. Minor typographical and formatting errors identified during the exhibition period have also been corrected.


Community, people and culture


Page 46

Term Achievement – C6.1.1

Council’s planning approach to the provision of housing across Ku-ring-gai addresses the supply, choice and affordability needs of the community.

Critical Action – C6.1.1.1

Investigate opportunities/locations to provide a range of housing choices.



Proposed additional task


New task wording:

C6. - Prepare a Development Application for the Council owned land at 259-271 Pacific Highway, Lindfield (known as the Lindfield Library site) consistent with Council’s adopted master plan and lodge the Development Application with Council.


Council is currently awaiting gazettal of the LEP amendment by the Department of Planning and Environment which includes reclassification of the site to operational land and rezoning. The proposed Task will enable the next stage of planning for the site to be progressed following gazettal.



Natural Environment


Page 48

Term Achievement  - N1.1.2

Increased community action that benefits the environment   AND

Critical Action - N1.1.2.1

Development of environmental resources, tools and targeted education programs for a range of user groups.



Two (2) additional tasks


New task wording:

N1.1.2.5 - Conduct a comprehensive consultation program for Council’s Special Rate Variation application for the permanent continuation of the Environmental Levy.

New task wording:

N1.1.2.6 - Prepare a Special Rate Variation application under section 508(2) of the Local Government Act, 1993 for the permanent continuation of the Environmental Levy.


At its meeting of 13 June 2017, Council resolved to prepare a Special Rate Variation application to IPART under section 508(2) of the Local Government Act 1993 for the permanent continuation of the Environmental Levy and, as part of the application, to conduct extensive community consultation to determine community support for the ongoing Levy to fund environmental and sustainability programs and initiatives.


The additional tasks proposed for the 2017 -2018 Operational Plan enable Council’s resolution to be formally actioned.


Places, spaces and infrastructure


Page 58

Term Achievement - P7.1.2

Usage of existing community buildings and facilities is optimised, AND

Critical Action - P7.1.2.4

Golf courses are professionally managed in line with industry standards.



Minor wording changes to two (2) exhibited Operational Plan Tasks and one (1) additional Task.


Minor changes to two (2) exhibited Operational Plan Tasks to read as follows:

P7. – Continue to develop programs, services and marketing the new North Turramurra course layout as part of North Turramurra Recreation Area (NTRA) to existing and potential customers with the support of the course contracted professional.

P7. – Golf Course professional services are operating to meet customer and industry standards.

New task wording:

P7. - Manage the transition to Council directly operating the ongoing professional services at Gordon Golf Course pro-shop.


The wording changes are proposed to clarify Council’s responsibilities and service expectations for these facilities. The additional Task is proposed to reflect Council’s new management of the Gordon Golf Course.



Leadership and governance  AND capital works program list


Councillor Berlioz sought clarification regarding the following three (3) matters in the draft Operational Plan and Capital Works program:

Page 73 - The Performance Indicator ‘Customer requests actioned within agreed service delivery standard’ was not included in the exhibited document.

Page 76 – A ‘Property Asset Divestment’ graph was not included in the exhibited document.

Page 89 – Project described as ‘Removal of traffic signals at the intersection of Pacific Highway and Park Avenue, Gordon.’


Councillor Berlioz received the following responses in relation to the above  queries:

·     The performance indicator was inadvertently omitted during the preparation of the draft document and will be included in the final adopted Plan.

·     Council’s asset sales have been deferred to 2018/19 and future years and a ‘Property Asset Divestment’ graph is not required for this Plan.

·     The $900 indicated against the project to remove traffic signals at the intersection of Pacific Highway and Park Avenue, Gordon is a contribution towards the ongoing transport planning study for Gordon local centre, with a particular focus on the Gordon Cultural Hub project.


Responses to the above were noted by Councillor Berlioz.




The revised Delivery Program 2013 - 2017 and Operational Plan 2017 – 2018, incorporating the budget, capital works program, statement of revenue policy and fees and charges for 2017 – 2018 have been prepared in accordance with the Local Government Act, 1993, and the Integrated Planning and Reporting framework.

The minor changes proposed to the revised Delivery Program and draft Operational Plan including the budget, capital works program and fees and charges for 2017 - 2018, in the report, are not considered to have a substantial or material change to the strategic direction and delivery of Council’s services and projects. For this reason it is recommended that Council adopt the revised documents without the need to re-exhibit.




A.       That Council adopts the revised Delivery Program 2013 - 2017 and Operational Plan 2017 -     2018, incorporating the Budget, Capital Works Program, Statement of Revenue Policy and     Fees and Charges for 2017 - 2018.


B.       That an ordinary rate in the dollar of $0.00064484 on the unimproved capital value of all rateable land categorised as residential in the Council area be made for the period of 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018.


C.       That an ordinary rate in the dollar of $0.00447545 on the unimproved capital value of all rateable land categorised as business in the Council area be made for the period of 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2018.


D.       That the minimum ordinary rate for both residential and business be set at $514.00 for the period 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018.


E.       That an infrastructure - primary rate in the dollar of $0.00029358 on the unimproved capital value of all rateable land categorised as residential or business in the Council area, with a $268 base amount be made for the period of 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018.


F.       That an infrastructure special rate in the dollar of $0.00003661 on the unimproved capital value of all rateable land categorised as residential or business in the Council area, with a $32 base amount be made for the period of 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018.


G.       That an environmental special rate in the dollar of $0.00006984 on the unimproved capital value of all rateable land categorised as residential or business in the Council area, with a zero base amount, be made for the period of 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018.


H.       That the voluntary pensioner rebate be granted to all eligible pensioners as a flat percentage of 8.5% of total rates and charges in 2017 - 2018.


I.    That Council writes to all residents and groups that made submissions in relation to the Revised 2013 - 2017 Delivery Program and draft Operational Plan 2017 - 2018 and respond to the authors with the outcomes.






Helen Lowndes

Integrated Planning Co-ordinator





Deborah Silva

Manager Integrated Planning, Property & Assets





Angela Apostol

Manager Finance





Andrew Watson

Director Strategy & Environment





David Marshall

Director Corporate






Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

GB.7 / 167



Item GB.7



13 June 2017



Public Roads within Major Projects Sites





purpose of report:

To seek Council approval to formally resolve the status of land within the Lindfield Village Green and the Lindfield Community Hub sites as public roads.




On 6 September 2016 a report was submitted to Council to formally resolve the status of land within the Lindfield Village Green and the Lindfield Community Hub sites as public roads. 




Council’s earlier resolutions are suitable for the lands that are being compulsorily acquired under the Local Government Act 1993, however, in relation to lands being acquired as roads under the Roads Act 1993 new resolutions are required to ensure statutory compliance.




That Council proceed with the compulsory acquisition of land and roads as outlined in the report.




Purpose of Report

To seek Council approval to formally resolve the status of land within the Lindfield Village Green and the Lindfield Community Hub sites as public roads.



Since 2013 Council has considered reports on the revitalisation and master planning in the Lindfield local centre involving two Council-owned sites. These sites are the Lindfield Village Green and the Lindfield Community Hub.


A component of these earlier reports referred to the closure, partial closure and compulsory acquisition of public roads within the sites to effect site consolidation and deliver the masterplans.


On 21 April 2015, Council considered a report on the compulsory acquisition of public roads to enable the delivery of the Lindfield Village Green and the Lindfield Community Hub projects. At which time Council unanimously resolved proceed with compulsory acquisition of the unnamed public road for the purpose of creating the Lindfield Village Green in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991.


On 6 September 2016 a further report was submitted to Council to formally resolve the status of land within the Lindfield Village Green and the Lindfield Community Hub sites as public roads. 


In preparing the compulsory acquisition and road opening documentation a number of statutory inquiries have been completed which have identified specific requirements to ensure the successful implementation of Council’s previous decisions.


This report seeks to resolve the status of land within the Lindfield Village Green and Lindfield Community Hub sites.



Lindfield Community Hub


Council is the owner of all lands within the Lindfield Community Hub site. The only remaining requirement for Council to fully consolidate the site into one lot is the closure of the portion of Drovers Way north of Beaconsfield Parade. This road is to be replaced with a new public road along the western boundary of the site from Beaconsfield Parade through to Bent Street (Attachment A1)


A requirement of the compulsory acquisition process is to prepare a Plan of Acquisition for registration with the LPI NSW. The attached Plan of Acquisition (Attachment A2) identifies Lots 1, 2 and 6 DP1226294 to be compulsorily acquired.


Council’s earlier resolutions are suitable for the lands that are being compulsorily acquired under the Local Government Act 1993, however, in relation to Lots 1 & 2 DP1226294 these lands are being acquired as roads under the Roads Act 1993 and new resolutions are required to ensure statutory compliance.


Lindfield Village Green


In order to deliver the Lindfield Village Green, Council has resolved to consolidate various properties owned by Council fronting Kochia Lane, Chapman Lane and Tryon Road and compulsorily acquire part of “unnamed lane”.


A requirement of the compulsory acquisition process is to prepare a Plan of Acquisition for registration with the LPI NSW. The attached Plan of Acquisition (Attachment A3) identifies Lot 23 part of the unnamed lane and Lot 21 DP1223433 to be compulsorily acquired.


At Council’s meeting of 6 September 2016 the resolution to compulsorily acquire Lot 21 DP1223433 for a future public road should have also included the specific resolution to make application to the Minister and Governor under the Roads Act 1993.


As Lot 21 land is being acquired as road under the Roads Act 1993 new resolutions are required to correct the omission and to ensure statutory compliance.


integrated planning and reporting

Places, Spaces & Infrastructure


Community  Strategic Plan Long Term Objective

Delivery Program

Term Achievement

Operational Plan


Our centres offer a broad range of shops and services and contain lively urban village spaces and p[place where people can live, work, shop, meet and spend leisure time.

Plans to revitalise local centres are being progressively implemented and achieve quality design outcomes in collaboration with key agencies, landholders and the community

Implement a place management approach for the local centre improvements to coordinate works and achieve quality outcomes


An improvement plan for Lindfield Centre is being progressively implemented in collaboration with owners, businesses and state agencies

Engage with relevant stakeholders to establish timing, extent and partnership opportunities



Develop and finalise project scope



Maintain engagement with key stakeholders


Governance Matters

Compulsory acquisition is a statutory process and approval by the Minister for Local Government and the Governor is required.


Council obtains its powers to compulsory acquire land and road under the Local Government Act 1993 and the Roads Act 1993.


The process of acquiring the public roads by compulsory acquisition is to be carried out in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991.

Roads Act 1993


Section 10 Land held by RMS or by councils


(1)      RMS or a council may, by notice published in the Gazette, dedicate any land held by it (including land acquired by it under Division 1 of Part 12) as a public road.


(2)      On the publication of the notice, the land is dedicated as a public road.


The process of acquiring land for public road is carried out in accordance with Section 177 Roads Act 1993;


177  Power to acquire land generally


(1)    The Minister, RMS or a council may acquire land for any of the purposes of this Act.


(2)    Without limiting subsection (1), the Minister, RMS or a council may acquire:


(a)     land that is to be made available for any public purpose for which it is reserved or zoned under an environmental planning instrument, or

(b)     land that forms part of, or adjoins or lies in the vicinity of, other land proposed to be acquired for the purpose of opening, widening or constructing a road or road work.


(3)     Without limiting subsection (1), RMS may also acquire land that it proposes to declare to be RMS development land.


178  Procedure for acquiring land


(1)    Land that is authorised to be acquired under this Division may be acquired by agreement or by compulsory process in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991.


(2)    A council may not give a proposed acquisition notice under the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 without the approval of the Minister.


Local Government Act 1993


186  For what purposes may a council acquire land?


(1)    A council may acquire land (including an interest in land) for the purpose of exercising any of its functions.


(2)    Without limiting subsection (1), a council may acquire:


(a)     land that is to be made available for any public purpose for which it is reserved or zoned under an environmental planning instrument, or

(b)     land which forms part of, or adjoins or lies in the vicinity of, other land proposed to be acquired under this Part.


187  How does a council acquire land?


(1)   Land that a council is authorised to acquire under this Part may be acquired by agreement or by compulsory process in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991.


(2)   A council may not give a proposed acquisition notice under the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 without the approval of the Minister.


As previously advised to Council, the Guidelines for the Compulsory Acquisition of Land by Councils (Guidelines) published by the then Department of Local Government in June 2006 states at clause 1.27 that:


Compulsory acquisition should not be regarded as an alternative method of closing public roads. Except in limited circumstances, proposals to close roads are required to follow the procedures set out in Division 1, Part 4 of the Roads Act 1993, including public consultation.


Examples of ‘limited circumstances’ include where council proposes to widen, realign or alter the position of a public road so as to exchange the unneeded parts (of that road) in compensation for other land acquired for road purposes. To give this land in compensation, council must have the landowner’s consent (section 44).


Important to note, the Guidelines are not guidelines adopted under s23A of the Local Government Act 1993 which Council is obliged to consider when exercising its functions. Also, there is nothing in the legislation which limits the circumstances in which road closure can be affected through compulsory acquisition.


However, in stating the above, discussions with staff from the OLG have indicated that there is a strong nexus between the closure of the roads by compulsory acquisition and the public purpose through the delivery of the Lindfield Village Green and Lindfield Community Hub projects.


Council’s earlier resolutions to compulsorily acquire the land confirmed that upon acquisition the land is to be classified Operational land.  This will enable the potential partnership with Transport for NSW (TfNSW) to provide commuter car parking and other development opportunities that may arise as a result of the expression of interest process.


Therefore to reinforce of Council’s previous decisions a resolution has been included that the roads once closed are classified Operational Land as required by the Local Government Act 1993.


Risk Management

In the preparation of the compulsory acquisition application to the Office of Local Government a number of statutory investigations are required to be completed.


The Office of Local Government and the LPI NSW have advised that a registered Plan of Acquisition is required to support each compulsory acquisition application.

Resolving the status of lands within the Lindfield Village Green and Lindfield Community Hub sites is imperative to progress the compulsory acquisitions and ensure delivery of the projects.


Financial Considerations

There are nominal administrative costs to register Plans and publish in the Government Gazette.  These costs will be borne within existing budget allocations.


Social Considerations

The delivery of the Lindfield Village Green and Lindfield Community Hub projects are strongly supported by the community as evidenced from the results of the community engagement and consultation.


Environmental Considerations

There are no environmental impacts associated with this report.


Community Consultation

A number of consultation and engagement activities have been undertaken with the community on the Lindfield revitalisation projects in pursuit of achieving the best community outcomes.  Particularly in relation to site re-development, design concepts and facilities delivered and the requirement to realign roads and road closures.


Consultation is planned for all stages of the development process and an engagement strategy has been prepared by Council’s community engagement and research planner for these projects.


Internal Consultation

Staff from Strategy & Environment have contributed to the content of this report.



In order to deliver the Lindfield Community Hub and Lindfield Village Green Council has resolved to develop various properties owned by Council.


On 6 September 2016 a report was submitted to Council to formally resolve the status of land within the Lindfield Village Green and the Lindfield Community Hub sites as public roads. 


In preparing the compulsory acquisition and road dedication Plans, specific resolutions are required to ensure the successful implementation of Council’s previous decisions. Therefore to reinforce Council’s earlier decisions, a resolution has been included that the roads once closed are classified as Operational Land as required by the Local Government Act 1993.


This report seeks to resolve the status of land within the Lindfield Village Green and Lindfield Community Hub sites and obtain a comprehensive suite of all necessary resolutions to ensure statutory compliance.









In relation to the Lindfield Community Hub:


A.   That Council proceed to compulsorily acquire Lots 1 & 2 DP1226294 for a future public road in accordance with Section 177 Roads Act 1993 and in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms) Compensation Act 1991.


B.   That Council make an application to the Minister and Governor for approval to acquire Lots 1 & 2 DP1226294 in accordance with Section 178/(2) Roads Act 1993 and in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms) Compensation Act 1991.


C.   That for the purposes of section 30 of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms) Compensation Act 1991, the Council, as the owner of the land, agrees to the land being acquired for compensation in the amount of $1.00.


D.   That Council proceed to compulsorily acquire Lot 6 DP1226294, being a portion of Drovers Way, Lindfield, for the purpose of creating the Lindfield Community Hub, in accordance with Sections 186 and 187 of the Local Government Act 1993 and in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms) Compensation Act 1991.


E.   That Lot 6 DP1226294 is to be classified as Operational land.


F.   That Council make an application to the Minister and Governor for approval to acquire Lot 6 DP 1226294 in accordance with Sections 186 and 187 of the Local Government Act 1993 and in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms) Compensation Act 1991.


G.   That for the purposes of section 30 of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms) Compensation Act 1991, the Council, as the owner of the road, agrees to the road being acquired for compensation in the amount of $1.00.


H.   That Council requests the Minister for Local Government approve a reduction in the notification period from 90 days to 30 days.


I.    That Council delegate to the General Manager or his delegate the power to do anything further as necessary to give effect to the compulsory acquisition including obtaining any necessary approvals and publishing any necessary notices in the Gazette


In accordance with Council’s resolution of 6 September 2016 in relation to the Lindfield Village Green:


J.   That Council proceed to compulsorily acquire Lot 21 DP 1223433 for a future public road in accordance with Section 177 Roads Act 1993 and in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms) Compensation Act 1991.


K.   That Council make an application to the Minister and Governor for approval to acquire Lot 21 DP 1223433 in accordance with Section 178/(2) Roads Act 1993 and in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms) Compensation Act 1991.


L.   That for the purposes of section 30 of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms) Compensation Act 1991, the Council, as the owner of the land, agrees to the road being acquired for the compensation in the amount of $1.00.


