Minute Ku-ring-gai Council Page
MINUTES OF Ordinary Meeting of Council
HELD ON Tuesday, 20 June 2023
Present: |
The Mayor, Councillor J Pettett (Chairperson) Councillor G Taylor (Comenarra Ward) Councillors S Lennon & B Ward (Gordon Ward) Councillors S Ngai & A Taylor (Roseville Ward) Councillor M Smith (St Ives Ward) Councillor C Spencer & K Wheatley (Wahroonga Ward) |
Staff Present: |
General Manager (John McKee) Director Community (Janice Bevan) Director Corporate (David Marshall) Director Development & Regulation (Michael Miocic) Director Operations (George Bounassif) Director Strategy & Environment (Andrew Watson) Corporate Lawyer (Jamie Taylor) Manager Corporate Communications (Virginia Leafe) Manager Finance (Angela Apostol) Manager Governance and Corporate Strategy (Christopher M Jones) Governance Support Officer (Nicole Kratochvil) |
The Meeting commenced at 7:00PM
The Mayor offered the Prayer
File: S02194 Councillor Spencer advised of an apology from Councillor Kay due to illness. |
(Moved: Councillors Spencer/Wheatley) That the apologies be accepted and leave of absence granted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
The Mayor referred to the necessity for Councillors and staff to declare a Pecuniary Interest/Conflict of Interest in any item on the Business Paper.
No Interest was declared.
The Mayor referred to the documents circulated in the Councillors’ papers and advised that the following matters would be dealt with at the appropriate time during the meeting:
Late Items: |
GB.15 Post Exhibition - Revised Resourcing Strategy 2023-2033, Revised Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan 2023-2024 GB.16 RFT4-2023
Ku-ring-gai Fitness and Aquatic Centre |
Memorandums: |
GB.2 Memo to Councillors and Directors
from Manager GB.12 Memo to Mayor, Councillors, GM, Directors
and GB.15 Members Petition - North Turramurra
Golf Course (55 NM.1 Petition - Support
the NTRA Development for Enhanced |
File: S02499/9 |
(Moved: Councillors Spencer/Smith) That in accordance with the provisions of Section 10 of the Local Government Act 1993, all officers’ reports and attachments be released to the press and public with the exception of: GB.4
Councillor Interaction with Staff and Access to In accordance with 10A(2)(f): Attachment 2: Draft
Councillor Interaction with Staff and Access to GB.11 Reclassification Planning Proposal 261 Mona
Vale Rd, In accordance with 10A(2)(c)(d)(i): Attachment 3: Financial Considerations and Permitted Uses - Town Hall
and GB.16
RFT4-2023 Ku-ring-gai Fitness and Aquatic Centre In accordance with 10A(2)(d)(i): Attachment 1: RFT4-2023 - List of Submitters In accordance with 10A(2)(d)(i)(ii): Attachment 2: RFT4-2023 - Tender Evaluation Report CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
minutes from the Mayor
procedural motionS
Standing Orders were suspended at this point in the meeting to deal with the following:
i) A Motion that the meeting is to finish no later than 11pm was moved by Councillor Spencer and Councillor Ward.
ii) A motion that NM.1 Proposed new facilities at North Turramurra Recreation Area by Northern Suburbs Football Association be withdrawn was moved by Councillor Spencer and Councillor Wheatley.
