Minute                                           Ku-ring-gai Council                                               Page

MINUTES OF Ordinary Meeting of Council
HELD ON Tuesday, 10 April 2018



The Mayor, Councillor J Anderson (Chairperson)

Councillors J Pettett & C Clarke (Comenarra Ward)

Councillors C Szatow & P Kelly (Gordon Ward)

Councillors S Ngai (Roseville Ward)

Councillors D Citer & M Smith (St Ives Ward)

Councillors D Greenfield & C Spencer (Wahroonga Ward)



Staff Present:

General Manager (John McKee)

Director Corporate (David Marshall)

Director Development & Regulation (Michael Miocic)

Director Operations (George Bounassif)

Director Strategy & Environment (Andrew Watson)

Director Community (Janice Bevan)

Corporate Lawyer (Jamie Taylor)

Acting Manager Corporate Communications (Sally Williams)

Manager Records and Governance (Amber Moloney)

Minutes Secretary (Christine Dunand)



The Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm


The Mayor offered the Prayer





The Mayor adverted to the necessity for Councillors and staff to declare a Pecuniary Interest/Conflict of Interest in any item on the Business Paper.


Councillor Ngai declared he is an employee of Origin Energy and he may have a less than significant non pecuniary conflict of interest in item GB.9 GM Delegation for acceptance of RFT – Retail Electricity and Renewable Energy PPA and would remain in the Chamber during the debate.


General Manager declared staff conflicts of interest in item C.1 General Manager’s Performance Review – Proposal for Review Facilitation, all staff would leave the Chamber during the debate.







File: S02499/9





(Moved: Councillors Greenfield/Clarke)


That in accordance with the provisions of Section 10 of the Local Government Act 1993, all officers’ reports be released to the press and public, with the exception of:


That in accordance with the provisions of Section 10 of the Local Government Act 1993, all officers’ reports be released to the press and public, with the exception of following confidential report(s) and attachments:


C.1  General Manager's Performance Review - Proposal for Review Facilitation

Attachment A1:    Proposal for KMC GM Performance Review Facilitation - Attachment to Mayoral Minute 10 April 2018

This attachment is classified under Section 10A(2)(a) because it contains personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than Councillors)




That in accordance with the provisions of Section 10 of the Local Government Act 1993, all officers’ reports be released to the press and public, with the exception of confidential attachments to the following General Business reports:


GB.1    Code of Conduct - NSROC Panel of Conduct Reviewers

Attachment A2:   NSROC 2017-2021 Panel of Conduct Reviewers

Attachment A3:   NSROC 2017-2021 Conduct Reviewer Panel – Submissions

These attachments are classified confidential under Section 10A(2)(d)(i) because if disclosed could prejudice the commercial position of ther person who supllied it.

GB.2    Major Projects Governance, Resourcing and Financing

Attachment A1:   Attachment A1 - Governance Advice for Ku-ring-gai Council Major Projects ThinkClear Group Report Craig Calder

This attachment is classified confidential under Section 10A(2)(a) because it contains personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than Councillors);

Attachment A5:   Attachment A5 - Major Projects Group Structure (draft)

This attachment is classified under Section 10A(2)(a) because it contains personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than Councillors)

GB.3    Lindfield Village Hub Reference Committee

Attachment A4:   Nomination results from spreadsheet

Attachment A5:   Pre interview responses

Attachment A6:   Confidential attachment panel recommendation

These attachments are classified under Section 10A(2)(a) because it contains personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than Councillors)


GB.6    Public exhibition submissions - Proposed Closure of a Portion of  Public Road - Balfour Lane Lindfield

Attachment A3:   Legal Advice

This attachment is classified under Section 10A(2)(f) because it contains information about the security of the Council, Councillors, Council Staff or Council Property

Attachment A5:   Submissions & responses

This attachment is classified under Section 10A(2)(a) because it contains personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than Councillors)

GB.8    Tender RFT04-2018 - Primula Oval Sportsfield Lighting Upgrade

Attachment A1:   List of tenders received and recommendation  

Attachment A2:   Tender Evaluation Panel’s  assessment

These attachments are classified confidential under section Section 10A(2)(d)(iii) because it would reveal a trade secret.