M.  That Council requests the Minister for Local Government approve a reduction in the notification period from 90 days to 30 days.


N.  That Council proceed to compulsorily acquire Lot 23 DP1223433, being a portion of the unnamed lane, Lindfield, for the purpose of creating the Lindfield Village Green, in accordance with Sections 186 and 187 of the Local Government Act 1993 and in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms) Compensation Act 1991.


O.   That Lot 23 DP1223433 is to be classified as Operational land.


P.   That Council delegate to the General Manager or his delegate the power to do anything further as necessary to give effect to the compulsory acquisition including obtaining any necessary approvals and publishing any necessary notices in the Gazette.







Deborah Silva

Manager Integrated Planning, Property & Assets





Andrew Watson

Director Strategy & Environment





Lindfield Community Hub road openings





Lindfield Community Hub Plan of Acquisition DP1226294





Lindfield Village Green Plan of Acquisition and Dedication of Public Road - A1





Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

GB.8 / 175



Item GB.8



26 May 2017



259-271 Pacific Highway, Lindfield -
Lindfield Library Site





purpose of report:

To seek the approval of Council to prepare and lodge a Development Application for redevelopment of the existing Lindfield Library Precinct at 259-271 Pacific Highway, Lindfield.




At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 6 September 2016 Council resolved to adopt a Planning Proposal to amend Ku‑ring-gai Local Environmental Plan (Local Centres) 2012 to rezone and reclassify the land on the Lindfield Library Precinct site.


Council also resolved to continue to operate the community facilities currently provided in the precinct until suitable alternative facilities are available.




If Council wishes to prepare and lodge a Development Application (DA) for the Lindfield Library Precinct, and achieves development consent, an approved DA will likely achieve an increase of between 10 – 20 % in the sale value of the site. This estimate is based on recent advice received from Council’s land valuation consultant.

Further, if Council undertakes this process, Council may be further assured of a high quality design outcome as prescribed by community consultation held to date.

This report is not seeking approval to dispose of the site.  All current uses can continue until new premises are determined for the current community buildings.




That Council grants Owner’s Consent for the preparation and lodgement of a Development Application (DA) at 259-271 Pacific Highway, Lindfield.

That Council continues to operate the community facilities currently provided at 259-271 Pacific Highway, Lindfield until suitable alternative facilities are available.




Purpose of Report

To seek the approval of Council to prepare and lodge a Development Application for redevelopment of the existing Lindfield Library Precinct at 259-271 Pacific Highway, Lindfield.



At the Ordinary Council Meeting of 6 September 2016 regarding Consideration of submissions to the exhibition and Public Hearing of Planning Proposal to Rezone and Reclassify land at 259-271 Pacific Highway Lindfield, which was a detailed analysis of the proposed changes to the site, Council resolved:


A.  That Council adopts the Planning Proposal to amend Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan (Local Centres) 2012 to rezone Council land at 259-271Pacific Highway, Lindfield and reclassify the land from Community Land to Operational Land.


B. That the Planning Proposal be submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment in accordance with Section 59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and that the Greater Sydney Commission be requested to make the plan.


C. That Council continues to operate the community facilities currently provided in the Lindfield Library Precinct until suitable alternative facilities are available.


D. That those who made submissions be notified of Council’s decision.


Prior to this, in November 2014, Council resolved to commence the reclassification process from Community to Operational land and increase the maximum FSR from 1.3:1 to 2.0:1. At the same meeting Council resolved to prepare built form options for their approval prior to placing it on public exhibition. Subsequently, at its Ordinary meeting of Council on 28 July 2015 Council considered a further report on various built form options for the site.  Council adopted what was at the time Option 3 which allowed for a maximum height of 7 storeys and an FSR of 2.0:1 along with the preparation of an illustrated Master Plan of that option for public exhibition in conjunction with the reclassification process. Council also resolved to vary the existing planning proposal to incorporate the necessary planning provisions into the KLEP (Local Centres) 2012 to facilitate the redevelopment of the site in accordance with the adopted Master Plan design.


A Public Hearing on the reclassification of the site was held on 6 June 2016 in accordance with Section 57(6) of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 and Section 29(1) of the Local Government Act 1993. The Planning Proposal and supporting documents, including the preferred Master Plan, has now been submitted to the Greater Sydney Commission to make the changes to the KLE.


Site Description


The Lindfield Library Precinct is legally described as lot 8 in DP 660564 and lots 1, 2 and 3 in DP 212617 (refer Figure 1). The site has a total land area of approximately 5,848m² and is the address for a number of Council services and facilities including the:


·     Lindfield Branch Library (lot 8 in DP 660564);

·     former Arrunga Aged Care Self-Contained Units (fully leased) (lot 3 in DP 212617);

·     former Lindfield Seniors’ Centre (lot 2 in DP 212617);

·     former Lindfield Seniors’ Resource Centre (lot 8 in DP 660564);

·     Ku-ring-gai Youth Development Service (KYDS) (lot 8 in DP 660564);

·     Lindfield Community Centre tennis courts and sun shelter (lot 8 in DP 660564); and

·     car park and access road (lot 1 in DP 212617).


Figure 1 - Aerial view of the site in context within greater Lindfield. Image from Geocortex (Air Photo 2014)


Figure 2 - Aerial view of the site showing exiting uses and structures. Image from Geocortex (Air Photo 2014)

Master Plan


The master plan provides for a mix of building heights ranging from 4-7 storeys.  The proposed heights on the site have been organised in a way to take advantage of the natural topography and ensure impacts to the residential dwellings to the south are mitigated. This includes a 6 storey built form along the Pacific Highway frontage, consistent with the building height on the adjoining site to the north, and 7 storeys along the lower rear portion of the site along the railway line.


Figure 3 – Council’s adopted master plan (ground floor plan). Image from Urban Design Study Report by SJB


Lindfield Station

Figure 4 - Council’s adopted master plan (Proposed built form - view from the south toward Lindfield station).

Image from Urban Design Study Report by SJB


Provisions of community facilities in Lindfield


A significant amount of work has been undertaken to plan for the future of Lindfield. This includes a Ku-ring-gai wide Community Facilities Study and a Lindfield Community Facilities Study (Elton Consulting 2014).  The study considered the facility catchments, existing facility provision and gaps, population growth and rates of provision. The study recommends that the existing library and Seniors’ Centre facilities be replaced with new facilities co-located in a community hub situated on the western side of Lindfield with a total area of over 2,455sqm. This recommendation is based on the fact that the current Lindfield Library and associated facilities are old, outdated, no longer fit-for-purpose and not suitable for long term adaptation and re-use due to their condition.


The concern regarding the matter of not selling the site or ceasing operation of the existing community facilities on the site until the new facilities are operational is a valid one. This issue was also acknowledged by the Chairperson of the Public Hearing into the reclassification of the site. The Public Hearing report recommends that Council should retain ownership of the land and continue to operate the community facilities on it until suitable alternative facilities are available for use by the local community.


Obtaining development consent does not require Council to sell the land. The DA process, including tender for services, design development and the assessment period, is anticipated to take 2 years. Works approved as part of a development consent must be commenced within five years from the date shown as the commencement date, unless otherwise stated. Council can continue with the provision of community facilities on operational land and only proceed to sale of the land at some stage in the future once replacement facilities excluding the tennis courts have been provided.


Increased dwelling provision


A Plan for Growing Sydney was released by the current NSW Department of Planning and Environment in December 2014 and is the current NSW Government’s 20-year plan for the Sydney Metropolitan Area and supersedes the previous Metropolitan Strategy. One of the three planning principles guiding A Plan for Growing Sydney is: Principal 1 - “Increasing housing choice around all centres through urban renewal in established areas” The Planning Proposal is consistent with this principal as it will provide for additional housing on an underdeveloped site within the Lindfield centre and in close proximity to the Lindfield Railway Station.




A microsimulation transport assessment of the road network in the Lindfield local centre has been undertaken, taking into account the cumulative impacts of expected development in the Lindfield local centre including the proposals for the Library, Community Hub and Village Green sites.


Council and RMS continue with ongoing discussions regarding proposed modifications to the Pacific Highway and surrounding roads in order to facilitate acceptable functioning with the increased pressure from contemporary development.


The Library site master plan incorporates a new one-way road system with ingress from the Pacific Highway and egress at Tryon Place adjacent to the Lindfield Station.  By progressing the design/DA for the site, Council will be able to manage the requirements of this new road within the greater proposed and changing network.



Consultants have previously been engaged to prepare, on behalf of Council, a number of studies to understand the value of the site, including:


·     Lindfield Community Facilities Study;

·     urban design / architectural built form options; and

·     advice on market demand and financial feasibility including an assessment of the sale price if the site were sold with or without an approved DA.


The results of these studies have been previously reported to Council and the recommendations have been supported.


In line with current planning for the site, it will ultimately be sold to a developer.  Developers would be likely to factor in the time, resources, risk and general holding costs associated with the preparation of and ultimately the achievement of development consent.  Council can thereby remove a substantial period of holding costs by doing this work now.  Risk and time have an impact on the amount of profit that will result from a development; “de-risking” the site will maximise the value of the site for the Ku-ring-gai community.  See financial implications further in this report.


This report is seeking to maximise the value of council’s site through the achievement of development consent whilst it is still in Council’s ownership. 


integrated planning and reporting

Theme 3 - Places, Spaces and Infrastructure

Theme 6 – Leadership and Governance


Community Strategic Plan Long Term Objective

Delivery Program

Term Achievement

Operational Plan


A range of well planned, clean and safe neighbourhoods and public spaces designed with a strong sense of identity and place.


Plans to revitalise local centres are being progressively implemented and achieve quality design outcomes in collaboration with key agencies, landholders and the community.


- Implement a place management approach for the local centre improvements to coordinate works and achieve quality outcomes.


An improvement plan for Lindfield centre is being progressively implemented in collaboration with owners, businesses and state agencies.


- Engage with relevant stakeholders to establish timing, extent and partnership opportunities.

- Develop and finalise project scope.

- Maintain engagement with the key stakeholders.

Ku-ring-gai is well led, managed and supported by ethical organisations which

deliver projects and services to the community by listening, advocating and responding to their needs.


Council maintains and improves its long term financial position and performance.


- Review Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) each year based on 10 year forecasts

- Undertake quarterly reporting to Council on the financial performance of the organisation.

- Assets are identified for disposal to discharge the Services Relocation Loan by 2016 - 2017.

- Review opportunities for sustainable and Assets equitable increases to Council’s income supported by the community.

- Continue to analyse opportunities to expand the revenue base of Council.

- Ensure the commercial property portfolio provides market returns. Manager Integrated Planning, Property



Council has increased its commitment to infrastructure asset management priorities.

- Identify available funding sources in the LTFP and allocate to priority projects.

- Funding strategies are developed and implemented in line with Council’s Assets adopted Asset Management Strategy.

- Regularly revise Council’s strategic asset management plans and integrate with financial planning processes.

- Continually improve the integrity of asset data and asset registers.

- Implement asset management plans and progress improvement plans for each asset class.

- Implement an integrated corporate asset management system for all asset classes.


Governance Matters

Section 45 of the Local Government Act, 1993 prevents Council from selling; exchanging, or otherwise disposing of Community classified land.  This report is not seeking approval to sell the property.


A Public Hearing on the reclassification of the site was held on 6 June 2016 in accordance with Section 57(6) of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act.


The Planning Proposal and all supporting documents were submitted to the Greater Sydney Planning Commission (GSPC) on 29 September 2016, including the preferred master plan. Changes to the Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan (Local Centres) 2012 to rezone and reclassify the land from Community Land to Operational Land are expected to be made by the GSPC shortly.


Risk Management

The main risk for Council in undertaking the DA is that reclassification of the site may be rejected. If this were to happen, any expenditure in the pursuit of the DA would not be rewarded. However, this seems unlikely as the case for reclassification of this site is different to other Council sites because:


·     Council has clearly articulated its intention to create a new community hub on the western side of Lindfield local centre which will replace the existing facilities with new, larger purpose-built facilities.


The submissions to the public hearing have reiterated the above concerns and the Chairperson’s recommendation includes the following-


It is appropriate for the land at 259-271 Pacific Highway, Lindfield, to be reclassified as "operational land" under the terms of the Local Government Act 1993.


However, despite its reclassification, Council should retain ownership of the land and continue to operate the community facilities on it until suitable alternative facilities are available for use by the local community.  


There are significant risks for Council in relation to any decisions it makes regarding zoning, reclassification, planning controls, and/or divestment for any of its town centre sites. These risks are potential loss of revenue in the event a site is sold with lesser development yield than might reasonably be expected under a new regime of dwelling targets and where a purchaser subsequently comes back to Council with a planning proposal for an uplift in controls, and/or that the “opportunity” for greater dwelling production on key town centre sites is simply lost by development at lesser height and density.


Financial Considerations

Valuation Analysis


Confidential Attachment A1 contains a valuation report for the site.  This report highlights an approximate $4.3M uplift in the market value of the site with development approval as opposed to without development approval.


Therefore, it is proposed that  development approval be achieved prior to the sale of the site.


Currently, Council has allocated some $120k for this project in S94 for 2017-18).  Preparation of the DA will involve Council running a tender for a multi-disciplinary consultancy to complete the required documentation. Completion of this task including all council staff, project management, consultants, statutory fees, and contingencies is estimated to be an additional $900,000. The uplift in sale price of the site with a DA is significantly more than the cost of preparing the DA.




It is proposed to augment existing funding for the preparation and lodgement of the DA through net proceeds from the rent received from the 14 apartments currently leased on the site (Net approximately $190,000 p.a.) and from the remaining proceeds from the sale of 9 Havilah Lane Lindfield, to be repaid upon divestment of the asset.


Social Considerations

It is noted that the Library and community meeting spaces have provided important social functions since the 1950’s. These activities will either be relocated to the Lindfield Community Hub in new contemporary designed community spaces or other suitable alternative facilities. By taking the project through the DA process, Council will have greater assurance that the development outcome will achieve the communities’ expectations as realised through the consultation process to date.


It must be noted that there are no plans to replace the existing two tennis courts which are currently on the site.


Environmental Considerations

The DA will not result in any additional environmental effects to those considered during the preparation of the draft Local Centres LEP. Development of the design as required by the DA is seen as an opportunity to further imbed sustainable and ‘best practice’ elements that would not necessarily be part of an independent developers vision for the site. 


Due-diligence studies have been completed in relation to geo-technical site conditions and any potential land contamination issues and the site was found to be suitable for residential use.


Community Consultation

The Planning Proposal was exhibited in accordance with the requirements of the Gateway Determination, the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) and the relevant Department of Planning Guidelines including A Guide to Preparing Local Environmental Plans and A Guide to Preparing Planning Proposals as well as the Planning Practice Note PN09-003 Classification and reclassification of public land through a local environmental plan.


Prior to submitting the DA, the community will be engaged and updated on all design developments. Once the DA is submitted, the development proposal will be subject to public notification as is consistent for all DA’s.


Internal Consultation

This report was prepared by the Strategy & Environment Department. Consultation with staff from other Departments as well as other stakeholders will occur where relevant depending on resolution of this report.



At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 6 September 2016 Council resolved to adopt the Planning Proposal to amend Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan (Local Centres) 2012 to rezone and reclassify the land on the Lindfield Library Precinct site.


Council also resolved to continue to operate the community facilities currently provided in the Precinct until suitable alternative facilities are available.


In preparation for disposal of the site and in order to maximise Council’s financial return, this report seeks funding for the lodgement of a development application and land owner’s consent to achieve this.


This will require a budget allocation of $900,000.







A.   That Council grants Landowner’s Consent for the lodgement of a Development Application for Council land at 259-271 Pacific Highway, Lindfield.


B.   That additional funding for this process shall come from the net income received from the rental of the residential units on the site and the proceeds from the sale of 9 Havilah Lane, Lindfield.


C.   That the General Manger be given delegation to grant Owner’s Consent for all necessary planning approval applications and associated documents.






Dean Payne

Project Leader





Bill Royal

Team Leader Urban Design





Ian Dreghorn

Manager Strategic Projects





Andrew Watson

Director Strategy & Environment





Valuation of Lindfield Library site





Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

GB.9 / 185



Item GB.9



25 May 2017



Consideration of Submissions - Planning Proposal to amend the KLEP 2015 for the rezoning of 21 Lorne Avenue, Killara






For Council to consider the submissions received in response to the exhibition of the Planning Proposal to amend to the KLEP 2015 for the rezoning of 21 Lorne Avenue, Killara.




The Planning Proposal was submitted to Council on 29 August 2016. Following the submission of additional information, the review of the Planning Proposal formally commenced on 4 November 2016.

On 7 February 2017, Council resolved to forward the Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning and Environment for a Gateway Determination.

A Gateway Determination was received on 21 March 2017.

On 23 May 2017 Council considered this report and resolved:

That the matter stands deferred and that Council proceeds in the terms discussed.




The Planning Proposal was placed on public exhibition from 6 April 2017 to 5 May 2017. The submissions received have been assessed for Council’s consideration.




That Council adopts the Planning Proposal and makes the plan under delegation.





Purpose of Report

For Council to consider the submissions received in response to the exhibition of the Planning Proposal to amend to the KLEP 2015 for the rezoning of 21 Lorne Avenue, Killara.



Council Meeting 23 May 2017


Council considered this report at the Council Meeting of 23 May 2017 and resolved:


That the matter stands deferred and that Council proceeds in the terms discussed.


Following this resolution, the dwelling house on the subject site, 21 Lorne Avenue, Killara, has been demolished under the provisions of a Complying Development Certificate issued under Part 4A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 on 1 December 2016.