For the Procedural Motions:
The Mayor, Councillor Pettett, Councillors
Lennon, Ngai, Smith, Spencer,
Ward and
Against the Procedural Motions: Councillors A. Taylor and G. Taylor
A Motion that GB.11 Reclassification Planning Proposal 261 Mona Vale Rd, St Ives; 1186-1188 Pacific Hwy, Pymble; 1192 Pacific Hwy, Pymble be deferred, as one of the St Ives Ward Councillors was an apology, was moved by the Mayor and Councillor Smith and was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
Investment Report as at May 2023 File: FY00623/5 Vide: GB.3 |
To present Council’s investment portfolio
performance for May 2023. |
(Moved: Councillors Spencer/Wheatley) That: A. The summary of investments and performance for May 2023 received and noted. B. The Certificate of the Responsible Accounting Officer be noted and the report adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
Councillor Interaction with Staff and Access to Information Policy File: CY00473/10 Vide: GB.4 |
To adopt a new Councillor Interaction with Staff and Access to Information Policy, including records management requirements and supporting procedures to manage requests for information and advice. |
(Moved: Councillors Spencer/Ward) That Council adopt the attached Councillor Interaction with Staff and Access to Information Policy (Attachment B). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
Mayor and Councillor Fees - 2023/2024 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal Determination File: EM00041/11 Vide: GB.5 |
To determine the mayor and councillor fees for the 2023/24 financial year. |
(Moved: Councillors Spencer/Smith) That effective 1 July 2023: A. The
annual councillor fee be set at $27,650; and B. The annual mayoral fee be set at $73,440, in addition to the councillor fee. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
Re-adoption of Fraud & Corruption Control Policy File: S11503 Vide: GB.6 |
To review and re-adopt Ku-ring-gai Council’s Fraud & Corruption Control Policy (the Policy). |
(Moved: Councillors Spencer/Smith) Council re-adopts the Fraud & Corruption Control Policy with a minor wording change as per A1. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
Streets as Shared Spaces Grant - Try Turramurra Completion Report File: S13733 Vide: GB.8 |
To provide Council with a summary of the outcomes from
the Streets as Shared Spaces Round II activations in Turramurra. |
(Moved: Councillors Spencer/Ward) That the report on the outcomes of the Streets as Shared Spaces Round II activations in Turramurra be received and noted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
Minutes of Heritage Reference Committee of 27 April 2023 File: CY00413/11 Vide: GB.9 |
To have Council consider the minutes from previous Heritage Reference Committee (‘HRC’) meeting held on 27 April 2023. |
(Moved: Councillors Spencer/Wheatley) That Council receive and note the HRC minutes from the meeting held on 27 April 2023. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
Ku-ring-gai Council - Open Space and Recreation Needs Study - Draft for Public Exhibition File: S13467 Vide: GB.12 |
To seek Council’s approval to place the draft Ku-ring-gai Council - Open Space and Recreation Needs Study on public exhibition. |
(Moved: Councillors Spencer/Smith) A. That Council endorse the draft Ku-ring-gai Council - Open Space and Recreation Needs Study as attached to this report for public exhibition. B. That the results of the public exhibition be reported back to Council. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
83 |
RFT4-2023 Ku-ring-gai Fitness and Aquatic Centre KFAC 50M Pool refurbishment File: RFT4-2023/R Vide: GB.16 |
To consider the tenders received for RFT4-2023 Ku-ring-gai Fitness and Aquatic Centre (KFAC) 50M Pool Refurbishment and to appoint the preferred tenderer. |
(Moved: Councillors Spencer/Lennon) That: A. Council accepts the tender submission from Tenderer ‘A’ to carry out the Ku-ring-gai Fitness and Aquatic Centre (KFAC) 50M Pool Refurbishment B. The Mayor and General Manager be delegated authority to execute all tender documents on Council’s behalf in relation to the contract. C. The Seal of Council be affixed to all necessary documents. D. All tenderers be advised of Council’s decision in accordance with Clause 178 of the Local Government Tendering Regulation. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
LVH - Analysis of Trees and Habitat File: S12165-4-6 Vide: GB.1 |
This report has been prepared in response to NM1 ‘LVH – Analysis of trees and habitat’, OMC 18 March 2023. |
MOTION: (Moved: Councillors G.Taylor/Smith) That: A. Council receives and notes this report B. Updates to the Arboricultural Report and the Flora and Fauna Report do not proceed as detailed in this report C. It be encouraged as part of the development, that Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest plant species (from all strata of this ecological community), be planted throughout LVH site with the intention of presenting and educating the community and users of this site about the features and inherent beauty of this critically endangered ecological community |