Address the Council


The following members of the public addressed Council on items not on the agenda:


Janet Harwood                                       Local Government in Australia

John Townend                                        Save Marian Street Theatre





The Mayor adverted to the documents circulated in the Councillors’ papers and advised that the following matters would be dealt with at the appropriate time during the meeting:


Late Items:

MM.1 - Councillors Consultative Finance Forum - Report by Mayor Jennifer Anderson dated 10 April 2018

GB.9 - GM delegation for acceptance of RFT - Retail Electricity and Renewable Energy PPA - Report by Director Strategy & Environment dated 29 March 2018

GB.10 - Proposed lease of Community Classified Land
Suite 1, 12-18 Tryon Road, Lindfield -
Report by Manager Integrated Planning, Property & Assets dated 4 April 2018



Refer         QWN 27 February 2018 Minute number 43 - Question without Notice from Councillor Spencer – Financial Management of Ovals in Ku-ring-gai

                   Memorandum from Director Operations dated 26 March 2018 detailing the financial management of ovals in Ku-ring-gai.



Refer         QWN 27 March 2018 Minute number 73 - Question without Notice from Councillor Ngai – Introducing a Kerb Ramp at Kochia Lane

                   Memorandum from Director Operations dated 6 April 2018 advising the installation of two (2) kerb ramps in Kochia Lane.


Refer         QWN 27 March 2018 Minute number 72 - Question without Notice from Councillor Greenfield – Tree on the corner of Ada Avenue and Pacific Highway Wahroonga

                   Memorandum from Director Operations dated 6 April 2018 advising the tree has been inspected and that it forms part of a significant avenue of similar trees and is part of a Heritage Conservation Area (HCA).


Refer         OMC 10 April 2018 – GB.2 Major Projects Governance, Resourcing and Financing

Memorandum from General Manager dated 10 April 2018 with an additional Recommendation ‘That the Charter for the Councillors Major Projects Consultation Forum include the provision that the Chair is the Mayor and in the absence of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor will act at Chair.’






Minutes of Ordinary Meeting of Council

File: S02131



Meeting held 27 March 2018

Minutes numbered 61 to 75





(Moved: Councillors Greenfield/Clarke)


That Minutes numbered 61 to 75 circulated to Councillors were taken as read and confirmed as an accurate record of the proceedings of the Meeting.





minutes from the Mayor



Councillors Consultative Finance Forum


File: CY00546/2

Vide: MM.1



After the 2017 election Council established a Finance Committee to consider financial matters separate to the Ordinary Meetings of Council.

The Finance Committee was established as a formal Committee of Council under the Local Government Act.  There are specific requirements for how meetings are held, agendas published and decisions made.  

In GB 2 on this meeting agenda, an alternate structure is proposed to be established for Councillors in relation to Major Projects, being the Councillors Major Projects Consultative Forum. The Consultative Forum is not a formal Committee of Council and does not require published agendas, nor formal debate and decision making.

In line with the Councillors Major Projects Consultative Forum, a similar structure would provide a more flexible and inclusive platform if also adopted for consideration of finance matters. A Councillors Finance Consultative Forum would allow for open exchange and discussion between Councillors and staff without the requirement to vote on recommendations, which would be reserved for the Ordinary Council meetings.  The Forum would provide an improved structure for discussion of confidential material and briefings by consultants and staff and also remove the need for a limited number of individual Councillors to be elected, with all Councillors to be members.

A proposed Terms of Reference is set out below.


Councillors Finance Consultative Forum – Terms of Reference


Ku-ring-gai Council is a complex organisation with a large annual budget and assets of more than a billion dollars, providing services and facilities to a growing population.  It is important that Council manages its finances well to ensure a sustainable future. 