This report is again referred to Council for the consideration of the submissions received in response to the exhibition of the Planning Proposal to amend to the KLEP 2015 for the rezoning of 21 Lorne Avenue, Killara.


Planning Proposal


The Planning Proposal for 21 Lorne Avenue, Killara was submitted to Council on 29 August 2016. The Planning Proposal seeks to make the following amendments to the KLEP 2015:


·     rezone the site from R2 Low Density Residential to R4 High Density Residential;

·     amend the Floor Space Ratio applying to the site from 0.3:1 to 1.3:1;

·     amend the Height of Building applying to the site from 9.5m to 17.5m; and

·     amend the Lot Size applying to the site from 840sqm to 1200sqm.


The Planning Proposal as submitted was incomplete. Following the submission of additional documentation, the review of the Planning Proposal formally commenced on 4 November 2016.


On 7 February 2017 Council considered a report on the Planning Proposal and resolved:


A.   That the Planning Proposal to rezone 21 Lorne Avenue, Killara be sent to the Department of Planning and Environment for a Gateway Determination.


B.   That prior to being sent for a Gateway Determination, the Planning Proposal be amended by the applicant as outlined in the body of this report.


C.   That Council requests the plan-making delegation under Section 23 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for this Planning Proposal.


D.   That upon receipt of a Gateway Determination, the exhibition and consultation process be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the requirement of the Gateway Determination.


E.   That a report be brought back to Council at the conclusion of the exhibition period.


Gateway Determination


The applicant amended the Planning Proposal in accordance with Resolution B (above), as follows:


·     Part 2 of the Planning Proposal amended to detail the exact amendments sought to the KLEP 2015;

·     Part 3 of the Planning Proposal amended to identify and demonstrate consistency with specific objectives and actions within A Plan for Growing Sydney, to demonstrate consistency with the Draft North District Plan and to include reference to the Urban Design Study as part of the justification and included as an appendix; and

·     mapping amended to clearly identify the land to which the planning proposal applies.


The amended Planning Proposal was submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment on 22 February 2017 requesting a Gateway Determination. Council also requested the plan-making delegation in accordance with Resolution C (above).


The Department of Planning and Environment issued a Gateway Determination on 20 March 2017. The Department also issued authorisation for Council to exercise delegation to make this plan. The Gateway Determination is included at Attachment A1.


The Gateway Determination required a number of amendments to the Planning Proposal prior to community consultation, as follows:


1.   Prior to community consultation, Council is to amend the planning proposal as follows:

a.   Amend the planning proposal cover page to include Council’s logo and address details to reflect Councils adoption of the proposal;

b.   Identify the exact amendments to the development standards in Part 2 of the planning proposal (page 2);

c.   Include the findings of the Heritage Impact Statement in addressing Section 117 Direction 2.3 Heritage Conservation and remove the repeated paragraph in the table on page 9;

d.   Include the relevant Section 117 Direction numbers in the table on page 13 of the planning proposal;

e.   Include Council’s comments on traffic impacts from Councils Meeting Report in the planning proposal;

f.    Identify an exhibition period of 28 days in Part 5 of the planning proposal and remove the templates instructions (page 19); and

g.   Include the appropriate project timeline dates in Part 6 of the planning proposal (page 20).


The amended proposal is to be submitted to the Department for information purposes.


Council amended the Planning Proposal as required by Condition 1(a)-(g) of the Gateway Determination and submitted the amended Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning and Environment on 28 March 2017 for information purposes.


Public Exhibition


The Planning Proposal was placed on exhibition from 6 April 2017 – 5 May 2017, in accordance with the conditions of the Gateway Determination.


The exhibition material included the amended Planning Proposal (Attachment A2) and the following appendices:


·     Appendix A – Checklist of Consistency with Section 117 Directions and SEPPs (Attachment A3);

·     Appendix B – Heritage Impact Statement, Curio Projects (Attachment A4);

·     Appendix C – Yield Analysis, Giles Tribe Architects (Attachment A5);

·     Appendix D – Urban Design Study and Analysis (Attachment A6).



State Agency Consultation


The Gateway Determination required consultation with the following public authorities under Section 56(2)(d) of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979:


·     Office of Environment and Heritage;

·     Transport for NSW;

·     Transport for NSW – Sydney Trains;

·     Transport for NSW – Roads and Maritime Services;

·     Sydney Water;

·     Energy Australia;

·     Telstra.


The public authorities were provided with a copy of the planning proposal and given 21 days to provide comment from the 28 March 2017.


Responses were received from Office of Environment and Heritage (Planning Team), Office of Environment and Heritage (Heritage Division), Roads and Maritime Services and Transport for NSW. Copies of the responses are included at Attachment A7.


Office of Environment and Heritage – Planning Team


The Office of Environment and Heritage Greater Sydney Planning Team had no comments on the Planning Proposal. However, noted that the Heritage Division may wish to comment separately.


Comment: The Planning Proposal was separately referred to the Office of Environment and Heritage (Heritage Division) for their comment on the planning proposal (see below).


Office of Environment and Heritage – Heritage Division


The response from the Heritage Division notes that the subject site is located on the northern side of Lorne Avenue, currently existing on the site is a two storey residential dwelling house built c.1912. The site is currently zoned R2 and the sites adjoining to the north, west and east are zoned R4 allowing for high density residential development up to 5 storeys.

The response notes the history of the heritage listing on the site, and the Perumal Murphy Alessi review of heritage status of heritage interface sites impacted by adjoining high density zones.


The response also notes the Complying Development Certificate issued on 1 December 2016 under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for the demolition of the dwelling.


The response notes that the site is located in the vicinity of locally listed heritage items I306 (20 Lorne Avenue), I305 (14 Lorne Avenue), I304 (10 Lorne Avenue), I303 (8 Lorne Avenue) and I302 (6 Lorne Avenue). The site is also located opposite HCA C24 Marian Street.


The Heritage Division considered that the proposal is consistent with the current zoning and character of the northern sector of Lorne Avenue, and is unlikely to have an additional unacceptable impact on the heritage significance of the Marian Street Conservation Area.


Roads and Maritime Services


The response from RMS raises no objections to the proposal as the associated traffic generation and potential traffic impact to Pacific Highway is relatively minor and does not require further detailed traffic assessment and/or transport infrastructure upgrades to the Pacific Highway/Lorne Avenue intersection.


Transport for NSW


Transport for NSW reviewed the submitted information and has no comment on the planning proposal.


Community Submissions


A total of 12 submissions were received from the community in response to the public exhibition of the planning proposal. A summary table of the submissions received and Council comment in response is included at Attachment A8.


The following are some of the key themes and matters raised in the submissions and Council comment on those matters:


·     Street already overcrowded, enough high density in neighbourhood


Comment: In order to provide for Sydney’s growing population and the State Government dwelling targets – areas in Ku-ring-gai have been rezoned to allow for medium and high density housing. These areas are generally located along the railway line and Pacific Highway – close to public transport and existing infrastructure. The rezoning of 21 Lorne Avenue to R4 High Density Residential is consistent with the zoning of the surrounding properties.


The northern side of Lorne Avenue (except for 21 Lorne Avenue) is already zoned R4 High Density Residential – and sites have been redeveloped into 5 storey apartment blocks. The southern side of Lorne Avenue is a Heritage Conservation Area, and contains a number of heritage items – it is unlikely that the southern side of Lorne Avenue will be redeveloped and will remain as low density in character.


·     Rezoning will impact on infrastructure such as water pressure, telecommunications, sewage, stormwater, schools, parks, trains and roads. Already lack of infrastructure and amenities failing to serve greatly increased population.


Comment: With regards to telecommunications, water pressure and sewage, the planning proposal was forwarded to Sydney Water and to Telstra under s56 of the EP&A Act 1979. No response has been received from these agencies. Sydney Water may require their assets to be adjusted to accommodate future development.


With regards to roads, the expected traffic generation rate of 0.3 trips per dwelling (2-way) during the peak hour is equal to approximately 24 trips, or roughly 1 trip every 2 minutes. Additional 24 trips in the peak hour are unlikely to have significant additional impact on the surrounding road network. Council is monitoring traffic volumes in Lorne Avenue to assess any effects from more recent high density residential developments. The RMS has noted that the planning proposal would not require any transport infrastructure upgrades to the Pacific Highway/Lorne Avenue intersection.


The planning proposal was forwarded to Sydney Trains under s56 of the EP&A Act 1979. No response was received.


For any future development approved on the site, Council would levy a contribution from the developers towards the costs of providing and augmenting local services and facilities that are required because of their development.


·     Traffic and parking extremely busy in the street. People park in street to access station and residents from units with multiple cars park on street. Rezoning will result in additional cars parking on street and increase to traffic congestion. Traffic numbers quoted in Council report are from 2015 – there have been more units built since this time.


Comment: Council has undertaken updated traffic volume and speed counts in Lorne Avenue.


Lorne Avenue, Killara



Recorded 85% speed (average, 2-way)



am peak hour 2-way traffic volumes (8am-9am)

249 veh/hr

258 veh/hr

pm peak hour 2-way traffic volumes (5pm-6pm)

200 veh/hr

206 veh/hr


There is little change in the recorded 85% vehicle speeds. Similarly, there is very little change in the morning and evening peak hour traffic flows between 2015 and 2017, and the difference in the recorded results over the 2 years could be considered to be within daily fluctuations.


The updated traffic volume and speed count indicates that there has been no perceptible increases in morning and evening peak hour traffic flows in Lorne Avenue between 2015 and 2017, and the cumulative impact of the additional traffic generated by the planning proposal would not raise the morning and evening peak hour traffic flows above the local road threshold (300 veh/hr).


The expected traffic generation rate of 0.3 trips per dwelling (2-way) during the peak hour is equal to approximately 24 trips, or roughly 1 trip every 2 minutes. Additional 24 trips in the peak hour is unlikely to have significant additional impact on the surrounding road network. Council is monitoring traffic volumes in Lorne Avenue to assess any effects from more recent high density residential developments.


Narrow sections of Culworth Avenue have weekday am restrictions to minimize commuter parking and improve traffic flow during the morning peak.


New kerb ramps and a pedestrian refuge is being constructed in Culworth Avenue at the intersection with Lorne Avenue, to improve pedestrian access to/from Killara railway station.


The recorded 85% speed in Lorne Avenue (54km/h average, 2-way indicates the majority of vehicles travelling in Lorne Avenue travel at around (or below) the sign posted speed limit of 50km/h. This is a relatively good result for a straight length of local road.


The Ku-ring-gai DCP parking requirements for high density residential developments within 400m of railway stations is deemed to be adequate, and residents who choose to own more cars than car spaces allocated to them and park on street would have to compete with commuters or risk an infringement if parking in a time restricted zone.


Council staff are also developing a car share vehicle policy. Car share provide alternatives to residents owning more vehicles than they have allocated parking spaces on site, and therefore reduce demand for on-street parking spaces.


·     Development will result in amenity impacts to neighbouring properties including overshadowing, privacy and noise.


Comment: This is a planning proposal for the rezoning of 21 Lorne Avenue to R4 and amendments to the development standards only, and as such does not consider the detailed design matters.  It is not a Development Application for the construction of a building. These matters (overshadowing, privacy and noise) would be assessed as part of the Development Application process.


·     21 Lorne Avenue should not have been delisted. House has heritage significance and should be re-listed as a heritage item.


Comment:  Council resolved to delist the property at 21 Lorne Avenue as part of the KLEP 2015. The rationale for the delisting was based on the heritage assessment undertaken by Perumal Murphy Alessi - Heritage Status and Context Review of 14 sites in Ku-ring-gai (May 2006). This assessment recommended that the heritage listing be removed from the property. The arguments for delisting of the site were the impact of development on curtilage and setting.


The original boundary of the lot on which the house was built was subdivided in 1958 to create 4 lots. This significantly reduced the curtilage and resulted in visual encroachment on the site with very narrow setback, particularly on the western side. Following the subdivision, the house did retain significance as a garden setting was still in place and the neighbouring properties did not exceed two storeys.


The opinion of the consultants and the Council interface assessment concluded the curtilage would be impacted by future (and now some existing) R4 development. The reduced curtilage as a result of the 1958 subdivision would now result in 5 storey neighbours on the up zoned sites, surrounding the house on 3 sides. As a result of the lost setting and diminished curtilage the house was removed from Council’s heritage list.


The Assessment of Significance by Perumal Murphy Alessi Heritage Consultants is included as Attachment A9.


The Section 56 response from the Office of Environment and Heritage – Heritage Division notes the history of the heritage listing on the site, and the Perumal Murphy Alessi review of heritage status of heritage interface sites impacted by adjoining high density zones.


The house at 21 Lorne Avenue, Killara has since been demolished under the provisions of a Complying Development Certificate issued under Part 4A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 on 1 December 2016.


·     Development will result in loss of environment and animals. Loss of trees.


Comment: This is a Planning Proposal and only considers amendments to the Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan 2015 – it is not a development application and does give approval for the construction of buildings or removal of trees and vegetation.


The impacts of any future development proposed the site on the environment, including removal of trees and vegetation would be considered through the Development Application process. It is noted that 21 Lorne Avenue is not mapped as Biodiversity Significance under the KLEP 2015.


·     Shortage of local businesses in area – house should be rezoned to allow for remodelling of house for a small business (e.g. convenience store, café, hairdresser, doctor)


Comment: The proposed R4 High Density Residential zone permits the following land uses which may support the development and use of ‘small business’:


·     child care centres;

·     neighbourhood shops;

·     shop top housing;

·     Home businesses.


It is up to the land owner to put forward a development application to Council. Each zone specifies a number of uses permitted within that zone. Council cannot force a landowner to develop their site for a certain purpose.


integrated planning and reporting

Places, Spaces and Infrastructure


Community Strategic Plan Long Term Objective

Delivery Program

Term Achievement

Operational Plan


P2.1 A robust planning framework is in place to deliver quality design outcomes and maintain the identity and character of Ku-ring-gai

Strategies, plans and processes are in place to effectively manage the impact of new development

Continue to review existing strategies and plans


Governance Matters

The process for the preparation and implementation of Planning Proposals is governed by the provisions contained in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.


Council sought the plan-making delegation under Section 23 of the EP&A Act 1979 to finalise the planning proposal. In issuing the Gateway Determination, the Department of Planning considered the nature of the planning proposal and decided to issue authorisation to Council to exercise delegation to make this plan.


Risk Management

This is a privately initiated planning proposal. Council needs to determine its position on this Planning Proposal. Council risks damage to its reputation if it does not undertake strategic land use planning in an effective and timely manner.


Financial Considerations

The Planning Proposal was subject to the relevant application fee under Council’s 2015/2016 Fees and Charges Schedule. The Planning Proposal was also subject to a further fee following the issue of the Gateway Determination for the advertisement of the Planning Proposal, in line with Councils 2015/2016 Fees and Charges Schedule. The cost for the review, assessment and advertisement of the Planning Proposal is covered by this fee.


Social Considerations

The site is well integrated with the surrounding public transport and pedestrian routes. The site is located within close proximity to the North Shore railway line and Killara Station. The increase in residential density will have access to facilities shared by the local community.


Environmental Considerations

The site is not identified as having Biodiversity or Riparian mapping under the KLEP 2015.


Community Consultation

The planning proposal was publically exhibited from 6 April 2017 to 5 May 2017 in accordance with the requirements of the Gateway Determination. The public exhibition was also advertised in the North Shore Times and on Councils website.


The exhibition material was available on Councils website, and a hard copy was available at Customer Service.


All persons who made a formal submission were notified of this matter being reported to Council on 23 May 2017 and 27 June 2017.


Internal Consultation

This report has been referred to relevant sections of Council for comment.



The Planning Proposal seeks to make the following amendments to the KLEP 2015:

·     Rezone the site from R2 Low Density Residential to R4 High Density Residential;

·     Amend the Floor Space Ratio applying to the site from 0.3:1 to 1.3:1;

·     Amend the Height of Building applying to the site from 9.5m to 17.5m;

·     Amend the Lot Size applying to the site from 840sqm to 1200sqm.


The Planning Proposal was publically exhibited from 6 April 2017 to 5 May 2017.


This report considers and assesses the submissions made in response to the public exhibition of the planning proposal, from both the community and from the relevant state agencies. The report recommends that the Council adopt the planning proposal and makes the plan under delegation.





A.   That Council adopts the Planning Proposal for the rezoning of 21 Lorne Avenue, Killara;


B.   That Councils proceeds to make the Plan, under delegated authority issued by the Department of Planning and Environment under Section 59(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979;


C.   That those who made submissions be notified of Council’s decision.







Alexandra Plumb

Urban Planner





Craige Wyse

Team Leader Urban Planning





Antony Fabbro

Manager Urban & Heritage Planning





Andrew Watson

Director Strategy & Environment




Gateway Determination - 21 Lorne Avenue Killara





Planning Proposal - 21 Lorne Avenue Killara - Amended as Per Gateway Determination March 2017





Appendix A - s117 Directions and SEPPs





Heritage Impact Statement - 21 Lorne Avenue Killara





Development Yield Analysis





Urban Design Study and Analysis





State Agency Responses - 21 Lorne Avenue





Submission Summary Table





Perumal Murphy Alessi - 21 Lorne Avenue, Killara - Heritage Status and Context Review of 14 Sites in Ku-ring-gai May 2006





Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

GB.10 / 195



Item GB.10



22 May 2017



Biodiversity Conservation Act and regulation and Vegetation SEPP





purpose of report:

To seek Council’s endorsement for two submissions to the NSW Government on the currently exhibited draft Regulations and other key products which support the Government’s new Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and Local Land Services Amendment Act 2016.




The Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (NSW) and the Local Land Services Amendment Act 2016 (NSW) were passed into law in November 2016.


The NSW Government has released 13 draft documents and tools to implement the new Acts, including regulations, codes and guidelines which are currently on public exhibition.




Ku-ring-gai Council made a submission to the NSW Government during the exhibition period for the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and the Local Land Services Amendment Act 2016 and held a community work shop on the biodiversity reform.


Many of the details relating to the functioning of the new legislation are set out in the documents currently on exhibition and fundamentally change the way development is assessed and how biodiversity is protected across the state.


Staff have prepared two draft submissions on the currently exhibited documents which provide comments relating to; potential impact, identified strengths and recommendations for improvements.




That Council endorses the two submissions to the NSW Government on the currently exhibited documents related to biodiversity and land management.





Purpose of Report

To seek Council’s endorsement for two submissions to the NSW Government on the currently exhibited draft Regulations and other key products which support the Government’s new Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and Local Land Services Amendment Act 2016. 



In 2014, the NSW Government commissioned a review into the laws, policies and programs which managed, conserved and regulated native vegetation, threatened species, and wildlife in NSW. The guiding objective of the review was to establish a simpler, streamlined and more effective legislation, able to:


·     facilitate the conservation of biological diversity;

·     support sustainable development; and

·     reduce red tape.


The pieces of legislation within the scope of review were:


·     the Native Vegetation Act 2003;

·     the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995;

·     the Nature Conservation Trust Act 2001; and

·     Part 4 Divisions 11 through 13, Part 6A (insofar as it relates to native plants and animals), and Parts 7 through 9 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, as well as all associated regulations contained within those Acts.


In response to the review, the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act) and the Local Land Services Amendment Act 2016 (LLSA Act) were passed into law in November 2016. On commencement, which is scheduled for 25 August 2017, the BC Act and LLSA Act will repeal and replace the Native Vegetation Act 2003, the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and the Nature Conservation Trust Act 2001.


The Government has released 13 draft documents and tools which support and implement the BC Act and LLSA Act. These supporting documents are on public exhibition for a 6 week period ending 21 June 2017.

Council have prepared two separate submissions, one covering the Explanation of Intended Effect for the State Environmental Planning Policy (Vegetation) 2017 (Attachment A1) and a separate submission for other key documents (Attachment A2), including:


·     Draft Biodiversity Conservation Regulation 2017 (PDF), and its supporting regulatory impact statement (PDF);

·     Draft Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Biodiversity Conservation) Regulation 2017 (PDF);

·     Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) (PDF) and BAM tool (Link);

·     Accreditation Scheme for the Application of the Biodiversity Assessment Method (PDF);

·     Draft Sensitive Biodiversity Values Land Map (Link);

·     Serious and irreversible impacts guidance (PDF);

·     Offsets payment calculator (Excel) and User Manual (PDF).



The NSW State Government has recently placed a number of environmental policy reforms on exhibition and provided limited consultation periods to make quality submissions. The proposed reform will have far reaching implications across a broad range of strategic planning processes and development legislation. On 23 May 2017, Council requested that the Premier extend the consultation period for the exhibited documents by 4 weeks, however Council has not received a response.


The exhibited documents include reforms to the regulation of many aspects of biodiversity, including:


·     land management and vegetation removal;

·     ecologically sustainable development, environmental impact assessment and offsetting;

·     native plants and animals including listing of threatened species, conservation programs and funding;

·     private land conservation including an expanded biodiversity offset scheme; and

·     development assessment under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act).


The Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2017 introduce the Biodiversity Assessment Methodology (BAM) and expand the scope of the NSW Biodiversity Offset Scheme. All applications under part 4 of the EP&A Act which exceed specific thresholds will be required to utilise the BAM and where necessary, secure offsets.


The Biodiversity Offset Scheme (BOS) may be triggered by clearing size (e.g. over 0.25ha - over 2ha, depending on minimum lot size in the LEP) or mapped sensitive areas (clearing of any size where the site is mapped on the Sensitive Biodiversity Values Land Map) or by the test of significance under section 7.2 of the BC Act. If a development meets the threshold or is likely to have a significant impact, the BAM must be applied.


Biodiversity offsets scheme - land clearing threshold (part 7.2 (4) Biodiversity Conservation Regulation 2017 [NSW].


Minimum lot size of land

Area of clearing

Less than 1 hectare

0.25 hectare or more

Less than 40 hectares but not less than 1 hectare

0.5 hectare or more

Less than 1,000 hectares but not less than 40 hectares

1 hectare or more

1,000 hectares or more

2 hectares or more


Council’s draft submission details concerns with the variation rules of offsetting, recommending a strengthening of the like-for-like principles. Additionally, the draft submission raises concerns with the regulations acceptance of Serious or Irreversible Impacts (SAII) and recommends that provisions to effectively block proposals which will result in SAII be strengthened.


The NSW Government is proposing to introduce a new State Environmental Planning Policy (Vegetation) 2017 (Vegetation SEPP) to support its land management and biodiversity, however, it is exhibiting an Explanation of Intended Effect (Explanation) only. There is no draft SEPP instrument on exhibition which makes it more difficult to comment as various details regarding the statutory provisions for administration and implementation of the proposed SEPP remain unknown. Council’s submission requests the opportunity to comment on the full draft SEPP provisions prior to it being finalised.


The new SEPP would assess proposals to clear native vegetation in urban areas and Environment zones (E2, E3, E4) (E-zones) state-wide. It would require clearing to be assessed using the Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) or a local council’s Development Control Plan (DCP) depending on the size and location of clearing.  For clearing and tree removal below the BOS threshold, local councils will continue to assess applications via permits in their DCPs.


The SEPP proposes to repeal the standard LEP provisions that give effect to tree protection orders in Council’s DCPs (clauses 5.9 and 5.9AA) with equivalent provisions to be incorporated into the new SEPP. The intent is to continue to allow Councils to identify in their DCPs which vegetation is protected and requires permits for removal.


Ku-ring-gai Council currently has robust tree and vegetation protection provisions in its DCPs and any changes under the proposed SEPP that would result in a weakening of these existing provis163ons should be opposed.


integrated planning and reporting

P2 - Managing Urban Change


Community Strategic Plan Long Term Objective

Delivery Program

Term Achievement

Operational Plan


P2.1 A robust planning framework is in place to deliver quality design outcomes and maintain the identity and character of Ku-ring-gai.

P2.1.1 Land use strategies, plans and processes are in place to effectively manage the impact of new development.


Respond to State Government Planning initiatives and reforms – including the new Planning Legislation.



Governance Matters

The BC Act and LLSA Act will repeal and replace the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, the Native Vegetation Act 2003 and the Nature Conservation Trust Act 2001. Further, SEPP (Vegetation) 2017, will change the way trees are managed in the urban environment and replace section 5.9 of the LEP.


The BC Act regulations including the draft guidance and criteria to assist a decision maker to determine a serious and irreversible impact (SAII) and will impact the way part 4 and 5 applications under the EP&A Act 1979 will be determined.


Risk Management

Both submissions note that Council has made submissions on numerous legislative reforms released by the NSW State Government over the past 24 months. Whilst these individual bills, amendments, codes, policies and guidelines have significant impacts on local government wide issues and procedures, it is the cumulative impact of the legislative reform which could potentially have catastrophic impacts on the environment.


There is concern that the overall impacts of the new legislative frameworks have not been sufficiently considered in regards to the pressures on the environment and particularly in regards to biodiversity. Council seeks reassurance from the NSW Government that the cumulative impacts of the legislative reform have been considered and request further information relating the quantification of potential impacts.


Financial Considerations

There is no direct investment required.


Social Considerations

Council held a community forum on the Biodiversity Conservation Bill and Local Land Services Amendment Bill when they were on public exhibition in June 2016. The forum was very well attended. Issues surrounding biodiversity protection are important to the Ku-ring-gai community. The draft submission continues Council’s involvement in the development of the legislative framework that will govern biodiversity in the future.


Environmental Considerations

The new framework expands the use of biodiversity offsetting in NSW, changes the way conservation is mandated and funded and will impact biodiversity in Ku-ring-gai and across NSW. The draft submission makes recommendations to improve protections for the unique biodiversity of Ku-ring-gai whilst allowing Ecologically Sustainable Development to proceed.


Community Consultation

Council have alerted the community of the currently exhibited documents through social media and email.     


Internal Consultation

During the preparation of the two submissions, relevant staff were consulted and their feedback Incorporated.



The Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (NSW) and the Local Land Services Amendment Act 2016 (NSW) were passed into law in November 2016.


The NSW Government has released 13 draft documents and tools to implement the new Acts, including regulations, codes and guidelines which are currently on public exhibition.


The exhibited documents include reforms to the regulation of many aspects of biodiversity, native plants and animals, private land conservation and ecologically sustainable development. Council has prepared two draft submissions on the currently exhibited documents which provide comments relating to; potential impact, identified strengths and recommendations for improvements.

Council supports many of the measures within the Biodiversity Conservation Regulations and supporting documents, but raise a number of concerns detailed in the submission. These include:


·     weak requirements for like-for-like offsetting;

·     huge reliance on self-assessable codes;

·     an apparent acceptance of extinctions and serious and irreversible impacts;

·     limited scope to nominate and declare Areas of Outstanding Biodiversity Value; and

·     incomplete mapping and supporting tools.


The new Vegetation SEPP proposes to repeal the Standard LEP provisions that give effect to tree protection orders in Council’s DCPs (clauses 5.9 and 5.9AA) with equivalent provisions to be incorporated into the new SEPP. Ku-ring-gai Council currently has robust tree and vegetation protection provisions in its DCPs and any changes under the proposed SEPP that would result in a weakening of these existing provisions should be opposed.




A.   That Council endorses the two submissions to the NSW government on the currently exhibited documents related to biodiversity and land management (Attachments A1 and A2).


B.   That Council authorises the Director Strategy and Environment to amend Council’s submission to improve clarity and strengthen arguments prior to its issue.







Jacob Sife

Natural Areas Officer





Craige Wyse

Team Leader Urban Planning





Marnie Kikken

Manager Environment & Sustainability





Andrew Watson

Director Strategy & Environment





Submission on Explanation of Intended Effect for the State Environmental Planning Policy (Vegetation) 2017





Submission on NSW biodiversity and land management reforms





Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

GB.11 / 201



Item GB.11



12 May 2017



Theatre Facilities in Ku-ring-gai - Visioning and Feasibility Study





purpose of report:

This report sets out a process for Council to resolve its intention for the future use of the Marian Street Theatre site and theatre facilities in Ku-ring-gai generally.




At the OMC of 28 February 2017 it was determined that Council should resolve its intention for the future use of the Marian Street Theatre site and theatre facilities in Ku‑ring-gai prior to determine whether to proceed with the Save Marian Street Theatre fundraising initiative. At the same meeting Council requested that a report be brought back on the scope and indicative costs of undertaking a business case assessing the available options for theatre in Ku-ring-gai.




This report will address Resolution A from OMC of 28 February 2017. As a first step, specialist consultants were engaged to facilitate a workshop with Councillors to discuss how to progress the decision-making process in relation to defining the need for live theatre and/or a performance facility within the Ku-ring-gai LGA. The workshop was held on Wednesday, 7 June 2017.




It is recommended that Council proceeds with a Visioning and Feasibility Study for theatre in Ku-ring-gai prior to Council determining whether to proceed with the Save Marian Street Theatre fundraising initiative.





Purpose of Report

This report sets out a process for Council to resolve its intention for the future use of the Marian Street Theatre site and theatre facilities in Ku-ring-gai generally.



On 20 September 2016, Council resolved to provide ‘in principle’ support to a fundraising initiative proposed by a group called the Save Marian Street Theatre Committee (SMSC).


Council subsequently received a Business Plan from the Committee, dated 13 November 2016, proposing to raise funds for the refurbishment of the theatre to enable it to be re-opened.


As part of the Business Plan, the Committee requested funding from Council of $36,500 to set up the legal structure of the organisation, determine more fully the costs of renovation, and carry out a study to investigate funding sources.


On 6 December 2016 Council considered a report in relation to the Committee’s proposal and resolved as follows:


A.   That Council engage an independent consultant to conduct a Probity and Risk Review of the Save Marian Street Theatre Business Plan.


B.   That a report come to Council containing analysis of the SMSC Business Plan along with recommendations and strategies from the independent Probity and Risk Review.


C.   That the Probity report come back to Council by the end of February 2017.


Council subsequently appointed O’Connor Marsden to conduct the independent probity and risk review. At the OMC of 28 February 2017 the results of an independent probity and risk review of the SMSC Business Plan was reported to Council, at that meeting Council resolved as follows:


A.   As per the recommendations from the O’Connor Marsden probity and risk review, and prior to Council determining whether to proceed with the Save Marian Street Theatre fundraising initiative, Council should resolve its intention for the future use of the Marian Street Theatre site and theatre facilities in Ku-ring-gai.

B.   In order to make an informed decision, a business case be prepared assessing the available options for theatre in Ku-ring-gai, including but not limited to those options identified in the O’Connor Marsden report 9 February 2017, and a report be brought to Council on the scope and indicative costs of undertaking the recommended business case.


Councillor Workshop


As a first step, specialist consultants were engaged to facilitate a workshop with Councillors to discuss how to progress the decision-making process in relation to defining the need for live theatre and/or a performance facility within the Ku-ring-gai LGA. The workshop was held on Wednesday, 7 June 2017. The objectives of the workshop were:


•     For Council to gain a better understanding of the process to be undertaken to determine the need for Live Theatre and the financial implications;

•     to define what inputs are and where the current information gaps may be;

•     to agree what options that need to be interrogated;

•     gain a better understanding on what may be desirable location attributes;

•     to better understand the differences between a Theatre facility vs a multi-function facility; and

•     agree a clear direction that will allow Council to make an informed decision regarding the investment in future facilities.


A high-level summary of the workshop outcomes has been provided in Attachment A1.


As an outcome of the workshop, the following steps were identified as a way forward:


•     undertake a Visioning Workshop to define out Council’s collective vision on “the Why?”

•     tour example facilities around Sydney;

•     undertake a feasibility study, incorporating a robust demand assessment / demographic analysis and options assessment; and

•     progress this next project definition phase in order to inform the incoming Council post the Council elections this year.



In order for Council to address Resolution A from OMC of 28 February 2017 it is recommended that a Visioning and Feasibility Study be commenced to define the strategic intent; gather the relevant information; and assess the key metrics of cost and benefits required for decision making. It is estimated that the study will take twelve weeks to complete.


The main tasks of the study would be as follows:


Vision Workshop


Hold a workshop with Councillors to determine the collective vision for the provision of performing arts infrastructure within the Ku-ring-gai LGA.  This workshop will confirm the vision and strategic objectives and inform the preliminary options to be investigated.


Facility Tour


Visit a range of different types of facilities, including a traditional drama theatre, flat floor / multi‑purpose venue and a combination theatre and music auditorium.  This tour will better inform Council as to the different type of performance venue and provide focus for the options that may be explored.


Preliminary Options


Define some preliminary options that will address the vision and the strategic objectives of Council which will in turn inform the research / data collection phase by providing the necessary scope definition for the survey questionnaire.


Data Collection


Undertake a combination of telephone survey and website survey tools to test the Community’s view; define the key demographic profile; and test the demand for live performance within the LGA. This may also include questions that will help define the Community’s “willingness to pay” for these facilities either through rates levies or other means.  This information will be analysed and synthesised with other survey information (particularly the Gordon Civic Hub Needs Analysis) to provide a clear position on the Community’s needs and the alignment with Council’s objectives.


Dilapidation survey


Undertake a thorough and up-to-date dilapidation survey / condition assessment for Marian Street Theatre (MST) in order to determine required expenditure for the refurbishment of the existing facility to bring it up to the latest code compliance.


Finalise Options


Present findings to Council in order to inform the final selection of the options to be interrogated under the feasibility assessment.


Functional Area Analysis


Confirm the functional space requirements to meet the defined need and prepare a “block and stack” analysis for the Gordon Civic Hub site and proposed modifications to the MST site both in terms of footprint and volume, if required to meet the functional / space requirements.


High Level Financial Analysis


The functional areas and architectural space planning outcomes will provide the basis for the preparation of the inputs required for the financial appraisal. The key metrics for the model will include:


•     Operational costs for all options, based on the preferred governance model;

•     Revenue from ticket sales and other revenue sources with input from Council staff;

•     Capital costs for each option;

•     Life cycles costs prepared by Council’s QS;

•     Program for the design and construction of each option;

•     High level risk register.


It is recommended as a first step to undertake a Visioning and Feasibility Study. Once complete this study would be reported to Council with a final recommendation (preferred option) for endorsement by Council. The next step, once Council has adopted a preferred option, would be preparation of a detailed business case. Once a business case has been completed and endorsed by Council it would then be in a position to determine whether to proceed with the Save Marian Street Theatre fundraising initiative.


integrated planning and reporting

Community, People and Culture


Community Strategic Plan Long Term Objective

Delivery Program

Term Achievement

Operational Plan


C1 - Community Wellbeing

C1.1 An equitable and inclusive community that cares and provides for its members. 

Our community facilities are accessible and  function as cultural hubs to attract a range of users

C2 - Cultural Diversity and Creativity

C2.1 A harmonious community that respects, appreciates, celebrates and learns from each other and values our evolving cultural identity.

Ku-ring-gai's rich cultural diversity and creativity is celebrated through programs and events.

C4 - Healthy Lifestyles

C4.1 A community that embraces healthier lifestyle choices and practices.