AMENDMENT: (Moved: Councillors Pettett/Lennon) That: A. Council receives and notes this report B. Updates to the Arboricultural Report and the Flora and Fauna Report proceed as detailed in this report C. It be encouraged as part of the development, that Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest plant species (from all strata of this ecological community), be planted throughout LVH site with the intention of presenting and educating the community and users of this site about the features and inherent beauty of this critically endangered ecological community The Amendment was put and declared CARRIED. For the Amendment: The Mayor, Councillor Pettett, Councillors Lennon, Ngai, Smith, Spencer, Ward and Wheatley Against the Amendment: Councillors A. Taylor and G. Taylor The Amendment became the Motion. The Motion was put and declared CARRIED |
(Moved: Councillors Pettett/Lennon) That: A. Council receives and notes this report B. Updates to the Arboricultural Report and the Flora and Fauna Report proceed as detailed in this report C. It be encouraged as part of the development, that Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest plant species (from all strata of this ecological community), be planted throughout LVH site with the intention of presenting and educating the community and users of this site about the features and inherent beauty of this critically endangered ecological community For the Resolution: The Mayor, Councillor Pettett, Councillors Lennon, Ngai, Smith, Spencer, A. Taylor, Ward and Wheatley Against the Resolution: Councillor G. Taylor CARRIED |
File: S13927 Vide: GB.2 |
To provide Council with a draft Social Media Policy which has been developed by the Office of Local Government and adapted to suit Ku-ring-gai Council’s social media platforms. |
Councillor Wheatley left Chambers between 7:51pm and 7:52pm during discussion of this item. MOTION: (Moved: Councillors Spencer/Ngai) That Council: A.
Amend the
draft Social Media Policy by deleting point 3.4 (council staff management of
the Mayor’s official Facebook page), noting that: i. Point 3.4 is not included in the Office of Local Government’s draft social media policy, nor is it included in the social media policies of any other NSW Local Government entity; and
ii. There is no reason why the practice described by point 3.4 cannot continue to proceed without being formalised in policy, as is the current practice at Ku-ring-gai.
B. Place the draft Social Media Policy as amended on public exhibition for a period of 28 days, and a report containing any comments from the community come back to Council prior to the policy being formally adopted. If no submissions are received, that Council adopt the draft Policy as amended. |
AMENDMENT: (Moved: Councillors Pettett/Smith) That the draft Social Media Policy be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days, and a report containing any comments from the community come back to Council prior to the policy being formally adopted. If no submissions are received, that Council adopt the draft Policy as attached to this report. The Amendment was put and declared LOST. For the Amendment: The Mayor, Councillor Pettett, Councillors Smith, and Wheatley Against the Amendment: Councillors Lennon, Ngai , Spencer, A. Taylor, G. Taylor and Ward Debate resumed on the Motion. The Motion was put and declared CARRIED. |
(Moved: Councillors Spencer/Ngai) That Council: A.
Amend the
draft Social Media Policy by deleting point 3.4 (council staff management of
the Mayor’s official Facebook page), noting that: i. Point 3.4 is not included in the Office of Local Government’s draft social media policy, nor is it included in the social media policies of any other NSW Local Government entity; and
ii. There is no reason why the practice described by point 3.4 cannot continue to proceed without being formalised in policy, as is the current practice at Ku-ring-gai.
B. Place the draft Social Media Policy as amended on public exhibition for a period of 28 days, and a report containing any comments from the community come back to Council prior to the policy being formally adopted. If no submissions are received, that Council adopt the draft Policy as amended.
For the Resolution: Councillors Lennon, Ngai, Spencer, A. Taylor, G. Taylor and Ward Against the Resolution: The Mayor, Councillor Pettett, Councillors Smith and Wheatley CARRIED |
Motions of which due Notice has been given
The Meeting closed at 9:30pm
The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 20 June 2023 (Pages 1 -23) were confirmed as a full and accurate record of proceedings on 25 July 2023.
__________________________ __________________________
General Manager Mayor / Chairperson