The Local Government Act sets out the principles of sound financial management at Section 8B as follows:

(a)        Council spending should be responsible and sustainable, aligning general revenue and expenses.

(b)        Councils should invest in responsible and sustainable infrastructure for the benefit of the local community.

(c)        Councils should have effective financial and asset management, including sound policies and processes for the following:

(i)      performance management and reporting,

(ii)     asset maintenance and enhancement,

(iii)    funding decisions,

(iv)    risk management practices.

(d)        Councils should have regard to achieving intergenerational equity, including ensuring the following:

(i)      policy decisions are made after considering their financial effects on future generations,

(ii)     the current generation funds the cost of its services.


The primary objectives of the Consultation Forum are to:

·      enable focused consideration of financial matters

·      enable a collaborative dialogue between Councillors, management and advisors on key financial issues

Matters for Consideration

The Consultation Forum may consider matters falling within the scope of Section 8B of the Local Government Act, including but not limited to:

·      long term financial planning

·      budgets and quarterly budget performance

·      asset management

·      investments

·      loans

·      fees and charges

·      rating

·      legal issues and costs

The General Manager will determine matters to be considered at each meeting of the Consultation Forum.  Councillors may request specific matters be placed on the agenda of the Consultation Forum via the General Manager.


The Consultation Forum will be open for all Councillors to attend along with relevant members of management and key advisors as required.


The Chair of the Finance Committee is the Mayor.

In the absence of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor will act as Chair.


The Consultation Forum has no delegation from Council and does not make recommendations to Council.

Meeting Frequency

Consultation Forums will be held four times annually, as scheduled by the General Manager in consultation with the Mayor and Councillors. Additional Consultation Forums may be called by the Mayor or General Manager.

Terms of Reference Review

Councillors should review the continuing relevance of the Terms of Reference every two years.  Where changes are deemed necessary they will be submitted to Council for endorsement.





1.   That Council dissolve the Finance Committee and establish a Councillors Finance Consultation Forum, with the Terms of Reference as set out in this Mayoral Minute.

2.   That the first meeting of the Councillors Finance Consultation Forum be held on Tuesday 1 May 2018.

3.   That no action be taken on GB5 Finance Committee Meeting Date.








Finance Committee Meeting Date


File: CY00546/2

Vide: GB.5



To recommend that the date for the next meeting of the Finance Committee be brought forward to allow for consideration of the draft budget, Operational Plan, Delivery Program and Resourcing Strategy.



No decision was made in relation to this item as per the resolution in Minute number 78.






Don't Ringbark Our Park


File: S11390

Vide: PT.1



“We, the undersigned, request no reclassification of 9, 15, 17 Dumaresq Street Gordon till such time as there is a complete Green Space plan for Gordon. (Four hundred and thirty five [435] signatures)”





(Moved: Councillors Szatow/Citer)


That the petition be received and referred to the appropriate Officer of Council for attention.






Code of Conduct - NSROC Panel of Conduct Reviewers


File: S08447

Vide: GB.1



For Council to establish a panel of conduct reviewers in accordance with the Procedures for the Administration of the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW.





(Moved: Councillors Clarke/Smith)


A.   That Council receive and note the Report; and


B.   Endorse the recommended NSROC Regional Panel of Conduct Reviewers as outlined in Attachment A2 to this Report.






Public exhibition submissions - Proposed Closure of a Portion of  Public Road - Balfour Lane Lindfield


File: 88/06274/01

Vide: GB.6



To update Council on submissions received on the proposed closure of a portion of the public road Balfour Lane Lindfield in order to progress the road closure.




(Moved: Councillors Clarke/Kelly)


A.   That Council acknowledges the submissions relevant to the closure and relocation of the public road and submits a formal road closure application for a portion of Balfour Lane, Lindfield, to the Department of Primary Industry – Lands & Water.