A range of cultural, recreational and leisure facilities and activities are available to encourage social interaction and stimulate everyday wellbeing.

P8  Improving the standard of our infrastructure

P8.1   An improved standard of infrastructure that meets the community’s service level standards and Council’s obligations as the custodian of our community assets.

Our public infrastructure and assets are planned, managed and funded to meet community expectations, defined levels of service and address inter-generational equity.



Programs for infrastructure and asset maintenance management are delivered in accordance with the adopted Asset Management Strategy and Plans.


Governance Matters

An independent probity and risk review prepared by O’Connor Marsden and reported to Council at the OMC of 28 February 2017 identified a long standing inconsistent policy position in relation to the provision of theatre facilities in the Ku-ring-gai local government area. The independent review recommends Council resolve this inconsistency prior to proceeding with fundraising to restore the Marian Street Theatre.


Risk Management

This report identifies a series of steps for Council to take in order to manage the various risks and probity issues relating to the future use of the Marian Street Theatre site and theatre facilities in Ku-ring-gai.


Financial Considerations

Council’s budget and long term financial plan do not include provision for the upfront or ongoing expenditure related to the provision of a theatre.  The O’Connor Marsden report identified that these asset management and financial risks should be considered by Council before any decisions on fundraising initiatives are made.


Council has previously allocated funds to the Gordon Cultural Hub (GCH) Master Planning project and it is felt appropriate that the next steps (and associated reports) are paid for through this funding source. Due to the fact that the two projects (GCH & MST) are interconnected and with potentially overlapping elements, it is deemed appropriate to resolve such things as spatial requirements prior to engaging design consultants for the GCH master plan. Further, survey information garnered from this exercise is useful as part of the community engagement required to inform the GCH master planning. If Council is of mind to proceed with the first phase Visioning and Feasibility Study as recommended in this report, funds will be allocated from within the existing GCH project budget.


Social Considerations

Council engaged consultants Straight Talk to undertake community engagement based on what the community thinks the future of live performance in Ku-ring-gai should be. The Straight Talk report (August 2015) indicated strong support within the community for live theatre in Ku-ring-gai.


Conclusions from the Straight Talk community engagement included:


·     Live theatre and performance is important. There is strong support for live performance in Ku-ring-gai

·     Most people attend live performance at least once or twice a year and most people identify Art and Culture as important elements for a community

·     There is a high degree of awareness of the Marian Street Theatre and most people have attended a performance there

·     Most people believe they would attend live performances in the LGA should they be available

Outlined earlier in the ‘next steps’ is a requirement for an updated survey to better define the communities desires for Theatre and use base in Gordon.

Environmental Considerations

There are no direct environmental considerations associated with this report.


Community Consultation

Community consultation conducted by Straight Talk in 2015, on live theatre in Ku-ring-gai, indicated a high level of support for live theatre in Ku-ring-gai, and a high level of awareness of the Marian Street Theatre in Killara. More community surveys are recommended as part of this report. The findings would also be used as part of the community engagement strategy moving forward with the GCH master planning project.


Internal Consultation

This matter has been discussed with the General Manager and Directors.


A workshop was held with Councillors on Wednesday, 7 June 2017 to discuss how to progress the decision-making process in relation to defining the need for live theatre and/or a performance facility within the Ku-ring-gai LGA.



In order for Council to ultimately decide what to do with the Marian Street Theatre site and theatre facilities in Ku-ring-gai generally, it is recommended that a Visioning and Feasibility Study be commenced to define the strategic intent; gather the relevant information; and assess the key metrics of cost and benefits required for decision making.


Advice has been sought from external consultants who are highly experienced advisors and project managers in the cultural, civic, arts and heritage sectors. The recommended next steps include:


•     Undertake a Visioning Workshop to define out Council’s collective vision;

•     tour example facilities around Sydney;

•     undertake a feasibility study, incorporating a robust demand assessment / demographic analysis and options assessment; and

•     progress the next project definition phase.


If Council wishes to proceed with a business case for Marian Street Theatre, it is recommended that the above listed steps are carried out first so as to form the basis of a meaningful business case.




A.   That Council undertakes a Visioning and Feasibility Study as a first step to resolving its intention for the future use of the Marian Street Theatre site and theatre facilities in Ku-ring-gai.


B.   That the Visioning and Feasibility Study be reported back to Council with a preferred option for endorsement by Council and as the basis for preparation of a detailed business case.





Bill Royal

Team Leader Urban Design




Dean Payne

Project Leader




Andrew Watson

Director Strategy & Environment





Report - Ku-ring-gai theatre - Root Partnerships - Councillor Workshop outcomes





Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

GB.12 / 208



Item GB.12



8 June 2017



Lindfield Community Hub - update





purpose of report:

The purpose of this report is to update Council on the development of the technical and design aspects of the master plan for the Lindfield Community Hub (the Project).




At the OMC of 6 October 2015, GB.10, Lindfield Community Hub Update Report, Resolution E, Council adopted a schedule of community infrastructure elements that define the mandatory requirements for any bid arising from an EOI/Tender for the Project.




A comprehensive internal consultation programme is being undertaken via Project Advisory Groups (PAGS) to inform the development of a Project Technical Brief. In addition Council has engaged a number of specialist consultants to provide advice on requirements for elements of the project.


During the review process aspects of Council’s mandatory requirements (with reference to Resolution E from the OMC of 6 October 2015, GB.10) have been tested and found to require minor amendments.

These minor amendments have been addressed by Council’s urban designer team - SJB. The amendments have been integrated into an updated Master Plan as per Attachment A1 – Adopted Lindfield Hub Master Plan – 1 June 2017.




That Council adopts minor changes to the mandatory project requirements for the Lindfield Community Hub project.





Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to update Council on the development of the technical and design aspects of the master plan for the Lindfield Community Hub (the Project).





At the OMC of 6 October 2015, GB.10, Lindfield Community Hub Update Report, Council resolved (in part) the following:


E.    That Council adopts the following community infrastructure elements as mandatory requirements for any bid arising from EOI to be considered as conforming:



Category of works

Items of inclusion

Location and extent

Minimum requirements

Relevant guidelines and controls


Mix of residential, retail and commercial uses




Streetscape works

-New footpaths

-Underground power lines

-LED street lighting

-Street trees and tree grates

-Landscaping of verges

-Installation of street furniture such as benches, litter bins and bike racks, on strategic locations

Bent Lane

Bent Street

Woodford Lane Beaconsfield Parade


Ku-ring-gai Town Centres Public Domain Plan, 2010


Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan, 2010


Council’s streetscape technical manual


Road and transport works

-Road realignment

 and resurfacing

-Kerb and gutter realignment

Bent Lane

Woodford Lane


Ku-ring-gai Town Centres Public Domain Plan , 2010


Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan, 2010


Lindfield Local Centre Transport Network Model Study Report 2013-14


-Construction of new public street (realignment and extension of Drovers Way)

-Formal closure of existing Drovers Way road reserve

Between Bent Street and Beaconsfield Parade


Ku-ring-gai Town Centres Public Domain Plan, 2010


Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan, 2010


Lindfield Local Centre Transport Network Model Study Report 2013-14


-Construction of new kiss & ride zone

- Construction of taxi rank with shelters and signage

Woodford Lane


Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan, 2010



-Modifications to traffic signals

Intersection of Pacific Highway  and Balfour Street/Havilah Road


Lindfield Local Centre Transport Network Model Study Report 2013-14


-Installation of new traffic signals

Intersection of Beaconsfield Parade and Pacific Highway


Lindfield Local Centre Transport Network Model Study Report 2013-14 

Public Domain Works

-Construction of new public park

-Construction of new urban plaza


Fronting Bent Street

Minimum size of consolidated green open space 3,000m2


Ku-ring-gai Town Centres Public Domain Plan, 2010

Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan, 2010

Design specifications as provided by Council


-Construction of new pedestrian plaza on Bent Street

Within road reserve between Bent Lane and Pacific Highway


Design specifications as provided by Council

Community building

-Construction of a community hub building comprising a café, new branch library, community centre and child care centre with roof garden

Corner of Bent Street and new street (realigned Drovers Way)

-Minimum size 2,950m2

-High design quality

- Iconic

Lindfield Community Facilities Study, Elton consulting, 2013

Design specifications as provided by Council


-Full internal fit-out of branch library (turn-key)

Level 1 of community hub building

Minimum size 1,250 m2


Lindfield Community Facilities Study, Elton consulting, 2013

Design specifications as provided by Council


-Full internal fit-out of community centre (turn-key)

Level 2 of community hub building

Minimum size 1,200 m2


Lindfield Community Facilities Study, Elton consulting, 2013

Design specifications as provided by Council

-Full internal fit-out of childcare centre (turn-key)

Level 3 of community hub building

Minimum size 500 m2

with external roof top garden area

Design specifications as provided by Council


Council’s DCP

Car parking

-Council car parking for community uses

Basement car park

Minimum of 55 spaces

Australian Standards and Building Code of Australia

-Public parking (Commuter)

Basement car park

Minimum of 140 spaces

Australian Standards and Building Code of Australia

-Council car parking (replacement of existing at-grade spaces)

Basement car park

Minimum of 112 spaces

Australian Standards and Building Code of Australia

-Private parking  (retail and commercial)

Basement car park


Local Centres DCP, 2012

Lindfield Community Hub - Site specific DCP

-Private parking (residential)

Basement car park


Local Centres DCP, 2012


Lindfield Community Hub - Site specific DCP

Retail & Commercial uses





-Commercial & Retail (including supermarket)



Basement and ground level

Minimum supermarket size 3,000 m2


Maximum retail (including supermarket)  + commercial floor space 5,000m2

Local Centres DCP, 2012


Lindfield Community Hub - Site specific DCP


At the OMC of 10 November 2015, GB.11, Resolution I, Council resolved to revise and clarify one of the mandatory elements for the Lindfield Community Hub as follows:


·     Construction of a new urban plaza with a minimum size of 900sqm; and

·     the urban plaza is to directly adjoin the proposed park and be accessible from Woodford Lane.




Discussion on Masterplan Design


At the OMC of 6 October 2015, GB.10, Lindfield Community Hub Update Report, Resolution E, Council resolved to adopt a schedule of community infrastructure elements as mandatory requirements for any bid arising from EOI to be considered as conforming. A further amendment was made at the OMC of 10 November 2015, GB.11. These elements are shown above in the Background section of this report.


A comprehensive internal consultation programme is being undertaken via a number of Project Advisory Groups (PAGS) to inform the development of a Technical Brief. This document describes the Lindfield Community Hub Project requirements and is to be read and considered in conjunction with the Request for EOI Document during the procurement process.

Figure 1 – Lindfield Community Hub Project Governance Structure


There are a total of Seven (7) PAGs that have been established, comprising staff across all departments of Council, they are as follows:


·     Design PAG (Community Building);

·     Design PAG (Public Domain);

·     Design PAG (ESD/Sustainability);

·     Services Contracts PAG;

·     Management Systems PAG;

·     Delivery Experience, Capacity and Programming PAG;

·     Financial Capacity and Commercial Structure PAG.


Reference to the project governance diagram in Figure 1 show that the PAGs report directly to the Tender Evaluation Committee which reports directly to the Project Steering Committee comprising the General Manager and Directors.


In addition to this Council has engaged a number of specialist consultants to provide advice on technical requirements for elements of the project:


·     Sustainability expert to advise delivery of sustainable outcomes consistent Ku-ring-gai Council policies;

·     Interior designer to advise on design and fitout of the community building;

·     Landscape architect to advise on public domain design;

·     Engineer to provide advice on the design of building services eg lifts, HVAC etc.;

·     Architect to develop technical drawings and detailed studies;

·     Land surveyor to advise on stratum/strata subdivision; and

·     Quantity surveyor;

·     Real Estate advisors providing technical and commercial advice on delivery structures;

·     Legal advisers proving specialist legal advice on procurement and delivery frameworks.


During the review process aspects of Council’s mandatory requirements (with reference to Resolution E from OMC of 6 October 2015, GB.10) have been tested and found to require minor amendments to meet technical requirements. Table 2 describes the recommended change and the reasons for the change.


These minor amendments have been addressed and the amendments have been integrated into an updated Masterplan attached in Attachment A1 – Adopted Lindfield Hub Masterplan - 1 June 2017. Council is asked to adopt these minor amendments and subsequently the changes to the Masterplan, in order to ensure the information provided within EOI and Tender documentation reflects the most updated concept plans and demonstrates a resolved, attractive and equitable proposal to the market.


Discussions with Roads and Maritime Services (RMS)


At the same time Council, has been consulting with RMS on the findings of the Lindfield Local Centre Transport Network Model Study with a view to seeking concurrence from Roads and Maritime Services (RMS).


Between 2013 and 2016, a microsimulation transport network study was prepared by transport consultants PeopleTrans for the Lindfield local centre. Included in the network model were the transport impacts of Council’s three major projects in Lindfield (Lindfield Village Green, Lindfield Community Hub and Lindfield Library site), as well as expected retail, residential and office development under KLEP (Local Centres) 2012.


A transport scheme was recommended by PeopleTrans that would accommodate the expected transport impacts, and submitted to Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) for approval in late 2015. After nearly 12 months RMS responded to the scheme.


RMS agreed with majority of scheme in principle, but noted due to the need for traffic signals at the intersection Pacific Highway/Beaconsfield Parade, the existing pedestrian signals or proposed traffic signals at the intersection of Pacific Highway/Tryon Place would need to be removed (due to close proximity) and replaced with a pedestrian bridge. Furthermore, RMS responded that a pedestrian bridge must be installed at no cost to RMS, and ownership transferred to RMS after construction costs are recovered (potentially through advertising).


The mandatory removal of the existing mid-block pedestrian signals adjacent to Tryon Place and installation of pedestrian bridge presented significant constraints to the Project and threatened the Project’s viability by significantly impacting on outputs of the business plan and creating significant delay to the Project (as discussed in the confidential Council Report to the OMC of 28 February 2017).


Consequently Council submitted a revised scheme for the Lindfield Local Centre (TMM1D-rev3) which identifies a new location for mid-block pedestrian activated signals on Pacific Highway that will meet RMS technical requirements/guidelines which specifically addresses the following:


·     see-through effect of closely spaced intersections;

·     single Traffic Signal Controller for two closely spaced intersections; and

·     storage capacity between intersections.


Council’s revised model provides calculations of the priority assessment score (based on the relevant RMS Technical Direction) which results in a score of 37 for a pedestrian bridge, which is a mid-range score. This indicates that there is not a pressing need for a pedestrian bridge at this location. Analysis undertaken for Council indicates that a pedestrian bridge is not a mandatory requirement for successful road network operation, and should therefore be a desirable outcome but not a compulsory requirement.


When assessing TMM1D-rev3, the outcome of the operational assessment shows very similar or better performance levels along the Pacific Highway in respect of travel time and intersection operation, when compared to the originally proposed scheme (TMM1D).


Proposed Amendments to Council’s Mandatory Requirements


As a result of work undertaken by the PAGs and discussions with RMS a number of amendments to the masterplan are proposed, these are discussed in Table 1 below.






Road and transport works

Modifications to traffic signals:

Intersection of Pacific Highway and Balfour Street/Havilah Road.

Delete requirement



These works will be delivered as part of the Lindfield Village Green Project and the requirement forms part of the current Development Application.


Insert new requirement

Include new mandatory requirement to read:


-Relocate existing signalised pedestrian crossing on the Pacific Highway near the intersection with Tryon Place – final location subject to RMS approval.


RMS has advised that the existing signals in this location will not be supported due to the proximity to the proposed traffic signals at the intersection of Pacific Highway and Beaconsfield Parade and other technical requirements such as sight lines.


Council is currently working with RMS to identify a new location for mid-block pedestrian activated signals on Pacific Highway that will meet RMS technical requirements/guidelines.


The requirement to modify the existing traffic signals on Tryon Place to accommodate one-way traffic should be transferred to the development outcomes associated with the redevelopment of the existing Library site at 265 - 271 Pacific Highway, Lindfield


Insert new requirement

Include new mandatory requirement to read:

- Install new signalised pedestrian signals on the Pacific Highway at a location approximately half way between the intersections of Balfour Street and Beaconsfield Parade – final location subject to RMS approval

Council has presented a revised scheme to RMS, which proposes to relocate the mid-block pedestrian activated signals on Pacific Highway to a location that will meet RMS technical requirements/guidelines.



-Construction of new kiss & ride zone

- Construction of taxi rank with shelters and signage

- Woodford Lane

Amend to read:

- Drovers Way and Woodford Lane


- Replace reference to ‘Kiss and Ride’ with ‘Pick up / Drop off zone’

To capture opportunity for two locations and wording clarification

Community building

Full internal fit-out of:

- branch library (turnkey); and

- community centre (turnkey).


Amend to read:

- Construction of a three level community hub building as a ‘cold shell’ consistent with Council’s Technical Brief.

- Community building to comprise library facilities, community meeting rooms and halls and a child care centre

- Library and community component to be owned and operated by Council




Recommend that Council’s mandatory requirement be that the Project Partner is to deliver a ‘cold shell’ and that Council design and deliver the internal fitout of the community building.


This approach will ensure Council has higher levels of control over the quality and design of the building fitout.


Internal consultation raised concerns regarding delivery of the community building as turnkey (cold shell + fitout) by a development partner. Stakeholders noted that Council will have very little control of final fixtures and finishes.


Further research and meetings with staff from other councils who have recently delivered new community buildings supports the delivery of cold shell by development partner and fitout by council.