B.   That Council in order to avoid any uncertainty of the status of Balfour Lane and before dedicating land as a public road under Section 16 Roads Act ,1993, gives 28 days’ notice of its intention to do so to be served on the owner of the land.


C.   That Council formally gazettes the land marked as “Lane 30 feet wide” in DP4915 as public road in accordance with Section 16 Roads Act 1993.


D.   That upon closure and issuance of the Certificate of Title for a portion of Balfour Lane, Lindfield, the land be classified as Operational Land free of encumbrances.


E.   That in the event the proposed legislative changes to the Roads Acts ,1993 become protracted a further report will be submitted to Council to consider the compulsory acquisition of Balfour Lane, Lindfield in order to deliver Council’s strategic planning objectives for Precinct L1 Balfour Street Retail Centre as contained in the Ku-ring-gai Local Centres Development Control Plan.






Havilah Lane Lindfield - offer to enter into a VPA to dedicate land for laneway widening


File: S11436

Vide: GB.7



To advise Council of the formal receipt of a letter of offer for the dedication of land in Havilah Lane for the purposes of laneway widening and future public domain improvements.





(Moved: Councillors Clarke/Greenfield)


A.   That the receipt of a formal offer to enter into a VPA from the development at 51, 55 and 55A Lindfield Avenue Lindfield and backing on to Havilah Lane in Lindfield be noted and delegation be granted to the General Manager or his nominee to progress the matter in line with Council’s adopted strategic planning documents until it is ready for reporting for exhibition.


B.   That Council endorses staff undertaking an active role to facilitate the dedication of land for road widening along laneways identified in Council’s adopted Strategic Planning documents including the Ku-ring-gai Development Control Plan, the Ku-ring-gai Public Domain Plan 2010 and/or the Ku-ring-gai- Contributions Plan 2010 ahead of formal notifications of offers to enter into Voluntary Planning Agreements as part of the core administrative function of implementing Council’s adopted strategies.






Tender RFT04-2018 - Primula Oval Sportsfield Lighting Upgrade


File: S11385

Vide: GB.8



To consider the tenders received for the refurbishment of Primula Oval Sportsfield lighting and appoint the preferred tenderer.





(Moved: Councillors Clarke/Greenfield)


A.       That Council decline to accept any of the tender submissions for RFT04-2018 Design Construct Sportsfield Lighting – Primula Oval, Corner of Highfield Road and Primula Street, Lindfield NSW 2070.


B.       That fresh tender not be called due to the cost, time and staff resources needed for the process, as it is unlikely to elicit any new submissions, and may result in less submissions than has been previously received.


C.       That Council enter into negotiations with the three (3) tenderers ‘A’ to ‘C’ as identified in the Confidential Summary.


D.       That the General Manager be authorised to negotiate the terms of the contract contemplated in “C” above.


E.       That the Major and General Manager be delegated authority to execute all tender documents on Council behalf in relation to the contract.


F.       That the Seal of Council be affixed to all necessary documents.


G.       That all tenderers be advised of Council’s decision in accordance with Clause 178 of the Local Government Tendering Regulations.







GM delegation for acceptance of RFT - Retail Electricity and Renewable Energy PPA


File: RFT18-2017

Vide: GB.9



That Council delegates responsibility for the acceptance of the renewable and “regular grid energy” components of an electricity supply contract to the General Manager, following  review by Council’s internal Energy Management Working Group, to ensure Council’s requirements have been met.





(Moved: Councillors Clarke/Greenfield)


That Council delegates responsibility for the acceptance of the renewable and ‘regular grid energy” components of an electricity supply contract to the General Manager, following  review by Council’s internal Energy Management Working Group, to ensure Council’s requirements have been met.






Proposed lease of Community Classified Land  Suite 1, 12-18 Tryon Road, Lindfield


File: S07252/9

Vide: GB.10



To seek Council approval to lease the commercial space at Suite 1, 12-18 Tryon Road, Lindfield (Lot 1 SP37466) for a maximum term of five years.