Branch Library

- Level 1 of community hub building


Community centre

- Level 2 of community hub building


Child Care Centre

- Level 2 of community hub building

Amend to read:

- Community building to comprise library facilities, community meeting rooms and halls and a child care centre


Recommend that Council’s mandatory requirements are less specific as to the location of particular functions within the community building.


Specialist consultant advice raised concerns in relation to separating library functions from community functions. Contemporary design of ‘community hubs’ mixes the functions across a number of floors.


Further research and meetings with staff from other councils who have recently delivered new community buildings supports this flexible approach.


Child Care Centre

- Level 2 of community hub building


Amend to read:

- Child Care Centre to be owned by Council and leased to a commercial child care operator

Internal consultation has determined that Council intends to own the building but will not be the operator of a new child care centre.

This approach reduces the capital and operational costs for Council and enhances the overall project feasibility, whilst reducing Council’s risk.


Full internal fit-out of childcare centre (turn-key)

Amend to read:

- Delivery of a three level community hub building as a ‘cold shell’ consistent with Council’s Technical Brief.

Recommended that Council’s mandatory requirement be that the Project Partner is to deliver a ‘cold shell’ and that full internal fitout is to be delivered by the selected child care operator.

Car Parking

Council car parking for community uses

- Minimum of 55 spaces

- Basement car park

Amend minimum requirements to read:

- As per requirements of RTA Guide to Traffic Generating Developments - Parking Requirements for Retail (Shopping Centres) (treated as Office/Medical use)


Amend mandatory requirement to read:

- Basement carpark and on-street car parking

The previously resolution specified 55 car spaces as per Local Centres DCP requirement but because the community uses form part of a larger development containing a variety of uses (including a significant proportion of retail and commercial), there are car parking efficiencies associated with multi-purpose trips and non-conflicting parking peaks within the development. Therefore, it is more appropriate to rely on RTA Guide to Traffic Generating Developments – parking requirements for shopping centres - whose parking rates factor in the efficiencies. Providing the Local Centres DCP requirement for the individual uses would likely result in duplication and therefore overprovision of car parking. The Ku-ring-gai Parking Management Plan acknowledges that efficient sharing of spaces across varying land uses can allow parking requirements to be reduced (from Local Centres DCP requirements)


Further analysis has shown that in the region of 90 car spaces could be provided on the streets within and around the proposed development.


This approach will significantly reduce the cost of car parking provision and enhance the feasibility of project.


On street parking is likely to be supported by the community as it would provide greater convenience for visitors.


Council car parking (replacement of existing at-grade spaces) 

-Minimum of 112 spaces

- Basement car park

Amend mandatory requirement to read:

- Basement carpark and on-street car parking


-Public parking (Commuter) Basement car park Minimum of 140 spaces

Amend to include:

-  (delivery subject to TFNSW funding)

- Specifications as provided by TFNSW


There is a high risk to the project if TFNSW requirements are mandatory due to cost, timing and design constraints.


The preferred approach is to include them within the EOI/tender as a desirable outcome.


-Private parking (retail and commercial)

Amend minimum requirements to read:


- As per requirements of RTA Guide to Traffic Generating Developments - Parking Requirements for Retail (Shopping Centres)

Since the retail and commercial uses form part of a larger development containing a variety of uses (including a significant proportion of retail and commercial), there are car parking efficiencies associated with multi-purpose trips and non-conflicting parking peaks within the development. Therefore, it is more appropriate to rely on RTA Guide to Traffic Generating Developments – parking requirements for shopping centres, whose parking rates factor in the efficiencies. Providing the Local Centres DCP requirement for the individual uses would likely result in a duplication and therefore overprovision of car parking.


The Ku-ring-gai Parking Management Plan acknowledges that efficient sharing of spaces across varying land uses can allow parking requirements to be reduced (from Local Centres DCP requirements)

Table 1: Proposed Amendments to Council’s Mandatory Requirements

(with reference to Resolution E from OMC of 6 October 2015, GB.10)


integrated planning and reporting


Places, Spaces and Infrastructure - P4 Revitalisation of our centres

Community, People and Culture - C4 Healthy lifestyles


Community Strategic Plan Long Term Objective

Delivery Program

Term Achievement

Operational Plan



A range of well planned, clean and safe neighbourhoods and public spaces designed with a strong sense of identity and place.


Plans to revitalise local centres are being progressively implemented and achieve quality design outcomes in collaboration with key agencies, landholders and the community.



An improvement plan for Lindfield centre is being progressively implemented in collaboration with owners, businesses and state agencies.


Implement a place management approach for the local centre improvements to coordinate works and achieve quality outcomes.


Engage with relevant stakeholders to establish timing, extent and partnership opportunities.


Undertake due diligence and undertake project scope.


Identify and engage with the key stakeholders.


A healthy, safe, and diverse community that respects our history, and celebrates our differences in a vibrant culture of learning.


New and enhanced open space and recreational facilities have been delivered to increase community use and enjoyment.


Undertake acquisitions for new parks.


Undertake assessment and identify locations for new parks


Complete the design for identified parks and include design principles which facilitate passive recreation activities.


Construct parks at identified locations and include design principles which facilitate passive recreation activities


Governance Matters


The full list of Council reports which pertain to the Lindfield Community Hub project have been set out below for reference:


1.      OMC – 26 June 2012 – GB.9 - Council Car Park – Woodford Lane, Lindfield – Reclassification

2.      OMC – 26 February 2013 – GB.16 - Woodford Lane, Lindfield Commuter Car Park

3.      OMC – 28 May 2013 – GB.10 - Lindfield Community Hub and Commuter Car Park – Next Steps

4.      OMC – 30 July 2013 – GB.5 – Proposed Reclassification of 1B Beaconsfield Parade and 19 Drovers Way, Lindfield (Woodford Lane Car Park) to Operational Land Following the Exhibition and Public Hearing Process

5.      OMC – 12 November 2013 – C.1 - Potential Property Acquisition – Lindfield

6.      OMC - 10 December 2013 - GB.19 - Lindfield Village Green - Tryon Road - Project Update

7.      OMC – 24 June 2014 – C.1 - Property Acquisition - Lindfield

8.      OMC – 9 September 2014 – GB.4 – Lindfield Community Hub – Woodford Lane – Report on Progress

9.      OMC - 11 November 2014 – GB.7 – Lindfield Community Hub – Probity Matters

10.    OMC – 25 November 2014 – GB.8 – Lindfield Community Hub – Probity Management Plan

11.    OMC – 9 December 2014 – Tender No. RFT22/2014 – Lindfield Community Hub – Tender For Consultants to Prepare Illustrative Development Options and Master Plan

12.    OMC – 21 April 2015 – GB.5 – Compulsory Acquisition of Roads – Lindfield

13.    OMC – 8 September 2015 – GB.9 – Lindfield Community Hub Preferred Option

14.    OMC - 6 October 2015 – GB.10 – Lindfield Community Hub - Update Report

15.    OMC - 10 November 2015 – GB.11 - Lindfield Community Hub – Planning Proposal and Site-Specific DCP

16.    OMC – 10 November 2015 – GB.9 - Lindfield Local Centre – Commuter Car Parking

17.    OMC - 8 December 2015 – GB.8 – Lindfield Community Hub – Project Delivery

18.    OMC - 19 July 2016 – C.2 – Update On Discussions With 2nd 3rd Lindfield Scout Group at 1A Beaconsfield Parade, Lindfield

19.    OMC - 6 September 2016 – GB.9 - Consideration of Submissions - Planning Proposal to Amend KLEP(LC) 2012 to Change the Zoning, Height, FSR at Woodford Lane and Drovers Way, Lindfield - Lindfield Community Hub Site

20.    OMC - 6 September 2016 – GB.13 – Public Roads Within Lindfield Major Project Sites

21.    OMC - 28 February 2017 – C.1 – Initial Assessment of Project Proposal by the Office of Local Government

22.    OMC - 23 May 2017 – C.1 – Legal Advice for Procurement and Delivery Options


Risk Management


A Lindfield Community Hub Risk Management Plan (RMP) has been prepared using the standards and procedures set out in AS/NZ ISO 31000:2009 – Risk Management – Principals and Guidelines, which was adopted by Council on 8 September 2015. 


The RMP formed part of Council’s Stage 1 submission which was submitted to the OLG on 18 August 2016 in accordance with NSW Government’s PPP Guidelines and provided a framework for the effective management of all levels of risk associated with the Lindfield Community Hub Project.


However, Council officers have deemed it necessary to re-evaluate the Risk Matrix (RM) and RMP giving due consideration to the Council resolutions of OMC on 28 May 2017, which determined to proceed with the procurement and delivery of the Project under Section 55 of the Local Government Act and not to proceed with a Public Private Partnership as described in Section 400 (C) and the alternative delivery options discussed with Confidential Council Report. The Project delivery team, Council’s responsible Risk Officer and the Project’s Financial Capacity and Commercial Structure PAG have collaboratively revised these documents to identify, evaluate and incorporate a risk within the context of the updated Project parameters.


The revised RMP and RM will be reviewed by Council’s external consultants (CBRE) as part of the engagement to prepare the Asset Strategy. CBRE will be responsible for identifying and overlaying risk, non-financial Council KPIs and operational challenges for each of the alternative structuring option. A detailed risk assessment will be provided within the report, identifying preferred strategic options and risk mitigation strategies for Project implementation.


RMS Risk Issues:


Council has notified RMS of the commercial ramifications of mandating the delivery of a pedestrian bridge and that the methods for recouping capital expenditure outlined in the letter from RMS are not considered viable.  Particular areas of concerns and risk for Council have ramifications over the following matters:


·     Equitable EOI process imposing a commercial disadvantage;

·     significant impact on the Projects business plan with unfunded capital expenditure; and

·     creates delay to the project which significant impact on the project delivery program.


Financial Considerations


There are no direct financial considerations arising from this report.


Social Considerations


The Lindfield Community Hub will revitalise Lindfield by creating a vibrant community hub incorporating a new branch library and community centre, town centre park, commuter and community parking with other uses such as retail and residential spaces.


Environmental Considerations


There are no direct environmental considerations arising from this report.


Community Consultation


The amendments to Council’s adopted masterplan arising from this report are minor in nature and therefore consultation has not been undertaken.


Internal Consultation


Prior to the OMC of 23 May 2017 Councillors were invited to a briefing on the legal advice on the procurement and delivery options for the Lindfield Community Hub. During this briefing, Councillors were advised of staffs’ intentions to report the proposed amendments which are contained in this report. Furthermore, Councillors were advised of staffs’ intentions to submit an Asset Strategy for the Lindfield Hub project to Council which will provide a framework for delivery structures and a financial evaluation of the options presented.


As part of the 360 degree internal stakeholder review process, a comprehensive internal consultation programme is being undertaken via a number of Project Advisory Groups (PAGS) to inform the development of a Technical Brief which will guide all outcomes of the EOI and Tender process.


Seven (7) PAGs have been established; comprising staff across all departments of Council, to date there have been roughly 50 meetings across the PAGs, with over 700 comments recorded, considered and, where appropriate, actioned.  All of these commendations, suggestions and comments made by colleagues have influenced the amendments incorporated into the revised Masterplan. A record of these suggestions can be found on the Lindfield Community Hub Amendment Register.


The Project Advisory Group members listed by job title are as follows:


Design PAG (Community Building)


-      Team Leader – Major Projects (Chair)

-      Project Leader

-      Manager Communities

-      Manager Library And Cultural Services

-      Building Asset Coordinator

-      Senior Urban Designer

-      Manager, IT

-      Director Community

-      CDO Disability Services

-      Strategic Assets Officer

-      Specialist External Consultant


Design PAG (Public Domain)


-      Team Leader – Major Projects (Chair)

-      Project Leader

-      Environmental Engineer

-      Senior Urban Designer

-      Strategic Transport Engineer

-      Landscape Planner

-      Manager Open Space Operations

-      Strategic Assets Officer

-      Specialist External Consultant


Design PAG (ESD)


-      Manager, Urban & Heritage Planning (Chair)

-      Project Leader

-      Senior Sustainability Officer

-      Manager, Waste

-      Environmental Engineer

-      Manager, Waste

-      Senior Urban Planner

-      Building Assets Coordinator

-      Water Catchment

-      Specialist External Consultant


Contracts PAG


-      Project Leader – Major Projects (Chair)

-      Property Program Coordinator

-      Manager Engineering Operations

-      Building Assets Coordinator

-      Building Contractor Supervisor

-      Manager, Records and Governance

-      Specialist External Consultant


Management Systems PAG


-      Manager, Strategic Projects (Chair)

-      Project Leader

-      Team Leader, Corporate Risk & Assurance

-      Compliance Health & Building

-      Manager, Projects (Operations)

-      Development & Assessment Services Manager

-      Specialist External Consultant


Delivery Experience, Capacity and Programming PAG


-      Project Leader – Major Projects (Chair)

-      Project Director

-      Team leader

-      Manager, Strategic Projects

-      Manager, Integrated Planning, Property & Assets

-      Team Leader, Urban Planning

-      Specialist External Consultant


Financial Capacity and Commercial Structure PAG


-      Manager, Integrated Planning, Property & Assets (Chair)

-      Project Director

-      Finance Manager

-      Project Leader

-      Team Leader, Corporate Risk & Assurance

-      Specialist External Consultant




On 6 October 2015 Council resolved to adopt a schedule of community infrastructure elements as mandatory requirements for the Lindfield Community Hub.


Since that time Council has undertaken a 360 degree internal stakeholder review process via a number of Project Advisory Groups (PAGS) to inform the development of a Technical Brief which will guide all outcomes of the EOI and Tender process. Seven (7) PAGs have been established; comprising staff across all departments of Council. To date there have been roughly 50 meetings across the PAGs, with over 700 comments recorded. In addition to this Council has engaged a number of specialist consultants to provide advice on technical requirements for elements of the project.


At the same time Council, has been consulting with RMS on the findings of the Lindfield Local Centre Transport Network Model Study with a view to seeking concurrence from Roads and Maritime Services (RMS).


As a result of work undertaken by the PAGs and discussions with RMS a number of minor amendments to the master plan are proposed, the amendments are discussed in this report.


It is recommended that Council adopts the amended Table in Recommendation A below, which  incorporates minor amendments to the Lindfield Community Hub Project mandatory requirements (as resolved by Council OMC of 6 October 2015, GB.10 and OMC 10 November 2015 GB.11). In addition, it is recommended that Council adopts the amendments made to the Lindfield Hub Master Plan as shown in Attachment A1 Adopted Lindfield Hub Master Plan – 1 June 2017.
















A.   That Council adopts the following Table incorporating minor amendments to the Lindfield Community Hub Project mandatory requirements (as resolved by Council OMC of 6 October 2015, GB.10 and OMC 10 November 2015 GB.11):



Category of works

Items of inclusion

Location and extent

Minimum requirements

Relevant guidelines and controls


Mix of residential, retail and commercial uses



- Council’s adopted master plan

Streetscape works

-New footpaths

-Underground power lines

-LED street lighting

-Street trees and tree grates

-Landscaping of verges

-Installation of street furniture such as benches, litter bins and bike racks, on strategic locations

Bent Lane

Bent Street

Woodford Lane Beaconsfield Parade


- Ku-ring-gai Town Centres Public Domain Plan, 2010


- Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan, 2010


- Council’s streetscape technical manual


Road and transport works

-Road realignment

 and resurfacing

-Kerb and gutter realignment

Bent Lane

Woodford Lane


- Ku-ring-gai Town Centres Public Domain Plan , 2010


- Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan, 2010


- Lindfield Local Centre Transport Network Model Study Report 2013-14


-Construction of new public street (realignment and extension of Drovers Way)

-Formal closure of existing Drovers Way road reserve

Between Bent Street and Beaconsfield Parade


- Ku-ring-gai Town Centres Public Domain Plan, 2010


- Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan, 2010


- Lindfield Local Centre Transport Network Model Study Report 2013-14


-Construction of new ‘Pick up / Drop off zone’

- Construction of taxi rank with shelters and signage

Woodford Lane

and Drovers Way


- Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan, 2010



-Relocate existing signalised pedestrian crossing on the Pacific Highway near the intersection with Tryon Place

Pacific Highway

– final location subject to RMS approval

- RMS technical requirements / guidelines.


- Install new signalised pedestrian signals on the Pacific Highway at a location approximately half way between the intersections of Balfour Street and Beaconsfield Parade

Pacific Highway

– final location subject to RMS approval

- RMS technical requirements / guidelines.


-Installation of new traffic signals

Intersection of Beaconsfield Parade and Pacific Highway


- Lindfield Local Centre Transport Network Model Study Report 2013-14


Public Domain Works

-Construction of new public park


Fronting Bent Street


- Minimum size of consolidated green open space 3,000m2


- Ku-ring-gai Town Centres Public Domain Plan, 2010


- Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan, 2010


- Design specifications as provided by Council


-Construction of new urban plaza


The urban plaza is to directly adjoin the proposed park and be accessible from Woodford Lane

- Minimum size of 900sqm

- Design specifications as provided by Council


-Construction of new pedestrian plaza on Bent Street

Within road reserve between Bent Lane and Pacific Highway


- Design specifications as provided by Council

Community building

- Construction of a three level community hub building as a ‘cold shell’ consistent with Council’s Technical Brief.

- Community building to comprise library facilities, community meeting rooms and halls, a child care centre and roof garden

Corner of Bent Street and new street (realigned Drovers Way)

- Minimum size 2,950m2

- High design quality

- Iconic


- Lindfield Community Facilities Study, Elton consulting, 2013


- Design specifications as provided by Council


-Branch library

Community hub building

- Minimum size 1,250 m2

- To be owned and operated by Council



- Lindfield Community Facilities Study, Elton consulting, 2013


- Design specifications as provided by Council


- Community centre

Community hub building

- Minimum size 1,200 m2

- To be owned and operated by Council


- Lindfield Community Facilities Study, Elton consulting, 2013


- Design specifications as provided by Council


- Childcare centre

Community hub building

- Minimum size 500m2 with external roof top garden area

- To be owned by Council and leased to a commercial child care operator

- Design specifications as provided by Council


- Council’s DCP

Car parking

-Council car parking for community uses

Basement car park and on street parking

- As per requirements of RTA Guide to Traffic Generating Developments - Parking Requirements for Retail (Shopping Centres) (to be treated as Office/Medical use)

- Australian Standards and Building Code of Australia


-Public parking (Commuter)


Basement car park

- Minimum of 140 spaces

-  delivery subject to TFNSW funding

- Specifications as provided by TFNSW


-Council car parking (replacement of existing at-grade spaces)

Basement car park and on street parking

- Minimum of 112 spaces

- Australian Standards and Building Code of Australia


-Private parking  (retail and commercial)

Basement car park

- As per requirements of RTA Guide to Traffic Generating Developments - Parking Requirements for Retail (Shopping Centres)

- Australian Standards and Building Code of Australia


-Private parking (residential)

Basement car park


Local Centres DCP, 2012


Lindfield Community Hub - Site specific DCP

Retail & Commercial uses





-Commercial & Retail (including supermarket)



Basement and ground level

Minimum supermarket size 3,000 m2


Maximum retail (including supermarket)  + commercial floor space 5,000m2

Local Centres DCP, 2012


Lindfield Community Hub - Site specific DCP


B.   That Council adopts the amendments made to the Adopted Lindfield Hub Masterplan – 1 June 2017 (Attachment A1).







Nicole Gerschel

Project Leader - Major Projects





Bill Royal

Team Leader Urban Design





Antony Fabbro

Manager Urban & Heritage Planning





Andrew Watson

Director Strategy & Environment





Amendments to Adopted Masterplan for Lindfield Hub - 1 June 2017





Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

GB.13 / 226



Item GB.13



27 April 2017



St Ives Village Green Master Plan - Angle Parking Options





purpose of report:

To consider the various impacts and benefits of angle parking scenarios around the perimeter of the St Ives Village Green and Cowan Oval.




In 2015 Council resolved to undertake a comparative study of three parking scenarios on Memorial Avenue and Cowan Road, St Ives.




This report provides an analysis of various parking scenarios taking into account traffic impacts, safety, estimated costs and the current parking management policies in place for this precinct.




That accessible parking, a loading zone and short stay parking be introduced in the car park on the northern side of Village Green Parade, and that short stay parking be introduced on the Memorial Avenue frontage of St Ives Village Green and on the partially on the Cowan Road frontage of Cowan Oval. Following this, incrementally implement the remaining measures in the Parking Management Plan in Memorial Avenue and Cowan Road.





Purpose of Report

To consider the various impacts and benefits of angle parking scenarios around the perimeter of the St Ives Village Green and Cowan Oval.




On 17 August 2015, Council adopted the following Notice of Motion, entitled Angle Parking in St Ives Village Green:


A.      A comparative study be undertaken of three parking scenarios on Memorial Avenue and Cowan Road (perpendicular parking, 60 degree angle parking and indented Parallel parking) using updated traffic data to assess the safety factors and the potential impacts on traffic flow.

B       For each of the three scenarios, the study should include:


·     Concept drawings of required dimensions of car spaces and width of manoeuvrability.

·     An overlay demonstrating the square metreage of St Ives Village Green and trees which will be lost.

·     The yield or loss of car spaces compared with the existing number available.

·     For each option an estimate of cost.

C.      A report comes back to council within the first quarter of 2016.



Traffic data


Under Council’s road hierarchy, the functional classification of Memorial Avenue, St Ives is a collector road, while Cowan Road, St Ives is classified as a local road.


The most recent traffic volume and speed counts in Memorial Avenue (between Village Green Parade and Killeaton Street) and Cowan Road (between Village Green Parade and Kanoona Avenue) were undertaken in July 2014 (previous traffic counts undertaken in 2001/2007 are shown for comparison).


Latest available traffic data



Average weekday traffic


Am peak hour traffic flows (8am-9am)


Pm peak hour traffic flows



Sat peak hour traffic flows


85% speeds (2-way)

Memorial Avenue







7,645 vpd






8,820 vpd


645 vph


705 vph


785 vph


Cowan Road







5,800 vpd






6,690 vpd

N130 +S315 =

  445 vph

N255 +S190 =

  445 vph

N275 +S285 =

  560 vph



The recorded traffic data shows an increase of approximately 1,200 vehicles per day (two-way) on Memorial Avenue over a 7 year period, and an increase of approximately 900 vehicles per day (two-way) on Cowan Road over a 13 year period.


Geometric Design of On-Street Angle Parking


Australian Standards AS2890.5 – On-Street Parking provides guidance for the geometric design of on-street parking spaces.


Parallel parking is the optimum layout where parking must be provided and where street capacity must be kept to a maximum.


Angle parking can accommodate up to twice the number of parking spaces as parallel parking but impacts on road capacity due to the manoeuvring space required. Small angles provide the least amount of additional spaces, while 90 degree angle parking provides the maximum. Australian Standards suggest that changing from parallel parking to angle parking may increase the crash rate and decrease traffic capacity, so angle parking should be considered in conjunction with other measures to lessen potential adverse effects.


Notwithstanding this, there are examples of existing on-street angle parking in Ku-ring-gai (such as outside the Eastern Road shops at Turramurra - 45 degree layout), where there have been no recorded crashes in the last 5 years of available crash history, which indicates that this area of angle parking is operating safely. This section of Eastern Road has recorded average 2 way traffic volumes of 11,500 vehicles per day (in 2006) and a peak hour southbound traffic volume (i.e adjacent to the angle parking) of approximately 570 vehicles per hour. This is substantially higher than the highest peak hour traffic volume recorded in Memorial Avenue and Cowan Road, adjacent to the proposed angle parking.


In the comparative study (below), the impacts to open space have been calculated from the boundary of the St Ives Village Green and Cowan Oval, and are based on an angle parking layout where some encroachment into the adjacent travel lane by a manoeuvring vehicle is tolerated. Australian Standards AS2890.5 (On-Street Parking) suggests this is the appropriate layout for Memorial Avenue and Cowan Road (based on traffic volumes in the adjacent travel lane which are less than 800 vehicles per hour).


Given that in 2014 the highest hourly traffic flow in Memorial Avenue (in the northbound lane/adjacent to the proposed angle parking) was 440 vehicles per hour (and even less in Cowan Road), traffic volumes would have to nearly double to reach the 800 vehicles per hour trigger for the additional manoeuvring area. This is unlikely to occur, even with redevelopment of the St Ives Shopping Village. Therefore, it is recommended to consider the layout as shown in the attached concept sketches (see Attachment A1), where some encroachment into the adjacent travel lane by a manoeuvring vehicle is tolerated.


Results of comparative study of various parking scenarios


Memorial Avenue segment


Parking layout

Car spaces

Estimated Cost

Open space impacts

Traffic impacts

Accessible parking implications

Other comments





No change to existing

Minimal opportunities

Existing layout

Parallel –indented by 1.0m


$134,500 to lose 3 spaces)

Removal of 6 trees

May increase speed of passing traffic

Improved opportunities for accessible parking.

Due to sufficient road width, indented parallel parking generally not required.

Reduced parking numbers compared to existing layout

30 degree




For one additional space)

Removal of 6 trees

Can only be accessed from 1 direction (northbound).

Manoeuvring vehicles may slow/impede through traffic.

Improved opportunities for accessible parking.


45 degree



($31,000  per additional space)



Removal of 6 trees

Can only be accessed from 1 direction (northbound).

Manoeuvring vehicles may slow/impede through traffic.

Improved opportunities for accessible parking.


60 degree



($20,500 per additional space)



Removal of 6 trees

Can only be accessed from 1 direction (northbound).

Manoeuvring vehicles may slow/impede through traffic.

Improved opportunities for accessible parking.


90 degree


$325,000 ($15,500 per additional space)



Removal of 7 trees

Can be accessed from both directions.

Manoeuvring vehicles may slow/impede through traffic.

Improved opportunities for accessible parking.

Layout as indicated in St Ives Village Green Master Plan.


Cowan Road segment


Parking layout

Car spaces

Estimated Cost

Open space impacts

Traffic impacts

Accessible parking implications

Other comments





No change to existing

Minimal opportunities

Existing layout

Parallel – indented by 0.5m


$97,000 to lose one space



May increase speed of passing traffic

Improved opportunities for accessible parking

Any intrusion into the footpath area will likely require relocation of utilities (telecoms). This has not been allowed for.

Reduced parking numbers compared to existing layout

30 degree


$133,000 ($66,500 per space for 2 additional spaces).


Can only be accessed from 1 direction (southbound).

Manoeuvring vehicles may slow/impede through traffic.

Improved opportunities for accessible parking.

Any intrusion into the footpath area will likely require relocation of utilities (telecoms). This has not been allowed for.

45 degree


$147,000 ($49,000 per additional space)


Can only be accessed from 1 direction (southbound).

Manoeuvring vehicles may slow/impede through traffic.

Improved opportunities for accessible parking.

Any intrusion into the footpath area will likely require relocation of utilities (telecoms). This has not been allowed for.

60 degree


$172,000 ($28,700 per additional space)



Removal of 3 trees

Can only be accessed from 1 direction (southbound).

Manoeuvring vehicles may slow/impede through traffic.

Improved opportunities for accessible parking.

Any intrusion into the footpath area will likely require relocation of utilities (telecoms). This has not been allowed for.

90 degree


$186,000 ($20,700 per additional space)



Removal of 4 trees

Can be accessed from both directions.

Manoeuvring vehicles may slow/impede through traffic.

Improved opportunities for accessible parking.

Layout as indicated in St Ives Village Green Master Plan.

Any intrusion into the footpath area will likely require relocation of utilities (telecoms). This has not been allowed for.


In summary, as the angle of parking increases, the additional spaces able to be provided increases, but so does the cost and the impact to open space in St Ives Village Green and Cowan Oval. In terms of cost effectiveness, the cost per space additional reduces as the angle of parking increases.


If it is deemed that no encroachment into the adjacent travel lane by a manoeuvring vehicle can be tolerated, then the area of open space impacted and number of trees affected increases substantially. For example, the open space impacts to the Memorial Avenue segment would increase by around 300sqm and the Cowan Road segment would increase by approximately 150sqm. According to Australian Standards AS2890.5 (On-Street Parking), this would be a requirement where the traffic volumes in the adjacent travel lane exceed 800 vehicles per hour.


While angle parking in Cowan Road and Memorial Avenue may present additional opportunities to provide accessible parking spaces, any new accessible parking spaces would be remote from the users that require it.


Strategic Context of Parking Management in the northern part of St Ives


In 2010, Council adopted the Ku-ring-gai Town Centres Parking Management Plan (PMP). The PMP considers parking strategies in each of the 6 town centres, particularly in relation to land uses, long/short term parking, and parking for other modes of transport. Consideration is also given to ways of managing the potential redevelopment of Council car parks in order to minimise the impact due to the temporary loss of parking.


For this part of St Ives, considerations were the cumulative parking demand/effect of the St Ives Shopping Village and the St Ives Village Green, particularly on weekends during sports events.


Longer term parking strategies in the PMP include:


·     38 at-grade car parking spaces to be retained and redesigned at the eastern end of Village Green Parade. Allocate 21 spaces on southern side as 1hr parking and allocate 17 spaces on northern side as 2hr spaces. Restrictions to apply weekdays and to 4pm on Saturdays;

·     additional 43 short term spaces on Memorial Avenue including new 90 degree indented spaces Village Green frontage*;

·     additional 34 short term spaces on Cowan Road including new 90 degree indented spaces on William Cowan Oval frontage*;

·     redesign existing Bus Stop on western side of Memorial Avenue with improved bus accommodation, shelters and information;

·     introduce 2hr parking restrictions on both sides of Memorial Avenue, generally between Mona Vale Road and Killeaton Street, and to the eastern side of Cowan Road generally between Village Green Parade and Kanoona Avenue. Restrictions to apply weekdays and to 4pm on Saturdays; and

·     introduce 2hr parking restrictions to the eastern side of Cowan Road, from Village Green Parade and extending to Council’s car park frontage. Restrictions to apply weekdays and to 4pm on Saturdays.


*The parking numbers in the PMP pre-date the corresponding angle car parking spaces allocated in the St Ives Village Green Masterplan.


St Ives Village Green Master Plan


St Ives Village Green Landscape Master Plan (adopted by Council in 2010) provides for angle parking in Memorial Avenue and Cowan Road in accordance with the PMP, and expands further on the use of the car park on the northern side of Village Green Parade (eastern end). The adopted Master Plan envisages that this car park (currently signposted as “staff parking”) shall provide a loading zone for the Hall, accessible parking, and short stay parking for Village Green users.


The Development Application lodged by St Ives Shopping Village for the proposed casual “Dining Precinct” facing Village Green Parade proposes to provide additional staff parking within a vacant block of land located on the Mona Vale Road frontage of the site (on the western side of the Denley Lane). The site is currently fenced off and does not form part of the existing shopping centre. 29 parking spaces will be provided within this car park and allocated to staff parking. This would offset the 17 spaces mentioned above currently signposted as staff parking.




Scenarios involving indented parallel parking are not recommended, as they result in a loss of car parking spaces at a relatively high cost.


As the angle of parking increases, the number of additional parking spaces able to be provided increases, but so does the overall cost and the impact to open space in St Ives Village Green and Cowan Oval.


The current accessible parking and servicing needs of the community hall and of the proposed new recreation area need to be considered, and the PMP and the St Ives Village Green Master Plan both foreshadow the allocation of the spaces on northern side of Village Green Parade (near Memorial Avenue) as 2hr spaces, and the St Ives Village Green Master Plan also foreshadows that accessible parking and a loading zone be provided in this area. This could be achieved in a short timeframe and at low cost.


Similarly, alterations to the existing unrestricted kerbside parking on the Cowan Road and Memorial Avenue frontages St Ives Village Green and Cowan Oval could also be achieved in a short timeframe and at low cost, and would provide additional short stay parking opportunities for visitors and during periods of high demand, such as weekends.


The suggested option is to implement the following measures:


1.   Provide 2 accessible parking spaces and 1 Loading Zone on northern side of Village Green Parade (near Memorial Avenue). Signpost the remainder of the parking spaces in this area (approximately 13 spaces) as 2hr spaces (8.30am – 6pm Monday-Friday, and 8am - 4pm Saturday).

2.   Signpost the western side of Memorial Avenue (between the existing driveway entry to St Ives Village Green and the Bus Zone at the northern end) as 2hr spaces (8.30am – 6pm Monday-Friday, and 8am - 4pm Saturday) – approximately 20 spaces.

3.   Signpost 9 spaces on the eastern side of Cowan Road (south from the existing driveway entry to Cowan Oval) as 2hr spaces (8.30am – 6pm Monday-Friday, and 8am - 4pm Saturday).


These measures would provide additional 42 short stay spaces with minimal impact and cost.


Should Council wish to proceed with angle parking, updated traffic volume counts could be undertaken on Cowan Road and Memorial Avenue to assess the current traffic flows in the lane adjacent to the proposed angle parking. Subject to the traffic counts, angle parking (and the remainder of the measures in the PMP) could be implemented to coincide with the completion of Master Plan works at the St Ives Village Green and Cowan Oval.


integrated planning and reporting

Access, Traffic and Transport


Community Strategic Plan Long Term Objective

Delivery Program

Term Achievement

Operational Plan


Road network safety and efficiency are improved and traffic congestion is reduced.

Parking is managed to balance the supply and demand of available parking spaces.

Implement the 10 year Traffic and Transport Program.



Governance Matters

The identification and management of parking for this matter is covered by a range of Council policies including the Ku-ring-gai Town Centres Parking Management Plan, St Ives Village Green Landscape Master Plan and Councils KLEP 2012 (Local Centres) and associated DCP and the relevant Australian Standards.


Risk Management

This report examines the various impacts and benefits of angle parking scenarios around the perimeter of the St Ives Village Green. The key risks have been addressed to ensure road network safety and efficiency is improved where possible.


Financial Considerations

The cost of preparing this report is covered by the Strategy Department Budget.


As angle parking in Cowan Road and Memorial Avenue was foreshadowed in the St Ives Village Green Master Plan, any costs associated with implementing the design scenarios would be drawn from the Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan 2010 (Local Sporting Facilities – North).


Interim low cost options involve introduction/alterations to existing kerbside parking restrictions, which could be funded through the traffic facilities budget.


Social Considerations

Effective management of parking in this precinct will assist in long/short term parking and parking for other modes of transport.


The proposal would assist in managing parking supply and demand during times of peak demand, such as weekends, providing improved access to St Ives Village Green and Cowan Oval. Accessible parking spaces in the car park in the northern side of Village Green Parade would provide much needed and dignified access to the nearby community and recreation facilities.


Environmental Considerations

Effective management of parking in this precinct will assist in long/short term parking and parking for other modes of transport.


The removal of trees as part of any angle parking scenario would be offset on-site as part of the St Ives Village Green Master Plan works. It should be noted though, that a number of existing trees affected by angle parking scenarios are of low quality and have been impacted by overhead power lines.


Community Consultation

There is no specific consultation required for this report. Previous community consultation for this precinct has occurred under the exhibition of the St Ives Village Green Landscape Master Plan and Councils KLEP 2012 (Local Centres) and the associated Development Control Plan.