(Moved: Councillors Clarke/Greenfield)


A.   That Council approves the public notification of the proposal to enter into a lease agreement of Suite 1, 12-18 Tryon Road, Lindfield (Lot 1 SP37466) for a period up to five years.


B.   That Council authorises the General Manager and/or his delegate to negotiate the future lease terms to protect Council’s interest.


C.   That Council authorises the Mayor and General Manager to execute all documentation associated with the future leasing of the property.


D.   That Council authorises the Seal of Council to be placed on all necessary documentation.


E.   That public notification of the proposal to enter into a lease is undertaken in accordance with Section 47A of the Local Government Act, 1993.


F.   That in the event objections are received a further report be submitted to Council.





Standing Orders were suspended to deal with items
where there are speakers first, after a
motion moved by Councillors Clarke and Smith



Councillor Spencer withdrew during discussion

Councillor Greenfield withdrew during discussion

Councillor Spencer returned

Councillor Greenfield returned




Gordon Town Centre Plans


File: S10376

Vide: NM.1



Notice of Motion from Councillors Szatow and Citer dated 29 March 2018


Residents are very concerned about the lack of green space in Gordon – for health and environmental reasons.


In view of this and the fact that at the OMC of 3rd March, Council resolved to institute a Gordon Public Realm Reference Committee,


We move:


That all plans for development of the area bounded by the Section 94 blocks bought by Council for green space 9, 15 and 17 Dumaresq St, Radford Place, the Council carparks and the Council owned properties at 818 and 828 Pacific Highway be put on hold until the Gordon Public Realm Reference Committee has reviewed the current Gordon Town Centre Plans in their entirety and Councillors have had a chance to examine afresh the plans and the Committee’s recommendations.


The following members of the public addressed Council on this matter:


Trish Simper

Sandra Van Der Water

Jennifer Baker





(Moved: Councillors Szatow/Citer)  


That the above Notice of Motion as printed be adopted.


For the Resolution:                Councillors Ngai, Pettett, Spencer, Citer, Kelly and Szatow


Against the Resolution:         The Mayor, Councillor Anderson, Councillors Clarke, Greenfield and Smith




Councillor Pettett withdrew during discussion

Councillor Szatow withdrew during discussion

Councillor Pettett returned

Councillor Szatow returned




Major Projects Governance, Resourcing and Financing


File: S11906

Vide: GB.2



To provide Council with the findings of a review of the governance, resourcing and financial parameters for Council’s major projects.





(Moved: Councillors Ngai/Citer)


A.   That Council establish a Councillors Major Projects Consultation Forum and adopt the Charter attached to this report.

B.   That Council establish a Major Projects Advisory Committee and adopt the Charter attached to this report.

C.   That the following change be made to the draft Property Development and Investment Policy. The words “Sale proceeds of Strategic Surplus Properties are to be allocated to the Property Development Reserve unless otherwise committed in Council’s long Term Financial Plan” will be replaced with “The allocation of Sale Proceeds of Strategic Surplus Properties is to be determined by council resolution as part of the sale process for each property, with the default position of 100% going towards the Property Development Reserve”.

D.   That the draft Property Development and Investment Policy be placed on public exhibition for 28 days and subsequently be reported back to Council.

E.   That Council note that an internal Major Projects Steering Committee has been established by the General Manager.

F.   That Council note the proposed staffing structure of the Major Projects Group.

G.   That Council endorse the increased allocation of funding from s94 developer contributions for major projects as required to resource the proposed staff and committee structure and progress the developments.

H.   That council thanks Craig Calder for his contribution in starting the Major Projects initiative, and for his role thus far as the Acting Head of Major Projects.

I.    That the recruitment of a permanent Head of Major Projects will commence before the end of this Financial Year. For reference, Councillors should confidentially be provided with the CV’s and other application material of the top five candidates.