Internal Consultation

Where relevant other Departments of Council have had input into the preparation of this report.



On 17 August 2015, Council adopted the following Notice of Motion to undertake a comparative study of angle parking scenarios on Memorial Avenue and Cowan Road associated with the St Ives Village Green Master Plan.


The comparative study found that as the angle of parking increased, the additional spaces able to be provided increased, but so did the cost and the impact to open space in St Ives Village Green and Cowan Oval. In terms of cost effectiveness, the cost per space additional reduced as the angle of parking increases.





A.   To provide additional short stay parking opportunities for visitors and during periods of high demand in the short-medium term, it is recommended to:


1.   Provide 2 accessible parking spaces and 1 Loading Zone on northern side of Village Green Parade (near Memorial Avenue). Signpost the remainder of the parking spaces in this area as 2hr spaces (8.30am – 6pm Monday-Friday, and 8am - 4pm Saturday).

2.   Signpost the western side of Memorial Avenue (between the existing driveway entry to St Ives Village Green and the Bus Zone at the northern end) as 2hr spaces (8.30am – 6pm Monday-Friday, and 8am - 4pm Saturday).

3.   Signpost 9 spaces on the eastern side of Cowan Road (south from the existing driveway entry to Cowan Oval) as 2hr spaces (8.30am – 6pm Monday-Friday, and 8am - 4pm Saturday).


B.   Following A. above, incrementally implement the remaining measures identified in the Ku-ring-gai Parking Management Plan pertinent to the area around St Ives Village Green and Cowan Oval.


C.   Subject to traffic counts on Memorial Avenue and Cowan Road, proceed with implementation of the angle parking proposals in line with the completion of the St Ives Village Green Master Plan.






Joseph Piccoli

Strategic Traffic Engineer





Lino Querin

Landscape Planner





Antony Fabbro

Manager Urban & Heritage Planning





Andrew Watson

Director Strategy & Environment





St Ives Village Green Master Plan - angle parking options





Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

GB.14 / 235



Item GB.14



13 June 2017



NSW Department of Education
and Ku-ring-gai Council
Joint Use Project Proposals





purpose of report:

To advise Council of the status of discussions with the NSW Department of Education on the Joint Use Project Proposals for community use of school facilities at Ku-ring-gai High School and St Ives High School and to seek “in-principle” support for the Joint Use Project Proposals.




Council previously adopted to enter into an “in-principle” agreement with the NSW Department of Education for the Lindfield Learning Village and based on the successful concepts and agreements with other Councils.

The NSW Department of Education is looking at expanding the program to other school upgrades.




The proposals will allow for joint use of various facilities such as indoor sports, sports courts, a hockey and grass field at Ku-ring-gai High School and a synthetic football field at St Ives High School.

The proposals will provide for additional sporting facilities and make better use of sporting facilities in school grounds.

The proposals do require capital contributions from Council and at this stage, funding has not been allocated in the current or future Council budgets.




That Council advise the NSW Department of Education of its “in-principle” support for the Joint Use Project Proposals subject to further negotiations on funding, size and scale of the projects and community consultation.





Purpose of Report

To advise Council of the status of discussions with the NSW Department of Education on the Joint Use Project Proposals for community use of school facilities at Ku-ring-gai High School and St Ives High School and to seek “in-principle” support for the Joint Use Project Proposals.




Council, at its meeting of 10 May 2016, adopted to enter into an “in-principle” agreement with the NSW Department of Education for the Lindfield Learning Village for community use of various facilities on the site.


The NSW Department of Education has entered into Joint Use Projects with other Councils throughout the state and is looking to expand the program to other schools in the Ku-ring-gai area, those being Ku-ring-gai High School and St Ives High School.



Attached are copies of the Draft Joint Use Project Proposals for Ku-ring-gai High School and St Ives High School and the presentation material prepared by the Department of Education on the project proposals for other Councils and what is proposed for Ku-ring-gai and St Ives High Schools.


The draft documentations are intended to  provide surety for Council that projects will proceed within clear model frameworks,  demonstrated to have applied to Joint Use Projects (JUPs) already undertaken with other NSW Councils.  These include:-


·        Ballina Council

JUP for a 4-court indoor recreation/ performance centre within Ballina High School.

·        The Hills Council

JUPs for several projects, principally new synthetic playing fields associated with primary schools.

·        Willoughby Council

JUP for a new synthetic playing field at Chatswood High School.


The Draft Project Plans are not legally binding, but provides the basis for Council and the NSW Department of Education to finalise details for the subsequent formal Project Deed, Lease and Licence for each of the sites.


The estimated timeframes for the two (2) projects, to be available for school and public use, are:- 


·         Ku-ring-gai High School        Day 1 Term 1 2020

·        St Ives High School                Day 1 Term 1 2020


The projects are intended to be funded in the 2017/18 and 2018/19 financial years.  The projects would be worked up to refined plans (DA). The respective timing, scope and costings will be further clarified through this process. 


Council would be a member of the Project Control Group (PCG) for each project.


The proposals would allow for joint use of various facilities such as indoor sports, sports courts, a hockey and grass field at Ku-ring-gai High School and a synthetic football field at St Ives High School.


The proposals will provide additional sporting facilities and make better use of sporting facilities in school grounds.


The proposals do require capital contributions from Council and at this stage, funding has not been allocated in the current or future Council budgets.


Funding can be obtained from the Development Contributions Plan for indoor sports. Other sources of funding may be obtained through grants from various sporting bodies such as Hockey NSW and Basketball NSW. Only preliminary discussions have been held with these sporting bodies on potential funding.


The use of these sites may also result in a review of the Masterplan of the St Ives Showground as some of these facilities were proposed in the current Masterplan.


The Council contribution for each site is significant and the size and scale of the facilities may need to be scaled down in order to make the sites more viable. The works could also be staged over a number of years.


integrated planning and reporting

P6.1.1 Places, Spaces and Infrastructure


Community Strategic Plan Long Term Objective

Delivery Program

Term Achievement

Operational Plan


Partnerships are established with community groups and organisations to optimise the availability and sporting, recreation and leisure facilities.

Engage with community partners to improve Council’s sporting and recreational facilities.


Pursue improvement of sporting and recreational facilities through partnerships, grant funding and other external funding opportunities.

Governance Matters

Should Council wish to proceed with the public use of the facilities, the NSW Department of Education will undertake all the planning and procurement for the works required.


Risk Management

At this stage, the ongoing operational costs of the facilities have not been estimated. Further work is required to determine the estimated difference between revenues and expenses.


Therefore, further negotiation is required for both capital and operational costs associated with the joint use of the facilities.

Financial Considerations

No funding has been provided in the Delivery Program for these works and the operational costs associated with these facilities have not yet been calculated. The scale and size of the works may need to be scaled down and built in stages to avoid the high initial costs and Council’s contributions.


Further discussions will need to be held with the various sporting groups to ascertain what funding may be available from other sources.


Funding may also be available from Council’s Contributions Plan should Council wish to review the St Ives Showground Masterplan and redirect funds to these sites.


Social Considerations

The inclusion of community use of the facilities will provide increased social and cultural venues for the community and enable better utilisation of facilities.


However, further community consultation is required on the establishment of these types of facilities at the various sites.


Environmental Considerations

Environmental considerations will be taken into account in the documentation and design of the various upgrades to the facilities and the approval process.


Community Consultation

Further consultation is required with the community on the intended use of these sites for community use.


Further consultation is required with sporting bodies and the intended future uses and possible sources of funding.


Internal Consultation

Staff from Community, Strategy and Environment and Operations has been involved in the discussions and planning with the Department of Education representatives.


When further details are known, staff from Finance will be consulted on the likely financial implications associated with the joint use arrangement.



Council, at its meeting of 10 May 2016, adopted to enter into an “in-principle” agreement with the NSW Department of Education for the Lindfield Learning Village for the community use of various facilities on the site.


The proposals will allow for joint use of various facilities such as indoor sports, sports courts, a hockey and grass field at Ku-ring-gai High School and a synthetic football field at St Ives High School.


The proposals will provide for additional sporting facilities and make better use of sporting facilities in school grounds.


The proposals do require capital contributions from Council and at this stage, funding has not been allocated in the current or future Council budgets.


Funding can be obtained from the Development Contributions Plan for indoor sports. Other sources of funding may be obtained through grants from the various sporting bodies such as Hockey NSW and Basketball NSW. Only preliminary discussions have been held with these sporting bodies on the potential funding.


It is recommended that Council advise the NSW Department of Education of its “in-principle” support for the Joint Use Project Proposals subject to further negotiations on funding, size and scale of the projects and community consultation.





That Council advise the NSW Department of Education of its “in-principle” support for the Joint Use Project Proposals subject to further negotiations on funding, size and scale of the projects and community consultation.







Greg Piconi

Director Operations





Janice Bevan

Director Community





Andrew Watson

Director Strategy & Environment






Presentation to Ku-ring-gai Council 13 December 2016





DRAFT Joint Use Project Proposal  - Ku-ring-gai High School





DRAFT Joint Use Project Proposal  - St Ives High School





Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

GB.15 / 240



Item GB.15



13 June 2017



Lindfield Learning Village
Updated Heads of Agreement





purpose of report:

To advise Council on the status of planning and progression of the Heads of Agreement between Council and the NSW Department of Education on the joint use agreement for the Lindfield Learning Village.




Council considered a report on the Draft Heads of Agreement at its meeting on 10 May 2016. Council resolved to advise the NSW Department of Education of its “in-principle” agreement for community use of various facilities on the site in accordance with the Draft Heads of Agreement.




The NSW Department of Education has progressed its assessment of the site with regard to the school’s needs and also the implications for public use to comply with Building Code of Australia (BCA) requirements.




That Council continue to negotiate with the NSW Department of Education on the capital and operational costs associated with public use of the facilities at the Lindfield Learning Village before finalising the Heads of Agreement.





Purpose of Report

To advise Council on the status of planning and progression of the Heads of Agreement between Council and the NSW Department of Education on the joint use agreement for the Lindfield Learning Village.  




Council considered a report on the Draft Heads of Agreement at its meeting on 10 May 2016. Council resolved to advise the Department of Education of its “in-principle” agreement for community use of various facilities on the site in accordance with the Draft Heads of Agreement.


Since the meeting, the NSW Department of Education has engaged consultants to prepare reports and costings of the upgrade requirements for each of the facilities to determine the cost of the works before progressing with architectural and engineering drawings required to meet the Building Code of Australia (BCA) requirements and other standards.



Attachment A1 is an update of the Draft Head of Agreement document for various locations.


Attachment A2 is a cost report on the works required to meet the current standards.


Essentially, the NSW Department of Education is seeking contributions from Council for the works required for public access to the various facilities. Some of the costs are mandatory while other works and associated costs are desirable.


Based on the report, the cost to meet the current standards for the Auditorium is $2,472,000 and NSW Department of Education is seeking $178,000 from Council to allow for public use of the Auditorium to meet BCA requirements. There are a number of other items included in the cost estimate for desirable works.


The cost to upgrade the indoor sports facility is $1,974,000. However, the NSW Department of Education is suggesting an additional $455,000 is desirable to make the indoor centre more suitable for public use.


Council has not provided any funding for the upgrading of these facilities in the Delivery Program and Operational Plan for 2017/18. If funding is to be provided by Council, it would need to review its proposed budget for 2017/18 to allow for these works to proceed.


The reason why this item was not included in the Delivery Program and Operational Plan for 2017/18 was due to Council being of the understanding it would not be responsible for capital costs and only responsible for operating costs based on Council managing the bookings and revenue for the public use of the facilities.


The Department of Education has been advised that Council is currently investigating options for live theatre in Ku-ring-gai, which may have potential to influence the agreement with regard to the Auditorium. Alternatively the upgrade of the Auditorium at UTS, for BCA requirements for public use, could provide performance space for theatre groups like the Marian Street Theatre for Young People and other cultural groups such as the Ku-ring-gai Philharmonic Orchestra.


The upgrade of the indoor sports centre would allow for basketball use in Ku-ring-gai where none exist at present. Potential funding could be sought from Basketball NSW for any upgrade to the facility.


Further negotiations are now required with the NSW Department of Education on the funding arrangements for both capital and operational costs if Council still wishes to pursue the public use of these facilities.


Council would also need to negotiate on the use of the sporting field by the school as increased use of the field will reduce the useful life of the synthetic turf field.


integrated planning and reporting

P6.1.1 Places, Spaces and Infrastructure


Community Strategic Plan Long Term Objective

Delivery Program

Term Achievement

Operational Plan


Partnerships are established with community groups and organisations to optimise the availability and sporting, recreation and leisure facilities.

Engage with community partners to improve Council’s sporting and recreational facilities.


Pursue improvement of sporting and recreational facilities through partnerships, grant funding and other external funding opportunities.



Governance Matters

Should Council wish to proceed with the public use of the facilities, the NSW Department of Education will undertake all the planning and procurement for works required.


Risk Management

At this stage, the ongoing operational costs of the facilities have not been estimated. Further work is required to determine the estimated difference between revenues and expenses. Therefore, further negotiation is required for both capital and operational costs associated with the joint use of the facilities.


Financial Considerations

The opening of the Lindfield Learning Village is planned for 2019 subject to all works being completed. At this stage, Council has not budgeted for any costs associated with the joint use of the facilities.


When more details are obtained for Council’s contribution towards capital and operational costs, adjustments can then be made to Council’s budgets for future years.


Social Considerations

The inclusion of community use of the facilities will provide increased social and cultural venues for the community and enable better utilisation of facilities.


However, further community consultation is required on cultural facilities throughout Ku-ring-gai.


Environmental Considerations

Environmental considerations will be taken into account in the documentation and design of the various upgrades to the facilities.


Community Consultation

Further consultation is required with the community on the location and type of cultural facilities throughout the Council area.


Internal Consultation

Staff from Community, Strategy and Environment and Operations has been involved in the discussions and planning with the NSW Department of Education representatives.


When further details are known, staff from Finance will be consulted on the likely financial implications associated with the joint use arrangement.



Council considered a report on the Draft Heads of Agreement at its meeting on 10 May 2016. Council resolved to advise the NSW Department of Education of its “in-principle” agreement for community use of various facilities on the site in accordance with the Draft Heads of Agreement.


Since the meeting, the NSW Department of Education has engaged consultants to prepare reports and costings of the upgrade requirements for each of the facilities to determine the cost of the works before progressing with the architectural and engineering drawings required to meet the BCA requirements and other standards.


Essentially, the NSW Department of Education is seeking contribution from Council for the works required for public access to the various facilities. Some of the costs are mandatory while other works and associated costs are desirable.


Based on the report, the cost to meet the current standards for the Auditorium is $2,472,000 and NSW Department of Education is seeking $178,000 from Council to allow for public use of the Auditorium to meet BCA requirements. There are a number of other items included in the cost estimate for desirable works.


The cost to upgrade the indoor sports facility is $1,974,000. However, the NSW Department of Education is suggesting an additional $455,000 is desirable to make the indoor centre more suitable for public use.


Further negotiations are now required with the NSW Department of Education on the funding arrangements for both capital and operational costs if Council still wishes to pursue the public use of these facilities.





That Council continue to negotiate with the NSW Department of Education on the capital and operational costs associated with public use of the facilities at the Lindfield Learning Village before finalising the Heads of Agreement.







Greg Piconi

Director Operations





Janice Bevan

Director Community





Andrew Watson

Director Strategy & Environment






DRAFT Joint Use Project Proposal  Lindfield Learning Village





Lindfield K-12 School - Auditorium  Gym Budget (Draft)





Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

NM.1 / 244



Item NM.1



19 June 2017



Notice of Motion



10 - 12 Newhaven Place, St Ives


Notice of Motion from Councillor Berlioz dated 19 June 2017


In April 2016 residents of Newhaven Place were consulted and advised by Council staff that Council was considering the divestment of the public path between Newhaven Place and Link Road to allow the amalgamation of two sites at 10 and 12 Newhaven Place to facilitate development by the owner of the two sites.  Residents were advised that the pathway would be relocated on the boundary of the amalgamated site. This created an expectation that Council would (a) retain a public pathway and that (b) the pathway would be relocated on the boundary of the site not integrated with the future development.


In May 2017 the developer of the site submitted a Letter of Offer to enter into a VPA that does not relocate the pathway as previously advised. This letter of offer was subject of GB5 at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 13 June 2017.


To complicate the matter there are three DAs currently lodged for the site, delivering two different development proposals with neither relocating the pathway as previously advised


For the sake of transparency and clarity, I move that all property owners of Newhaven Place and all those that made submissions in regard to relocation and divestment of the path be advised of:


1.   The status of the DAs for the site.

2.   The reasons for the inconsistency between the consultation and advice for relocation of the path.

3.   All options available for the divestment and/ or retention of the public pathway in its present location or relocated.

4.   At what step in the process of DAs, VPA and divestment of land will residents have an opportunity to make submissions.





That the above Notice of Motion as printed be adopted.







Councillor Christiane Berlioz

Councillor for St Ives Ward






Ordinary Meeting of Council - 27 June 2017

NM.2 / 245



Item NM.2



19 June 2017



Notice of Motion



Proposed aged care facility - 25, 25A, 27 Bushlands Avenue Gordon


Notice of Motion from Councillor Malicki dated 19 June 2017


I move that Council makes a submission to the Northern Sydney Planning Panel objecting to the proposal for the Bushlands Ave Aged Care Facility.


The objection should use the grounds for refusal recommended by Development Control staff and issues raised by residents but not yet resolved as a basis for the submission.





That the above Notice of Motion as printed be adopted.







Councillor Elaine Malicki

Councillor for Comenarra Ward