J.   That the Charter for the Councillors Major Projects Consultation Forum include the provision that the Chair is the Mayor and in the absence of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor will act at Chair.






Lindfield Village Hub Reference Committee


File: CY00551

Vide: GB.3



To provide Council with nominations for the Lindfield Village Hub Community Reference Committee.





(Moved: Councillors Ngai/Pettett)


A.            That Council establishes a Lindfield Village Hub Community Reference Committee.


B.                That Council select the first seven members from the shortlist as outlined on page 233 of the confidential attachments, to sit on the Reference Committee.


C.      That Council selects Councillors Ngai, Kelly and Citer to sit on the Reference Committee.


For the Resolution:                Councillors Ngai, Pettett, Spencer, Greenfield, Citer, Kelly and Szatow


Against the Resolution:         The Mayor, Councillor Anderson, Councillors Clarke and Smith


The above Resolution was subject to an Amendment to Part C which was LOST.  The Lost Amendment was:

(Moved: Councillors Clarke/Anderson)


C.      That Council selects Councillors Ngai, Clarke and Citer to sit on the Reference Committee.


For the Amendment:             The Mayor, Councillor Anderson and Councillor Clarke


Against the Amendment:       Councillors Ngai, Pettett, Spencer, Greenfield, Citer, Smith, Kelly and Szatow


No decision was taken in respect of the above matter as the Amendment

when put to the vote was LOST


The above resolution was subject to an amendment to Part C which was ABSORBED.

The original motion was:


(Moved: Councillors Ngai/Pettett)


C.     That Council selects Councillors Ngai, Kelly and Szatow to sit on the reference committee.


Councillor Szatow declined the nomination due to other commitments.





2018 National General Assembly of Local Government - Nomination of Delegate


File: S02133

Vide: GB.4



For Council to determine the voting delegate for the 2018 National General Assembly of Local Government.





(Moved: Councillors Clarke/Anderson)


A.     That Council determines the Mayor Jennifer Anderson be the one voting delegate for the 2018 National General Assembly of Local Government.


B.    That other Councillors interested in attending notify the General Manager by Wednesday 2 May 2018.



For the Resolution:                The Mayor, Councillor Anderson, Councillors Ngai, Clarke, Spencer, Greenfield, Citer, Smith and Kelly


Against the Resolution:         Councillors Pettett and Szatow






A Motion moved by Councillor Greenfield
to have the matter dealt with at the meeting
and was CARRIED

The Mayor ruled Urgency
and the matter was dealt with




Lindfield Heritage Timber Cottage


File: S09449

Vide: BN.1



There is an urgent need to assess the potential to move the Lindfield Heritage Timber Cottage because there is a risk that it will be demolished in April 2018 by the developer.  Currently located in the laneway behind Harris Farm at Lindfield.


The cottage is over 100 years old and was moved to its current location by horse and cart.





(Moved: Councillors Greenfield/Smith)


Council investigate the feasibility and cost of moving this structure to a suitable location and present a report back to council as soon as possible.








Directors and Councillors Insurance Policy


File: S09647/4

Vide: QN.1



Question Without Notice from Councillor Cheryl Szatow



Would the General Manager please make available the Directors and Councillors Insurance Policy and organise a briefing on it for Councillors.


This question is as a direct result of the Directors Course that Councillor Clarke and I attended recently where a large component was concerned with risk.


Answered by General Manager


The General Manager advised he would provide a copy of the policy and organise a briefing.



Current Financial Capacity for basement level Lindfield Village Green, Marian Street Theatre and St Ives Indoor Sports Centre


File: CY00546/2

Vide: QN.2



Question Without Notice from Councillor Sam Ngai



Can you please tell us whether our Council currently has the financial capacity to proceed with the three basement level Lindfield Village Green, the Marian Street Theatre as well as the proposed Department of Education St Ives Indoor Sports Centre, if so how, and if not what are the levers available to Council, if any, to see all three happen at once?


Answered by Director Corporate


The Director Corporate advised those three projects are not in Council’s current long term financial plan, and would like to take the question on notice and address it at the Councillor Finance Consultation Forum on 1 May 2018.





Use of Gazebo Morona Avenue Tennis Courts


File: S11199/2

Vide: QN.3



Question Without Notice from Councillor David Citer



I have received advice that residents hiring the Morona Avenue Tennis Courts are sitting out in the elements rather than using the adjoining gazebo. The gazebo is being used for children’s parties on a first come first serve basis.


Could I ask if Council has a policy whether the hirer of the courts at Morona Avenue also has rights to use the adjoining gazebo?


Answered by Director Community


The Director Community advised she would take the question on notice.






Damaged reputation of Ku-ring-gai Council and Management of Public Perception


File: S10890

Vide: QN.4



Question Without Notice from Councillor Sam Ngai



Councillor Ngai advised he has residents who are disillusioned with Council, and tell him they cannot be bothered writing to Council because the Council  has already made up its mind on the Lindfield Village Green, from their perspective.


What are we going to do to assure our residents that we have actually listened to their concerns, that we are not just steamrolling ahead, that our traffic flow modelling is accurate and that we are actually engaged with them and have an updated website?


Answered by General Manager


The General Manager advised he would take the question on notice and give a more detailed response in written form.


All Councillors have been briefed on traffic modelling at the Green.


In terms reputation I think that some of the structures and governance structures that were put in place in GB.2 tonight are certainly aimed directly at that, the level of independence with the external committee, dedicated resources to community engagement, risk. So that is exactly what we are trying to do with establishing some of those structures. But will provide a more detailed response.




Council resolved itself into Closed Meeting
with the Press and Public Excluded to deal with the following item
after a Motion moved by Councillors
Clarke and Greenfield




General Manager's Performance Review - Proposal for Review Facilitation


File: CY00254/10

Vide: C.1



In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, in the opinion of the General Manager, the following business is of a kind as referred to in section 10A(2)(a), of the Act, and should be dealt with in a part of the meeting closed to the public.


Section 10A(2)(a) of the Act permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than Councillors).


Report by Mayor Jennifer Anderson dated 3 April 2018





 (Moved: Councillors Citer/Pettett)


A.      That Council issues an immediate expression of interest to select a consultant to facilitate the General Manager's performance reviews to commence 1st July 2018, with the current contract to continue until 30 June 2018.


B.     That council thanks Greg Ptok for his contribution in review facilitation of the General Manager’s Performance Review between 2009 – 2013 and 2015 – 2018.


C.     Councillors should confidentially be provided with the CV’s and other application material of the top candidates for consideration.



The above Resolution was CARRIED as an Amendment to the Original Motion.


The Amendment was carried UNANIMOUSLY and became the Motion.


The Original Motion was:

(Moved: The Mayor Councillor Anderson/Clarke)


A.   That Council accept the proposal for review facilitation by Ptok Consulting with a Council Term Facilitation Contract until June 2021.


B.   That the Mayor advise Gregor Ptok of Council’s decision.


The following motion was foreshadowed during debate:


(Moved: The Mayor, Councillor Anderson)


A. Council appoints Mr. Greg Ptok to undertake the General Manager's annual performance review for the period ended May 2018.


B. Following the annual review, that Council issues an expression of interest to select a consultant to facilitate the General Manager's future performance reviews.



Council resolved to return to Open Council
after a Motion moved by Councillors Clarke and Greenfield



The Mayor adverted to the consideration of the matter referred to in the Minute numbered 95, and to the resolution contained in such Minute.



The Meeting closed at 9:45pm


The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 10 April 2018 (Pages 1 - 20) were confirmed as a full and accurate record of proceedings on 8 May 2018.






          __________________________                                 __________________________

                   General Manager                                                         Mayor / Chairperson